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@mootinator Is that justin bieber?
@Trufa Yes.
@mootinator I'm not ashamed of not being sure...
I'm going to tell a story the world didn't need to know in meme form.
Are you a redditor?
@mootinator I'm surprised :)
I'll not onebox that :P
Woohoo platinum trophy #35. :>
As soon as I finish this project, I think I will start a moodle alternative
Congrats you get a Bieber cookie.
If it doesn't kill me first
I haven't started my project. Soon it'll be too late.
@mootinator: I disapprove of this Gravatar. It's very lacking in the "green" and "puppet" categories.
@jadarnel27 I asked a few questions on music.SE, may ask more later :)
Nice site, may ask more later
Now, you'd better scratch my back and ask some on our newest public beta:
@moot oy!
@Manishearth (;
sad the laws & legal Questions proposal got closed :(
2 hours later…
> body is limited to 30000 characters; you entered 30828
Oh, Judaism.SE actually did get their name back when they launched, nice!
@Jin, whenever you pop in. Kudos for Judaism. Beautiful site. I have to admit that without your explanation I'd never have penetrated the mysteries of the logo, but I'm neither Jewish, nor a graphic artist... ;)
@Benjol thanks!
Speaking of Jin...I noticed today that the background colour of the topbar and close reason box on Meta is subtly different than the OP box and tag background (#EEEEEE versus #E7E7E7, I think). Now I can't unnotice it. o_o
@TimStone close reason box looks the same
@TimStone hmm i haven't done anything to it
Oh, I didn't think you did, I just noticed they weren't the same.
Ha, and they said I have an eagle eye. o.o
Did you change your monitor's contrast or something? Holy crap.
I've filed it along with my mental list of all of the one or two pixel positioning differences. :P
@animuson Nah
The colours on my U2211Hs are quite good.
@Jin, anything else you're working on that we're allowed to know about?
New Stack Overflow theme?? :D :D
No, no, you're doing it wrong. You need to bribe him to get at the stuff you're not supposed to know about.
Might I suggest bacon-related gifts?
@TimStone Give him some castles to break and he'll be in his element ;-)
(Just joking, Jin, I actually like the new kbd style)
Can someone explain why when I visited SO an hour ago there were 189 flags, then half an hour ago none, then now 217. Is it just the proxy choking on ajax requests?
(In the top bar)
@Benjol Great tag cleanup maybe?
Or yeah, ajax-choke
@Benjol Well, they certainly weren't all dealt with in a half hour. I wouldn't guess ajax, but it's quite possible there was some temporary glitch.
@Shog9 by the way, if you make the changes to the MathJax chem.SE editing help, could you please copy it over to Phy.SE as well? (I can modify and copy the chem metapost, but we'll need MathJax on the Physics meta for that)
@Benjol well, there's the diablo3 promo coming up for gaming
Boker tov and good morning everyone ^_^
@Lix Any reason why you're not on judaism.SE?
because I'm not religious I guess...
I wouldn't have much to contribute there :P
@Lix Aah :/
Mwuahahaha I have built a castle out of... inline code blocks!
Take that <kbd>!
Although it's not really no-topic for the <kbd> question, hmmm.
I go to stackoverflow and it's like, an anti fun parade
I come here
Then meta
Beware, there are drunk people here. O.O
I expect meta to be this... mega-anti fun parade
Waffle keyboards? batman? PONIES?
This is amazing :D
ponies are the lame knock-offs
They're made in... China
I'll have you know that pegasi, unicorns, and ponies are all equal xD
pegasi are the fancy ones made in switzerland
I should be asleep... I have to go to school in less than 4 hours
I should be asleep too, but instead I'm sitting here drinking caffeinated pop making castles with inline code blocks.
lol nice xD
I could post it in the formatting sandbox and let it be lost in thepile of garbage that exists in that thread
A: Odd scenario which doesn't give a Rejected reason and should

PasiThere's a big fat section of the FAQ dedicated to explaining this, but all too often I find that neither the people voting to wow gold close nor those trying to re-open have read it. Or even that bit of cheap wow gold text on the close dialog itself.

This spam is hilarious
When does Community auto-delete questions from spam flags? o.o
Since always?
@YiJiangsProble_ Woah.
6 spam/offensive flags = automatic deletion
I've never seen that occur before.
Maybe it has and I've just never noticed it.
The offensive / "not welcome in our community" flag also does that.
Casting the final spam flag makes it kinda obvious...
I can't remember the last time I saw it on meta; it happens all the time on SO
How much spam actually gets posted on SO?
@animuson If you're 10k on any site and actually go back to look at your flag history
Because I don't observe any, and I feel like it's probably due to excellent administration
@animuson Link please? Also, I already fixed Pesto's castle--just that it looks like it's tiled now meta.stackoverflow.com/a/131634/178438
@TND Well, it's hard to tell now that 10k don't get access to the spam list anymore
@YiJiangsProble_ I'm so going to go check now. O.O
@animuson Post it in the kbd question
I spotted two in the last month, but then I don't do a lot of reviewing on SO any more
Well I gotta go
Nor do I. :( I used to love reviewing the lists back down to 0. But now it seems like I go through everything for the past month and tomorrow there's another list of 1,000.
So much to do!
My dad nukes the interwebs at 3:30 ._.
This was the latest one I spotted, it existed for 4 days - nobody seem to have flagged it in that time
:o Moderators get direct link to history? Why can't we have that!?
Then again there were only 5 views
@animuson I'm not a mod, that's just a userscript
Oh lame. I should find it. What's it called?
A: Odd scenario which doesn't give a Rejected reason and should

PasiThere's a big fat section of the FAQ dedicated to explaining this, but all too often I find that neither the people voting to wow gold close nor those trying to re-open have read it. Or even that bit of cheap wow gold text on the close dialog itself.

Just wanted to onebox that before I cast the final delete vote.
It's already been oneboxed.
@PopularDemand You took your time :D
I just logged onto Meta after hours of studying, give me a break.
Phew, just got my spam flag in in time. +1 helpful
My MSO flag count stands at single digit :(
I'm up to 12 ^_^ haha
This Marshal badge is going to take forever
This makes 128, woo!
I know right, it's so easy to get helpful flags on SO.
A: <kbd> elements are way intrusive

animusonYou don't need keyboards to make castles! Inline code blocks work just as well! Look, it has a flag! Try doing that with keyboards!                                                                                                                                                                    ...

@animuson Oh, you want a flag, I'll make a flag for my own. One sec
@animuson It neatly fades in and out as the "active" background fades out; pretty nice.
Ugh, the warm and fuzzy feeling of nearly ripping your fingernails out trying to open a cardboard box
It's bleeding right now. This is not a good sign
Pffft, those plastic jails they put electronics in are way worse. Has anyone figured out what the proper way to open those is?
A: <kbd> elements are way intrusive

ManishearthFelt sorry for the poor broken{*} castle, felt that it MUST be fixed as a tribute to the history of meta. Take THAT, Jin!! *Today I realised that non-breaking spaces can break stuff as well O-0                             &n...

Hahaha nice
@animuson The flag has a unicorn! Try doing THAT with inline code blocks
Don't make me break out the ASCII xP
@animuson Uh-oh
Still, in kbd vs backtick, kbd wins!! :)
@animuson The only extra advantage that your castle has is that it works in chat
Well, it would if the code blocks had highlighting in chat
(plus you need to append \u200D to each backtick to make it work)
Awww, when did they fix the "you don't actually have to supply a rejection reason" bug? :(
Ooh.. what little French I know is finaly useful to bug people on MSO ;-)
Q: Overzealous editing out of a single non-English phrase?

LevonBeing still somewhat of a new active user of SO I am a bit unsure of the culture here. I answered a question about converting dictionaries where I had a reason to think that the questioner was either a German speaker or a student of German. (Being a native speaker of German myself) I concluded...

I should go to bed before my eyelids slam shut and I slump over my desk pushing keys on my keyboard and sending long strings of "fslkfhsolfidjhdilfgjdlkdgfd" to people.
@animuson assdasfdfgretfhdf?
@Manishearth - didn't know you spoke French
Now I regret skipping all those french classes in school.......
but not really :P
@awoodland I know enough French to be able to write that. When I moved to India, I didn't know Hindi(the seccond comment) well enough so I had to take it as an alternative language. The third comment is in Marathi. (I can speak Hindi/Marathi, but I'm slow at reading/writing. I could have transliterated those comments but I didn't feel up to it :P)
Grrr... the light in my bedroom burnt out last night and now I have to do my homework in the dark. This is like back to the middle ages now - I'll go get some candles :P
There's a Q on meta that could use some spam flags
it's on SF and SU too
> i coudent rite k coz i dint hav time
How do people write like this?
I don't know
A: Where did the Votes Tab go?

Somnath MulukVotes Tab is Back from vacation. And it is now full fledged. We can see different vote casts. Upvotes Downvotes Delete Votes Undelete Votes Closure Votes Reopen Votes

Why don't people read? /facepalm
stackapps.com/q/3402/8048 - needs some more spam votes
<- Is that a candidate for burnination, or am I missing something?
@dan - you have my vote...
@DanielFischer Well, it looks like a SQL keyword
But I'm not sure how much value the tag adds
Yes, but can it stand on its own?
Hey, why isn't $(...).data("events") working?
It's on holiday?
Funny name, btw.
elipsis selectors have not yet been developed :P
Trying to modify an event handler, and I think that data("events") is the easiest way to do it. But it won't work :/
1 hour later…
@lix - that OT Q on meta was straight from SO main 10 minutes before
@awo - which post?
Q: Web programmer questions

user1384419I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but I want to become a web programmer for my occupation very soon. I actually went to a store known a PC WORLD in the UK where my laptop wasn't working. Anyway the person on the counter was talking to me about certain thing and then he ...

(you beat me to the last vote)
ohh... yea I didn't see that hey... we better leave a comment on the original post about cross posting...
Is there any point in having both and ?
Q: Microsoft word 2010 open file in new window

Nurlan KenzhebekovThe word program in my computer (Windows 7) doesn't work properly. If I open several files at the same time files are opened in one window. How to change settings of microsoft word 2010 so that every file is opened in a new window?

Send this to SU please
happy to help :P
wonders if he can build SDL for iPhone
@mootinator And now, I get it. And I will never be able to un-get it.
@jadarnel27 That's undoubtedly good. Or bad. Or meh. What can't you un-get now?
I'm curious, were code review questions allowed on StackOverflow before CodeReview.SE was launched? Are there any discussion about this, especially ones citing examples, on meta?
I'm thinking of something like "I'm a Python beginner, please take a look at this 50-line program I wrote. Are there any obvious problems? Could it be done better, or in a more idiomatic way?"
Feedback like this is always very valuable, but I think the questions don't fit the SE format so well.
Q: Should SO allow "give me some feedback" questions?

musicfreakSo I ran into a question where someone asked if we could give him feedback about his new PHP MVC framework. I couldn't decide whether to close it or not. On one hand, SO seems like a good place to ask something like that, but on the other, it's not really a "question", and doesn't have any correc...

@Shog9 Thanks! The question came up on Mathematica.SE (should we allow code review questions?), and I was curious if there used to be something like this on SO and how it worked (or how it didn't work)
@Manishearth Nice, I will check those out.
@DanielFischer Oh, I can't un-get seeing this emoticon as a whale:
Ahh, a squashed whale!
@DanielFischer Haha. Did you see the image mootinator posted that I was replying too?
I'm not sure, I think so.
Are you on a mobile device where you can't follow the reply links?
Nope, laptop, why?
Ah, I didn't notice that before, thanks for the heads-up.
No problem =) It's a rather subtle feature.
@jad - you see!! you see?? @dan got it :P
@jadarnel27 All the features are subtle
And by "rather subtle" I mean "almost completely hidden" =)
@Manishearth See a dot on the screen? If you don't hover it, you're probably missing something.
Well, it's light grey on a light-grey background.
Hover ALL the pixels.
Better check every single piece of text on ever page, too, just to be safe.
Er, um, developers around?
Seems to me we just lost the toolbar and preview in post editors...
@Benjol Yeah, that happened to me yesterday
not on meta
but on SO and programmers (so far)
static cdn just too slow?
Visual Event is pretty useful to grok hidden functionality, given that nobody uses href anymore.
But it doesn't work on chat
Also, I updated FF to test a script and the toolbar died
seems to be generalised (english and photo too)
@Benjol hmm... checked in FF12, Chrome, even IE9 - I'm still seeing the toolbar. Any script errors?
@MarcGravell Hello, Can I know the reason for suspension of my account? I don't think "voting irregularities" is the reason behind that.
Something broken from Facebook? Everybody better post an answer complaining about it here! (10 deleted answers posted 5 hours ago.)
@Shog9, doh. "NetworkError: 403 Forbidden - http://cdn.sstatic.net/js/wmd.js?v=dcfaf6cb7e9c"
Oh, that would do it
@ThisSiteisaForum The last comment linked to a Facebook bug report
@Shog9 On FF12 I get no such error
but cstheory.SE doesn't show its editor
or preview
@Manishearth Try grabbing Firebug and look at the net tab to see if the JS is loading correctly
@YiJiangsProble_ I did
@Benjol That's what you get for trying to import American WMDs to Switzerland.
@LalitPoptani Hi
@Shog9, yes, and meta's isn't cdn'd, which explains why that works
HelpDesk here I come...
@ThisSiteisaForum Hahaha :P
@Shog9 as well
wmd.js is fine there
No bugs in the console I presume?
But the editor/preview isn't
Also, ctrl + F5. Just running down the standard stuff
@YiJiangsProble_ Aah, works
Yeah, reload without cache
no joy for me, and I get a heck of a lot of 407s, is that normal?
@YiJiangsProble_ I remember using it a loong time ago
But chrome doesn't seem to support it :/
Why isn't my browser sending requests with the authentication?
> 407 Proxy Authentication Required
@Manishearth It should. Are you on OS X?
Oh wow and my mathjax userscript works on FF now :)
@YiJiangsProble_ Windows
Maybe it does
it didn't before
@LalitPoptani I got the message from the moderator that I was in voting ring so I am suspended. Its hurting.
@ThisSiteisaForum it must have been linked in some developer group or something
@Dharmendra voting ring? which voting ring?
Yes I got the message.
This is just unfair, what they are doing.
The message was not clear to me I replied but still not get the reply.
Can any other moderator review the profile and tell me the reason ?
They won't just skip.
@Sathya Hi
seems like short form as you have for "morn" :P
Suspended but don't know why. :P
hehe. I'm super lazy, sue me
same here, it says "voting irregularities" can't handle :P
Hiya all.
Ugh, nobody on the entire internet seems to know how answer my (unposted-but-chatroom-spammed) question.
You too? @LalitPoptani.
I have no clue how to compile a program that's either a small set of one or two files, or an entire project created by a given IDE.
<too slow :(>
@Dharmendra oh!!! yes
I'm trying to compile this: github.com/zodttd/gameboy4iphone
And the problem is?
(Not that I expect to be able to help with this)
That awkward moment where you wonder if you should ask the author of the program, or people in a random chat room how to compile a program.
@TimPost Hi
If some one is sure that his suspension is wrong then where he can talk? @TimPost
how about if someone is confident :P
got suspension for 7 days..have replied to moderator message nicely..but seeing this all other also got suspended ..seems something just gone wrong ..like super computer villane in hollywood movie..so please if there is anything missed..remove the suspension..or i will be back after 7 days..when its got reopen..but
@Dharmendra First to the moderator that issued the suspension, and then to [email protected]. It's really not an issue you could take to Meta, because the information which was the basis of the suspension is confidential and can only be viewed by moderators or SE staff.
Jeff Atwood on December 23, 2008

As we discovered in the Stack Overflow podcast with the Reddit guys, they have a hidden mechanism for detecting and defeating revenge voting patterns. I suppose it’s a measure of how naive we are, but this wasn’t even on our radar.

Well, now it is.

If you irritate another user, they might be having a bad day and decide to take it out on you by methodically going through and downvoting every post you’ve made. The impact of this is pretty limited on Stack Overflow, as you only get 30 votes per day, and upvotes are +10 while downvotes are only -2 (and -1 to the votee). …

Is there any color issue going on?? for top users in specific TAG??
yeah sure it seems.
I already replied to moderator but I have not received any replay from him.
@LalitPoptani You were messaged months ago about this, and apparently didn't think it was worth responding then. For future reference, when you get an email and/or on-site message from a moderator you should probably take it seriously.
@Dharmendra Moderator messages are hardly real time. If you emphatically feel that the suspension was unwarranted, and can explain the data that I'm sure you'll be confronted with, then e-mail the team.
@Shog9 well it was months ago, how about now? did you check the culprit?
And by the way, you came to check that I didn't take the moderator mail seriously?
@LalitPoptani, that's fighting (aka asking to be suspended) talk...
@TimPost Yup, I have not received any notification from the moderator or SO team. And I am also not in any voting ring so I will send a mail to the team. Thanks.
@LalitPoptani You never responded. Apparently suspending is the only way to get your attention?
Just check mail and see my response.
"Invisible question marks and parenthetical (you know?)’s
have been attaching themselves to the ends of our sentences?
Even when those sentences aren’t, like, questions? You know?"
Is there any color issue going on?? for top users in specific TAG??
If that so..God help..i know about my self that i have been here to get knowledge..and got much.also distributed much..anyhow never done anything what should i dont ..anyways..i am not bagger...I am a Proud Android Developer and will be ever..and not a fraud for sure.
Folks, this is most decidedly not the place to talk about an account suspension. Nobody but you, the moderators and SE employees have any idea what the data behind the decision could contain, thus all we're doing is putting on a spectacle. If you have questions about your suspension, wait for the moderator that issued it to reply, or e-mail the team. MSO chat is not the place to discuss your account's private parts.
@Shog9 it seems you got it working after months ago, after 6 months.
lol... "your account's private parts." :P
Seriously, </thread>.
@TimPost Yeah star :P
@LalitPoptani 7 months, no response. No response to today's either. As Tim notes, this isn't the place to be talking about it - if you've something to say, start by responding to the message the moderators sent you.
jadarnel27 changes room topic to anything other than complaining about account suspensions
Who ever is starring every second message - please stop...
^--- This
@jad - you see... I learnt :P
I'm soo tempted to star @Lix's message
I wow. This is epic-looking.
$("thread").append($("Does anyone feel it strange that three people came to complain about suspensions simultaneously?"));
@dan - I dare you.... x_x
I can resist anything - except temptation.
@Manishearth Do you dream in jQuery?
@man dreams in unicode...
@Lix I'm so proud of you, my son Internet chat room acquaintance.
@Tim nope. Actually I learned Jquery while writing SE userscripts
I just did that since jQuery's the only way to bypass your </thread> ;-)
@Manishearth Actually I am not came here for complain just want to know the steps how can I sort out this misunderstanding.
10 mins ago, by Tim Post
Folks, this is most decidedly not the place to talk about an account suspension. Nobody but you, the moderators and SE employees have any idea what the data behind the decision could contain, thus all we're doing is putting on a spectacle. If you have questions about your suspension, wait for the moderator that issued it to reply, or e-mail the team. MSO chat is not the place to discuss your account's private parts.
@Shog9 LOL!!! removing you chats also? strange :D
@LalitPoptani Last warning. If you want to chat here, find something else to talk about.
@TimPost Well thats the way to treat if you can't answer to my point, Thanks :)
@LalitPoptani dude. Reply to the mod message. Not email. Not chat.
the mod message will be in your SE inbox.
@Sathya This is just unfair, taking into consideration the things that happened 6-7 months ago.
Why couldn't you just put the bunny back in the box? See ya tomorrow.
@Sathya Ok thanks for the info. I will check my SE inbox.
@Manishearth First time jQuery users usually write terrible code - especially if they're not familiar with the DOM or JavaScript beforehand. Not saying that you are, but that is something that becomes pretty obvious when you start looking at jQuery questions on SO
@LalitPoptani they aren't talking about incident from the past. You've misunderstood. Leave for now, take a break. Tomorrow read with a clear head.
Ok bye leaving.
@YiJiang oh, my code is probably terrible :p
@Manishearth that thought did occur to me also
(I'm not too confident about my JS either :/ )
That jQuery pseudo code you wrote isn't so good, even if you ignore the fact that it's pseudo code
Use $(...).appendTo(...)

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