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1:25 AM
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
4 hours later…
5:25 AM
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ's daily ping
@Felix's daily summoning :p
1 hour later…
6:25 AM
~ The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
//lick @sha
@PrincessLuna Licks @sha. Tastes like printer ink
flashing device is such a burden only
But got no choice
Have to do it
1 hour later…
7:36 AM
~ The Way to Shadow Garden
2 hours later…
9:37 AM
~ The Shadow Play
10:09 AM
@SonicWizard you play with @shadow s? :P
@PrincessLuna What?
Come on, that was punny :3
@PrincessLuna penny
@ShadowWizard coinage (?)
@PrincessLuna he doesn't have the privilege to play with it. :D
10:15 AM
@ShadowWizard no, punny
Not funny, but punny :3
@ShadowWizard lol
@PrincessLuna hahaha (?)
:5 go away
JetBrains is organizing a workshop in our city tomorrow
That too in a 7 star hotel
We're going lol
10:21 AM
I confused it with one arranged by google xD
in The AI hub on Stack Overflow Chat, yesterday, by Feeds
posted on April 24, 2018 by Research Blog

Posted by Pankaj Gupta and Anand Rangarajan, Engineering Directors, Google India Last month, Google Bangalore hosted the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, with the goal of fostering collaboration between the academic and industry research communities in India. This forum was designed to exchange current research and industry projects in AI & ML, and included facul

10:40 AM
@TheLittleNaruto you know there's no such thing "seven star hotel", right? Max is five stars. Hotel claiming otherwise is just fake, they can tell they have 10000000000 stars.
Any crappy motel with no beds can put "we have 100 stars!" in their ads.
@ShadowWizard Didn't know about it.
I thought upto 7 star, a hotel can come under.
11:01 AM
@TheLittleNaruto nope. Up to 5 stars is "official" and regulated. More than that is pure advertisement.
I mean, they can steal cheat but if they claim 5 stars and fail to be, think they can be sewed. :)
@ShadowWizard What are the criteria to become 5 star hotel ?
@TheLittleNaruto oh... turns out it's not set in stone either. :/ tripsavvy.com/what-makes-a-hotel-5-star-1482234
Nothing is really reguated.
But guess it's easier to post bad review for hotel claiming to be 5 stars with awful service, than 7 stars, which is fake by all means. :)
@ShadowWizard Cool
@TheLittleNaruto shower (?)
Thing is I'll be only visitor, the one who booked the hotel is Jertbrains
They have the rights to give reviews
11:21 AM
@TheLittleNaruto anyone is visitor in hotel.... ;)
but yeah, if the hotel sucks you'll have to blame the host
I think the staff will ask for feedback anyway
11:48 AM
I wanna sleep >.>
I wanna slap >.>
Just don't slap me >.>
12:05 PM
Daily being summoned greeting o/
~ Story of @Felix Who Brings the Eclipse
How I Am Become Death, The Bringer Of Eclipses
Big Words
12:13 PM
//doge words, big, @Felix the Bringer of Eclipses
       such words
        very big
        much @Felix the Bringer of Eclipses
~ <3
1 hour later…
1:36 PM
~ Shadow of a Woman
2 hours later…
3:08 PM
>>detectlang Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Shog9 R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
@ShadowWizard [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: fr (French)
>>translate fr en Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Shog9 R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
@ShadowWizard [Powered by Yandex Translate] Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Shog9 R lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
3:33 PM
It's obviously R'lyehian
@JennaSloan How's good-old Pseudo?
@SonicWizard trying to get enough rep
4:08 PM
@ShadowWizard You're gonna hate me for this XD
@ShadowWizard tlhIngan Dache'taHvIS 'ej vabDot matay'DI' puS Hut shog
4:38 PM
5:04 PM
time for some fun
@KennyBOT shadow
@rene light
@KennyBOT dark
@rene night
@rene dim (?)
@KennyBOT day
5:06 PM
@rene few (?)
@rene pay
Uh, it looks like FOX9000 is back online with the word association game?
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
Notice removed
5:44 PM
sw k
6:13 PM
@JennaSloan yup
@ShadowWizard shareholder (?)
@rene huh! How you did it? You scrape same site as @Pro does?
@KennyBOT light
@ShadowWizard bright
@KennyBOT shine
@ShadowWizard glitter (?)
6:14 PM
@ShadowWizard sun
double WAG!
So @Kenny will reply to any single word reply directed at him?
@KennyBOT boo
@ShadowWizard ranger (?)
@ShadowWizard scare
@KennyBOT very scary
@KennyBOT very_scary
@ShadowWizard mistake
6:16 PM
@KennyBOT kgkdijirtgjeist
No associated word found for kgkdijirtgjeist.
@ShadowWizard err
oh that's the fallback... lol
Wait, what?
Kenny's a WAG bot now? :D
//say >>joingame
6:20 PM
@PrincessLuna You're already in the game.
@PrincessLuna indeed, but unlike @FOX, he only respomds to direct replies to him
@ShadowWizard cool
@PrincessLuna melted (?)
@FOX is ignoring other bots, @Pri
6:21 PM
ah, k
@KennyBOT foo
@ShadowWizard fighters
oh, he also replies to just pings ;)
@KennyBOT fire
@ShadowWizard battery (?)
@ShadowWizard smoke
6:22 PM
@KennyBOT gray
@ShadowWizard tinted (?)
@ShadowWizard grey
@FOX9000 fuel
@ShadowWizard hybrid (?)
@KennyBOT gay ;)
6:22 PM
@ShadowWizard aids (?)
oh @Kenny doesn't remove smileys like FOX does...
@KennyBOT fox
@ShadowWizard slightly (?)
Ken here doesn't clean the input properly
kinda like my div issue
@PrincessLuna nah, guess @rene didn't want to spend too much time on that. :)
~ That is gross ....
6:25 PM
@KennyBOT pee
@ShadowWizard piss
Oh, speaking of input purging... :D
@PrincessLuna Hiya! I'm Alisha, a chatbot designed by Olivia. I'm open-source and the code is available on Github. Running version 1.4.2
6:25 PM
###################### Help ######################

==================== Commands
//about          | Let me tell you a little about myself...
//alive          | Used to check if the bot is working
//appul          | Apples.
//ban            | Bans a user from using the bot. Only usable by hardcoded bot admins
//ban-room       | Blacklists a room
//blame          | No description was supplied for this command
//declare        | Changes a commands status. Only commands available on the site can be edited
@ShadowWizard I literally spend 2 hours on it or so
@rene nice!
quick flower... ;)
6:26 PM
Well, good to have WAG backup if the site FOX use will be down or block the server again...
Now time for @Princess to add WAG to her bot and we'll have triple fun! :D :D :D
@PrincessCelestia boo
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
@PrincessCelestia WAG
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
@ShadowWizard stump (?)
bah, it's gonna be a mess implementing it
6:29 PM
//learn WAG @KennyBOT WAG
@ShadowWizard Learned.
it's disable command on ping and not work while the neural net is on
@PrincessCelestia tails
6:29 PM
@KennyBOT How can I //help?
would be funny if there'll be a word which is a command for the other bot... ;)
@ShadowWizard "word DIvI' game implement jIH" baS ghorgh Dajatlh'a' ghorgh Qu' jIH je SoHvaN noN veqlargh tlhInganpu' against Humanpu' veS
It's klingon
slightly RP-ish though. Translation: "I'll implement this "word association game" of which you speak when me and my fellow Klingons are done with the war against the humans"
1 hour later…
7:36 PM
~ The Trail of the Shadow
7:54 PM
@PrincessLuna oh my
@ShadowWizard :D
1 hour later…
9:04 PM
~ Where is everybody!?!
9:47 PM
1 hour later…
10:48 PM
~ The Wizard of Gore
11:07 PM
@rahuldottech yo
@ShadowWizard yo yo yo (?)
Any updates? @rah

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