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12:00 AM
That makes no sense. Shouldn't you be leaving for Spain right about now?
12:13 AM
PAX is peace on Caps Lock
No, PAX is an acronym, pax is a word. It's like you don't know anything about English.
Or Latin.
Or Spanish, probably (I'm extrapolating here).
You don't speak Latin, you don't speak English. Therefore by induction you speak no languages.
Acronyms are an invention of the military-industrial complex.
But I digress. I do indeed not speak any languages; therefore I will henceforth be able to communicate only through copy+pasted sentences from Google results. We will have to see how that works out
@Whom: Shameless plug for something you might like:
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12:29 AM
You are a hard person to contact.
I did get your email, actually
Then why didn't you write? :(
I was just catching up with someone else... ironically for PAX, actually. This is going to be a busy PAX for me
I only got it last night or so.
Well, you probably sent it earlier than last night
But that's when I noticed it.
12:31 AM
I sent it a few weeks ago.
I sent another one today.
...was it really that long ago?
Something like that, yeah.
I was worried you'd forgotten about Welbog.
I should note that I'm pretty bad with tracking all of my email accounts
Haha, no, I'd never forget you. ♪
Anyway, I have a rough list of what panels I want to see.
Let's hear 'em
12:32 AM
But by the sounds of things you're more busy than I am.
I haven't had a chance to look at the schedule yet.
You're better off just looking at the wave I made.
Wave still works?
I've just added you to it.
Wave is way better than chat.meta.
Alright. When I get home tonight, I'll jet right on.
12:33 AM
I still use it for everything.
Oh you can't use it yet?
I could try.
OK so I guess I'll just paste my stuff here.
Don't bother. I'll just paste.
10:30-11:30 Keynote - this is a no-brainer. Main theatre.
11:30-12:45 PA Q&A #1 - again, no brainer. Main theatre.
14:00-15:00 Interactive Drama: Dialogue as Gameplay. Sounds interesting, but if it ends up sucking you can skip it. Cat theatre.
17:00-18:00 From Background To Center Stage: Building Game Worlds As Main Characters. Now this one sounds great. Manticore theatre.
18:30-19:30 Game Design Is Mind Control. Sounds pretty good from a user experience point of view. Cat theatre.
I can't, anyway. Needs a plugin for IE8 (NOT ALLOWED)
10:30-11:30 PA Make-a-strip panel. Jerry and Mike and Gabe and Tycho all over. Main theatre.
15:00-16:00 Females on female characters. Might be interesting if not awkward. Wyvern theatre.
17:00-18:00 Creating compelling worlds for original IP. Now this one a good sounding one. IGDA dev center. Where is that?
Food probably
18:30-19:30 The "other" us. More psychology stuff. I am going to eat your brains. Naga theatre.
19:30-20:30 Cosplay stuff in the cat theatre. Good place to ogle cool costumes. Cat theatre.
10:30-11:30 Game mechanics design. Possibly neat? Let's find out. Wyvern theatre.
12:00-12:50 One of us. Gamer stereotypes? Might want to skip it. IGDA dev centre.
Wander and eat and PUNCH
15:00-16:00 Poker Night at the Inventory panel. Might be too late? Wyverns be there.
That's Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Lessee... excluding no brainers...
And this is about what's interesting moreso than what I can necessarily be at, since I don't have the full schedule in front of me.
12:36 AM
The schedule isn't in an easily consumable format.
Dialogue as Gameplay sounds intriguing. as does the game worlds thing.
They need to hire a usability expert.
I usually get enough cosplay just by wandering, not sure about attending an event for it. Game Mechanics design sounds possibly neat as well.
And that 15-16 block on Saturday, I'll need to see the panel description when I get home, just to know what I'd allegedly get myself into. More for curiosity than anything else.
I figure there are a lot more panels up your alley than mine, since most of them are geared toward people with/who want careers in game design.
True to that.
12:39 AM
"Join Susan Arendt, Senior Editor of The Escapist; Kathleen de Vere, star of LoadingReadyRun; AJ Glasser, News Editor of GamePro; and Lisa Foiles, star of Lisa Foiles Top 5; as they discuss what they embrace in female fictional characters and why these attributes are important.
They will identify their favorite characters and how they would like more heroines with similar attributes integrated into Geek culture. This fresh, positive approach to female characters shouldn’t be missed. Moderated by Elizabeth Grunewald, Not Games Editor of The Escapist."
Hm. I might be curious enough.
Might be awkward, but I'm interested in all perspectives.
I am OK with awkward.
I'm hoping for a female neutral perspective to it
I don't know the panelists so it might be female neutral to chaotic evil.
"Panelists include: Susan Arendt [Senior Editor, The Escapist], Kathleen De Vere [Actor, LoadingReadyRun], Lisa Foiles [Actor, The Escapist], AJ Glasser [News Editor, GamePro], Elizabeth Grunewald [Not Games Editor, Themis-media.com]"
Heh, nor do I. The only place I've heard of is the Escapist, and the only thing of Escapist I know is Yahtzee, haha
12:41 AM
The ones I think are the most interesting to me are the RPG ones since I'm about to start my cyberpunk campaign right after PAX.
On top of just normal design stuff. Games are software, afterall.
I can't really say what will pique my interest the most. This'll be my first time at a gaming convention, and I honestly don't even know what I'll be looking forward to.
It's your first convention, too, though, I recall
Hah, you're a better planner than I am
Actually the reason I planned was because I wanted to tell you when and where I would be to meet you. You were my primary motivation ☢
Ordinarily I would wait until the last minute.
Thankfully, I don't have to worry about any sock thieves other than the machine itself
That's really what cons are about, too, though. Meeting people. Half of going to Genericon every year is to actually meet up with old school friends, since everyone else also goes to Genericon.
12:50 AM
I'm going to be meeting one other Internet person other than you.
I'm always open to meeting more Internet people.
I'll be meeting two different sets of school friends, myself
Of course the one who isn't you is one I've met before.
I'm also going with a carful of friends from this area. Canadians everywhere.
I'll have my brother around to one degree or another
12:53 AM
This brother I've heard so much about.
Have your accomodations setup, yet?
Yeah. We got the hotel late so we got a place that's far away.
Yes, that brother. He's more impressive than I am.
I'd have preferred the attached hotel, but we got the sheriton which is like half an hour away.
Oh my
That does cut down on con time
12:55 AM
Yeah. It's not like I was planning on going back and forth.
It just means I have to convince my night-people friends to wake up early.
I'll probably adjust my sleep schedule depending on what the morning and night panels are
Oooh, wait, that Friday stuff starts at noon...
I have no chance for those two panels at the start, then. That's depressing.
But those are the 100% best panels.
We're arriving really really late Thursday night. Technically Friday morning.
I know! But that's right in the middle of my workday, and we have a 2 hour commute to actually reach Boston.
Not taking a day off?
My own capacity to take a vacation has no impact on my brother's capacity to do likewise.
1:00 AM
And I'm much fearful of the prospect for a 2 hour drive, alone, to Boston.
I don't know what traffic is like in Canada, but be warned. Boston is a beast of its own caliber.
I hope to not be the one driving when we get to Boston proper.
And we're taking mass transit within the city.
Ah. Good way to stay mostly safe.
Plus the Internet person I've met before is a Boston native and he'll be meeting us at the hotel Friday morning to show us the ropes.
So I think Boston won't crush us.
That really helps.
1:03 AM
So, Okuu, you need to figure out how my schedule meshes with yours so we can figure out what to do. Stack Overflow needs a presence at PAX lest Jeff Atwood destroy us all.
Well, excepting that instance of the morning, there are still a couple panels that we'll be cross-attending.
Saturday makes the best option to meet, we'll be arriving fairly late on Friday so there won't be many opportune times then.
Saturday sounds good to me. I'm also assuming that this panel is going to be packed right to the gills with nerds, a veritable of sea of geekery, into which most nerds blend easily.
How will we of Wave find each other?
I... wear glasses.
Haha, I'll think of something more useful to label myself with.
I'm actually thinking of putting a patch on my jacket, but we'll see how well that goes over
OK I have a partial solution. There is a picture on the Internet with me in it, taken when the board game I helped to design won an award.
See if you can determine which of these people is me.
Hint: two of them are not me.
...oh man, there's a panel for legal issues for indie game developers? That's just evil to be on Friday noon!
None of them have quite the hairstyle I expected for you, either by too much volume or too little
1:10 AM
I got a haircut back in December.
There's 2.5 months of hair on me.
Lessee... then...
I haven't cut my hair since the summer, so... that puts your hair as... the leftmost one. Or rightmost, if you're looking at the perspective from the people in the picture.
You think I'm Dave. I'm the one holding the TEAMWORK AWARD
Aw man, that was actually my first guess before you mentioned the haircut
Your hair looks mighty short for 2.5 months of growth
I guess my hair grows fast?
Or slow.
It's curly so it's actually longer than it looks.
Well, unless it's longer in the back than I'm seeing.
1:14 AM
Curly hair folds in on itself like Calabi-Yau space.
Nice glasses, by the way.
I'm pretty sure my hair is longer than Dave's.
Best glasses.
It is longer than Dave's
Apparently I used the wrong adjective in my head and typed it out as such
I do not take insults to my hair lightly! Prepare to die!
Hm... panels don't start until 10:00 on Saturday. That's interesting.
1:19 AM
Gives you a chance to get into lines and/or sleep in.
They have a lot more panel rooms than the cons I've been to before.
I like how there is a Rock Band room at this thing. I'm assuming the lines are ridiculously long, but I have to beat my friend at Rock Band in public so that the world knows that he has no rhythm.
The world needs to know.
It's for the good of all music lovers that I do this.
I don't know if I count as having Rhythm or not.
I do a bang-up job on Elite Beat Agents, but... that's... really the only strict rhythm game I play. I'm kinda just good at timings.
1:22 AM
You and I need to play Mystical Chain.
But it's not 2 player
Unless that was changed?
You can make any game a two-player game with your imagination, Okuu!
"Creating Compelling Worlds for Original IP" sounds right up my alley
Just believe that there is a direct competition and that you can win it!
Then fight! Fight!
Ooh, 2 player competitive
1:23 AM
I want to see that one. It's on my list.
You're going to win. That's just how it is, Okuu. I'm terrible at that game.
But we can have fun.
That's all it is ever for
At college, my brother and some of our friends actually had a Contra competition.
I play Portal competitively online with some of my friends. It's a race to the finish.
Got two TVs, two PS2s, and rented an extra copy of Contra. Sat them in pairs.
...there was a backlash to Metroid: Other M for being feminist? Crepes, everything I've read seems to indicate it's very much the opposite...
Oh that panel. I want to see that one.
Feminism has interested me ever since my roommate became one.
"Here Be Danger: Turn Back Now Before the Game Industry Eats You Alive" also sounds amusing, and of good idea to investigate
Haha, oh my, I might get lynched on the Bridge if I don't attend "An Evening with Day[9] and Husky". At least, for the former element.
1:28 AM
Overlaps with the females one.
Argh, that schedule really is difficult to digest
Yeah. Like I said, they should have paid me $5000 to organize it better.
I mean how am I going to get my name out there as an amazing user experience consultant if I don't get paid big bucks for noticing obvious problems?
Hm... the panel description makes "Game Mechanics and Mechanism Design" pretty appealing, too
1:31 AM
Big win for usability (or rather accessibility) with respect to Dead Space 2. A guy with cerebral palsy got EA to add more configuration options to Dead Space 2's inputs. Everyone benefits from accessibility, not just the disabled.
I use very, shall we say, strange controls for my games, and Dead Space 2 didn't support it, but now I think it does.
Game designers can be assholes about accessibility sometimes.
Like a minigame in Bioshock 2 required you to be able to distinguish between red and green.
That's 10% of males who can't play Bioshock 2.
1:35 AM
It's like if you made a game that required people to taste bitter (or was it sour?). You wouldn't do something like that.
Or it would be like me using a font size that's too small. I can't see a damned thing without my glasses. I want big fonts.
Note to self: bigger fonts
"How to Win At Games" sounds amusing. Especially as it analyzes boardgames as well.
I don't recall that one. Let me see.
Conflicts with "One of Us", for you
1:37 AM
As you can see from my notes, I'm not sure if that one sounds good.
So if you're going to How to win at games I'd be willing to switch.
"Ten Games You Need to Play: The Digital Game Canon" also piques my interest
How late are you staying on Sunday, anyway?
According to our fearless leader, we're going to be staying to the end.
Oh, hey, you do have that Poker thing at 15:00, so it's not like you stopped shortly after noon.
Well, I had made this list before knowing how late we would be there on Sunday.
For me, Sunday's panels are the least interesting.
Unless I missed one.
Yeah, I started to lose interest after a point.
1:41 AM
They probably do that knowing most people will be there for the Saturday.
Well, they are already sold out for Saturday
So I suppose that means Sunday is the best day for standing in a Rock Band line.
Playing Mystical Chain on my laptop.
I should probably bring my laptop.
But I'm usually not keen on dragging her around on con space.
My laptop's ⑨ is important to identify which type of gaming community to which I belong.
Plus I like drawing pictures on it.
Mine is a very simplistic, silver VAIO. And I no longer have Okuu as the desktop, so really there's nothing distinguishing about it.
1:44 AM
Tablets make me feel like I'm on Star Trek.
Ooh, you have a tablet? Jealous.
I will show you!
So what I found was that since the schedule on the website sucks, I just picked out some panels I wanted to go to and then sorted them by time.
That's part of the reason I made the list on Wave.
It's just a lot easier to see.
Genericon uses a nice tabular format, showing everything for a given room and time.
Kinda like the Gaming schedule, actually.
1:50 AM
I don't think Penny Arcade has any usability experts on payroll.
Ooh, they actually do have a graphical schedule for the panels
No descriptions there.
Also, small text.
Nay, there aren't any. And, ahah, I suppose it is small text
A better style would be something that isn't a PDF, with tooltip descriptions on mouseover/click.
I was thinking just that, but at the very least, a PDF is printable. You can't carry tooltips in a conbook.
1:53 AM
So it needs an "expand all" option as well.
I wonder if pop-up books are still popular
I'm not sure how you could print one of those.
Probably in a similar kind of machine like they do box making, in order to make the proper cuts.
A horrible machine.
...hooboy, I am getting sleepy.
1:59 AM
But it's only nine.
Yeah. I am not a late night person
I think I am going to nap on the couch.
Well, what's important is that you know what I'm interested in seeing at PAX, so we can see some stuff together and hang out.
Good night, Okuu.
Yes, indeed. I'm glad to be able to catch your schedule
G'nite, Welbog ♪
Together Okuu and I will overthrow Jeff Atwood and bring in a new age of Stack Overflow!
And also we'll overthrow Pekka. Y'know, for fun.
9 hours later…
11:04 AM
It will take more than two guys attending a peace conference to overthrow me.
2 hours later…
12:58 PM
That's what they said about Gandhi.
1:48 PM
I will wear a bulletproof vest.
9 hours later…
10:56 PM
A mere vest won't stop the beautiful barrage of bullets that we'll be firing by the thousands. You cannot dodge every one, and eventually you will run out of your supernatural vest and bombs, at which point you're as good as dead.
11:44 PM
Okuu, are you really there or are you a ghost?
I'm scared of ghosts.
I'm here, but not for long. And I'm not a ghost, no matter how often people suggest that.
Good. I'm scared of ghosts.
They can be nasty fellows. Or adorably huggable, though.
This one time me and my friend were ninjas fighting ghosts and the ghosts murdered us horribly.
Since that day I have been afraid of ghosts.
I am half afraid of Youmu.
Ninjas aren't really effective against ghosts. Not sure about half-ghosts, though
I mean, if you're half effective on a ghost, but it's a half ghost, so you're only half of half effective, then actually you're worse off.
11:47 PM
>Ninjas aren't really effective against ghosts.
Well, he's also a doctor
Are you a doctor?
That depends on how you define doctor.
What level is your Doctor skill at?
Then you are not doctor enough to be a doctor.
11:51 PM
I'm Irish, though, just like Doctor McNinja.
So I'm 2/3 Doctor McNinja.
But you're missing the component that's specialized to making things not die
Which is what probably counter balances the problems that the other components have against things that are already dead
But Doctor McNinja's ability to harm ghosts comes from his Irish ninja heritage, not his doctorness.
His brother is equally good at punching ghosts, but is an Irish ninja cyberpunk nerd.
I am Doctor McNinja's brother, Okuu.
But you said you got murdered by ghosts. Horribly, in fact. Along with your brother
That's why I'm so scared.
With good reason to be. You need to engage more huggable ghosts
11:55 PM
Most of the ghosts I know are able to kill me with a thought.
That's not a very good relationship. You should probably move.
Ghosts are just jerks.
Maybe in Canada, they are
I have been reminded. Did you end up reading that Utsuho comic I told you about last time you were here?

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