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Q: Stack Overflow Annual Survey 2015

samthebrandThis year's survey is officially open. To participate, click here. Windows vs. Mac. Vim vs. Emacs. Tabs vs. Spaces. Lots of questions about who you are, how you work, and how you use Stack Overflow. It's all in there. Joel wanted to include a dozen "Would you rather fight..." questions involvin...

@Undo kaboom
@rene I don't see anything about loot...
Spam Q (91.1%): That’s right you get right left right next, by □ Black Lips, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
@Pham gone
aw c'mon... that wasn't two minutes..
@JanDvorak nice
Is there a way we can tell if a site has finished graduation
like a little hotbar on the right of the main stackexchange page?
I love seeing the new themes and designs
@rene Oh yes. Selecting "growth hacker" as occupation.
Tea also counts as a caffeinated beverage, at least the black and green varieties, right?
> I have never been on Stack Overflow. I just love taking surveys.
My foot hurts when bending or applying pressure. What do you call it? Sprained?
Fell down slippericy stairs :(
Well it HERT
@Fundamental Meah, OK
@bjb568 ready to be amputated?
@Mooseman I totally forgot about your bot :( I feel bad about that
@rene lol np
@rene If you cv-pls link here my bot will close
Ah, OK, cool
I think I whitelisted you here... (i.e., try it)
Only had 1 cv. Doesn't auto-close. (I cv'd it though)
Very cool -- userscript which helps you improve other's Stack Overflow posts by catching the lowest hanging fruit: https://github.com/AstroCB/Stack-Exchange-Editor-Toolkit
* others' (this is @AstroCB's script)
what SE site would amazon AWS questions be most appropriate?
thats what I thought, I just expected to see more questions there if that was the case
@rene Worked! :D
@JordonBiondo no that isn't a good site
@JordonBiondo What specifically about AWS?
Q: Best StackExchange site for asking about Amazon AWS

Tom Harrison JrI have several questions about setting up Amazon AWS (Virtual Private Cloud/VPC, Load Balancers/ELB) -- I see a lot of questions relating to AWS on SO, but my questions aren't really programming question, more specific questions about how to set up Amazon. Which StackExchange site should I use?

oh nice, thank you @rene
@JordonBiondo you might go through these as well....
^ edit suggested
When a user finds out that isn't a tag, what do they use? ... Buildging Elevator for Stem Poe in RobotC
@Fundamental Nice.
Make sure to congratulate @Undo profusely when he shows up...he won Google Code-In
I don't think he would mind if the star board was filled with "Congrats Undo".
where is undo in that list? I don't know the real name
@gunr2171 Look at his github profile.
ah, found it
Congrats Undo!
Engineering is in public beta now.
@rene We'll know after the X-ray! Stay tuned, we'll see after the comercial break!
@bjb568 ow
Congrats on winning, Undo!
Congrats Undo!
Only 4 US people? wow.
@hichris123 Thats what I thought as well.
Wow, congrats Undo! I guess this means a three-bot salute...
Congrats Undo!
Congrats Undo!
Congrats Undo!
Congrats Undo!
Congrats Undo!
... ooookay
This is at least two Profuse Congratulation units
Congrats Undo!
Congrats Undo!
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
hands over a sparkling waffle cake Congrats Undo!
See, both me and my bot congratted.
... that's like the ultimate insult, @bjb568, to use bad grammar/spelling when congratulating someone.
@Sam I've always wanted a sparkling waffle cake.
<input type="button" value="Lock star board" />
I don't know what you're talking about
nice. I appreciate the follow-up correct as a hat-tip.
yeah, I need to stop today. typing is going downhill
@gunr2171 Just curious - do you take your name from a previous military post?
Low Quality A (47.7%): hi guys i am a nub and i like to be a nub so haha nubs, by □ ligy, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
^ abuse/offensive
It's an xbox live gamertag. The word "gunr" is just some word. The numbers is a combination of my brother's and my birthdays. So no, doesn't come from anything external.
@gunr2171 Ahh, ok. I thought gunr was a derivision of gunny, which is short for this.
I might have been, idk. My brother was the one who came up with the term, and that was 6 or so years ago.
^ seems like a very in-depth answer?
what about the other answer?
I know I've seen the answer somewhere, but a quick search isn't coming up. Markdown isn't parsed in the custom mod flags, right?
@KevinBrown it is
actually, we can test it
Yes - it is plagarized.
I found it.
@KevinBrown Flag meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/1058/… with all the custom markdown you want, we'll see how it renders :D
if it's plagiarized, you can custom flag it
It's not taken from an SO post.. but word-for-word from another site.
lemme see if there's attribution.
still plagiarism if there's no attribution
Doesn't appear to be; raising flag.
I added a comment, will remove if requested
@gunr2171 Do you think it'll make a difference to the mods?
It was aimed at the user, not mods
but I can remove it if it helps
@Undo Can't flag mod posts
@gunr2171 I guess - what's the goal here, that the user add attribution, or the post is taken down in its entirety?
@KevinBrown ... what?
"You do not have permission to flag this post"
There's another issue here: this answer describes re-flowing a 360 or ps3.. not modding a unit for better cooling. It doesn't answer the question.
@KevinBrown No repro. Just flagged @Undo's post.
I got it
so yes
Might be a lack of rep or something, oh well
I can't downvote with 101 rep.
And thanks
but I've never heard of a no-flagging-mod-posts thing
welcome :D
@gunr2171 btw - saw the edit to your comment.. thanks...
Now I don't feel like an idiot for mentioning in flags :)
@Pham gone not really just sayin' for debug
Ok, now it's gone.
Splint and crutches :(
@bjb568 Sorry to hear. They should expand the scope of Handicapped Lifehacks to include injuries.
Dem idiots spray salt everywhere… Except on stairs.
Is there a way around the following problem? Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange turned over a new leaf to 2015, yet still has 2014 as the accepted answer... As of now, no (sorted) view of the answers lists 2015 at the top, which sucks.
The OP has to reselect a new post as "the answer" every year, or not select an answer at all, or there should be a capability for a moderator to select an answer in a community wiki post (say).
Any suggestions?
that's a specific enough case that we shouldn't be designing for it
@Werner flag for mod (=employee on meta) attention, to remind them to flip the answer as they promised.
@Fundamental So... they "promised"?
> a Stack Exchange developer changes the Accepted Answer to ensure that the latest changes remain on top (given default user settings).
@Undo Fair enough. I can't think of any other questions matching this description at the moment.
@Fundamental Thanks. I'll flag.
is home
Congrats Undo!
Congrats Undo!
kinda late
Looks like you're in for some fun. :)
Suppose so
U excited?
... exited what?
that you won?
looks like fun for winners
@Frank ya mean excited? ;)
Blegh, all these job questions on the SO survey are annoying. Think of us young ones! :P
> Bear with us - a few more job questions. We're trying hard to figure out what developers like (and hate) so we can train employers to treat you the way you deserve. "Vim vs. Emacs" is just around the corner...
Oooooh yes yes must promote Vim trudges onwards
@Doorknob I had to put "<$20,000" on one of them for income. It made me fee so poor :P
@Undo Uhh, that one had an "Unemployed" option. :P
@Undo I used the "Unemployed" option.
But I do consulting :P
so I'm kinda employed
@bjb568 Ah, come on. Now I need to re-log Erm, nothing.
@Frank I'm excited for it, yeah. Free stuff from an evil company, what more could you ask for? :)
Well, at least the list of "languages and technologies" does not include jQuery.
@Undo U know their motto?
> Don't be evil
@Frank steal everything, kill everyone, own all the money?
oh, I was close
@Undo lol
@AstroCB yup
oooooh shiny hi-def display
@Undo Oh right, I earned a measly $90 last year total. I guess I lied.
Congrats Undo!
prime numbers!
Yay, starboard all full!
Mine haz the most starz :-]
@AstroCB Is that... 4k?
Anyone else notice that on the survey, where it says "Select up to 3," it lets you select more than 3? :P
@hichris123 Retina
@AstroCB Which is 4k, right?
@hichris123 2560 x 1600
^ That on a laptop
... not quite 4k, but higher-res than 1440.
This is 5k
227 ppi
@Undo That's not 5k.
@hichris123 ... whatcha mean?
@Undo Scrolling up and down there is fun.
@AstroCB yeah
@Undo Oh, that's a link. Ooops. :P
lol :D
I blame my HDMI cord.
You need more plausible things to blame
No, it actually does look weird.
I'm not sure why, but the colors look different than the VGA cord in the same monitor.
blog.stackoverflow.com is up according to isup, but it won't load for me; can someone give me the URL of that targeted jobs post?
Perhaps this HDMI cord is just old?
Will Cole on January 27, 2015

Stack Overflow Careers was announced five years ago with a simple mission statement:

We believe that every professional programmer should have a job they love

To help you find a job you love, we need to match you with the right job at the right time. We do that by helping you create a profile that brings the right employers to you, and by showing you relevant job ads from our job board on Stack Overflow. With over 6,000 companies that advertise on Stack Overflow Careers, we’re getting closer to our goal of having a great job for every developer. …

@hichris123 You should be able to calibrate your display
@hichris123 Thanks.
@Undo Yeah but I don't know why it would be weird only on HDMI & not VGA.
Maybe your machine has some special presets for hdmi that differ from the ones on vga?
And for whatever reason, that loads fine, but the front page doesn't.
@Undo Perhaps.
I have all my monitors calibrated perfectly
it's totally worth it
> How often are you contacted by recruiters?
How do you feel about the frequency with which you're contacted by recruiters?
Please, make the recruiter spam stop
@Doorknob Oh, how about this: Just make search better in general. Google is typically much better at searching
Is it bad I can start to interpret bjb-speak?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keywords in title: FULL~HD!!..American~Sniper Free MOvie in IMDB by soa soa on webmasters.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Fundamental Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
That was unacceptable spam, Webmasters is for Fifa 15 coins only.
@hichris123 I want zero recruiters. None. :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Are trains meant to only visit one station in my city? by Mac on gaming.stackexchange.com
More of NAA
Flagged as NAA and downvoted
@Doorknob Why do you get any recruiters contacting you?
coz he's kewl
Cats are too!
Oh, hey @Doorknob: is LaTeX easy to setup & use?
Q: Inequality. Not obvious.

Pablo Andrés Castro LeónThis is the inequality $$\left(\frac {x^2 + 3}{x}\right) \le 4 $$ This is how I solve it The $x$ in the left side is canceled and $4x$ is subtracted from both sides. $$\not{x} \left (\frac {x^2+3} {\not{x}}\right) \le 4x $$ $$ x^2+3 - 4x \le 4x - 4x $$ $$x^2 -4x + 3 \le 0 $$ Then the trino...

@hichris123 Mostly from my Stack Overflow profile.
that title… ^^
@Doorknob Ah, yeah. I don't have my emails linked pretty much anywhere.
@hichris123 On Ubuntu, yeah (of course, because it's Linux). On Windows, ... ehh, not so much. Not too bad though. miktex.org
@Doorknob I can fire up a VM if needed.
@hichris123 I used to use MiKTeX, but nowadays, unless the document is huge, I just go to overleaf.com
Fun fact: the user whose testimony is currently on their frontpage is a MathOverflow mod.
3 hours ago, by Santa Claus
I don't think he would mind if the star board was filled with "Congrats Undo".
Your welcome.
@InfiniteRecursion come cancel stars!
Better now.
@SantaClaus you're*
Still, I thought balpha fixed that.
@Doorknob You HAD to tell me after the edit timer expired.
@SantaClaus Not that hard to just get it right the first time
@Doorknob I don't read what I type before I hit enter. I just hit enter.
@hichris123 I see meeeeee
reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/2uiroi/… I thought of 2/30 first instead of devil
@bjb should totally be doing homework.
Who destroyed the star list again...?
@hichris123 absolutely no
@3ventic Undo
we may need to undo it!

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