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5 hours later…
@DroidDev yup... :(
2 hours later…
Oh Gosh, Brexit.
@TIPS lol you been there? ;-)
@TIPS hmm?
@ShadowWizard Brexit. As in, Brexit!
Common @Sha. You is disappoint.
It's all over the internet and you were busy peeing.
pissing on Britain's decision
Good call
Poor people, they will find out it was a mistake eventually...
Now let's get Trump to president and we're good to go!
Haha so true. /cc @Nzall
And here we have radical right winged politician as minister of defense
voting @Vog for president
for Britain?
no thanks. Also I think I may need british citizenship for that
Nope. Den.
@Vogel612'sShadow nah, that is optional.
meh .... absenteeism doesn't suit a president :D
Besides, Britain doesn't have a president as far as I know...
I think brexit is all over SE and the interwebs for the next 15 hours or so..
SE? How come? Britain.SE?
chat.SE is all over it
Maid Cafè, The 2nd & nth monitor, Mathematics
it's in the Tavern... it's everywhere
Oh lol
And even here in our humble Den...
ELU's chat
The Teriodic Pable
Just not LO.
It was in LO yesterday.
I guess majority of the people in the chat are against the decision?
Make sense, they are smarter than the common folk.
Araucaria (a regular on ELL's chat who's an elderly Brit) said some cool things that shouldn't go unmentioned.
in Language Overflow on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 hours ago, by Araucaria
@StoneyB That's the bit that's exercising some people for sure. It's the bit being played on by the press. But there's aso the self-determination thing, the fact that the EU is a bit humanitarian and lefty. The question's been framed in the wrong way. Our right wing government spent ages bad-mouthing the EU to the public to gain votes, bad-mouthing the EU to the press to gain votes. So now, given that they actually want to sty in they're being kaiboshed by their own propoganda.
in Language Overflow on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 hours ago, by Araucaria
@StoneyB That evil ****, Borris Johnson, the UK's answer to your Trump decided to comit treason on his country (I'm not using that lightly as you'll see) as well as betraying London. He has always been pro the EU. He knows full well why being in the EU is so important for Britain and for Europe. He has always argued for being in Europe. ...
in Language Overflow on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 hours ago, by Araucaria
@StoneyB ... But he's seen an opportunity to become a "leader" and an avenue to the prime ministership and a glorious career, so he's dumped what he knows to be the best interests of the country he pretends to support to further his political career. He doesn't give a shit about the people he is pretending to 'look after'. I would prosecute him, if I could.
in Language Overflow on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 hours ago, by Araucaria
@StoneyB Very old people (who were around in the war) and younger people tend to be more pro EU, wrinklies who weren't tend to be anti. So the wrinklies may get to determine the future of the youngsters when they won't even be around to have to live through it. I hope the sprogs got out to vote today ....
Yup smart words indeed, @MAR
^^ that's what the whole SE network basically looks like

Araucaria's opinion on Brexit

3 mins ago, 48 seconds total – 4 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by TIPS

For you, my love <3 CC @Sha
But I say... "Let them fall into their own pit"... Or something like that. Never sure of the exact phrase.
Britain will fall, and the EU might still be there to rescue them.
Selling loans.
Turning Britain into Greece.
@TIPS wow, I am beyond words! :-D
Hullo beyond words. I'm MAR
MAR in Hebrew is מר which is bitter... Are you bitter?
Another meaning of מר is mister.
Yeah, sometimes
I'm mister bitterer
See you have Hebrew roots
random language thought... is that related to the french "marre" as in "on en a marre"
The Hebrew thing or my name?
the hebrew thing
how would TIPS be related to marre?
@Vogel612'sShadow @MAR stays @MAR
@Vogel612'sShadow might be, modern Hebrew took lots of words from many languages
But think that specific word is from the Bible
Which predates most languages...
@ShadowWizard All of the modern languages are being affected by Germanic languages.
and the other way round..
@TIPS yeah but not only... I think.
Everything is affecting everything since language spreads by communication.
But the equilibrium shifts more to the right.
Many people in Asia believe the western languages and cultures are "invading" their own.
Afaik the origin of ancient Hebrew is Aramaic
So it's more one-side there.
@ShadowWizard I thought those were different languages
I've been taught that Jesus spoke Aramaic, but in Jerusalem Hebrew was predominant. And apparently those were different languages.
@Vogel612'sShadow of course, but many words were taken from there, and to this day many official documents are still written in Aramaic in Israel
E.g. marriage document
Need to look into it some more, might be missing some key points.
anyways need to get going to university now..
@ShadowWizard Something about this pic makes me cringe.
That your son with the yellow clothes on
Yup. And daughter is inside the mushroom house.
If Trump becomes the President of the US I will donate all my money to space research so I can emigrate to Mars /joke
@Nzall I've just called Elon Musk.
@JoErNanO In case you didn't realize, it was a joke
Also, I doubt my 50K will help that much in an industry that regularly has unexpected disassembly of 50M hardware
4 hours later…
I don't want to be rude and quite frankly a lot of you seem to be omnipresent in SE Metaled your contributions are very valuable, but your profile pic... s3.amazonaws.com/theoatmeal-img/comics/facebook_suck/infant.png
@CrazyPython sorry you feel this way. But that is totally your problem.
Any possibility one might consider adding the reputation leagues to SEDE?
As of now, there is no true way to use SEDE to extract reputation over time for users. One would have to build queries to aggregate votes, some of which may/not count once reputation cap is reached.
2 hours later…
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2 hours later…
@Werner hey, I think you meant to post it in the Tavern? No SE employees around here to see and give you a real answer.
Anyway, good idea! 💡
@ShadowWizard Yes! Thanks...
@ShadowWizard How is a burnt, black lamp a good idea?
@TIPS well it looks much better on mobile... ;)
(it appears as autocomplete option when typing "idea"... :))
Breaking news: Windows burns your lamps
@Werner cheers! Let me know how it went.... :)
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