@Ahmad What's the issue now? The request concerned in the question was unconstructive as we explained. It does. It does. It does. Voting on meta is simple.
It's a good thread with a great idea -> Upvote It's not a great idea -> Downvote
@Ahmad It's not how Meta works. There's no intention. Votes are to indicate consensus and how much we like something. If you can convince people to change their mind and hence a functional request, then do that. Basically as a recap, all you did was post up "pls let me do this on SEDE". I already shot the word chain, so I'm done.
@Ahmad You mean some poorly received feature requests, unexplained and commentators deemed unconstructive possibility, and downvotes which are frequently thrown around on Meta? Well, I think you're missing the essence of the problem. Or you're escaping from it.
Its up to me, what is my goal of a research I just asked is it possible, or had you any research about it, but they interpreted it with their old answers that voting is this or that. they looked nonspecialized on statistics.
@Ahmad You're asking your question incorrectly, and the goal of your research is not up to you
@Braiam Same here. BTW I tried to dig up the LQRQ data you asked about. Was foiled by the fact that the data on reviews is not in SEDE when the review led to deletion.
You know I feel you are or some here are tired of some repeated questions, or some questions of noobs, then just are waited to attack anyone who may resemble those in their head
@Ahmad In my opinion the simple breakdown of why I think your question deserved the downvotes was this: You basically said "I have read votes are anonymous. I would like the information anyways. How can I get it?" For you to basically say "I know it's not possible, so how do I do it?" is essentially you not comprehending prior research, and it is not a useful question. It also brings up the question: "If you already know you can't, what is your real purpose in asking if you can?"
@Bart didn't I say, you (I mean some) don't read, don't care,.... and just down-vote, do you want to down vote me, I got my answer in that question and had no debate here, I asked about why I get down-vote here or in other questions I addressed
@Vogel612'sShadow, you shouldn't be because its sometimes just a prejudice. You said I should read, and I got it, then from that after you should care maybe there are some new points.
@JasonC Ok, you are right, I risked to ask some impossible possiblity, but could you please clarify me about this question? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276398/…
@JasonC Why people down-voted it? and why they argued with me? and why they can't differ statistics with interpretations? and why when I am stinct, few people understand me? am I much higher than the competency of them?
@Ahmad It's been answered repeatedly in this room in the last hour. You got downvotes because it is not possible and because voting is anonymous. People don't want everyone to know how they voted, thus a downvote
I got my answer about anonymity, you offered much answer about it while I didn't request, but now for my main request all get quiet. thats the problem I had other palces too
@Andy For God Sake please notice what I mean, and dont be, don't be, don't be prejudiced, I dont mean the question you think, @JasonC answered that. I say another and more other questions
Like this, meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276398/… here I just asked a question, lot of people interpreted my meaning, laughed, get a party, and said many things and comments and noone gave me the simple answer SEDE
That's the only thing I don't like about this coordinated close voting, is that it usually leads to really anomalous other-kinds-of-voting. I don't think that question would have reached nearly that low of a score otherwise (nor do I think it really deserves it).