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To preserve full anonymity ... full stop.
@Ahmad What's the issue now? The request concerned in the question was unconstructive as we explained. It does. It does. It does. Voting on meta is simple.
It's a good thread with a great idea -> Upvote
It's not a great idea -> Downvote
@JasonC But I am here for something else, to say you are hurried on predicting what people mean. (if not prejudiced)
a) Votes are entirely anonymous. And in my opinion, they also should stay that.
b) Why would you care about the age of voters?
Hello @nic!
@Ahmad I was happy to not mention it again I'm just responding to the current conversation, that's all. I will stay out.
Even SE doesn't know our age
@Uni Hi!
Hi Mr.Anderson :)
@Ahmad, I'll make this short:
Currently, you can't do this.
As shown by the downvotes on your request on making it happen, it shouldn't be changed.

Hence, consensus -> It should stay this way; You wouldn't be able to do this.
@Unihedron Ok, but such down-votes face me a ban. while my question wasn't so bad intentioned.
@Inf greetz, my dear sock :D
@Unihedron I think he gets it.
@Unihedron You just say that in one answer.
@Ahmad It's not how Meta works. There's no intention. Votes are to indicate consensus and how much we like something. If you can convince people to change their mind and hence a functional request, then do that. Basically as a recap, all you did was post up "pls let me do this on SEDE". I already shot the word chain, so I'm done.
@Ahmad Not on meta.
Oh hey @Vog!
@JasonC on Meta StackExchange they do. they ban me. I know
wait lemme catch up..
skip over the inb\d train.
Just for some feature requests, and one possiblity question, and hurried down-votes
@Vogel612'sShadow rant...rant...rant...there, you have been updated
@Inf Hey, you got 1k there :)
@InfiniteRecursion thanks ;) Again the votes thing eh?
@Vogel612'sShadow There were boobs, other than that, ignore.
@Ahmad You mean some poorly received feature requests, unexplained and commentators deemed unconstructive possibility, and downvotes which are frequently thrown around on Meta? Well, I think you're missing the essence of the problem. Or you're escaping from it.
@nicael Yay!
@Vogel612'sShadow downvotes, not just votes
Check this question meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276398/… for example, I asked about a possibility, which the answer was as simple as I did in its following.
The answer was No, and SEDE
And prospective ban due to too many downvoted posts :/
ohhhh dear...
But look how people attacked me with down-votes and how they charmingly up-voted each other interrelated comments.
downvotes != attack
@Unihedron Uni, give up...please....
Downvotes on meta == people disagree with your idea
@InfiniteRecursion ok
Attacked also by interrelated assumptions and answers and comments. as I want to kill them.
@Ahmad everyone is charming in the Tavern today
@Ahmad with that last sentence - would you please leave?
irrelated assumption I meant, interrelated was the work of Spell Checker
of whom?
If you need some tips on charming: Role-playing Games
okay could we please have a kick-timed-ban?
@Vogel612'sShadow no please don't hand timeouts yet
@Unihedron not that I could...
@Unihedron why?
@Unihedron umm... that's not the sequence
@JanDvorak there is no spoon
I am here, to say Why people are like that? instead of answering, they are prejudiced, I mean about meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276398/…
@Unihedron 1,1,2,3,5...6???
@Ahmad moderation != prejudice
@Ahmad i disagree with your premise
I can see that from their comments. it seems they have some assumption about one origin.
@InfiniteRecursion tail-recursion
@Unihedron please...give...up...
that said, let's wag somewhere else
And for the Taverns' sake I'm going to stop feeding you with wisdom.
@InfiniteRecursion ok..
"This question appears to be offtopic because it was asked by an indian" is prejudice.
I am serious! you are not about serious about this bad habit.
sure I am
And please seriously check the quesitons I addressed.
and seriously judege the odd answers was among the comments.
I did, I downvoted...
@Ahmad what should I read from that answer?
Some just pointed me to SEDE but most just condemned me how you dare....
The last time zigi talked with owlie, he never came back
@Ahmad "You can't" != condemnation
Yep, so I'm faithful on Jan holding up the tavern..
If you would like to discuss conspiracies (and how everyone is out to get you): Skeptics
@jadarnel27 ah, tinfoil.SE
@jadarnel27 incorrect...
He'd need someone to externally claim these conspiracies
or in short: grow up.
is funny to see people doing monologues :D
Its up to me, what is my goal of a research I just asked is it possible, or had you any research about it, but they interpreted it with their old answers that voting is this or that. they looked nonspecialized on statistics.
@Ahmad let v = "voting is anonymous" in v == "you can't because "++
@JasonC Lol, Right, like that, I feel just people try to laugh at me, and down-vote and say deal with it....
@Ahmad not the case
@Ahmad as a sidenote: you did know age is a big lie on userprofiles?
@Ahmad I can't speak for others, but personally I laugh at you because of this kind of stuff, not because of the questions.
@JanDvorak I meant before I know its anonymouse in my question on sOF, just one pointed it in a comment which just me voted it up
@Ahmad You're asking your question incorrectly, and the goal of your research is not up to you
@Braiam Same here. BTW I tried to dig up the LQRQ data you asked about. Was foiled by the fact that the data on reviews is not in SEDE when the review led to deletion.
because you're asking for sensitive data to research on
@Ahmad I'm sorry, I couldn't parse that sentence
@Vogel612'sShadow You do realize he knew that, right?
also you didn't in one sentence that I could interpret, ask if there has been research conducted
@rene Whoa. We have a bunch of 94 year olds.
@Unihedron wait he know?
@Ahmad you're going to need a whole bunch more downvotes to trip an auto-ban on meta.
@JanDvorak I said the research is up to me... for this question meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276398/… before to know its anonymouse
@JanDvorak use bjb's parser
@ProgramFOX Yup
If there is no point in explaining something again, or in keeping a discussion going, why is everybody still talking?
@Andy Yeah, this is related in that context: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/243329/…
@Bart 'cuz we're waiting for spam flag requests and nuke-pls tags
@Bart no clue. maybe because his lack of understanding is bugging us..
@Bart I too, am wondering the same
Someone is wrong on the Internet.
@Vogel612'sShadow you don't spend too much time on the main site, do you? :p
I am considering perm-ignoring him...
@Bart what do you mean by main-site?
@Undo kudos, +1 for the speed, I was trying to find it also :)
no I am not really much on MSE, neither on SO, actually
SO proper. If people with a lack of understanding bother you ...
You know I feel you are or some here are tired of some repeated questions, or some questions of noobs, then just are waited to attack anyone who may resemble those in their head
@Unihedron I'm really good at finding xkcds ;)
@Ahmad In my opinion the simple breakdown of why I think your question deserved the downvotes was this: You basically said "I have read votes are anonymous. I would like the information anyways. How can I get it?" For you to basically say "I know it's not possible, so how do I do it?" is essentially you not comprehending prior research, and it is not a useful question. It also brings up the question: "If you already know you can't, what is your real purpose in asking if you can?"
@Undo Just wait until we fix Junior and build an xkcd comic fetcher.
-power of JAVA-
@Ahmad aaand maybe yes, but.... WHY SHOULDN'T WE BE??
these questions have already been asked and answered.
@Ahmad give it a rest. You have gotten your input. Now you know it's not possible, and most likely will never be possible. Let it be and move on.
@Ahmad Then I can only tell you you're feeling the wrongs.
and people who are too dumb to read, should be punished so they learn it
6 mins ago, by Braiam
is funny to see people doing monologues :D
@Unihedron please...give...up....
@InfiniteRecursion ok... I will
@Unihedron ya...y
js magic vs real black magic
parses the chat page html with regex
@JasonC and I clarified it, because having some information for me wasn't anything with anonymity, it was a possible question
@Unihedron slaps uni for that
rewrites the parsing method
zookeeper picture?
aaaargh all the images
@Unihedron where did you find the uncropped version??
@Unihedron Yeah; that makes me happy.
@Vogel612'sShadow the dog told him....
@Vogel612'sShadow I right clicked on your avatar that shows up on the user row on top-right panel, copied the image address and removed the meta bit.
@Bart didn't I say, you (I mean some) don't read, don't care,.... and just down-vote, do you want to down vote me, I got my answer in that question and had no debate here, I asked about why I get down-vote here or in other questions I addressed
Oh somebody posted that crazy one
Crap where was it
@Unihedron yeah, that's the crazy one
@Unihedron are you okay ?
@SilentKiller What? xD
another group ? @uni
@JasonC Yeah!
@SilentKiller why ?
rainbow ripples :D
Uni...please...give...up :P
@TGMCians tavern become FB time line.
@Unihedron Lol; I can't find who posted it here though; but google came through with "trippy cat gif"
@Vogel612'sShadow, you shouldn't be because its sometimes just a prejudice. You said I should read, and I got it, then from that after you should care maybe there are some new points.
think it's me
Aug 17 at 6:35, by Unihedron
user image
@Unihedron Lol oh word
/ me hide
@InfiniteRecursion but I'm bored :P
Someone stop them!
seeing gif!
Don't flag decent stuff, people
runs away
Related question - I'm looking for a firefox plugin that will only loop a gif once. Anyone know of one?
@JasonC Ok, you are right, I risked to ask some impossible possiblity, but could you please clarify me about this question? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276398/…
inb6 are you there ?
No Andy
@Andy -1 for discouraging loopy gifs
@Andy about:config?
Haha, "chicken butts" is The Tavern safe word.
@Braiam Oh really? Nice. I'll dig through there
@Unihedron Watching this endless list of new questions never gets boring
@jadarnel27 hey! we are not into SM... I think!
@JasonC Why people down-voted it? and why they argued with me? and why they can't differ statistics with interpretations? and why when I am stinct, few people understand me? am I much higher than the competency of them?
@SmokeDetector fpu
@InfiniteRecursion Registered as false positive, added title to Bayesian doctype 'good', whitelisted user.
@Ahmad It's been answered repeatedly in this room in the last hour. You got downvotes because it is not possible and because voting is anonymous. People don't want everyone to know how they voted, thus a downvote
10x Inf
I got my answer about anonymity, you offered much answer about it while I didn't request, but now for my main request all get quiet. thats the problem I had other palces too
@Braiam done, flagged
10x SilentKiller :D
@Andy For God Sake please notice what I mean, and dont be, don't be, don't be prejudiced, I dont mean the question you think, @JasonC answered that. I say another and more other questions
Can someone please alert the grammar police?
or the comprehensibility police?
@bjb568 where are you when we need you?
@Jan is all-in-one police
that said, evil black magic on it's way
aaaand it's gone
Like this, meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276398/… here I just asked a question, lot of people interpreted my meaning, laughed, get a party, and said many things and comments and noone gave me the simple answer SEDE
that said, somebody congratulate him for being the first user I ever perm-ignored
Nov 4 at 16:24, by Unihedron
Sorry, perm-ignored. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I'm ever ignoring a user.
double that
@TGMCians Man, that got to -9 pretty quickly.
@Vogel612'sShadow Good, I will do that as well
@jadarnel27 yeah I see, tavern effect!
@Unihedron SLEEPING!
@bjb568 Oh! Sleep well!
23 mins ago, by Braiam
is funny to see people doing monologues :D
@Unihedron Too late!
oh :( sorry for waking you up
That's the only thing I don't like about this coordinated close voting, is that it usually leads to really anomalous other-kinds-of-voting. I don't think that question would have reached nearly that low of a score otherwise (nor do I think it really deserves it).
@Braiam ~realization sweeping in, then begins laughing
I do not wantalbanx 41 mins ago
@Unihedron Meh, 7.5 hours already.
Wow, you sleep a lot!
/* me usually only sleeps 6 hours */
I'm a cat.
@TGMCians god I think we should begin slapping 10k+ users with timed bans for answering blatantly off-topic closed questions
1 min ago, by TGMCians
cv-pls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26821900/pay-someone-with-paypal
@Vogel612'sShadow quick, run for mod!
@Vogel612'sShadow yes
okay who wants the meta-downvotes?
@Vogel612'sShadow I need rep too, you know...
@rene make selfies, they make better farms
@rene feel free...
Hay, at least mail automagically fixed itself.
@bjb568 Sign those addresses up for more spam
It's spamception!
wants to buy spam sources advertised by the spam
Wait, it's in .ru domain...
Perm-ignore is nice, it works so well :)
What's wrong with the .ru domain?
:( you didn't let me to ask my question by guessing what I may want to ask.
@bjb568 Someone tried that phonenumber?
But i got my answer, it seems its the trend in all SE. I was hopeful to see something else.
@rene You could.
can someone fix the indentation here? stackoverflow.com/q/26843347/792066
@Braiam on it
@rene wait... but +91 is india telephone code /
ok bye
@Ahmad Why should we guess what you may want to ask? My magic eight ball is broken and my crystal ball is cloudy.
Yeah, it's a domain registered on russia country code, and telephone code uses india's, and the spam is... too localized
@Unihedron can't hurt
the answers suck as well
@jadarnel27 Should probably be in the description in case of emergency.
@JanDvorak done
o/ Fox!
Oh, I missed the question.
Hiya @Pro, welcome back!
"Welcome back"? I have been lurking here without going away :P

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