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12:46 AM
~ Echo ... E c h o ...... E c h o .....
1:22 AM
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
2 hours later…
3:22 AM
~ The Wizard of Oz on Ice
2 hours later…
5:22 AM
~ Shadow Conspiracy
good morning
6:16 AM
check your fb inbox pls
6:38 AM
I... don't use FB much anymore. going to delete my account there soon. @Yve
Will read your messages, but... need to find other channel, e.g. WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.
Facebook is just... evil.
7:34 AM
@ShadowWizard haha
8:01 AM
@ShadowWizard kk
No associated word found for kk.
fb is not doing anything it hasn't been for ages. The sale of data is now commonplace
it's whether or no the data is anonymised
hi :)
8:06 AM
@YvetteColomb don't care about collecting my data, care about them messing with elections, trying to silence any leaks with brute force, etc.
@ShadowWizard it's obvious what happens. it's just done through social media now
data mining
that's why i used to carry on about truth and popular opinion
many falsehoods are believed to be truth
8:08 AM
the internet is not helping to education many people
8:37 AM
The king is back!
8:47 AM
@YvetteColomb how's the election going?
@TheLittleNaruto without a queen? I guess @FOX9000 is right...
@PrincessLuna Naruto does not have one (?)
9:05 AM
@PrincessLuna we'll know in 10 hours
I don't feel confident to be elected
@YvetteColomb Why not? For God sake I voted for you
The King TheLittleNaruto himself!
@TheLittleNaruto there's a 1000 vote gap between me and 3rd place. It's a lot to gain
@YvetteColomb Too bad :(
9:19 AM
last year I moved from I think 5th to 3rd place. But the gaps weren't as large
oh well
it doesn't matter at the end of the day
but thanks for your support :)
@TheLittleNaruto lol hahahaha
@YvetteColomb I support people who are deserving and focused, I see you as one of 'em.
No need to say thanks! ^^
9:24 AM
@TheLittleNaruto :) thanks
@YvetteColomb welcome (?)
it's good to be able to accept compliments
And keep in mind, it'not like you're receiving a compliment from a common people like shadow or wizard or princesslUna or this kId or Dro
It's the king himself
so true - it's an uber compliment
Hey! I'm a magical pony princess, I think that counts more than some common king!
9:36 AM
@TheLittleNaruto switched company
9:49 AM
//doge @Yvette, election, win
much @Yvette
            many election
      so win
10:22 AM
//doge @sha, kids, life, away, missing election
          such @sha
    very kids
           such life
    many away
              much missing election
@ShadowWizard spent like 30 minutes yesterday creating the most useless Git aliases I could think of XD
10:36 AM
@YvetteColomb totally agree, the internet, as whole, is anti educational. It makes people more lazy, less educated, and many times more aggressive/hostile towards one another. I can't, and don't try to, fix that. But if I can stop using something which is on top of the list of "bad internet things", I will. And after the recent issues, Facebook reached exactly this place, in my view.
If famous people with thousands of followers can do that... I can too. :)
(but not following their lead, it's something I thought about from the moment I heard about the Facebook election facade)
@PrincessLuna no idea what this is, but good for you! :D
@Alisha alive?
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
@Alisha by helping
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
10:39 AM
missing @Alisha's advanced AI
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
missing @AlishaAlisha something something
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
hehe, @Pri maybe fix the regex to detect only actual pings? ;)
e.g. if your bot will be called @Dan and put in common SO room... it will respond to nearly all messages.... :D
10:54 AM
@ShadowWizard it's using a substring system, I'll fix it
gimme a sec and I'll boot the net
it's been offline for a couple of days because I needed the memory for youtrack. I still do though, but I have more work to do so I don't need it online constantly
Config was wiped, whoops
I gotta re-create the config file... this will take a sec
@PrincessLuna No logs. All good! :D
11:05 AM
//setRank ShadowWizard 8
@PrincessLuna You have to supply a valid user ID/indexed username
@PrincessLuna Rank for the user has successfully been updated
hold on, gotta fix my own stupidity
//shutdown --confirm
11:07 AM
this is tricky...
!!blame @PrincessLuna's stupidity :D
@ShadowWizard blames @IngoLonitz for @PrincessLuna's stupidity :D
@Ingo who?!
//blame @PrincessLuna's stupidity
11:09 AM
@PrincessLuna blames Alisha for @PrincessLuna's stupidity
//getRank Shadow Wizard
@PrincessLuna The user Shadow Wizard's rank is 8
//setRank Shadow Wizard 10
@PrincessLuna You have to supply a valid new rank
11:14 AM
//setRank Moosebot 100
@ShadowWizard You have to supply a valid user ID/indexed username
@ShadowWizard yep - I stay on it to keep in touch with family and a few friends. It actually assists people in being lazy in relationships
@PrincessLuna :)
@YvetteColomb I really hope you win :)
@PrincessLuna The server is offline.
11:22 AM
Oh god no
@YvetteColomb yeah, same for me usually but... even that has declined, and I prefer other ways anyway, so it won't be a big loss for me.
@ShadowWizard The server is offline.
@Alisha why
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
@ShadowWizard ay (?)
11:24 AM
remember yesterdays stupidity?
where I accidentally wiped all the files in the directory?
well, it also deleted the model
omfg THANK YOU INTELLIJ! Local history has the file
and it doesn't start :/
something is broken
the files are empty
ok, so most of the data is lost
most of it, lol no
all of it
11:40 AM
I'm gonna have to restart training
next time... backup!
12:01 PM
@PrincessLuna thanks :)
@YvetteColomb That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword thanks and then >>reply 6807714)
1 hour later…
1:01 PM
~ Friends of the Animal Wizard
1:41 PM
in Android on Stack Overflow Chat, 3 mins ago, by InsaneCat
Hello can we do this operation without asking our username and Password?
2 hours later…
3:42 PM
~ The Wizard of Oz
2 hours later…
5:42 PM
~ Shadow of Sam Penny
6:18 PM
@ShadowWizard nice to meet you, Sam :P
1 hour later…
7:36 PM
23 minutes... Good luck @Yvette!!!
Schrödingers election, lol. Dunno why I thought bout that xD
8:25 PM
cc @ShadowWizard ^
CC @Princess ^^
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ here's your daily ping btw
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ or nightly
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ or something
8:43 PM
@PrincessLuna I know! Thank you :)
@PrincessLuna who got a Penny!
@YvetteColomb You gotta go update your profile on SE though
You're missing a line of text there :>
@ShadowWizard Do you? :3
8:58 PM
@PrincessLuna sure
@ShadowWizard ye (?)
@ShadowWizard Can I have it?
Congratulations @YvetteColomb for SO moderatorship!!! May your diamond ever shine with bright light, and fight evil trolls and spammers!!!
!!feed @Yve's diamond
9:02 PM
~ The taste of @Yve's diamond is awful but it's better than nothing ..
@KennyBOT how rude!
@ShadowWizard Stop pinging @Yve so much, she can hammer you now! :p
@PrincessLuna only on SO... not active there that much.... :D
If she'll become SE employee then I'll consider pinging @Yve less.... :P
9:05 PM
Hey, does JavaScript have extension functions?
buh, I'm too lazy to construct proper goodbye message on FB, that's why I'm still not deleting the account... o_O /cc @Yve
@PrincessLuna sure
@ShadowWizard That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword sure and then >>reply 6810035)
@ShadowWizard Let me help you:
Also need to write it both in Hebrew and English...
Dear facebook friends. I'm now burninating my account <insert burnination meme>
You can find me on <other social media sites if applicable> if you need to contact me
@ShadowWizard Kotlin does too :D I really love them:
    fun arraySubraction(){
        val res = (arrayOf(900L, 51L, 1L, 36L) - arrayOf(90L, 12L, 1L))
        for(l in res)
            print(l.toString() + ",")

    infix operator fun Array<Long>.minus(other: Array<Long>) : Array<Long> {
        var applicable = this.size
        if(this.size != other.size)
            applicable = Math.min(this.size, other.size)

        val result = Array(applicable, {int -> 0L});
        for (i in 0 until applicable){
            result[i] = this[i] - other[i]
9:07 PM
@PrincessLuna not enough drama :D
@ShadowWizard Hold on
holding on... which turns to off in my grip
poor on
@Moosebot kill on
> Using Internet Explorer 6 killed on.
lief facebook friends. lest I now burninating mine account <insert burnination meme>
thee can findeth me on <other social media sites if 't be true applicable> if 't be true thee needeth to contact me
@PrincessLuna לא מבין
9:08 PM
>>translate he en {{read 6810057}}
@PrincessLuna Not enough arguments.
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: translate?
@PrincessLuna [Powered by Yandex Translate] Don't understand
9:09 PM
@ShadowWizard Command suggestion cleared.
at which hour thee needeth drama, thee at each moment speaketh like shakespeare! Because it's the perfect way to sayeth things in an overly dramatic way.
>>fing Princess
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: ping?
>>yes of course
9:10 PM
@ShadowWizard @Princess
@FOX limited AI ^
I got alisha down to 4% loss, but I spent most of the evening drawing (and when I do, I need the GPU for Krita instead of the network)
It was worth it though!
Weird... that expression mark is blue for some reason
Why could this be @sha?
Going to play Star Ocean, cya!
9:12 PM
@PrincessLuna hmm?
53 secs ago, by Princess Luna
It was worth it though!
The expression mark is blue ^
I wonder why
Do you know?
whoa, nice!
Well hidden!
Thanks for new idea how to hide links! :D
9:14 PM
@PrincessLuna oh?
@YvetteColomb guess @Pri means you should add your new SO role... ;)
@ShadowWizard ah ok
@ShadowWizard flags as spam :p
So much emoji flipping lol
9:16 PM
>>flip table
@ShadowWizard (┛ಥД•)┛︵ǝןqɐʇ
>>doubleflip @Pandya
@ShadowWizard @Ԁɐupʎɐ ︵ヽ(°Дಠ)ノ︵ ɐʎpuɐԀ@
😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😘😍😎😋😊😉😆😗😙😚☺️🙂🤗🤔😐😮😛😑🤐😜😶😯😝🙄😪🤤😏😫😒😣😴😓😥‌​😌😔😕😞😨🙃😟😩🤑😤😬😲😢😰☹️😭😱🙁😦😳😖😧😵 @ShadowWizard a few emojis for you to copy-paste :D
>>flip {{read 6810309}}
9:17 PM
@ShadowWizard (づ๑益๑)┛︵◖: ǝʇsɐd-ʎdoɔ oʇ noʎ ɹoɟ sᴉɾoɯǝ ʍǝɟ ɐ pɹɐzᴉMʍopɐɥS@ 😵😧😖😳😦🙁😱😭️☹😰😢😲😬😤🤑😩😟🙃😨😞😕😔😌😥😓😴😣😒😫😏🤤😪🙄😝😯😶😜🤐😑😛‌​😮😐🤔🤗🙂️☺😚😙😗😆😉😊😋😎😍😘😅😄😃🤣😂😁😀
>>shuffle {{read 6810309}}
@ShadowWizard :D emojis you a for @ShadowWizard copy-paste 😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😘😍😎😋😊😉😆😗😙😚☺️🙂🤗🤔😐😮😛😑🤐😜😶😯😝🙄😪🤤😏😫😒😣😴😓😥‌​😌😔😕😞😨🙃😟😩🤑😤😬😲😢😰☹️😭😱🙁😦😳😖😧😵 few to
9:38 PM
😀 😁 😂 🤣 😃 😄 😅 😘 😍 😎 😋 😊 😉 😆 😗 😙 😚 ☺️ 🙂 🤗 🤔 😐 😮 😛 😑 😜 😶 😯 😝 🙄 😪 🤤 😏 😫 😒 😣 😴 😓 😥‌ ​ 😌 😔 😕 😞 😨 🙃 😟 😩 🤑 😤 😬 😲 😢 😰 ☹️ 😭 😱 🙁 😦 😳 😖 😧 😵 @ShadowWizard a few emojis for you to copy-paste :D
>>shuffle {{read 6810455}}
@PrincessLuna 😊 to 🤑 😴 😍 😌 :D ☹️ 😞 😬 😫 😶 😂 😐 😙 😛 few ​ 🙂 😱 😓 😀 🙄 😣 😵 🤗 😭 for 😋 😲 😕 😑 😦 🙃 emojis @ShadowWizard 😝 😉 😜 😧 😆 🙁 ☺️ 😁 😘 😰 😮 😎 😔 😚 copy-paste you 😢 😥‌ 😨 😳 😒 🤤 😯 😅 😟 😖 😤 🤔 😃 🤣 😗 😩 a 😏 😪 😄
@PrincessLuna 😌 🙃 😓 you 😄 😦 😂 copy-paste 😴 🤣 🤗 😧 🤔 😳 😍 😣 😲 😫 😎 ☺️ 😑 😩 😗 🙄 😐 😭 😊 😅 for ☹️ 🤑 😖 😱 😏 😒 emojis a 😕 😯 @ShadowWizard 😃 🙁 😟 😵 😶 :D ​ 😰 😨 😘 😉 😢 🙂 😝 😙 😋 🤤 😜 😀 😪 😔 😛 😬 😞 😆 😁 😮 few to 😚 😥‌ 😤
@PrincessLuna a 😟 😭 emojis 😘 😎 🤣 😣 😩 😶 😊 😵 🙄 😳 😲 😂 copy-paste 😒 😋 😄 😕 😑 😬 ​ 😴 ☺️ 😍 😆 😃 😢 🙂 😌 😁 😅 😨 😖 😉 😥‌ 😓 😗 to 😝 😧 😤 😔 🤔 😫 🙃 😛 🤑 😙 ☹️ 😜 😰 😚 😦 😯 😏 🙁 @ShadowWizard :D 😮 🤗 😱 😐 🤤 for 😞 you 😀 😪 few
@PrincessLuna 😳 😭 😥‌ 😏 😮 :D 😯 🤣 😖 😑 😤 few 🙁 😰 😐 😟 😊 😜 😍 😴 ☹️ 😚 😝 😛 🤔 🤑 😂 😀 😆 😌 😉 😪 😒 😲 😄 😎 😅 🙃 😫 😗 😔 😙 😩 🤤 🙂 😓 😶 for 😕 emojis 😨 a 😧 🤗 😁 😢 😞 you 😣 🙄 ☺️ to 😋 😬 ​ 😃 😱 😦 copy-paste 😘 @ShadowWizard 😵
@PrincessLuna 😅 🙂 😤 😳 😒 😣 😂 🤑 😘 😥‌ 😦 😛 :D 😎 😊 ​ 😭 🤗 😋 😏 😴 😝 😀 for 😆 😙 🙃 🙁 😧 😓 😕 copy-paste 🤤 😃 😉 🤔 😫 😰 a 😍 😌 ☹️ 😮 ☺️ 😬 😄 😪 😲 😯 @ShadowWizard 🤣 😶 😖 😵 emojis 🙄 😔 😨 😗 😱 to 😢 😚 😞 you 😟 😜 😩 😑 😁 😐 few
@PrincessLuna :D 🤤 😎 @ShadowWizard 😊 🤔 😋 a 😯 😘 ​ 😵 😕 😜 😥‌ 😄 😍 emojis 😤 😳 😀 🙄 to 😂 😚 ☹️ 😪 😩 😲 😔 😟 😫 for 😐 😰 😉 😗 🙃 😛 🙁 😙 😏 you copy-paste 😅 🤣 😬 ☺️ 😁 🙂 😌 😮 😓 😞 😖 😒 few 😑 😃 😣 😭 😦 😨 😱 😶 😝 🤑 😢 🤗 😆 😧 😴
@PrincessLuna ☺️ 😣 😋 😞 😯 😴 🤑 😊 🤣 😙 😅 for 😃 😎 🤔 ​ 😜 😒 😰 😚 😝 😏 copy-paste 😗 😫 😢 😶 :D 😳 emojis 😔 😬 😟 😑 😥‌ 😁 😆 😩 😘 😖 😄 🙂 😧 😪 🤤 to 😱 😦 😓 🙄 😭 😵 😍 😉 😕 😀 😲 😌 you 🙃 few ☹️ 🤗 😨 😮 😛 a 🙁 😤 😂 @ShadowWizard 😐
@PrincessLuna 😵 😂 😲 for 😎 ☺️ to 😅 😪 ☹️ 😤 😦 😜 😙 😑 😏 😖 🤤 :D 🤑 😣 😫 😓 😀 😘 🤗 😊 😥‌ a you ​ 😧 😔 😞 😯 😛 😩 😮 🤔 😁 😱 😕 😉 😍 🙄 🤣 🙃 😰 😃 few 🙁 😟 😨 😬 😗 😋 😝 😳 😢 😭 😶 😚 emojis 😄 @ShadowWizard 🙂 copy-paste 😐 😆 😴 😌 😒
@PrincessLuna emojis 😜 😌 ☺️ a 😘 😲 😂 :D 🙃 🤣 😢 😶 🤑 😭 😗 😔 😋 you 😮 😉 😤 😚 😏 @ShadowWizard 😑 😖 😯 😕 😅 😪 😞 😝 😙 😰 😨 copy-paste 😣 😀 😧 😥‌ to 🙂 ​ 😐 🙄 😟 😦 😍 😩 🤔 😱 😬 😎 for 😆 😵 🤗 😃 😫 😒 😳 😴 few 😁 😓 🙁 😊 😄 ☹️ 😛 🤤
@PrincessLuna 😖 :D 😯 few 😕 😏 @ShadowWizard 😋 😴 😨 you 😞 😜 😎 😒 🤗 😮 😍 😰 a 😢 😅 😲 😭 emojis 😛 😆 😐 😊 😪 🤤 😧 copy-paste 😚 😘 😗 😀 😥‌ 😉 😤 😌 🤔 😶 to 🤑 😫 🙂 ☹️ 😣 😃 for 😄 🙄 😂 😁 🤣 😝 😔 😱 🙃 😳 🙁 😙 ☺️ 😑 😩 ​ 😬 😵 😟 😦 😓
@PrincessLuna 🙂 😨 🤣 😊 emojis 😥‌ 😂 😶 😜 ☹️ 😏 😳 😌 😯 😍 😣 😄 😃 😝 😭 😕 😱 ☺️ 😙 🤑 😟 😉 😀 😫 😅 🙄 @ShadowWizard 😘 😩 🤗 😤 😞 😖 😧 for 🙃 😦 to 😓 😁 🤤 😲 :D 😵 😰 😬 😋 a 😗 🤔 😛 😎 😮 few 😪 😚 😴 🙁 😢 😒 😑 ​ 😔 you 😆 😐 copy-paste
1 hour later…
10:39 PM
~ The Wizard of Gore
1 hour later…
11:51 PM
@ShadowWizard Hi

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