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stackoverflow.com/q/29065486/1864610 - When I see things like this I am minded to quit :(
(And I'm still flag banned...)
I flagged spam (but didn't follow the link).. did anyone else? (either follow link or flag as spam?)
@LynnCrumbling The link goes to some Java tutorial series on YouTube. Not spam, but no idea what the question was either.
Sure looks like spam
Not black magic spam, but still unsolicited advertising of some tutorials
I can see it both ways, but it seems more likely it's spam
The OP responded to my comment. I've never seen a spammer do that, but I see why you'd flag it as spam.
@HoboSapiens I saw that. That's what made me wonder.
It's gone now.
Spam nuked
And user destroyed
@JasonC O...kay then.
I made breaded deep-fried bacon this morning as an experiment. It was awesome, but I feel strange... like I let god or my parents down or something.
@JasonC Sounds like an art form
Doesn’t look any CMs are wasting their lives here on a sunny summer Sunday afternoon. I guess I’ll post a support request instead. :)
Q: User name shouldn't be scrolled with about me and should be separated from it

nicaelThere should be a separator between the name and "About me'... And wut, the name is gone? Please ununite it with "about me" and place in another container. and of course "about me" desperately wants the Borderzzzz, which was unfortunately declined :(

flags: [{}] //flags/comments on it
deleted: null //visible to public or info on how it was deleted
reviewers: ['name'] //list of reviewers (including 'skip'rs)
del: [{}] //list of del reviews
nan: [{}] //list of nan reviews
modr: null //true when awaiting mod action, false when acted on and all flags go directly to mod queue
How's that data structure look for post modding?
Hmm, I've now devoted three of my Chrome tabs to SE chat rooms and two more to newest questions on two SE sites.
Things are starting to get a little crowded.
I organize SE things into bookmarks (search queries, SEDE queries, chat rooms)... two sizable bookmark folders so far.
No more mysterious "0/0" in badge progress, good.
@bjb568 good, probably
flags: [{}]
deleted: null | {}
reviewing: null | bool (false: review complete)
reviewers: []
dels: [{}]
nans: [{}]
mod: null | true (is exception)
So for the queue, I'm gonna select where reviewing and !mod sorted by last flag datetime.
Should be trivial to set deleted/mod on delv/nan, resp.
is... is this spam?
A: Fatal error: ob_end_flush() [<a href='ref.outcontrol'>ref.outcontrol</a>]:

efkan[internet site satışı][1] [1]: http://sanalphp.com bilgilendirme için teşekkür ederim.

... and therefore should not be preserved in a onebox.
too late
What's a jew bag?
I don't know but I distinctly remember throwing around jew bag in high school.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: What is the Windows Security Button? by jesus on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector tpu but late
@bummi Blacklisted user.
Lol, "you should get gasses"
@JasonC no lol from me as german
Wait do you think he actually meant gasses and not glasses?
If so, I underestimated his insultiness
I'm getting gasses, you jew bag!
Like nitrogen and stuff!
I think he was talking about cyanid
gone now
account is alive :/
@bummi and happiness?
It might be hard to delete jesus' account; I'm assuming it'd just come back in a few days.
IMHO such an account should be destroid
meta.stackexchange.com/a/250220 - the comments make a funny anecdote :D
@JasonC Isn't it only s' if it's plural possessive?
@bjb568 Been some time since I wrote this answer but I guess that in my POV my children and parents share hands... :D — yair 12 mins ago
@JasonC mhhmm some accounts get destroyed after on post, a person of this cast of mind will never be able to contribute positive and always be a time bomb :/
@bjb568 Nobody agrees on what to do with words that end in s. I'm a loyal member of the s' team.
@bummi I was just making a bad jesus joke.
Add 's if it's singular; add just a ' if it's plural and ends with an s.
At least that's what I was taught.
We should ditch english.
Sí, tienes razón.
(I've always found it amusing that "you're right" is actually technically "you have correctness" in Spanish)
We could switch to Esperanto.
Or Lojban :P
Q: It's A High Time To Get The New Stars

nicaelSeriously we live in the modern world and still don't have stars the light of the chat svgifyied. Should be fixed ASAP!

@Doorknob Sorry, I don't speak lojban. :)
@nicael ASAP -> "whenever a dev feels like there's nothing left to fix"
Clicking on any chat message searches xkcd.com for the message, so we can skip the steps of posting xkcd comics for every comment.
@nicael I think the stars should be left as-is, but those freehand red circles should be superimposed on top of them as SVGs.
Only links to xkcd are allowed. Discussions must be conducted exclusively as xkcd references.
Writing language spec now…
bjblang 0.0.1:
Vowels: a ae e i e ei o ow u yu (uu)
Consonants: same except th is unvoiced, c is voiced "th", and x is voiced "sh" (sometimes written as zsh now, I think)
Verbs: End in vowel, no tenses, no pluralization, no gender, "will" and "did" before verb to specify past/future tense
Adj: start with vowel end in consonant
Nouns: start with consonant end in consonant
Oh great, bjb is writing his own language.
Now it'll be harder to understand him.
I thot thes is how u spek
@bjb568 -1, needs more edge cases
I accidentally pushed enter
Honestly, English grammar would not be hard to simplify while still maintaining most of the lexicon.
@AlexisKing Ugh no. It's part of our heritage to have exceptions to every rule! :P
Wait, when did this become the chat room for English.SE?
I see I've been coaxed into an elaborate snafu.
When did this become the chat room for anything?
@AlexisKing Since @tchrist came in.
@Sha Wait, what tags do you see? Your rev shows that you replaced [bug] with [feature-request], but I still see the old tags... I can report another bug? :D — nicael 4 mins ago
Anyone sees this bug?
@bjb568 I dunno. I think we can get by with just a few words total. "yay", "meh", "ugh", and "wat" along with . ! and ? covers just about everything.
And a lot of pointing at things.
We could speak in unary, and have everything translate to English via ASCII.
Then we would only need a single word.
It would also take about a hundred years to speak this sentence.
@Doorknob ...wat? ugh.
So to say "hi," you would have to say "la" or whatever 26729 times.
bjblang 0.0.2:
Vowels: a ae e i e ei o ow u yu (uu)
Consonants: same except th is unvoiced, c is voiced "th", and x is voiced "sh" (sometimes written as zsh now, I think)
Verbs: End in vowel, no tenses, no pluralization, no gender, "will" and "did" before verb to specify past/future tense
Adj: start with vowel end in consonant
Nouns: start with consonant end in consonant
Adv: Use: [subj] possessive-mark [verb] [is in the state of being] [adj] (english: I assert that I 's walking is fast)
Question: Req [data type] [query]
@JasonC meh?
@bjb568 I should probably add "no" to the list.
"Ugh" could cut it but might get confusing for noobs.
@bjb568 forall, not formal
@bjb568 "Meh? Ugh. Yay!" vs "No. Yay!"
Wow. Despite being a big fan of Windows, today I give it a solid "Ugh".
I always do.
My phone storage shows up as a "portable media device" instead of an actual drive, and attempting to copy everything off it yields "calculating time required" for about 5 minutes, then "insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service".
And confirmed no way to mount MTP/PTP devices as actual drives.
I suppose I could also direct that "Ugh" at Android, or even Kyocera.
@JasonC great error messages
Not quite as glorious as "Error: The operation has completed successfully", but still deserving of a facepalm.
@bjb568 I think you have enough there to propose Stack Overflow [in bjb-speak] on Area 51.
I do need vocab.
do you like my main menu
@Doorknob yay
Confusing. Can't find "any" key on my keyboard.
System z is an odd proposal. Almost 200 committed but only at 16% commitment because almost no SE rep.
@Doorknob right is a synonym of correct or good thesaurus.com/browse/right, which is what razòn means here
you can change razón by bien and still hold the same meaning
@Braiam Actually, "tienes bien" doesn't make much sense at all. "razón" means "reason/cause," and the verb "tener" is "to have." So the literal translation is "you have reason/cause to say that," or, more amusingly, "you have correctness."
is "Sí, vas bien" or "Sí, estas en lo correcto"
the to be verb in spanish is quite varied, you know?
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