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2:15 AM
hi anybody there
buddy did u know any freelance site
You'll have to be more specific.
i mean, iam java developer, expert in java technologies. i would like to work, so did u know any freelance sites
Nothing you couldn't find by looking on Google. It's been awhile since I did any of that.
2:23 AM
i find on google, but i want the best place...
here there are experienced guys, so suggestion would help me
When I was freelancing, I found that networking locally and publishing updates to open source projects brought me the most business.
I don't really like freelance sites in general, the bids usually end up so low the projects aren't worthwhile.
so anymore alternative
There are some somewhat exclusive sites out there, but I don't know how to get into any of them =)
There's also some good info on StackExchange ;)
Q: Where can you find your first customers as a freelancer?

Adam SmithI want to start doing freelance work, but no matter how I look at it, it seems like the best way to get customers and to have work most of the time, you have to already be in the freelancing game. Most freelancers I've talked to have had the same customers over the years or got new customers bec...

2:33 AM
oh thanks buddy
11 hours later…
1:22 PM
Why today Tavern on the Meta is so silent? Financial years ending!!!!-:)
2 hours later…
3:00 PM
anyone alive?
3:14 PM
2 hours later…
5:09 PM
Yes! Several billion are alive. Too many.
5:55 PM
@minitech 'too' is subjective..
1 hour later…
7:07 PM
Ugh I hate not being able to tag things properly on Gaming -.-
What are you trying to tag?
I think all of my questions so far have had to have a new tag added. xP
You must play obscure games! ;)
7:14 PM
I do haha, I don't tend to enjoy all the popular ones most people play -.- and I hate online multi-player becausepeople tend to me @$$hats on there...
Yeah, I stay pretty far away from most multiplayer games for that same reason. Not that I've ever really had a bad experience, but for whatever reason I don't feel compelled to risk it.
1 hour later…
8:35 PM
What's a 'ord wit' two 'postrophes?
8:52 PM
Oh snap @PopularDemand
You're now Ars Technica famous!
9:34 PM
You'll want to check that out in Quest Mode.
@TimStone Thanks!
Bahaha I love that I'm going to start viewing all my maps that way
@PopularDemand The obvious answer to your question is to work on my project, of course, so that I have less to do.
Hi everyone
@TimStone Though this is going to make it hard for me to criticize SEI's choice of promotional questions in the future.
@TimStone Link me.
2 hours later…
11:14 PM
@TimStone I was heading here tell you were mentioned
before I realized I'd misread.

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