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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

NO! Why you no workz?
nice try
@Uni you are black
@ShadowWizard ?
@ShadowWizard No I'm not
@Unihedron not you the other @Uni
@ShadowWizard Why me?
@UniKitty you are surrounded by blackness
@ShadowWizard Fix coming up soon...
My Unikitty has a transparent background. It also has a black border. I can reproduce this — UniKitty 7 hours ago
See? You said so yourself ^
wait... is @UniKitty a sub-cat of @bjb568?
@ShadowWizard Nooo. Now no more fix
@UniKitty :D
hurry! must counter attack!
(or just close the tab until @Smokey will do the job ;))
@ShadowWizard It's Shadow Wizard's fault.
gifsplosion = I'm leaving
hey! it can't blame the blamer!
@Pro ^
Of course it can!
but... but....
sure can
@SmokeDetector You can control @SmokeDetector? Thought he is a bot?
@ShadowWizard licks ice cream cone
See? He can even lick ice cream
he can even brew coffee
@UniKitty licks ice cream cone
@ProgramFOX brews coffee for @ProgramFOX
@UniKitty Whaddya mean, 'wut'? Humans...
wuhoo! new skill!!
until it reacts to "stop" with "hammertime", it's useless.
!!/throw cow at @UniKitty
maybe if it could autobin gifsplosions. That would be useful...
deleted by user
@JanDvorak Badge peer pressure
yup - I think we get one at least once a week, most just get deleted after few minutes when the rain begins
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION by user1774937 on stackoverflow.com
Bye @ShadowWizard
Bye @UniKitty
@ShadowWizard Oh hey you're back
Your ping brought me back, @UniKitty
@ShadowWizard Hehe
@UniKitty haha ;)
did you fix the blackness yet?
@ShadowWizard Hehe
@ShadowWizard Use your eyes!
I'm too lazy
hey no infinite loops plz!
@ShadowWizard while true do end
@UniKitty oh I use them, but don't forget there's Cache
umm... now that's weird. A mouse arrived next to the kitty.
And it looks scared.
@ShadowWizard Nom Nom Nom
@TinyGiant RIP
hey, that was my little finger!
@UniKitty totally useless - the cache is server side. evil grin
@ShadowWizard Connects to stackexchange.com...
Successfully connected!
Clear Cache
@ShadowWizard Cache Cleared!
@UniKitty maybe, but SE just injected a very nasty trojan into your system when you hacked to their server
@ShadowWizard Try hacking ubuntu
haha, it's not a tag
100 UniCoins and I'll reveal the seecret
@ShadowWizard for i = 1, 1000000, 1 do insertUnicoin() end
Bye @TinyGiant
@UniKitty what kind of miserable excuse for a language is that O_o
@Doorknob lua
/me resolves never to learn Lua
@Doorknob Lua is almost english
if doorknob.isHuman then print("status-yay") else print("status-noooo") end
@UniKitty /me resolves never to program in english
Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program or other algorithm. It uses the structural conventions of a programming language, but is intended for human reading rather than machine reading. Pseudocode typically omits details that are essential for machine understanding of the algorithm, such as variable declarations, system-specific code and some subroutines. The programming language is augmented with natural language description details, where convenient, or with compact mathematical notation. The purpose of using pseudocode is that it is easier...
How come a doorknob can be the human being? :P
Someone go find me some bugz here
@nicael How come unikittys are human?
@UniKitty it's..... empty
text not rotated
I sleep & the English literacy level in this room seems to have dropped. A ton.
but it's not saving it anywhere so what's the point? ;)
@hichris123 plz halp of teh englizhs nao
@Doorknob Please edit that statement.
@ShadowWizard Fun
... @Doorknob
Must be saved! Use php.
@nicael I'm too poor to buy a server
Use github gist instead... :(
@UniKitty you can even just save it locally on a cookie
@ShadowWizard I'm working on that
@UniKitty just don't create any infinite recursions in your code.... :D
A: Formatting Sandbox

nicaelWarning: you must have your cookies allowed; coz the message you enter currently is stored in the cookies. Click "Post message" to send it to the server! 1234567890-+del  QWERTYUIOP[]\   ASDFGHJKL;:"     ZXCVBNM,./?!                                                                      ...

I've made it on the free server :)
@ShadowWizard while true do stackexchangeServer.clearCache() end
@nicael Wut
@ShadowWizard Why?
Q: What happens when you plug a UPS into itself?

Tim PostUPSey daisy; so we had a little ... incident ... Pretty sure that has power. We're past that now, and things are returning to normal. It's only appropriate that we take a moment to think about the folks that got pulled out of bed and worked their knuckles to the bone to get things back up and...

like you said, fun!
(real story though ;))
@UniKitty That's a chat I made :)
You see the keyboard and input?
Ya typing something
Then click "Post message"
so slow...
That's slow sandbox. It's overflowed by all the answers :D
@ShadowWizard That was the first featured post I answered... so long time ago :D
And this answer was my top on MSE for quite a long time.
@nicael look at the formatting sandbox post
@Unikitty lol :D
Yeah, me testin' things there.
Don't abuse please.
clozed tabz
found this
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
tempted to flag as gibberish
@Uni Currently working on app allowing you to check meta rep-changes! Almost ready.
@nicael yeah time fly by when you enjoy :D
@bujutsu It's not opinion based nor broad, one way is more efficient than the other and I need to know which one. — Karaflakos 4 hours ago
lol tough luck
having fun
@bjb568 Whats so hard?
Quick question: any chance that this is not a duplicate? stackoverflow.com/questions/31100977/…
What's hard?
@bjb568 You said having fun. Sounds like its hard to you
We haven't had a swag contest in a while. :(
@UniKitty oh, :p
@hichris123 Swag?
@hichris123 Stag?
@hichris123 I think I was supposed to get swag at some point, but then the answer seemed to be "nah, you're not in the US" ... so yeah. I won't try.
@Bart If you want, just send a friendly email to team@. I was fairly sure they shipped international, but I'm not positive.
I don't really do friendly emails. No fun in those.
... then loudly rant?
See, Bart is my kind of guy.
By the way, hichris, I finally found out my mailing details!
@bjb568 What do you play?
I composed it.
@Unihedron so, what are they?
@Unihedron ... well, only a few years too late, but...
But I also play piano.
Not a real instrument. :P
@hichris123 Nah, it's just a week later than the message, I think they'll pardon it.
@hichris123 ಠ_ಠ
@Unihedron How long have you lived there?
@Bart It's the blue box censored part in this unnecessarily over-censored email:
L F B 4 S H
There's a puzzle in this.
I'll give y'all the first hint: If you look up my Google+ profile through my email, you'll see that my initial of the last name is L. So that's the first line covered.
@hichris123 A bit over six thousand days.
& H is Hong Kong.
Excellent! Four lines to unravel.
@Unihedron That's why I said a few years too late. :P
@hichris123 I've iterated through this last time, but I've never used mail.
Eh, real mail as in not email.
How can you not know your address when you've lived there for the past 16 years???
The future is bleak.
Actually, 17, since I've passed my birthday half a month back.
The number "six thousand days" isn't ambiguous when you consider that it was my birthday celebrated in the tavern earlier this month. :P
The future is still bleak.
The future is dark and cold.
A: Make voting activity on your posts available on site metas (what you would get from rep if metas had rep)

nicaelAll the voting activity is actually recorded, so I've made a full-featured rep viewer (works on any site, including any metas). This viewer can be found there. Once you fill the fields and click "go", you can see all your rep changes (and copy the link from the top bar also, which hosts the valu...

Look! Just look. A convenient (I hope) way to see you pseudo-meta-rep.
It doesn't work.
:D It won't work this way, read placeholders. Fetches for the day you specify.
It doesn't work with a date filled in either.
See this, there definitely were rep changes that day:
A: How to cope with complaints from tutors who want to fight cheaters?

UnihedronDo not deal with claims to remove copyrighted content by yourself. The author of the copyrighted content should file a DMCA takedown notice following section 15 of the Stack Exchange Terms of Service in order for it to be removed from the revision history as well. Reporting Copyright Infringe...

WHAT?! month-day DATE FORMAT?!
Also, may is "5" :)
(editing the source)
@Unihedron see you tomorrow
^ @hichris123: Bart has it figured it out already :)
123 Unihedron Drive, West London, England -- correct?
England isn't that portable.
14 mins ago, by hichris123
L F B 4 S H
^ It doesn't match this either.
It does to me.
Just sprinkle in some red herrings...
damn profile page claims me having 10k already :D
(Though it wouldn't be that easy today as I've rep capped; needs two more accepts)
Should a couple and a half be 2.5 or 3?
Depends on context.
@SmokeDetector edited
@Unihedron ur old
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: LIST THE TOP 3 HIGHEST PAID INTERNET JOBS by user8187 on freelancing.stackexchange.com
I've renewed my rep-loader and now it can haz prev/next day buttons.
A pro-forma comment gets an uncommon response:
I'll soon explain it. First I need to remove my appendix (seriously). — Alan 31 mins ago
Can anyone help me experimenting with prev/next day buttons there?
(still the rep loader)
@SmokeDetector kind of LQ, but edited
@JanDvorak Yes; for the most part it's 1). There is also 3) intentional clickbait using memes with some mentioning of math.
@ᔕᖺᘎᕊ Really the first time you meet such a q&a? I have a joke answer on it :)
@nicael get on reporting @bjb's bug! :P
@nicael lol - but yeah; first time I've seen something like that happen!
(+1 btw!)
Or @Doorknob just go delete the question ^^
@bjb568 Already reported: The pop-up "please consider adding a comment" wraps awkwardly on mobile site by 1999 on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Wasteland exploration by Chris on gaming.stackexchange.com
Pulled, @1999.
I also wanted to add !!/coffee to the wiki page (list of commands), but turns out GitHub doesn't support pull requests for the wiki repository.
@1999 I may come to regret this, but I opened editing of the wiki up to all.
@SmokeDetector fp-
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Angled minecraft rails by John Klubertanz on gaming.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: Onshore / Offshore (Team and Testing) by Viktoryia Panteryonok Malkova on programmers.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Wasteland exploration by Chris on gaming.stackexchange.com
sd ignore- tpu-
I've marked this my question as a dupe of my newer one, because the old one is obsolete and with the redesigns, the new one affects any sites. Can I delete the newer now?
However, umm... I maybe won't do it.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: POWER DISSIPATION by haxkalibrr on electronics.stackexchange.com
^ has a suggestion from me.
Final step :P
1 hour later…
Somebody should make a bot that tries to start an intelligent conversation whenever there's a period of silence.
Or… am I that bot?
@SmokeDetector fp-
@SmokeDetector delete edited
@bjb568 If you didn't say "intelligent"... :p
Is there no post about searching for merged questions?
isduplicate:1 answer:0 locked:1
I think the answer part is not necesary
cv for no-repro or is this on topic? stackoverflow.com/q/31101865/3622940
Seems on topic.
@Unihedron just me or that stacktrace isn't unmodified
@Braiam totally isn't
yeah, I see some weird lines break
@Braiam "answer:0" is not a valid parameter. Did you mean "answers:0" or "is:question"?
@Braiam Having corrected it a bit, included in my q&a
Q: How would I search for the merged questions?

nicaelSearching for merged:yes doesn't seen to work. Nor does ismerged:yes or duplicate:yes hasnotice:yes. How would I search for the merged questions?

@1999 answer count parameter
Okay, answers:0 it is then, which is what nicael wrote in the meta post.
> Want an inside look at how we gather data to make decisions at #stackoverflow? Here’s a breakdown of the process: imgur.com/1UTf5y3 -- Nick Craver at 3:36 PM - 28 Jun 2015 via Twitter
@nicael I would close the other way... this guy even included a fix!
congrats on the 10K @nicael
@Braiam OK, then
You should probably post the fix as answer in the question I linked and mark this one as dupe. — nicael 52 secs ago
@santiago thanks. Now I can post more stupid bugs and get up voted because I have Moar Rep! :P
good bugs, not irrelevant ones ;)
Good stupid bugs? :D
something like that, yes
kids these days... thinking that good enough is actually good enough...
@Doorknob Last time I wrote my about me it went up to 13000 chars
@Doorknob Welcome to my world... I had to start using URL shorteners and /u/ short links to other users a long time ago.
@Unihedron were you writting a bio?
@Braiam What else do you put in the "About Me"?
... not a TMI?
Oh, and to put it right, it's not just a bio, it's a condensed autobio
The point is the idiocy was the only part of post :P
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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