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12:06 PM
Q: How can I back up a stored procedure in SQL Server?

Puran KandpalLast time when I was working with my SQL Server 2014 and suddenly due to a power failure my database goes corrupted and next time after running DBCC CHECKDB I found some of stored procedures that I have created on my SQL Server are still missing. So there is any method from which I can create a s...

Q: ASP.NET Forms authentication timeout expires too soon

Payam ShI have read a lot of examples but I dont know why my code doesn't work. This is a part of my web.config code in my ASP.NET project: <system.web> <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="Panel/Login" timeout="525600" slidingExpiration="true" /> </authentication> <...

Q: how to check sql injection in codigniter?

vipul sharmaI am working on codeigniter project. How can i know queries function in my models are preventing the sql injection . Even i m using diffrent ways to insert data but how can i make sure that which one is safe . please take a look on my code-: 1) ***************** $data = array( 'name' =>...

Q: Cannot setup the compiler of mex files in matlab

Mohanad Y.I am trying to run the command mex -setup on matlab to do the configuration of the compiler but every time I run it I have the following error: >> mex -setup Error using mex (line 206) Unable to complete successfully. Knowing that I am using Ubuntu 12.04, Matlab R2012a and gcc version 4.8.1. D...

Q: ABAP Using Method As a Parameter

Enes F.For example in C++, we can use: //Some codes cout << obj1.get_foo() << endl; or //... int a = obj2->get_value() + 100 + obj2->get_value(); When I do this in ABAP like: OBJ1->SET_COLOR( 'BLUE' ). "That's OK. WRITE:/ 'Color is:', OBJ1->GET_COLOR( ). "Error!

Q: Bootstrap Responsive Panels

user1732558Have a small web application and the Panels are two narrow in render view - I would like the panels to be in the same size as the top navbar. What am I missing.?

Q: Observable.Timer with TestScheduler not advancing

superjosI'm writing unit tests with NSpec framework for a class that uses Reactive Extensions. I'm injecting a SchedulerProvider as a dependency in a similar fashion as done here in IntroToRx and I'm using some testing facilities provided by ReactiveUI-Testing. Right now, the gist of the problem I'm seei...

Q: How to hange background Color of Selected Option in a Select Box

PrasangaWhat i need to do is to change background color in selected option in select box. Here is HTML code, <select id="color" class="colorchange"> <option class="one" value="one" >one</option> <option class="two" value="two" >two</option> <option class="three" value="three" >three</option>

Q: Pass a large buffer using P-Invoke

gruntI need to pass a buffer containing audio stream from C# to native dll. Buffer resides in struct. It's desirable that buffer will pass via interface & not via disk path. I've seen this method: // native struct MyStruct { short* buffer } void Foo(MyStruct *myStruct); // managed [StructLayout...

Q: percona replication error after shutting down the slave

Ali Yousefi SabzevarWe had a shutdown on slave server (at 13:47) and after that slave does not follow the master. I have all the data until the shutdown in the slave server. Here is the slave: mysql> show slave status \G <br> *************************** 1. row ***************************<br> Master_H...

Q: Isolate attributes from an object -RoR

Surya PandianThis is an object, I need to access the host. I have tried all that I can and failed. please help me out. [#, @active=nil, @connection=#, @in_use=false, @instrumenter=#>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>, #>], @lis...

Q: Should I learn Angular or JQuery

Dan BeechingI am a Junior Developer with a strong knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, PHP and SQL. I have been shying away from using Javascript as there are so many JQuery plugins available, I have found it easier to just use them in my sites. I understand that Javascript is a really important skill for web develop...

Q: Windows scrolling function distorts view

user2352119This isn't really related to coding or programming, but when I scroll in a Windows Application, such as Microsoft Word or Notepad++, the view becomes very distorted. Please refer to the preview below. http://imgur.com/j4IqA4W The problem has been occurring for several days now but was never an ...

Q: NSDateFormatter dateFromString:stringDate returning nil in iOS 8.3

BenI have this code NSString *stringDate = @"2015-07-09 7:00 AM"; NSString *stringDateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd h:mm a"; NSTimeZone *timeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone]; NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; dateFormatter setTimeZone:timeZone]; [dateFormatter setDateForma...

Q: How to test an expected 404 response with JMeter

Ariel AllonI want to create a JMeter test that will request a page that I expect to return a 404 and assert that that is in fact what is returned. Typically, JMeter will treat a 404 response as a failure for an assertion.

Q: Rails engines : Controller inheritance and routes

ZakI have an engine and in my main app, I have controllers inheriting some engine's controllers. class UsersController < MyEngine::UsersController end How to force my engine to use the sub-controllers without having to recreate all my routes in my main app?

Q: EJB client calling another ejb webservice with @runas anntation giving Client not authorized for invocation of public method on glaassfish

user3362041I have deployed 2 apps (both ejbs v3) in glassfish 3.1.2 ,jdk 1.8. i am calling second ejb (say ejb2) from first ejb (say ejb1). ejb2 isinside an ear file. both the ear & jar are deployed in the same domain in glassfish. ejb2 is implemented as stateless webservice . ejb1 is also a stateless webse...

Q: non-english character displaylike this?

Madheshin my project i am storing the non-english character in database.I was successfully stored the non-english character but when i try to retrive that value i am getting the string like below ???? how to convert this ???? into character? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!

Q: how to split ng-repeat data

DannyI'm trying ng-repeat to get different values for each column. the first ng-repeat gives me 4 columns and I want the second ng-repeat to give me a different value for each column but I am getting the entire list. I have tried different methods but no luck so far <td>{{data.material}}</td>

Q: convert following visual foxpro query to mysql query

Tejraj Shresthaconvert following visual foxpro query to mysql query SELECT distinct auvcov.covtyp,aucoty.des,auvcov.vehnbr FROM auvcov INNER JOIN aucoty ON UPPER(aucoty.covtyp) = UPPER(auvcov.covtyp) WHERE between(STR(anumber,11,3)+STR(bnumber,2,0),STR(" & Anumber & ",11,3)+STR(0,2,0),STR(" & Bnumber& ",11,3)+...

Q: cant parse json response, its actually not empty yet returns undefined

Code DemonI have this json codes which I used from sending a post request and retrieving data and then parse it (refer below). $.ajax({ url: '/test', type: 'post', data: { id : "1"}, dataType: 'json', success: function(response){ if(response.success){ ...

Q: Code doesn't work unless I use variables

apollokedarMy question is pretty simple, I don't know if I'm overlooking something or what. But why does this work: def main(): win = GraphWin("My Circles",500,500) x = random.randint(50,450) y = random.randint(50,450) cir1 = Circle(Point(x,y),8) But this doesn't: cir1 = circle[((Point(r...

Q: Losing data when changing page in android app

CillinI am currently making an android app in android studio. The goal of this app is to select data from a spinner on one page(MainActivity.java & activityMain.xml), and display that selected data in another page(Map.java & map.xml). I've got that part working. But when i exit the page that displays t...

Q: PHP Block randomisation

exlibrisI'm looking for help implementing a customised randomisation in php. Randomisation needs to occur in blocks of 10 (for example) where if there are two outcomes, there will be 5 of each outcome in a random order. My issue is that the script I envision will only be outputting one of these outcomes ...

12:31 PM
Q: Cant access JProgressbar from button [Java]

Niklas BüsingWith the windowsbuilder i've created a little gui in eclipse. And in the action event of a button ive written this code: progressBar.setValue(0); but that does not work. "progressBar cannot be resolved" Please Help! ps: i'm new to Java EDIT: JButton allButton = new JButton("Klick Mich!"); ...

Q: Displaying data in gridview using jquery ajax call is very slow

user1463065I have a gridview with id gvRemarksHistory and a button with id btnLoadRemarks. I am using below code to bind data to gridview when clicked on button using jqeury ajax call Code behind and jquery code is as shown in image My requirement is to display remarks in gridview. Above code working...

Q: Plotting in R when the plot is between two big functions

Rupsa BasuWhen there are two big functions in R, for eg: x<-function(j) { a<-NULL for (i in 1:4) { if(z[i,1]<=j) { a<-c(a,z[i,3]) # print(a) } } return(sum(a)) } and we want to plot one against the other . What are the commands one can use ?

Q: AngularJS promise not resolved with then() function

messerbillI have an Angular controller which receives a promise and i am not able to resolve it. kpi.AboutKPIController = function ($scope, Version) { function loadVersion() { $scope.version = Version.getVersion(); //console.log($scope.version.$promise); $scope.version.$promis...

Q: How to Reference Template of Control within ControlTemplate

lsteinmeI want to style the DateTimePicker from the Extended WPF Toolkit a bit differntly, especially the Calendar control. <ControlTemplate x:Key="DatePickerTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type xctk:DateTimePicker}"> ... <Calendar x:Name="PART_Calendar" Template="{Sta...

Q: use of SUBSTRING function in WHERE clause using SQL SERVER 2008

Suji DI am using SQL SERVER 2008 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. I have a database table which contains a column for data and time as string. In that column I have both date and time. In my application I have to select date and based on that dateI. I have to get the data from table and show data grid...

Q: Create alias with git like gits or gitxxx

helTechI want to create alias with git so as to have someting like gitxxx: for example, instead of : git statut I want gits thank you in advance.

Q: PERMANOVA analysis non parametric

GiorgiaDo you know the calculation of PERMANOVA by the PRIMER 7 program? I need to make this analysis and I don't use never this program and this analysis.

Q: What is the importance of default Get() constructor in hbase

CheshhWhat is the importance of default Get() constructor in hbase? Is it to return all the rows in the table? I'm trying to use it but it takes forever. Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); HTable table0 = new HTable(conf, "test"); Get get0 = new Get(); Result result0 = table0.get(get...

Q: Neo4j 2.2.3 server fails to start when database is created using Spring Data Neo4J 3.3.1

AndreasI have followed this guide http://www.tutorialspoint.com/neo4j/neo4j_spring_data_environment_setup.htm when creating a Spring Data Neo4j application. I have included: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.data</groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-neo4j</artifactId> <version>3.3.1.RE...

Q: End of season votes, determining a winner with multiple vote values

FoozI was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction.. I have a task to count the votes for an end of season award for a local sporting league. The problem is, there are 800 possible candidates for the award.. What we use is a 3, 2, 1 voting system and them add these all up to determin...

Q: Why can't I see my nav bar items?

Kody R.I looked around for answers for this, but I couldn't find anything that helped. I am seeing my nav bar items in the scoreboard, but I can't see them when I run the simulator. I have "Show Navigation Bar" selected on the navigation controller, and in the attributes inspector on the nav bar item I ...

Q: Memory game error with keeping matched pairs face up. what's wrong with my code?

AurumHI am programing a MEMORY MATCH GAME. click a card,it will face up.click second card,it will face up too.if the tow cards match,they will disappear,if not match,they will face down. my program,if you click first card,it will face up,no problem.but if you click second card, it never face up. publi...

Q: C# Passing reference to class in constructor

MichaelI want to pass a reference to a setting to a class when I create a new instance of the class. The should then under certain circumstances change the setting that was supplied. However when I try to do this I get "Cannot use ref or our parameter 'setting' inside an anonymouse method, lamda express...

Q: how to use for loop in javascript and how to call in css

Lanka PatruduHi I used this code to draw 12 lines,but now I want to use for loop and to call in CSS,please tell me how to use. #straight{ height: 30px; border-right: 1px solid blue; -webkit-transform: rotate(deg); transform: rotate(deg); position: absolute; top:40px; left:400px; }

Q: destroy the already generated html element created by one hyperlink and create the same using another hyperlink

Jagadish NThere are 2 hyperlinks which is calling the same js.since the js is called twice, html element is created twice.Due to this, all the event handlers are attached to first link ie. to first html elemnt.I want destroy the already created html element and recreate it once again. addPopupEventListen...

Hello world!
Q: sublime 3 find and replace with excluding lines with specified string

gdwittI have a python file-about 7000 lines. I need to find all the lines without a word ("string" here) and then do a find and replace to insert that missing expression. I can find all the lines with that character but they're only about 50%. I tried string(?!...)& string(<?!.*) but no luck Documenta...

Q: Consume a c# base64 encoded file in java

StefanI want to transfer a file from C# to a java webservice which accepts base64 strings. The problem is that when I encode the file using the c# Convert class, it produces a string based on a little endian unsigned byte[]. In Java byte[] are signed / big endian. When I decode the delivered string, ...

Q: Argument of type "const char **" is incompatible with parameter of type "const char *"

Damon JenkinsI get this error with this code: string folder; getline(cin, folder); string folder2 = folder + "/index.txt"; const char* oldhtml[] = { folder2.c_str() }; folder2 = folder + "/index.html"; const char* newhtml[] = { folder2.c_str()}; rename(oldhtml, newhtml); The error occurs with: rename(oldh...

Q: Glassfish Mail Script

omegaI'm trying to detect an alarm on log file and send mail to me when the "if" condition occurs. When i run this script, it does not cause any error but it freezes and do not send mail. What should I change? Thank you, Best Regards #!/bin/sh cd /my/path a=$(tail -100 log.file | grep -v "xyz" | ...

Q: Transacting bulk publishing Spring JMS and Websphere MQ

VirmundiI need to send multiple messages at once to N topics. The messages know how to route themselves. If any of the publications fails, all of the prior publications need to rollback. Is this possible on Websphere MQ and, if so, how?

Q: NSTextView subview do not displayed when drawsBackground = false

dmitrynikolaev Add NSTextView (either by hand or through Interface builder). Set drawsBackground = false Add subview directly to NSTextView Subview will not be visible. However, if I add another subview to the same level as, for example, NSScrollView, the first subview will appear. Here is sample project ...

Q: socket.io broadcast only to users who are in room A and B

LindrianIs it possible to make socket.io broadcast to all users of a namespace who are in both room A and room B but not those who are just in room A or room B? If not, how would I go about implementing this myself? Is there a way to retrieve all users in a namespace who are in a given room? I am worki...

Q: .htaccess rewriterule pattern Hash twitter

HishaamI want to catch a link containing #. Consider: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule pattern target [flags] The question in here is the pattern portion. since # isnt working. is there any other way to read/catch a hash in the incoming link? Just like twitter does: http://twitter/#chakku will red...

3... 2... 1...
Hello Sam!
Q: Shift array by value, keep sorting in order

idlebergI have an array looking like this: arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']; How can I shift its values while maintaining the order. For instance, I'd like to start it with 'd': new_arr = shiftArray(arr, 'd'); // => ['d', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'b', 'c']

Q: CakePHP 3.x - Getting database fields by locale settings

MikeI got to develop a multi language website. It has more that 4 languages at the same time used in database. It's always following scheme: field_%lang% ex. id | title_en | title_de | description_en | description_de As its quite simple I was thinking to write a function I could use in both con...

Q: Program stops working with too many files in array

pinkRobot435I have written this search program for searching through an array of objects which contains a file name and a pathway to the file on my computer. When I wrote the program, I had two test files which worked great with my code. I then started adding the actual files and it worked fine with 10-20 fi...

Q: how infragistics set the width of a column

user2443476I am developping an asp.net mvc application and I am using infragistics to build some grid. I am trying to understand a thing which is bothering me : When I set the width of each column to an invalid number, like "test" or "notapixelsize", I am getting a json object as expected with width for ea...

Q: D3.js defs and url() does not work

rezCashThis code is a part of my project that I am trying to make force-layout graph in it. All links between nodes should have a marker that I make them (the markers) by the means of defs patterns. var maxWeight = 0; angular.forEach(json.edges, function(v,i){ ...

Q: Onfacebook logout event

Jack_ustiis there a method to check when user clicks logout button, i have this to login in my android app : FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize(this.getApplicationContext()); callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create(); SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSh...

Q: Jquery - list each children in div by z-index from lower to highest

PatrikI want to list all children in DIV by jQuery. But I need order this children by z-index. From lower to highest. jsFiddle Example HTML <div class="container"> <div style="z-index: 1; ">1b</div> <div style="z-index: 10;">10</div> <div style="z-index: 3;">3a</div> <div style="z-in...

Q: HTML marquee tag leaks memory in Chrome when element is removed or using ajax

RuwenThe following code leaks in Google Chrome, Opera, ... (Chromium Webkit Browsers) With this code snippet i can reproduce the memory leak, which appears in my ajax application, where the ajax content contains elements. With Chrome Developper Tools you can see, that the HTML nodes increases unlim...

Q: How to send data from multiple page forms to a single page with JavaScript?

Prasanth AKHelp me out in this problem, I have designed a multiple html pages with forms and I have to send that form data into a single page like summary can anyone able to help me..??

Q: Use my own form before submitting data to Marketo

Mutton92I am using ASP.NET and would like to use my own form, but still send the data into a Marketo form to create a new lead. I have got the field names and values that I would like to submit formatted in JSON as shown in the Marketo documentation for create/update a lead - http://developers.marketo.co...

Q: Hibnernate reverse engineering java.Date to sql.Date

Sunil KumarIn reverse engineering process, I have a requirement to change type of DATE object to SQL Date,for this I have added <sql-type jdbc-type="DATE" hibernate-type="java.sql.Date"> </sql-type> in reveng.xml file. But still Date type is java.util.Date in my pojos. Even I have added same in D...

Q: How to hide and show HTML element dynamically in angularjs?

Neelabh SinghI have table for some task, In that table every row has one task. In every row there is status which is controller by one button. Initial status of every task will be show as In Progress and text of Button as Mark Done, But when click on the button then It will change the status of the task as Do...

Q: change value A to B, no matter which column it is in

AlexanderSingle UPDATE working: UPDATE users SET email=@newemail WHERE email=@oldemail (1 Zeile(n) betroffen) Double UPDATE not working: UPDATE users SET email=@newemail WHERE email=@oldemail, alternateEmail=@newemail WHERE alternateEmail=@oldEmail Meldung 102, Ebene 15, Status 1, Zeile 1 Incorrect sy...

Q: Deserialize bad json

Stefan KarlssonI have a json response that looks like this and I am trying to deserialize it using ServiceStack's JsonObject.Parse(jsonResult); The problem is that the json gets cut: How can i fix this issue? { 1: { number: 1, headline: Nyttigt, value: 9, type: value ...

Q: Online css pre fixer for cross browser

Touhidul SadeekI was use this website http://cssprefixer.appspot.com/ for css pre fixer for cross browser. But Today I saw this site is not found! This css fixer service was really awesome. I need like this website. Can any one please say similar website like this service. thanks

Q: Asp.net Jquery Ajax Send Bulk SMS using separate thread with progress notification

user3284541I have a web application for patient information management system. My client wants bulk sms service in the application. The requirement is -- When sending sms the application should allow to access other page while the task is running in the background// So multi-threading programming. -- Whe...

Q: Convert Cookie string in DateTime value

Antonio MailtraqI need convert one Cookie string value in DateTime value in c#. The cookie is valid because if try this: Response.Write(Request.Cookies["dt"].Value + "<br />"); In output I have: 08/07/2015 I can't convert this Cookie string on DateTime. I have tried this method: DateTime DataCookie; Da...

Q: How do I re-order surfaces in a SequentialLayout/Other layouts?

William SI've taken a stab at famo.us and angular lately. I like it, but I'm having issues getting my sidenav working the way I want. When I click any of the Test1-3 menu items, I want child menu items to slide open from beneath them. I have not yet implemented any sliding, as my current problem is tha...

Q: tabcontainer tabs size according to text

Aaron Rodriguez SanchezFirst of all, sorry for my bad english. I'm new with .NET and I have an issue with Tabcontainer. I want to increase the font-size of the header and i have this in my css: .ajax__tab_xp .ajax__tab_header { font-family: verdana,tahoma,helvetica !important; font-size: 20px !important; background...

Q: Cron Expression in Spring

JaikratI have one requirement to send mails on weekly basis at some point based on some database check and its working perfectly fine with below config. <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean"> <property name="jobDetails"> <list> <...

Q: make form visible on keydown event then focus and clear input field

Kevin DallienI have a table where the cells accept keyboard events. I also have a form that's hidden initially. I want a key event to display the form and focus on an input field, but when I do this, the key value that fired the event appears in the input field - how can I not have this character displayed? ...

Q: Why these java lines goes to an infinite loop

kido25I heed to do some arraylist manipulations and I've run into a problem, creating an infinite loop. Can someone explain it why, please? p.s. don't worry about trace command, I'm creating custom java extension to smartfoxserver 2x instance. String deckOf4Array[] = new String[] {"AD","KD","QD","JD"...

Q: i m using this query, and now i wants to exclude last data or row from the fatched data

Pushpendra cryptselect * from time_slot join reseve_slot on reserv_start_time where reserv_date = '09-07-2015' and (time_slot NOT between reserv_start_time and reserv_end_time)

Q: PHP - forum filter

TyhaiMahyso I am making a very basic forum for my website. it will include: title, content, category, author, IP address, date and an ID for the post. In the input field, currently people can insert html tags and it could potentially ruin the whole site. they can even insert javascript alert boxes and st...

Q: Inverting swipe left / right

3zzyI'm using the amazing PhotoSwipe gallery, but it lacks RTL (Right-to-Left) support. All I need is to invert swipe/drag left with right and vice versa. Here's the gallery in action: http://codepen.io/dimsemenov/pen/gbadPv So if you drag right or swipe right on the very first slide, it doesn't c...

Q: After disassociating user profile service application from web application, not able to edit user properties

mallialwaysInitially we did not had user profile service application configured for the web application and we were able to update the user properties as shown in below image After configuring user profile service application and associating web application we were getting redirected to user profile to u...

Q: Matplotlib draw outside plot

snowflakeI want to draw rectangles under a plot. I tried using matplotlib.patches Rectangles but the rectangles only show up if I don't plot something into the subplot: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle t1 = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.9...

Q: Count instances in an array with PHP

cw29I'm trying to get a count of how many instances of 'UnitSqFeet' are within a certain range. For example how many instances are between 0 - 175, or 176 - 300. Here is a part example of the array (it contains 46 in total). Array ( [0] => Array ( [UnitNumber] => 1.03 [UnitSqFeet] => 60.75 ) ...

Q: A loop to create a list

Pierre PM MartinI would like to form a list thanks to a loop i.e. : I have a list of variables called var1, var2, ... varN And I would like to create easily a list of length named listvar with : unlist(listvar[i])=vari (with i in 1:N) Is someone inspired ?

Q: Spring Boot: Cannot access REST Controller on localhost (404)

mchlfchrI am trying to adapt the REST Controller example on the Spring Boot website. Unfortunately I've got the following error when I am trying to access the localhost:8080/item URL. { "timestamp": 1436442596410, "status": 404, "error": "Not Found", "message": "No message available", "path":...

Q: SQL Row Total with Pivot using Dynamic Columns

Rob WhortonI have been researching and would like to use SQL's built in ROLLUP command on my data, but that has proven not to work for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the SQL pivot query I have created using Dynamic Columns. I want to add a Total column at the end that sums up the count...

Q: jquery throwing error on @font-face

angelina bethoneyi'm working on a project locally, and am receiving a jquery error on my @fontface. here's my error: jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2 GET http://localhost:9000/ostrich-regular-webfont.woff2 here's my working dir: src | -img | -scripts | -styles -main.css -fonts -font files are her...

Q: Strike through text setting in action bar tab dynamicaly

user2813908I want to set text in action bar tab dynamically. Showing that the feature is not available. How to do that?

Q: Crash by `Intent` inside a class

MiladI've created an ExpandableList which works fluently, but whenever I want to start a new activity using Intent, the app crashes. :( I have even tried creating an object from the class MyExpandableAdapter in the activity Farsi and swtiching the activity from there, but it doesn't work either. What...

Q: clear input type text when another input is cleared

Tomáš Mocekso I have two input texts and when I clear one of them, I want another one to be automatically cleared too. Is there any nice angular way to do this inside template? Thanks a lot!

Q: Travis build times out even though test output reports success

Piotr MazurekMy Travis build is timing out for some reason. Here is the link to the logs: https://travis-ci.org/madedotcom/atomicpuppy/builds/70202335 And my current travis yml https://github.com/madedotcom/atomicpuppy/blob/master/.travis.yml I have tried running it with a normal script command script: ru...

Q: Installed favicons -> Undefined Variables -> Site Crashed

OlenPlease read before judging I just made favicons and uploaded them on the site. When I included them in the header suddenly everything crashed. I deleted the W3 Total Cache plugin because I had a idea of that the plugin was caching. And then everything was gone. I turned on WP_DEBUG and current...

Q: txt every first line as value, second as key to dictionary

FieryDogeI'm trying to create dictionary from txt in python using every second line as key and every first line as values 0 value1 value2 1 key1 file = open('path', 'r') my_dict = {} a = 0 for lines in file: a += 1 if ((a % 2) == 1): key_lines = lines.strip().split() else: value...

Q: JQuery not loading wordpress 4

AbdiJquery doesn't work on local install of WordPress. I have loaded the necessary files in functions.php as follows: <?php function abdi_theme_styles(){ wp_enqueue_style( 'normalize_css', get_template_directory_uri () . '/css/normalize.css'); wp_enqueue_style( 'Google-font...

Q: Loop through subdirs and (1) copy files to another dir (2) renaming them to their md5 hash

Pr0noConsider the following directory structure: rootdir subdir_1 12345.tif 56789.tif subdir_2 00000.tif ... subdir_n 99999.tif 54321.tif 54345.tif I need to: loop through this structure calculate the md5 for each tif file copy [md5.tif] to another folder (di...

Q: Model not recognised in the view, no intellisense. Error on IIS

RobinI made my own model for my MVC application. Here is the code for the model: public class CarInfo { public string LicensePlate { get; set; } public string Inschrijving { get; set; } public string Chassis { get; set; } public string Interior { get; set; } ...

Q: PCRE remove characters until alphabetical

NestedWebcan anyone please write a regex to extract just Yellow Submarine or Pop 06 - Yellow Submarine from the following set of inputs? Yellow Submarine 18 - Yellow Submarine 17 [1] - 17 - Yellow Submarine [2] - 08 - Yellow Submarine 06 06 - Yellow Submarine Pop 06 - Yellow Submarine

Q: Yii framework CSS propeties

AlexI am working with yi framework and when u visit the web page you will see: here is the code for that: <?php /* @var $this Controller */ //include 'includes/menu.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="langua...

Q: How to get the value name from dictionary if the value is a list<t> in C#

John Marco ReyesI have a dictionary contains of <int, List<String>> The List<String> contains: <1, A>; <2, B>; <3, C>; <4, D>; then I want to have the name of the list "A, B, C, D," by looping the key for (int n = 1; n > _d.count;n++) { Messagebox.Show(\\each name of the list A, B, C, D,); }

Q: Regarding grabbing Html from jsp pages using Html Agility Pack

RajivWhen I am trying to grab the html of a different site (whose Pages are jsp) using C#, Html Agility Pack, it brings the text Click here to access the page to which you are being forwarded. Please suggest.

Q: Confusing regarding function interpretation

Timmy A.I'm trying to interface a 4x4 keypad with a TFT display. I want to implement a keypad event listener such that the appropriate screen will be loaded each time a key is pressed. The event listener will be keeping track of which screen is currently loaded, and will be listening for specific key inp...

Q: Bellman-Ford algorithm for positive circuits

HeizI am working on a project with directed graphs where the weight of the edges all depend on a variable x. I'm trying to find the minimum value of x such that my graph does not contain any circuit of positive weight. My question is -and it is probably pretty stupid but I don't see how- : How can I...

Q: Getting Fatal error while importing XML file

KBDI am using the WordPress Importer plugin and tried to import an XML file which also contains images. But images were not being imported and so I followed the following function function fetch_remote_file( $url, $post ) { // extract the file name and extension from the url $file_...

Q: Scrape javascript second variable using php

BrunoGysinI'm trying to take the contents of a page contained in a javascript code. What I need is the second variable myfile=[{CONTENT I NEED}]; (if you look at the first two are empty) I need more precisely the content immediately after myfile=[{CONTENT I NEED}]; myvideo="",myfile="",myvideo="";myfile=[...

Q: Lua - how to iterate over two tables simultaneously

DroidOSI am something on a newbie when it comes to Lua and am having trouble trying to establish just how I iterate over two tables simultaneously. The code below demonstrtes what I am trying to do. A few explanations I have two strings slug - a string bearing the form a/b/c holds - another string ...

Q: Automatic routes discovery Camel

dylaniatoIn my application I have some xml files stored in a folder which declare my routes. I'd like to upload all my routes at the application bootstrap and store them in my camel context. In other words, I want to auto-discover routes stored in those xml files. Here is an example of the files containi...

Q: Combine HTML5 draggable and jQuery UI draggable

JonnyI have a nw.js app with the fancytree by https://github.com/mar10/fancytree. The dnd-plugin of the tree works fine with the tree. It uses the jQuery UI draggable. But I want drag file from outside the browser to the tree. Also I want drag a tree node to the desktop. But how to combining both obje...

Q: Command wasn't called in deploy file use Capistrano 3

Khanh Pham I had a problem when i run cap production deploy. I want to run a command restart unicorn server same as ubuntu service when i run cap production deploy. But problem was here that it didn't run this command /etc/init.d/unicorn_my_app restart when command cap production deploy finished. And i did...

Q: split each item of array

RichlewisI have an array like this array = ["My Name", "1905", "more than three words"] What i would like to do is split each item of the array by its space and then create 1 array with each word, so ["My", "Name", "1905", "more", "than", "three", "words"] What i have tried so far is words = [] ar...

Q: Why this is unexpected indentation in Python?

Masi#!/usr/bin/python try: f = open("/home/masi/r.raw", "r+") aBuf = f.seek(4) except: print "Error at position : ", position events = [] for i in range(100): aBuf = f.seek(4); try: if aBuf[:4] == b'\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA': print("E") except: # print "...

Q: angular.js simple function

dontHaveNameI used to have controller in whole <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">, where I had some basic functions like this one: $scope.isActive = function(route) { return route === $location.path(); }; Used here: ng-class="{active:isActive('{{ $link['url'] }}')}" What's best way how to handle that...

Q: Getting string from webpage in Android

SpidersawIs possible get a String from a webpage in Android? I can see several ways to take all the html content, but is there a way to get ONLY an element? Thanks in advance.

Q: How to use Skulpt to eval Python line by line

FabienRohrerThe example given by Skulpt runs the interpreter on the whole string containing the python program: https://github.com/skulpt/skulpt/blob/master/example/calling_from_js.html Is there a possibility to run the interpreter line by line, for example in order to highlight the Python line which is cu...

Q: What is the point to make more than one connection to a server?

john doe The Server object is the main application container. The server manages all incoming connections along with all the facilities provided by the framework. A server can contain more than one connection (e.g. listen to port 80 and 8080). What is the point to make more than one connection ...

Q: Is there any option to set cors (Cross Origin Resouce Sharing) through s3cmd tool?

Jackson HarryIs there any command in s3cmd http://s3tools.org/ through which i can set cors (Cross Origin Resouce Sharing) I have checked these sites. http://www.bucketexplorer.com/documentation/amazon-s3--manage-cross-origin-resource-sharing.html http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html ...

Q: How to turn a Wordpress site to be responsive

cristiI have a curiosity. Suppose we have a wordpress theme that is not responsive and we want to be responsive changes. What started? Install bootstrap? Or without bootstrap and try each element to make it responsive? I want to know how it is easier, faster and more professional. Also I want to kno...

Q: Writing a custom pure virtual handler: What is the state of the stack and registers when it is called

user877329So it is possible to make the system call a custom function for pure virtual functions[1]. This raises the question what such a function can do. For GCC Vtable for Foo Foo::_ZTV3Foo: 5u entries 0 (int (*)(...))0 8 (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI3Foo) 16 0u 24 0u 32 (int (*)(...))__cxa_pur...

Q: Kamon akka trace not propogated on ask callback

sambogoatThe issue i see is fairly fundamental so it may well be related to the versions of Kamon and Akka i'm using. The problem scenario can be reduced to the example of using the ask pattern given in the docs: http://kamon.io/integrations/akka/automatic-trace-context-propagation/ For example: val ac...

Q: Sending I2C data in TX

DesireMI would like some help for my project. The aim is to look at a sensor communicating in I2C. I made a circuit that comes on SDA and SCL and analyse the data sent. I can in real time on an output emit the data sent. I'm doing it with a PIC32MX795F512L Now I would like to sent this data to a compute...

Q: Aptana studio 3 hang & won't start up in El Capitan beta 3

user3307095i have installed JavaForOSX.pkg from Apple's official Java Package and successfully , up and running with Aptana sutido 3 standalone version for El Capitan beta2 , no problem at all . I used the instructions by p0wer0n from http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/apple-java-6-for-10-11.1890762/page-...

Q: Date formatting in moment.js , weird date values

Haris KhanSo I have 2 kinds of date coming from json. m = '201811'; n = '/Date(1433030400000)/'; I am trying to use moment.js to format time, but I can not find appropriate methods for it I guess. moment(m).format('YYYY DD') //"201811 01" and the n value I can not understand it leads to this output :...

Q: listview containing images and other data jerking while scrolling

Abhishek LodhaI am fetching data from server in json format and string data in database. After complete data set is fetched and stored in database, i am populating my listview through an adapter.To download images from url, i am using Picasso 2.5.2 library. My List view scroll is not smoooth and it gives jerki...

Q: AvroKey and AvroValue classes in avro-mapred lib

Vikas SaxenaJust wanted to know and check if AvroKey and AvroValue classes provided in avro-mapred library are Writables? I am planning to reuse the objects to save some memory in mapreduce job.

Q: Removing Class with Mouse Exit

Kirsty MarksI am performing a on mouseenter / mouseleave with jQuery and it appears to be working but not when I exit the div. This is only working when I exit the actual window. This is my jquery $(document).ready(function() { $(".pods .col").on("mouseenter", function() { $(this).find("...

Q: Get or create in Meteor

JamgreenHow can I make a get_or_create function in Meteor (something like https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/models/querysets/#get-or-create)? Do I have to use var element = Elements.findOne({number: 32}); if (element) { var elementId = element._id; } else { // override element element = E...

Q: Getting R to interact with an external application

curious_catI have an R script that used to be used on standalone CSV files but now needs to accept similar inputs from another, existing application. What are the typical options to call R from an external application and to pass data to it? As a toy example, you could imagine a web application written in ...

Q: C's weird pointer arithmetics

MettwurstI have a very stupid question, I just can't answer. Can somebody tell me why the following code works? char hello[]="Hello World\n"; char *hptr = hello; while(*hptr) { printf("%c", *hptr++);//here the output must be "ello World", but C thinks otherwise!!! }

Q: waves js wont initialize in a button that was created through jquery/javascript

Code DemonI use this beautiful google inspire waves effect (called waves js). It works fine in all button but im having an issue where wave js dont work on a button that was created through jquery (refer to my snippets below). Any ideas, clues, suggestions, recommendations, help to make this work? $(d...

Q: geom_boxplot behaving oddly?

DocconcoctI'm currently plotting some data (response times in ms) in geom_boxplot. I have a question: When you adjust the limits on the y-axis does it disregard any values above that in the plotting & error bar calculations? The data itself comprises of over 20k entries and I'm not sure providing a samp...

Q: Act As Messagable group conversation

user2954587Is there a way to initiate a group message with the acts_as_messagable gem without needing to "join" them in after the first message is sent? It looks like the Mailboxer gem has this functionality but I'd rather not use it as it seems a bit overkill for my needs From the docs @message = @alice...

Q: Codeigniter vote per account & IP

Christiani have this script and here is a problem , if i change ip i can vote again , i want to take 2 collumns , account / IP is here any solution to fix it ? here is view.vote.php <?php if(load::get('errors') != false){ foreach(load::get('errors') as $errors){ ...

Q: How to disable a function when time passed?

user4739731I'm trying to disable 2 functions when a certain time period is reached and enable the other 2 after that time period. So the second 2 functions would have to be disabled to begin with. I was thinking of using the following code to wrap around the functions: Code: var startTime = new Date()...

Q: msi and exe showing virus. software is about to pst converter and recover deleted pst files

Shashi RaiI have developed a window application. when i checked it on virus total it is showing 2 virus in windows installer. I have installed McAfee on my system i did full scan but McAfee is not showing any virus. how can i remove this virus from my application Virus name is Trojan.Win32 showing by na...

Q: Animation Listener not running on custom themed Dialog Fragment

Subroto BiswasI have created a custom themed dialog fragment using AlertDialog.Builder My Theme for DialogFragment <style name="StationDialogTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Panel"> <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle"> @style/TranslateFromBottom </item> <item name="android:wi...

Q: If value return the value. If null, return 0 in Sql Server - different ways

now he who must not be named.select @var = Column1 from myschema.mytable where Id = @suppliedId; select isnull(@var, 0); The above code outputs 0 if if Column1 is null. Whereas I tried to save some keystrokes but it resulted in, select isnull(Column1, 0) from myschema.mytable where Id = @suppliedId; The above code o...

Q: Drupal : Display nodes that are part of relationship too

Sudarshan TapariaI am trying to create a website which can store family information. I have a created a contact node type using cck which store family records such as name, birthday etc. Currently I have four records Indu , Krishna and Sudarshan,Anirudha I have created three relationships Krishna isfatherof Suda...

Q: Why i get a NullPointerException when I try to get a fragment from fragmentManager in Android Test?

martausHello I'm a newbie in Android testing. I was trying to check if a button is visible in my app during the UI test. I write something: @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class MainActivityTest { @Rule public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> mRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class); @Bef...

Q: Customizing Twitter Digits in ios swift

Sri RamI want to customize the content of the sms verification sent by twitter digits . I want to customize the title of the sms with the name of my app instead of TA-TWITTR And Can I use twitter digits as sms API for inviting users to use my app ?? Im Using digits in Swift Ios . Thank You

Q: how to name a back button in UISplitViewController

AlexsanderI have UITableViewController(its name is News) and UIViewController(its name is DetailViewController) and UISplitViewController. I want to be a back button when I use iPad in portrait orientation. I made it but I cannot name this button. I made following code detailController.navigationItem.lef...

Q: Downloading an excel document into R from secure webpage

Myers333I'm trying to bring in an excel file into R that is located on a secure company SharePoint site. So far, I have tried using RCurl to do this, and this is the code I have currently: library(RCurl) curl = getCurlHandle() curlSetOpt(cookiejar = "cookies.txt",.opts = list(proxy = "proxy", proxyuserp...

Q: importing objects into mongodb collection that are not duplicates that have had their _id removed

Brad.SmithI have a .json file that I created using using mongoexport and then I removed the _id elements from the objects. I would like to take this json file and then import it into another collection using mongoimport, but I want to skip over any of the objects that are duplicates of anything already in ...

Q: Kibana discover: search for special character: '@'

PersonalunionI want to display all entries of an elasticsearch database with kibana, that contain the special character @. To be more specific, I search for that in the field friendly_name. I have tried the following: *@ *\@ *"\@"* friendly_name:*@ friendly_name:*\@ friendly_name:*"\@"* Neither one of tho...

Q: Java: System.out.print Error in main() | out needs to be an object in abstract class (not)

Fate Metrichttps://github.com/AquaSolid/Interactions cannot find symbol symbol: variable out location: class System // <-- System is my Abstract class public class Interactions { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code applicatio...

Q: How to call a function in another controller in angularjs

Nivinunified.controller('YourteamController', function uniYourteamController($scope) { testController.listTeams(); }); unified.controller('testController', function testController($scope) { $scope.listTeams = function() { //Listing process }; }); I have two controlle...

Q: Apache POI evaluate formula- sheets in same workbook treated as external

user814425I've been given an Excel workbook, with multiple worksheets that contains various formulae that reference other worksheets, but always in the same workbook. I've tried various ways of evaluating these formulae as described in the POI documentation but they all fail with this error: Exception in...

Q: AJAX (JSON) problems with NGRepeat

jolofjI've got problem with outputting my JSON from server (Node.js) to NGrepeat. I have tried a lot and debugged with both Firebug and Firefox Web Inspector. For some reason it will not show the data from the JSON, even then the JSON looks correct when I output it in the Firebug console (using Firef...

Q: iOS-Charts Float to Integer YAxis

Hannah Louisa CarneyI'm building a chart using iOS-charts I'm trying to convert the floats into int, but iOS-charts only allows for Floats in the data entry: let result = ChartDataEntry(value: Float(month), xIndex: i) Does anyone know the method for making sure only ints are used?

Q: FIWARE IDM installation error

jhtI tried to install Fiware IDM in Ubuntu 12.04 from scratch (just only Ubuntu 12.04 was installed, no any more packages). I have followed the guide https://github.com/ging/fi-ware-idm/wiki/Installation-guide Installation finished OK, but when I try to start fi-lab home page, http://localhost:8000...

Q: How to enforce a belong_to only if the user is of a certain type (using Enum, Mongoid)

WagnerMatosUKI'm using Mongoid and Mongoid-Enum. Here's my User model snippet: enum :role, [:admin, :artist, :customer], :validate => true, :default => :admin For my Voice model I wrote a test (using an example in Mongoid-rspec website) such as: it { is_expected.to belong_to(:artist).of_type(User) } And...

Q: Aligning Drop Down List and Input Box in HTML5 and CSS3

faisal abdulaiI have a drop down list where a list is selected and entered into an input box. However the drop down list is not align properly with the input box. I present the codes below. below is the HTML 5 code <form class="form" action="put.php" method="post" name="access_form"> <li> <label...

Q: keyword this is not available in current context in C#

lijo050I have an interface called EventListener and there is a class called Endpoint which takes eventlistener as a parameter in method newInstance newInstance(boolean debug, EventListener eventListener) Now in my MainActivity class, when I implement EventListener and create an instance of endpoint its...

Q: Return object after comparing-and-swapping if NOT equal?

user997112I have a class with an atomic variable: class{ public: std::atomic<int> _a; }; I want to "retrieve" _a, only when its not a particular value. If it matches the invalid value, we should return false, otherwise we should make_a zero and return true. I thought of something like this: ...

Q: Exporting XML from Excel with CDATA tags

Terry BI'm attempting to determine a simple and efficient process for exporting data from excel to XML, while wrapping certain fields in CDATA tags. I've gotten to the point where I have exported XML (using the process outlined here), but I'm stuck on the best way to inject the CDATA tags to wrap certai...

Q: SQL CE updating from another table parse error?

Nur SelamI am using C# Dotnet using Visual Studio 10 language and SQL Compact 4 as Database. I have received the following error when I try to update a SALES table which uses the value to multiply from PRODUCT table: There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 2,Token line offset = ...


ZoomiI'm attempting to set up a cron job to visit multiple url's once a day. I've scheduled the command in my plesk interface to visit a .php file and it visits the requested file OK. What script would I use inside of the .php file on my server to visit the urls? Would it be something like... wget ...

Q: jstl forEach loop not iterating

user3245368I have rendering my session object in jsp page. I took my session object from servlet and wanted to render it in my jsp page but getting problem. <div> <label> City :</label> <select id="enqCity" name="select"> <option selected="selected">select city</option> ...

Q: Why this inversion count merge sort algorithm is giving wrong answer

cham3333Here is code I have written for inversion count in c++. If you write some other recursion method. Please try to explain it to me. I am storing inversion count in countI. I am getting 2 as output for array A[] i have declared in main function. #include<iostream> #include<math.h> using na...

Q: Not able to get the SKU details in app purchase through Google Play Store

ask stackoverflowI am trying to get Product details from Google play store, But always I am getting response code 0 and DETAILS_LIST empty. Please let me know if anyone has idea on below. Thanks for your response. APK is published for USA, not for India, can I test from here if yes which all are things I need t...

Q: Can someone help me for site?

ali shI am having trouble programming site Can someone help? http://www.cheraghegomgashtegan.com/ I was reading a paper which mentioned about summing up statistical complexity of all the methods in a class to get a metric WMC (Weighted Method Count). Now I don't understand what statistical complexity ...

Q: html5 video play issue in android 4.2

Bhumi ShahI am creating an app with a WebView thats supposed to play a mp4 video using html5 "video" tag. This is simple html5 code which is working fine in browser but not in android <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <video id="vd1" src="/mnt/sdcard/sumo/Sale_screen-ion2.mp4" type="video/...

Q: How to add onclick effect in a html link (<a>) using javascript?

Marcus RungeI'm sitting here with a school project, I've done a bunch og html and css, now it's time for the Javascript to apply. My question is, how to add an onclick effect to a link? this is what I have already, I can't seem to figures this function out, yet. <li><a id="male" onclick=")" href="#male">...

Q: Theano advanced indexing for tensor, shared index

AlbertI have a tensor probs with probs.shape = (max_time, num_batches, num_labels). And I have a tensor targets with targets.shape = (max_seq_len, num_batches) where the values are label indices, i.e. for the third dimension in probs. Now I want to get a tensor probs_y with probs.shape = (max_time, n...

Q: Ruby regex doesn't work as expected

Denis YakovenkoI need to get an array of floats (both positive and negative) from the multiline string. E.g.: -45.124, 1124.325 etc Here's what I do: text.scan(/(\+|\-)?\d+(\.\d+)?/) Although it works fine on regex101 (capturing group 0 matches everything I need), it doesn't work in ruby code. Any ideas w...

Q: Upgrading Tracking Code to Universal Analytics

JamesI'm having trouble finding the classic Google Analytics statements I'm looking to upgrade mentioned on the Google Developers guide for upgrading to analytics.js. What are the replacements for these statements? _gaq.push(['_setCampNameKey', 'id']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageLoadTime']);

Q: Set a simple delay when closing a window using <a href="javascript:window.open('','_self').close();">X - CLOSE</a>

MattI have a window that I would like to add a simple delay when they select to close the window. (ie. click the link, takes 2-3 seconds to close) We are wanting this delay because we are playing random "signoff" audio files when they want to close the window, like "Thanks!" or "See you next time!" C...

Q: Creating a substring that ends at a certain character vb.net

averyto8I am working with files and I need to pull a substring to insert into a database. Each underscore is the break point for the file and I need to make code that will create a substring that ends at an underscore Here are what the file names look like 20150225_1291223_FO_8a168549-a520-4f93-b607 20...

Q: NSOutlineView : Expand all objects of a specific class only

PatrickWhat's the most efficient way to expand all objects of a specific class in a NSOutlineView? (The datasource of my outline view is a NSTreeController). Let's say I have classA classA - classA - classC - classC - classB - classC - classC classB - classC ...

Q: Bacground image - Responsive issue css

gon250I'm using bootstrap and I have a background image. It was set by css to implement basically a kind of parallax. Everything it's ok, but the image dimension is 4066 x 4066 so I set the size as background-size: 36%. The problem is with the responsive.. in phones looks so small.. so any idea how to...

Q: Convert ListView to Line separated String Array and vice versa

Impin aint easyI am trying to take all items in my ListView and write each one into a new line inside a string Array (or something similar). This is so i can pass these values to a string property inside an object that is then saved to a SQL Database (Varchar(max)). What i have tried sofar public string Conve...

Q: How to change the temporary directory in jetty9?

LadanI want to make a temp directory for my jetty and change the default /tmp directory to mine temp directory, I tried this java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/jetty/temp when I want to start my jetty,and it worked, but I;m looking for a way to change the temp directory forever,is there any configuration or ...

Q: How to get numeric index of the equivalent key in associative array in javascript

Sivavar assoArray={ "Test": 0, "Test 2": 2 } In the above associative array, i could get value of Test2 by var valofTest2 = assoArray["Test 2"] how do i get the equivalent numeric index of "Test 2" ? would expect 1 as an output PS: am new to JS

Q: BufferedReader and stream Line Java 8

MoeWorking with BufferedReader: I have a text file that has similar lines as listed below. Text File line sample: ABC DEF EFG MGM -Ba\ How can I remove the end of the line char “\” after -Ba and join the next line/Field to the first line to have a new line—> then store it ...

Q: Oracle Database Provider and dotConnect for Oracle -> how to make them generate SQL compatible with the Oracle version they are connected with?

Raffael Bechara RamehI'm using .NET Entity Framework with Oracle. There are two main providers for Oracle database: one is the official release from Oracle ("ODP" - Oracle Database Provider) and another is the "Devart dotConnect for Oracle". In the documentation of both providers it's written that they support Orac...

Q: how to use MapRoute in asp.net mvc for two seprate webapplication "app.Admin" and "app.Web" without Area?

sepehri have two projects "app.admin" and "app.web" in slution.i want Maproute from web to admin.i'm using public class RouteConfig { public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); routes.MapRoute( nam...

Q: Issue with XSD will not allow me to have multiple values for "CustomData" field.

this noteGood morning SO - I am new to xsd and I'm running into a problem with my "customdata" complex type. It will not allow me to have multiple values for CustomData. For example CustomValue should be more than 1, but it's preventing me from having more than one "CustomValue".. Why is this? I'm tryi...

Q: Error opening zip file created using java and no size for the file

SlaschI have a problem with my zip file created with JAVA, i losted two days on this problem. My Zip File is save on my external storage of my device, but the size of the file is 0 octet and i can't open this file(error say: Archive damaged or unknown format (see the image below). This is strange be...

Q: How to remove first character of a string if it is a number using jquery

Sam HealeyI have a string which is a persons address. I do not want to include the person house/building number so am doing address.replace(/\d+/, '') This removes the first set of numbers from the address. If the address doesn't include a house number it will remove the areacode/postal code which ...

Q: GET first and last character (number) FROM String android

TARIQ ALEEDEight hours of trying TO GET first and last character (number) FROM String Please help TO find THE solution With many thanks public void getadrrss (){ SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String Key = getString(R.string.address);...

Q: change button color which is dynamically genarated in loop

user3335796I have loop which generates buttons. I have three buttons. Each buttons are same color. on click on one button color will change but its getting affected to all buttons. I want to change color for particular button. So far in html file <button ng-click="buttonClicked('Button1');" ng-class="{...

Q: watchOS 2 compatible iOS

kiranWhat is the minimum iOS version required to be on iPhone to make it compatible to watchOS 2 ? I thought it was iOS 8.2, but the Xcode is defaulting to 9.0 when the project with watchOS 2 is created.

Q: Add prefix to specific columns of a dataframe in R

Luke Say you have a dataframe such as this: df <- data.frame("1" = rep(NA,5), "2" = NA, "3" = NA, "4" = NA, "5" = NA, "6" = NA, "7" = NA, "8" = NA, "9" = NA, "10" = NA) colnames(df) <- c(0:9) > df 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 NA NA ...

Q: Two Sections 100% Height of Parent Div

karnsI have a specific layout that is causing me HUGE headaches. Here is an image: My goal is to have the "Side panel" ALWAYS equal the height of the container. The "Enrollment Application" section is at 100% height already. Q How can we stack two divs and make their heights = 100% of parent? The ...

Q: Swapping letters in a string in Ruby

KVyasI need to swap letters in a string(DNA strand) using ruby and the following rules: A is replaced by T T is replaced by A C is replaced by G G is replaced by C For example: ACGTA should become TGCAT I have only got this far: def DNA_strand(dna) dna.tr!('A', 'T') end Not sure why...

Q: sending string from android to javascript

user3688188Im trying to send this string to javascript and see the result but it doesnt work here is my java code: String msgToSend = "[ [\"January\", 30], [\"February\", 8], [\"March\", 4] ]"; myBrowser.loadUrl("javascript:callFromActivity(\""+msgToSend+"\")"); and here is my html code: <

Q: Module methods in Ruby

NishantHere is my class in Ruby: module Star def Star.line puts '*' * 20 end end module Dollar def Star.line puts '$' * 20 end end module At def line puts '@' * 20 end end include At Dollar::line Star::line Dollar::line line This outputs like: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $$$$$$$...

Q: how to read xsl in javascript or jquery?

devali have script in php, i need equal script for javasript or jquery this script will load a spesific 'field' from xsl file <?php $SERVER = 'http://i.klikhost.net:8000'; $STATS_FILE = '/status.xsl'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$SERVER.$STATS_FILE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RET...

Q: Swift Sub String

MattBlackI could be way off here, I am trying to get the last 5 characters of the string: var str2 = "" str2.substringWithRange(Range<String.Index>(start: advance(str2.startIndex, -6), end: advance(str2.endIndex, 0))) Im not sure if I am doinf something daft or if I am using the wrong ...

Q: Adding custom property to JSON creates duplicate

Danielok1993I am adding custom property to my JSON, but at the end it creates duplicate! one with my custom property name and another without it. var array = []; array.push([]); var parentKey = "HELLO"; array[array.length - 1].push(array[array.length - 1].parent = parentKey); console.log(array); JSFIDDLE

Q: Why does Power BI Preview have an issue creating visualizations for my date table?

KellyI have an Azure SQL database with several tables, including a Date dimension (D_Date). When I connect to it from PowerBI.com and then try to create some simple visualizations, I get the error "We couldn't retrieve the data for this visualization" every time I use a field from D_Date. I have forei...

Q: Had no problems for months, and today Windows update suddenly started itself back on and my computer won't start

xbfk78Have an Asus Laptop. I've had a really bad experience with windows updates in the past so I disabled it for good. I had no problems whatsoever for months and now suddenly today, when I started my laptop, it said it was "Configuring Windows updates" and was stuck there for hours. Now my laptop won...

Q: How to implement a handle efficiently in thread safe C-library

hannoI have a rather complex C99 conform shared library. It contains a large number of global variables and many short functions, but only a few are used by the user directly. I'd like to refactor it into a thread-safe library. To do that, I would make the user pass a handle to each function. The ha...

Q: How to add user HTTP Headers in CXF response?

4ntoineFor some reason there is no 'Content-Length' HTTP headers in CXF response. I've decided to implement interceptor that does it, but unfortunately there is no added header in sent data (intercepted using Wireshark). I can set breakpoint and i can see interceptor is invoked. What's wrong? /** * Ad...

Q: How can I have a responsive height with absolutley position child elements

navigatorI have made a very basic quote "carousel" to display customer quotes on a website by making the elements visible one at a time. The quotes are absolutely positioned inside a container over each over then made visible accordingly. How can i make the parent container the height of the tallest quot...

Q: order the Movie list in angular js sorting order

Rabbiti'am new to the angularJs and javascript. I have some requirement "Order the movie by sequence number" so i have input field in the html based on the movie list JSON object. Sorting has not worked properly. Please help me. please check out form the below link. [http://plnkr.co/edit/Id5CFCMoX3r...

Q: "Restreaming" upload files to web api

Leo ReyesI am trying to upload a file from a client to a MVC application, and then have the MVC application pass the upload file to a web api. So far I overrode the IHostBufferPolicySelector to stream any incoming HTTP requests that are greater than a given size. So any large file uploads made to MVC is...

Q: Custom components in JavaFX Scene Builder

GezieferI have a project written in JavaFX 8 and want to use Scene Builder 2 for GUI adaptions. There are a couple of custom components used within the views, which are located in JAR files. Now I know that I can import a JAR, but I have to do it each time I open Scene Builder. Isn't there a way to make ...

Q: Multi-destination route (google maps on iOS) return void json

mTsySI'm a newbie iOS programmer and I'm having problems using google's Api "directions" for (multipath/multiroute) on iOS (8.x): when i ask to draw a route between two location (origin/destination) there aren't any problems but if i add even one more location, the request to web service return a jso...

Q: how to access standard menu item from google script

Hitesh LalaI want to access the standard menu items from a function that I have written in a Google Apps Script. Example from Google Sheets: "Form" --> "Go to live form". I want to call "Go to live form" from inside a function. But have not found any way to do so. Any suggestions? I am using Googl...

Q: Delete a DrawingManager shape when drawing a new one

zokI created a custom toggle to init the DrawingManager, and I'm able to delete the current shape (if there is one) when I initialise it using currentShape.setMap(null). But how to delete a shape created with the DrawingManager at the precise moment the user starts do draw a new one? As far as I k...

Q: Auto height absolute (child) content under relative (parent) content

yella-domCant get over this problem. I've designed a small container: http://derrick.dk/ogmobi/1/ The text content inside is absolute: .app-desc { position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 67%; margin-top: 10px; font-size: medium; } The parent aka container is relative .ad { ...

Q: Best way using EditTextPreferences for get an array

gek0nI have made simple application with some math calculation. It's using two arrays: byte[][] S = { {0x09, 0x0e, 0x05, 0x01}, {0x08, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0a}, {0x06, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x03}, {0x0c, 0x04, 0x00, 0x02} }; byte[][] IS = { {0x0e, 0x03, 0x0f, 0x0b}, {0...

Q: How do you select only the first row and specific column of multiple rows with the same value?

rfaLet's say I have a query result that looks as follows: ID NAME Phone ---- ---- ----- 1 John 123456 2 John 125678 3 John 345678 4 Abby 456789 5 Abby 567890 I want to return just a single row instance of name: John, where the phone number like '12%'.

Q: Out of memory error in Uiniversal Image Loader?

deepak kumarI am loading image from server on grid view using UIL.It works fine for me.As the amount of images increase & after using the app for some time i get the OUT OF MEMORY error. Error Log: 07-09 14:38:59.033: E/dalvikvm-heap(20556): Out of memory on a 460816-byte allocation. 07-09 14:38:59.043: E...

Q: Django: How to prefetch related object with model instance?

dspjmClassA: ... ClassB: ForeignKey(A) ClassC: ForeignKey(B) now I have a instance of C. c = C() b = c.b a = b.a This way, the db will be visited for three times. How can I let them be fetched at once like prefetch_related.

Q: Configuring secure openldap is giving the error

user2753523I am trying to configure my openldap for secure connections. I tried to use with self signed certificates for connecting to the openldap by following the steps given in the link http://www.openldap.org/pub/ksoper/OpenLDAP_TLS_obsolete.html#5.1.1 but it is leading to the error "alert unknown ca...

Q: setInterval javascript function being called many times

SamoZaboI'm working with calls time values. I get the arrival time for the call when the call arrive to a queue and from that time I'm counting how long the call had been waiting in the queue.The goal is to show the longest waited call in the queue. So if i get two calls, first i need to show the first o...

Q: React weird behaviour. Setting inline automatically inline style of element

noa-devI have this following react script : var Bilder = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { data:[ ['1', 'http://localhost/foodoo/app/public/imgs/aichl.jpg', 'bild1.jpg'], ['2', 'http://localhost/foodoo/app/public/imgs/aichl.jpg', 'bild2.j...

Q: Dynamically Remove Array Element

user2658575The items are stored in a array, which is stored in a session variable, which looks like this: [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16 ) [3] => Array ...

Q: Excel VBA Get items from Listbox and put it into columns

ManInTheMiddlei want to get the selected items from a multiselection listbox and put These items in the column below. i have already found out how get the selected items but not how i can put These into a sheet. heres a code: Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Dim Msg As String Dim i As Integer...

Q: Incomplete Response Retrofit in Android

VinyI am using Retrofit for my network calls. Unfortunately, it seems that the data I am able to get is incomplete. When I open the link in the browser, it displays large json data. http://test.holmusk.com/food/search?q=apple But, when I use Retrofit in my Android App, it stops somewhere in the m...

Q: SSL Connection on Android devices with Jetty Client not possible

Thomas EinwallerI am trying to use Cometd 2.9.1 library on Android for HTTP streaming updates. It uses Jetty 7.6.17 for creating a long-polling HttpClient. This setup worked great so far on many different Android devices from OS 4.0.1 upwards. The service URL is available under HTTPS too and we need to switc...

Q: How to pass datetime as parameter to a sql openquery

Zvonimir TokicI have an OPENQUERY statement SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (NETLINE, 'SELECT * FROM XCREW.CTNAISV_HOTELCREW where RESERVATION_DATE = ''2015-05-01''') After executing it I have error message on 2015 How to pass datetime as parameter in OPENQUERY ? Thanks

Q: Twig: if is_granted('ROLE_MANAGER') check is not granted

Raphael_bI want to check if a role is not granted. I have to display something only for USER but MANAGER is the hierarchy above. To get that I am doing: {% if is_granted('ROLE_MANAGER') %} {% else %} my message {% endif %} Which is not really...

Q: How can I force all IIS requests to go to one MVC controller & action?

feihtthiefI have a situation that I figured would be quite easy to do in MVC. I want to have all request on a IIS site end up going to one specific action. So I added the following to my route routes.MapRoute( "Everything", "{*foo}", new { controller = "Home", act...

Q: How to skip validation for diffrent conditions?

Indrajeet Mishraclass Test < ActiveRecord::Base def skip_validation if self.type == 'A' # skip all validation else # Do notihng. end end Note : In my test model, I have added validations and callback. I need to apply these validations only if above condition matches. Can I use object.save(vali...

Q: Text resized in Webview, but not on chrome

Aman GuptaI'm loading my website into a webview, and all the text elements' font sizes are increased by a factor of 1.375. It works fine on chrome on the same device but is looking completely wrong on a webview inside the app. I read font-boosting is one of the causes of this, but why is the webview resi...

Q: Persist property to following middlewares in Express

Tom JenkinsMy express app has some auth middleware which determines the current user from the session ID. I want to "persist" the user through to the following middlewares. I've tried attaching the user object to the res object, but this doesn't work (presumably because JS doesn't pass function arguments by...

Q: In Linux, free blocks(free pages) are related to the file system?

lhcI want to aggregate free pages to remove duplicated pages from XEN image. Before saving, I collected free pages by using zone free_list array. But after restoring, Linux occurred Bad page panic. init[1]: segfault at 2b ip 00007ffad1220329 sp 00007fffb125ad8 error 4 in init[7ffad1211000+ec000]...

Q: How to make Push notification service using c#

Pratik RatanparaPlease provide me an information about web service for push notification. I want to make service that is hosted on server.so, when any data related to the user is change then all other mobile with that group is notified with message. Like, one group G1 having a 5 mobile number with {XXX1,XXX2,X...

Q: Input field value not updating in Chrome when using ng-model

MaheshI am facing a weird issue. I have a date picker on a input box. On selecting a date I use custom logic to process date and update the model for the input box. But the value is not updating. The funny part is, it is working in Internet Explorer quite well. Also, when I use developer tool and un-c...

Q: Multiprocessing with SQLAlchemy hangs

NewGuyI have a large chunk of data that I am inputting into MySQL. I'm utilizing SQLAlchemy to do this currently. It reads one record at a time. It works, but is very slow. Each record requires at least two queries. However, the records themselves don't depend on any other records. Query 1: Insert a ...

Q: Co-locating related entities on the same shard

user1052610How does one co-locate related entities on different indexes (or even different types on the same index), so that they are both on the same shard? For example, lets say that there are two entity types: Customer Orders In order to enhance performance, all Orders entities related to a specific...

Q: When does onchange event is triggered in javascript

Leonardo CoelhoCan someone explain me when onchange event is triggered in JS. Because I am making multiple drop-down lists where which one depends on the previous one answer. But all onchange event are firing, even though the selectItemIndex isn't changing...

Q: How to get the Log and Crash data for android live app?

M VigneshI have developed one android application. Now we are testing this application in production environment. I have to track the below information with out depending on tester to share the log file, Send Log file. May be Logcat data. Foe Example If any web service fails we need to write that into...

Q: Table of strings in C#

Loukoum MiraIs there a way of creating a table with each cell containing a string in C# ? The closest thing I found is multidimensional arrays string[,] names;, but it seems like its length needs to be defined which is a problem to me. Here is what my code looks like : string[] namePost; int[] numbPage; ...

Q: Web Application Client that can communicate with a RESTful server

ViratanI am creating a web app that uses MongoDB to store personal user information (much like an address book), which the client can retrieve from a server that implements services using a RESTful API. Here is my architecture so far: I am developing on Eclipse in Java using the Spring framework for m...

Q: What is 'Delivered' and 'Derived'?

IE5MasterCan someone explain to me in detail what it means when something is delivered and when something is derived. Thanks buddies.

Q: Ruby: How can i make a combobox that shows

Manuel Ángel Suarez Álvarezi want to know how to make a commbobox that shows a list of all users in my database, let me explain myself: I have two clases: class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates :password, presence: true, confirmation: {strict: true} validates :password_confirmation, presence: true validates :tel...

Q: Error opening a warc file with Python

AubreyMy whole code is import warc f = warc.open("file.warc.gz") for record in f: print record['WARC-Target-URI'], record['Content-Length'] But it gives me this error: File "warc.py", line 1, in <module> import warc File "/path/warc.py", line 3, in <module> f = warc.open("file.warc.gz"...

Q: JSP tag library to display MySQL rollup query with grouping and subtotals

ArthurI need to display several tables as HTML, using JSP, coming from MySQL GROUP BY a,b,c WITH ROLLUP queries. I'm looking for a good tag library to achieve this. I have found DisplayTag, but it'was last updated in 2008. And I would prefer using the subtotals calculated by MySQL, which seems to be tr...

Q: Angular Directive with Reset functionality

Shaohao LinI have a directive called filterButton, which will let user to select the filter option and add the check mark on the right. Now I have a reset button in filter.html. Once the user click the reset button, all the filter field will set back to default. I had tried couple methods, it didn't work. A...

Q: Encoding issue with Response filter in asp.net

AsierI am dealing with some code that uses a custom HttpResponse filter in an asp.net application. response.Filter = new HtmlResponseFilterStream(); This HtmlResponseFilterStream inherits from MemoryStream. The write method has been overriden to get the contents of the HTTP response. I use Encodin...

Q: Why does array_diff act differently when array from an input form?

Robert SinclairI have this input form: <form method="POST" action="unique_value_processor.php"> <textarea cols="50" rows="8" name="usedurls"></textarea> <textarea cols="50" rows="8" name="freshurls"></textarea> <textarea cols="50" rows="8" name="filteredurls"></textarea> <input type="SUBMIT" value="SUBMIT"> ...

Q: How can I make an automatic bitcoin payment system?

Joost MeijerI am developing a website where people have an online Bitcoin wallet, they can deposit and withdraw using an automatic payment system. How can I make this? Any paid services or free scripts?

Q: This website wants to run the following add-on "Adobe Flash Player"

dave mortonI have IE11 (32-bit) installed on Dell laptop running WIN7. Since about a month ago, literally EVERY website I visit prompts a pop-up msg. saying "This website wants to run the following add-on "Adobe Flash Player". I have uninstalled and re-install latest Adobe Flash Player 18 Active X program s...

Q: Office 365 'Create Event' Rest API is giving error

rkpI am new user on stackoverflow as well as in office 365 development using node.js. I am successfully getting User(my own office 365 account) mails,calendar events using this tutorial (https://dev.outlook.com/RestGettingStarted/Tutorial/node) but when i am trying to Create an Event in my calende...

Q: Block folder while Android app is working

rocknowI have application which has folder on the sdcard to store files. I have to provide correct app behavior in case user deletes app while app is working. User case: 1. Start app, do some work 2. Press Home button 3. Delete folder on the sdcard 4. Resume application For now I know only one way to pr...

Q: [tag][Lightbox2] [tag]How to add a link in description

MItalyUsing the script Lightbox2 I would like to place a link (<a> tag) in the description of the image. For example: I would replace "Click the right half of the image to move foward." with Visit My site! Watch this Image

Q: Remove the last comma of a JSON file and PHP

SergioI have a JSON file with PHP, and I want to remove the last comma, because it causes an error. The code is the following: { "data": [ <?php require_once("../../config.php"); $qtodos = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM negocios"); while($todos = $qtodos -> fetch_assoc()) { ?> ...

Q: jQuery Tabs Find Positioning

pertrai1I am hoping someone may help me to figure out a sticking point I am at. I have tabs that are wrapped in div's that are added dynamically so at any time I do not know how many there will be. Even so, if I was to have 3 tabs, like so: <div class="tabs"> <div class="tab">Tab 1</div> <div class=...

Q: convert textbook to digital book

user2002593I am looking for some pdf type format that supports text,audio, video, flash based games. I am in the field of education, I think if i create that type of book, it will help a lot for understanding content. Can you suggest this type of format?

Q: Client side(Jquery&Angular) can't send request with x-access-token headers

user2464051I followed this article build a web api with token in Node.js: var token = req.body.token || req.query.token || req.headers['x-access-token']; if (token) {console.log("passed!");} else {console.log("No token provided.");} I tested with Postman and tried with http://localhost:3000?token=eyJ0eX...

Q: Set Maximum and minimum zoom ArcGIS

N7infiltratorI have an app that uses ARCGIS framework. I am wanting to have a maximum and minimum zoom area so that you cannot zoom out of the set region. How would I implement this. I am using Xcode and Objective C.

Q: NSUserDefaults setObject:forKey deadlocks?

David SilverfarmerToday I encountered a rather confusing Problem: When my app starts I'm downloading some things and after parsing the responses I write the data to the NSUserDefaults. Now this was working fine until I recently discovered that sometimes my entire UI freezes and wont unfreeze until I relaunch the...

Q: JUnit 4 API Get Handle to a @Test Method

H PUsing JUnit 4 API, is there a way to get a handle to a method in a test class that are annotated with @Test? Here's what I am currently doing: JUnitCore core = new JUnitCore(); Request request = Request.aClass(MyTest.class); Result result = core.run(request); if(result.wasSuccessful()) Sys...

Q: Scheduling App for Rails Beginner

user3325401I'm starting to work my way through the fantastic Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl (https://www.railstutorial.org/), and I wanted to bounce a project idea off you all to get a sense for how realistic it is for a beginner. I'd like to make a scheduling/staffing app for my company. I'm envisioning s...

Q: Using qTip2 with Handsontable

LisonI want to use qTip and Handsontable at the same time. So I made a grid with handsontable and when the user submit it, ajax send the cells that are not corrects. Then, with a callback function, I color the cells in wrong format and I want to display a bubble with qTip2. My problem is when I wan...

Q: Adwords number replace with Google Tag Manager

neosuperI am trying to setup Google Call Tracking with GTM following this Definitive Guide I have the script from Adwords and pasted in GTM Tag properly. But the function jQuery(document).ready(function() {_googWcmGet('number', 'X-XXX-XXX-XXXX');}); is not clear to me. I tried pasting it exactly but d...

Q: Find all lines touched by author and also containing a string in Git

sashoalmIs there any way I can scan the entire repo for lines that are touched by a specific author and also contain a certain string? For example, let's say one author has used the wrong db field in his code, which is spread out in many files. The wrong db field is used in many commits by the same auth...

Q: display data in the form of a table using Ajax

UserARI have the below code in Ajax to display the data from python stored in MongoDB. <script> function f(){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.get('ajax1', function(result){ $.each(result, function(index, element) { alert(JSON.stringify(element)); }); })...

Q: Laravel: 404 Not Found or 403 Forbidden

ApoleoI tried for the first time the Laravel Framework on my VPS. In a folder where I have a other project folder (without any access problem) I create a project with "laravel new Test" I changed the permission on "storage" and "bootstrap/cache". Now I go to the page and... "/Test/" => returns 403 Fo...

Q: Deletion Using Memcpy in an Array

newbieI don't know if this will make sense but given an index and an array of integers, I need to delete the element in the given array which was stored in the given index through the use of memcpy. The new set of elements will be stored on the given array. Here's an illustration of what I want to do t...

Q: Put ASCII Art In The Middle Of "Mode 1000" Window

Cool841I have some ASCII Art that I would like to put in the middle of the whole window since I'm running the command "Mode 1000" and I was wondering if I could make a piece of code that would always put the art in the middle of the screen no matter monitor size or window resizing.

Q: Can two Lists be joined if types are different like List<T> and List<G>?

biseibutsuI have two different classes like below: public class ProductDto : IDto { public int Parentproductid { get; set; } public string Parentproductnumber { get; set; } public int Supplierid { get; set; } //More properties } public class OrderItemsDto : IDt...

Q: NS_Deprecated equivalent for 3rd party frameworks

Lord AndreiNSDeprecated which tunnels through CF_Deprecated into the clang attribute availability only handles deprecation for MACOSX and IOS. Are there any calls or series of macros that replicate this tool for third parties. I am working on V2 of an SDK and there are certain calls we want to deprecate a...

Q: Replicate the ASP.NET Identity password store method for php?

Phoenix_uyI have a website of my client in ASP.NET MVC and it uses .NET Identity to store the users on the database. Now my client will move the logic of the website to PHP and i need to know what is the logic for storing the password of .NET Identity so the users can still login on the new PHP logic. Is ...

Q: What would be JSObject replacement in a Native Application (none applet application)

Reza AhmadiI am replacing my Java Applet with a "standalone application". My web application will be communicating with this "standalone application" via a Chrome extension and using Native Messaging, so no applet anymore. The applet has been communicating with my web application using a JSObject object wh...

Q: when unzipping a zip file, it creates C_ folder

krish chaituI am creating a zip file using command line using below command. jar -cf 86.zip 86 when I unzip this file, it is creating the following folder structure ..\86\C_\Folder\86 not sure what this C_ folder is. note: there is a .svn folder inside 86 folder. does that cause any issue? not sure ho...

Q: PHP compare dates (trial expired)

rwzdoornI'm trying to compare the start + end (+7 days) with current date. If the startdate is +7 days before current date it should get an 'active' message. If the current date is today or more then 7 days it should get an 'expired' message. $mysettings->getTrial(); gives 2015-09-07 This is what I ha...

Q: AngularJS $http.get async execution order

0x11deI recently did a lot of coding in AngularJS. After some time it started to feel comfortable with it and also got really productive. But unfortunately there is this one thing I don't understand: Within my project I need to get data through $http.get and a RESTful API server. This is where I start...

Q: Shortest way to read this file line?

AustinMWI have a file that consists of lines that look like this: Alice 60 30 75 Where the name and integer lengths are variable. What's the shortest way to put the name into a string and the integers into an array of size 3? I did a getline() and then pushed the first char up to the first space into ...

Q: Count combobox line vb.net

Donquixote Adiyatmai want count my combobox item per line or per item i do Label32.Text = ComboBox1.Items.Count and it's not work, anyone can help me? but i trying using RichTextBox, and code for RichTextBox is RichTextBox1.Lines.Count and it's work, how to count if i using ComboBox? Thanks ******************* ***...

Q: Using onclick event in order to build an expandable list

GraceI am trying to display the nodes present in my xml file. What I require is, the child nodes to be displayed only when the parent node is clicked. I tried using onclick but there is an error (I am not sure if onclick can be used in this case) My xml looks something like this (It cannot be modifie...

Q: How do you get a Bootstrap Dropdown Menu to work with AngularJS ng-repeat using a controller?

Cassie DeFauwI am very new to both Bootstrap and AngularJS. I've been researching this problem for a while now, and I can't find what's wrong. The dropdown appears, and you can click on it, but nothing happens when you click on the arrow for the drop down. Here's the code I've been working with: <div class=...

Q: Converting Objective-C to Swift2 (error: "Binary operator '|' cannot be applied) for turning timeInterval to minutes, hours, etc

Rachel HarveySo, I am trying to turn a time interval into hours, minutes, etc. using Albaregar's answer to this question. He includes this line: unsigned int unitFlags = NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit; So, here's my best attempt at a translation into swi...

Q: How can i get my ListView animation to work without disabling descendantFocusability?

ShanakorI have implemented a customCursorAdapter to display a listview. I want to distinguish between two click events per row and it works, but now the listView click-animation is gone. Here is my CursorAdapter bindView-Method. @Override public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) ...

Q: Uncaught TypeError: v.setCanvasSize is not a function

Johannes van StaverenI am a fairly beginner programmer, so excuse me if the solution to this one is fairly simple (Although I have looked hard into finding an already-posted solution). I am debugging some code and I get this error message when running the program: "Uncaught TypeError: v.setCanvasSize is not a funct...

Q: Python pyodbc connect to ms access database

GeorgeI am trying to connect my access database so I can dump my data into the table in the database. This the code I use: import pyodbc access_database_file = "C:\\Users\\Moyp\\DataPointe.accdb" ODBC_CONN_STR = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=%s;' %access_database_file conn = p...

Q: Arquillian Testing Issue

mattfredI have a java application that uses the Arquillian library for testing. I am attempting to now add the Arquillian reporter extension. As shown in the documentation at https://github.com/arquillian/arquillian-recorder/wiki/Reporter, I have added the dependency to my pom. <dependency> <groupId>...

Q: EventTriggerBehavior doesn't work for AppBarButton

vadiblisI'm using EventTriggerBehavior in Blend and it doesn't work for AppBarButton in test application for windows phone 8.1 when i'm using ElementName binding. The same EventTriggerBehavior for Button works fine. <Grid x:Name="grid"> <Button x:Name="button" Content="Button" HorizontalAlig...

Q: self keyword semantics when changing an instance method to class method

DevilInDisguise-(UIView*)showMenu{ UIView *view = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 400)]; [view addSubview:self.menuTableView]; return view; } I have this really simple function, which works fine. But then I wanted to make the function a class method (so I wouldn't have to make a...

Q: Checking Authentication in Mongo

tsatfIs it possible to check if Authentication is enabled in MongoDB from the shell? something like "show settings -auth" Thanks in advance

Q: the choose of Spring Boot or plain Spring Configuration

sprintbootI'm new to Spring and I have worked with Spring Boot for personnal project for a while(two months). Q1. whether or not it is enough to learn Spring Boot and ignore the configuration details? Spring Boot configures for us to start up an app and so when I try to study the configuration by pure ja...

Q: Go to GPS settings using javascript

MichaelThere is a way to open GPS settings using javascript? I create an app that use GPS with phonegap. I have to check if gps is turn on or off. If GPS is turn off, i have to go in GPS setting. How can I do this?

Q: How can I turn off validation response from .NET client?

bircastriI have built a .NET client from WSDL locale file. Now I have the problem because the server is in JAVA and there is a problem at the validation request, so I have this error: Cannot resolve KeyInfo for decryption: KeyInfo 'SecurityKeyIdentifier ( IsReadOnly = False, Count = 1, Clause[0] = X509Is...

Q: Outlook AddIn bind RibbonCheckBox to MailItem

veritasI am writing an Outlook AddIn in which I read in specific MailItems. I want to have a visual control to memorize which MailItems I already successfully read in. For this purpose I want to use a disabled RibbonCheckBox which should save its Checked Property = true (at Application Level?!). So far...

Q: packing algorithm in rtree in boost

PremHi all I understand that if rtree is created with range values in boost it would be created as linear. I need an example of rtree using packing algorithm. Here is my code that uses quadratic algorithm using point = bg::model::point < int, 2, bg::cs::cartesian >; using pointI = std::pair<

Q: Jaxb - List of objects not complete when serializing to JSON

Spike101I am working on some RESTful Webservice which should return a XML- or JSON list of objects that are all derived from a common base-class. This works well if XML is returned, but if JSON is requested, it does only work, if all elements of the same type appear in a row. For example, if i have a Ba...

Q: What programming languages should a cs undergrad sophomore learn?

NithinjtI'm a cs undergrad about to begin sophomore year. I've searched a few times but I haven't found a satisfying answer yet. I'm familiar with C++ and python. What other languages should I soend time learning? Is bash scripting worth the effort?

Q: Unsure of correct method to list blobs with a SharedAccess Token

Neil ThompsonI upgraded WindowsAzure.Storage to 4.0.3 I want to output to a webpage a list of blobs in a folder. As each blob is in a secure container the URI needs a shared access signature. I used to have: var dir = Container.GetDirectoryReference(folderName); List<IListBlobItem> blobs = dir.ListBlobs().T...

Q: Parse error with JSONObject in c# .net

Thomas MorrisI have a JSON file saved locally that is being opened and read from successfully, but every time i try to parse it it fails. I've checked the JSON online but i cant find fault with it. { "Groups": [ { "UniqueId": "233619708", "Title": "Partno", "Customer": "Customer", "Items": [] } ] } I'm us...

Q: sequence operations on string python 3.4

rahul tyagiHowever all other sequence operations work on strings in python But why does the index operation s='python sequence operation' s.index('s'[, 2[, 7]]) Throws out an error of invalid syntax I see that there is a different index operation provided for strings so my assumption that the ...

Q: How to reduce cassandra Tombstones

xin danWhen I want to query 10,000 datas from cassandra, I got a timeout. And I saw the system.log, find that reach the max Tombstones. When adjust the value of tombstone_failure_threshold, it works. How can I to reduce the Tombstones? When I truncate the table, it will product more Tombstones? And I ...

Q: Using Google Maps Geolocation iframe

Daniel RobertsI've been trying to work out the best way to complete the following- We need a contact form, whereby customers can type their postcode, have a google map drop a pin on their choice, which can be moved if inaccurate (which it often is). Great example found here: http://www.contact-solar.co.uk/qu...

Q: TFS 2012 On-Premise Migration to Visual Studio Online

SeanI am looking to migrate from TFS 2012 on-premises to Visual Studio Online using the OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility. I have run into an issue that I can't seem to find a resolution for. To eliminate any customization, I have created a brand new team project in TFS 2012 using the pro...

Q: Out of bounds error handling with rvest function (possibly, tryCatch?)

user3731467I have a function that scrapes a tables from a list of urls: getscore <- function(www0) { require(rvest) require(dplyr) www <- html(www0) boxscore <- www %>% html_table(fill = TRUE) %>% .[[1]] names(boxscore)[3] <- "VG" names(boxscore)[5] <- "HG" names(boxscore)[6] <...

Q: Unable to send jQuery variable with string content to PHP using jQuery AJAX function?

Rijurekh BoseThe code snippet for the jQuery function looks like: function addMessage() { if (textval != "") { text_string='<div class="alert-box round"><p class="text-left">' + userName + ':' + textval + '</p></div></br>'; alert(text_string); $.ajax({ type:"POST", ...

Q: Add Easing effect within Accordion

Rotan075Can anyone help me intergrate an easing effect within my Accordion? What I want is to mimic this effect (which can be set in your CSS) with JQuery: -webkit-transition: max-height 500ms ease, padding 500ms ease; transition: max-height 500ms ease, padding 500ms ease; How can I accomplish t...

Q: How to extract triplicates or higher reocrds in SAS

VictorIn SAS, is there an easy way to extract records from a data set that have more than 2 occurrences. The DUPS command gives duplicates, but how to get triplicates and higher? For example, in this dataset: col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 ...

Q: Angularjs and dinamyc routes

Rubén Fanjul EstradaI am trying to create a link in my template angularjs by doing something like: <a ng-href="/#!/content/[[value.id]]">[[key]]</a> But I am wondering myself if is possible do something like symfony2 does, example: routing.yml home_redirect: path: / defaults: _controller: F...

Q: How to check for duplicate records in excel using POI?

coderbelow is the code for reading the excel file using poi: which is working fine public class ReadExcelDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { try { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File("demo.xlsx")); List sheetData = new ArrayList(); XSSFW...

Q: How to get the CSS to correctly align the titles?

Tim RohrCurrently when the code runs both my title fields appear above the same table. It also lower cases all letters except for the first one. I wanted to have a title above each table. The main code looks like, <%= form_for(@test) do |f| %> <div id="field"> <%= f.label "test" %> <%= f....

Q: PowerPoint VBA - some pieces of code runs not in order (MsgBox, Sleep etc)

Arun KVBA - 7.1. PowerPoint 2013 I am trying to achieve a small animation for an image on a slide (hide - wait half a sec - show). I had noticed earlier that MsgBox usually pops up before the previous line of code gets completely executed. While it was annoying, I did't bother about it much. However...

Q: maven java build errors outside the eclipse

EdamameI normally build/generate the java classes file within the eclipse. However, now I need to have the project working on a machine without eclipse, so I build it directly from command line using maven. Then I got the following errors, did I miss anything here? Thanks! Edamame$ mvn java:compile [IN...

Q: How to loop an if-statement with many else if conditions in C#

NinjatixI have an issue looping the if-statement in my code. I looked at other threads on stackoverflow but I couldn't get it to work multiple times. The program I'm trying to create is a basic converter for a casting company. What I tried to do is make it so that the user can input the type of conversio...

Q: Using the result of inner query in the same query

Behrooz KarjooI am trying to reuse the nested select query aliased PrevClose in a separate calculation. However I get invalid column name. Does this mean there's no way to reuse the result and since I need to do a couple of calculations on it I have to rerun that inner query two more times? SELECT TOP 1000 [...

Q: I am editing mouse settings in the registry but they seem to do nothing

alvaromatI have made a program to change the mouse sensivity in the same way as you can do it with the Control Panel. The changes are made in the registry, the keys at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse and they are in fact done (I have checked them from regedit.exe) but the mouse works as if this cha...

Q: Best/more standard graph representation file format? (GraphSON, Gexf, GraphML? )

pparejaWhat's the standard graph representation file format or otherwise the most used one? I would say one of these three: GraphSON GEXF GraphML but it would be great if anyone could point out the advantages/weaknesses from each of them.

Q: [OpenFL][HTML5 target] Filters on DisplayObject Not working

user1681412I'm trying to add DropShadowFilter / BlurFilter / GlowFilter to a simple Sprite on stage. If i target flash, it looks and behaves fine. When i target HTML5, i see nothing. The wiki says "Available on all platforms" (link). Am i doing something wrong? I'm importing import openfl.filters.BlurFilt...

Q: Angular: Return data only once several promises are fulfilled

MethDamonI want to return data from a Service function and inject it into a controller via the routeProvider, but only once the data has been fully loaded. app.js: .when('/sources', { templateUrl: 'views/app/source/inventory.html', controller: 'InventoryCtrl', pageTitle: 'Dat...

Q: sending large files via SPI on beaglebone black using Adafruit BBIO library

InvictusRex28So I am quite new to Python and the beaglebone black in general. I have been attempting to load in an image and change its format to one that can be transmitted via SPI using the Adafruit BBIO python library. Test function below: when open("image.BMP", "rb") as imageFile file = imageFile.r...

Q: Responsive DataTables (createdRow)

user3161055I'm using DataTable( { responsive: true, and the following source code, works fine "createdRow": function ( row, data, index ) { var fechaFin = data[6]; var diaActual = Date(); var dateFechaFin = new Date(fechaFin.substr(6,9)+"-"+fechaFin.substr(3...

Q: PHP CodeSniffer error multiple times

jldavis76I am completely baffled by what is going wrong. I had a version of my code that was running successfully, and after making the minor change of adding ;'s to the end of my endforeach and endif statements (to make it compatible with php 5.2), I got a ton of errors. They are all the same error tho...

Q: JVM does not execute code

therewillbecoffeeimport java.util.*; public class PigLatin { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in); String in=s.nextLine(); in=in.toLowerCase(); char f=in.charAt(0); { if(f=='a'||f=='e'||f=='i'||f=='o'||...

Q: Recursively delete emails and labels under a given label in GMail

Yanick RochonWe recently migrated to Google Apps and one of our users' data has a few thousands labels (created in Outlook) organized in a tree-like fashion. Under a few of these labels (i.e. a few hundreds), are emails that need to be deleted along with said labels. In GMail, it is not possible to see emails...

Q: Get specific element from array

briThis is my array called $query Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [con_id] => 6 [con_firstname] => Joe [con_lastname] => Bloggs [con_username] => bloggs@mail.com [con_password] => password [con_job_category_id] => 0 [con_updated_a...

Q: Data written to newState in onRestore does not appear as oldState in onBackup

KairosIn Android Backup, Google claims the following about the ParcelFileDescriptor passed into onRestore of a BackupAgent An open, read/write ParcelFileDescriptor pointing to a file in which you must write the final backup state that was provided with data. This object is returned as oldState ...

Q: Unit test an image resize method

JackalopeZeroIm trying to use PHPUnit in Symfony to test a method which returns a resized image. Ideally, I would be able to mock in image object and set some sizes, then see if the sizes are changed on the return. The code uses Imagick and decodes the image, Im wondering if this means I will be forced to ke...

Q: nodejs sequelize beforeCreate hook to do some validation

gabricBefore inserting a new record in the database I need to perform some checks and then decide if the record can be insterted or not. I thought to use the beforeCreate hook doing something like this: Data.beforeCreate(function(object, options) { Data.scope('complexQuery').findAll().then...

Q: SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null when select a picture from Album

SamuelChanI encounter this problem: can't select a file from Album, Logcat shows:SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null If you need any further information,pls inform me public class MainActivity extends Activity { public static final int TAKE_PHOTO = 1; public static final int CROP_PHO...

Q: Array of dynamically allocated strings

Max MaurenteThis program is supposed to dynamically store each string entered into a pointer. Each pointer is part of an array of pointers that will collectively hold all of the strings. When the user enter an empty word, or NULL, it is supposed to quit. My problem is that the code just skips over the NULL c...

Q: json parsing with jq and convert to csv

KapralI need to get some values from a json file. I need to get a csv (Time, Data.key, Lat, Lng, Qline) Input: { "Time":"14:16:23", "Data":{ "101043":{ "Lat":49, "Lng":15, "Qline":420 }, "101044":{ "Lat":48, "Lng":15, "Qli...

Q: Garabage collection when application ends - java

anathemaAs far as I know objects are being garbage collected when assigning a null value to the variable : Object a = new Object; a = null; //it is now available for garbage collection or when the object is out of scope due to the method's execution is done: public void gc(){ Object a = new Obje...

Q: Using HyperlinkedField for serializer in Django Rest Framework

trubliphoneAll, I am having trouble making one of my model's relational fields show up as a hyperlink in Django Rest Framework. (I am working off of the examples provided at http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/relations/.) Here is my code: models.py: class Album(models.Model): album_name ...

Q: Python: Extracting float values from array of lists

Mauriceduring data processing I create an array looking like this: [array([ 0.08606408]) array([ 0.26071976]) array([ 0.181566 , 0.94154611]) array([ 0.1734347 , 0.94160601]) array([ 0.17859844, 0.94167483]) array([ 0.16880761, 0.94156277]) array([ 0.17624151, 0.94149038]) array([ 0.18770433, ...

Q: How to hide a Dojo dgrid column when exporting to MS Excel?

KyleI have a Dojo dgrid with various columns. And one particular column is an "action" column that contains a delete button in each row of this column. When the user exports the dgrid table, how could I go about preventing this action column from showing up in the Excel sheet?

Q: install4j: Redirecting stdout to install4j startup scripts

ChrisAre the install4j launchers capable of redirecting the output to the screen, rather than just invoking the java command and closing. Our software has several dependencies that are initialized to create our daemon and each binary is dependent on one another, and order of initialization is critical...

Q: Any FTP clients in the wild using ".." for renames?

cp.engrApparently there are some aspects in implementing an FTP server which are left as an exercise to the reader of the RFC (959). (Like the directory listing format.) This amounts to trying to figure out the general consensus among other implementations, and doing that. Since there is no explicit co...

Q: Know ArrayLists and TextViews very well? Check this out

Insside YouI am creating an Application for Android, I'm kinda new to this world (3 days) but I won't regret the opportunity. My App should involve something related with Lists, Arraylists, I thought, but I'm not sure, now here it comes the explanation: There's a Button and a Text field, you write somethin...

Q: i am not able to recover from these errors in android studio

sahilWarning: No DNS servers found emulator: device fd:788 HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode emulator: The memory needed by this VM exceeds the driver limit.

Q: Modal not remaining hidden using jQuery

ansarioI have the following table setup to pop up with a modal window when you click on a row in the table. Here is the DEMO. This is not working properly as modal actually isn't hidden. My HTML appears to be valid but I'm not sure about this line: <td align="center" style="padding:0;margin:0;"> ...

Q: How to view the common Values between multiple keys in Same HashMap in java?

Janarthanan RamuHashMap<Integer,ArrayList<String>> = new HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<String>>(); ArrayList<constructor> frndList = new ArrayList<constructor> (); In single hash map i will use the integer value as key and for that key i will be adding multiple values using list now my question is key 1 having tw...

Q: How to delete a file in use?

Harold FinchThere are several arguments about on StackOverflow, but my question is a bit 'different and I hope to find an effective solution to the problem. I understand that you can't delete a file in use if you don't stop the process that is using it. But let's go. I use a BackgroundWorker to perform a met...

Q: Example of ember-simple-auth-oauth2 session data

Chris PetersIn my Rails app, I am trying to set a cookie to be picked up by Ember Simple Auth's cookie store after the page has loaded. I am using the Ember Simple Auth OAuth2 authorizer. Right now, I am just planting the OAuth data directly as the cookie value: { "token_type": "bearer", "access_token"...

Q: How do i Set,Get text and hint on editText dialog box in layout other than activity layout but still in same activity

Peter Java Vamcas Kambala public void nameCapture(View view){ LayoutInflater nameInflator=LayoutInflater.from(this); View nameView=nameInflator.inflate(R.layout.nameinput, null); EditText nameEdit=(EditText)nameView.findViewById(R.id.playerNames); String hint=nameEdit.getHint().toString(); if (hi...

Q: How may numpy return a length one object array?

marqhIn numpy 1.8.2, when I index a numpy array of fixed length strings and ask for one value, I get back a numpy array of length 1, supporting numpy operations. So: import numpy as np strs = np.array(('aa', 'bbb', 'c'), dtype=np.dtype('|S4')) print type(strs[(0,)]) I get <type 'numpy.string_'> ...

Q: Get users who voted on a post

ᴘᴀɴᴀʏɪᴏᴛɪsI have two tables |posts| |votes| ---- ---- id id content post_id user_id voted Essentialy what I'm looking to do is retrieve all the posts in the database alogn with an extra field voted that will show if the ...

Q: Is it good practice to include <c:out> in external javascript file?

DreamerWe do a lot of JSP with jQuery/javascript, to make the code more reusable, most of the javascript are thrown to an external library and then import to the jsp file. However, unavoidably some of the values to be used in javascript has to be predefined by java/jsp, that means there is going to have...

Q: Create new Excel workbook and copy information with certain characteristics

Amanda CobbWhen patrons have an overdue record, they are sent a spreadsheet with a list of the records they must return and the records' attributes in the following columns. I need to create a macro which will Create a new workbook Copy row 1 (headings) Copy rows with the same User Name the file “userre...

Q: Beautiful soup is not limiting the result in python

user2408212I was creating a script to fetch me the new episodes from funimation. So, I wrote this simple script. import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import subprocess r = requests.get('http://www.funimation.com/videos/episodes') soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text) print soup.title subtitles = so...

Q: Detecting sprite Y coordinates

Storm AsdgThe sprite is moving upward and I want it to be removed when touched, I am able to detect if the sprite is touched using the X coordinate, but not with the Y coordinate, when I use Gdx.input.getY()the lower I go the Y coordinate gets higher, basically it's reversed. //this is the code for the X ...

Q: How to set Connection and Request Time Out for UPF Content Service?

Karthik PalaniveluCurrently I am getting the following exception as Nuxeo is not responding. Content Service took 239632ms to throw this exception. Is there way to set Connection and Request time out to UPF Content Service? org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisRuntimeException: GATEWAY_TIMEOUT

3:16 PM
562 messages moved from testing room
Q: Nullpointer when creating a minimal json-object

TeolhaConsider the following code: import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json; public class JSonTest { public final String name = "Test"; public void save() { FileHandle file = Gdx.files.local("test.json"); ...

Q: Regex help needed to match numbers

alex consI am an absolute noob at regex and need to help to match numbers in this format: 1,234,567 or 123,456 Including the commas! So I would like to match for example: 980,232 905,903 889,614 881,145 2,343,435 3,435,123 Extra note: I am using python re module

Q: Postie only sends first word of message

bbishopcaI'm converting my batch scripts to PowerShell and I have it all done except the last line which sends a confirmation email via Postie.exe. $subject = "Kiva Extract" $msg = "Kiva_Extract has been completed for July." & "C:\cmucwin\postie.exe" -host:myServer -from:$env:username@myDomain -to:me@m...

Q: Sending power signal from IOS app to external accessory through lightning cable

CreatorI am looking to send a simple ON/OFF signal from an app to an external device through the lightning cable. An example of what I'm looking for would be to send a power signal from the app to an LED wired to the opposite end of the lightning cable. Click "ON" through the app and the LED goes on. ...

Q: selectManyMenu converter - getAsObject doesn't work

Marko PI'm using JSF converters for the first time and I have a problem in getAsObject() method. So, I have a p:selectManyMenu and p:dataTable where user can see equipment he saved from the menu: <p:selectManyMenu id="advanced" value="#{pickListView.recordSet}" converter="converterTest" ...

Q: Issue with Powershell and date functions

Huskie69I have a script which pulls information from our SQL server estate. The scripts pulls off some dates (last check DBCC) and does some calculations for aging. The problematic section of the code is here: $lastDBCC_CHECKDB=$database.ExecuteWithResults("DBCC DBINFO () WITH TABLERESULTS").Tables[0]...

Q: Marking Duplicate Values based on additional cell.

WJDI am looking for a way, preferable formula based, to mark if a value(name) is present in a spreadsheet more than one time based on a difference in the order# in a different column. As there are multiple lines per order some names will have the same order# on multiple lines but I do not want to ma...

Q: Isotope Filter & Sort with Onhashchange

NewbieI have a website that displays various floor plans in different categories and the filter and sort from Isotope is perfect for displaying them. I have it working just fine but what I would like to do is add onhashchange so when they click on a floor plan and go to that page and then go back to t...

Q: <H> not working in Safari

user3748765Safari (7cuteoutfits.com) not showing any - only desktop version of the browser, on mobile and tablet it works fine. A couple of screenshoots: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16415767/%D0%A1%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%88%D0%BE%D1%82%202015-07-09%2018.11.47.png - on chrome https://dl.dropboxu...

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