If someone copies and pastes a block of unrelated text into an answer box I'd consider that a deliberate abuse of the system yet I've seen such flags declined
Now, if I make any further changes in my SmokeDetector fork, will they somehow also magically become part of that pull request (like my first attempt at fixing whitespace did)? Or is it separate again now that the request has been closed?
Thanks; and then, does that imply that I shouldn't sync any further local changes while I'm waiting for a pull request to be processed, or else they'll automagically be incorporated into the pull request whether I want them to or not?
What's the usual practice when working on somebody else's code in your own fork? To make a separate branch for the changes you intend to put in a pull request, make the changes and do the request from there, then merge it back into your master later, or to do the changes and the pull request from the master and make a separate branch if you want to work on more things while it's open?