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5:32 AM
@ShadowWizard that's how I spread this fever :P
@ShadowWizard click
5:45 AM
where were you @Sil?
@DroidDev told you na having 3 releases.
yesterday got a ping from @Shadow.
@DroidDev pick
@SilentKiller dick :P
@SilentKiller so, how was it?
done with all release and free since morning.
i was damn sure that you'll reply with this only. :P
@DroidDev sick
@SilentKiller you guys know me well :P
but, what's up with your so negative reply?
@SilentKiller stick
@DroidDev didn't get that. mean?
@DroidDev wood
5:49 AM
@SilentKiller you replied with "sick"
@SilentKiller tree
@DroidDev alive
@SilentKiller dead
@DroidDev yup you're sick who always wait to reply boob and dick. :D
@DroidDev zombie
wondering how to restore a good image in Den
@SilentKiller facepalm
5:52 AM
@SilentKiller facepalm
@SilentKiller apocalypse
yesterday i found strange thing in my firewall and that is google is blocked by firewall contact to network administrator :D
@SilentKiller :O
I wonder the panic surrounding you
@DroidDev revelation
@SilentKiller mystery
@DroidDev Suspense
@DroidDev managing some how. thinking to move on.
5:59 AM
@SilentKiller is it working now?
@SilentKiller horror
@DroidDev yup.
@SilentKiller thank god
@DroidDev Evil
@SilentKiller devil
@DroidDev i was thinking instead of making secure web if they concentrate on making good employees that will be better for company's growth and even for employees too.
@DroidDev Dracula
6:01 AM
@SilentKiller that's the point, there is nothing blocked in our company and we also work in independent gropus, like I handle a whole project on my own
we do all the facebook and fun and yet work is done good
@SilentKiller bad
@DroidDev its understandable that socials and mails are block but whats wrong with news/SO/online shopping strange.
@DroidDev good
@SilentKiller they don't want you to go wandering anywhere else on internet, but work :P
@SilentKiller better
@DroidDev butter
@SilentKiller tasty
6:16 AM
@DroidDev delicious
@SilentKiller yummy
@DroidDev mummy
@SilentKiller tummy
@DroidDev dummy
@SilentKiller puppet
6:26 AM
@DroidDev pawn
@SilentKiller soldier
@DroidDev Universal Soldier
6:40 AM
@SilentKiller Universal Pictures
@DroidDev Global
@SilentKiller International
@DroidDev Domestic
@SilentKiller flight
@DroidDev light
6:44 AM
@SilentKiller right
@DroidDev night
@SilentKiller club
@DroidDev pub
Hi folks
@DroidDev Hi, Narupony
@SPArchaeologist lol hi
@SilentKiller dub
6:46 AM
@DroidDev hub
@SilentKiller stub
@DroidDev stuck
@SilentKiller married :P
@DroidDev un
@SilentKiller me
6:52 AM
@DroidDev Developer
@SilentKiller android
@DroidDev Studio
@SilentKiller buggy
@DroidDev chaise
@SilentKiller horse (I just learned a new word there :))
6:56 AM
@DroidDev animal
@SilentKiller human
@DroidDev Lyra
just to give you a brand new idea about lyra :P
@SPArchaeologist peach
@DroidDev Toadstool
@SPArchaeologist mushroom
7:02 AM
@DroidDev still, you had to search for the relation, right?
@DroidDev Toad
@SPArchaeologist I had no idea what lyra is, before you mentioned it here, but then I stumbled across what I posted :D
@SPArchaeologist frog
@DroidDev Swordman
@SPArchaeologist sword of stranger
@DroidDev Sword of Mana
;_; - the DroidBot already broke.
@SPArchaeologist feminine
7:17 AM
@DroidDev I assume you though of "Mana" as a girl name?
@DroidDev female
@SilentKiller Dark Magician Girl
@SPArchaeologist I googled "sword of mana" and girl came up in images
@SPArchaeologist witch
@DroidDev I know many Yu-Gi-Oh player that would kill you after that one.
hahaha i was about to send Yu-Gi-Oh. :D
7:22 AM
@DroidDev West
@SPArchaeologist Best
@SPArchaeologist direction
@DroidDev guidance
@SilentKiller coaching
7:46 AM
@DroidDev teaching
@rene guiding
@rene Padawan
8:00 AM
can the 2 of you decide what to do...
@rene lol
@SPArchaeologist Jedi
8:55 AM
@DroidDev Broom
@SPArchaeologist groom
(if you don't get it, then you don't know the story behind the light sabres)
@SPArchaeologist never watched star wars in one go and when I was old enough to download it, I lost interest in it
@DroidDev stableman
@SilentKiller fixed
9:03 AM
@ShadowWizard Can you ban him from the den? He never watched Star Wars! He don't watch ponies! He isn't worthy of the geek club!
3 mins ago, by DroidDev
@SPArchaeologist never watched star wars in one go and when I was old enough to download it, I lost interest in it
@DroidDev stable
anyone seen Hercules of Dwayne Johnson ?
@ShadowWizard @DroidDev Next, we will discover he doesn't know who Doctor Who is, or that he didn't watch Star Trek
@SPArchaeologist I am shadow, I'll keep lurking even if you get me banned :P
@SPArchaeologist if you mean Star Trek into darkness, then I've seen it
lols. xD
@SilentKiller I missed the theater release and there is no clear print on torrent :(
9:05 AM
@ShadowWizard Even worst! Now he claims to be you!
1 min ago, by DroidDev
@SPArchaeologist I am shadow, I'll keep lurking even if you get me banned :P
@DroidDev same here. :(
@SilentKiller but someone told me, if you are in just for action, then it's good, not a very good story in it though.
@SilentKiller un
@SPArchaeologist everyone here is a shadow, why do you think room description contains "SHADOWS are lurking" :P
@DroidDev hmm. then wait for good print. ;) and concentrate on new releases..
@SilentKiller point noted
@DroidDev that's just because Shadow is using Royal we (pluralis maiestatis )
9:09 AM
@DroidDev unsteady
@SilentKiller un-regular
@DroidDev Me
@SilentKiller reference
@DroidDev mention
@SilentKiller mansion
9:12 AM
@DroidDev palace
@SilentKiller place :P
@DroidDev Home
@SPArchaeologist ping
@SilentKiller Pingu
Pingu is a BAFTA award-winning British-Swiss stop-motion claymated television series created by Otmar Gutmann. The series was produced by The Pygos Group and Trickfilmstudio for Swiss television, and centers on a family of anthropomorphic penguins living at the South Pole. The main character is the family's son and title character, Pingu. The show was made by HiT Entertainment and HoT Animation, British companies, from seasons 5–6. The show originally ran for four series (each series made up of multiple seasons) from 28 May 1986 to 9 April 2000 on SF DRS. In 2001, there were 2 Pingu episodes made...
9:22 AM
@SPArchaeologist penguin
@SilentKiller Ripple Dot Zero
10:00 AM
no one here.
time to turn the den in a cupcake bakery then.
starts mining the wall to get enough stone to build a forge/oven
10:15 AM
@SPArchaeologist too late :P
@SPArchaeologist adult swim
@DroidDev ? was featured there? It is a game you know...
@SPArchaeologist Play Ripple Dot Zero, a free online game at AdultSwimGames.com
@DroidDev didn't know they put it there. Always used the official site
@SPArchaeologist I didn't know about game or that site either, it was result of a google search
hey Den'ers, or maybe WAG'ers? Hope you were playing nice.... :D
10:32 AM
@ShadowWizard any doubts...??
@SilentKiller yup, here is another ping then! :D
@ShadowWizard i am back
@DroidDev I just saw dick in the Den so..... ;-)
@ShadowWizard don't worry, there are boobs in starboard :P
oh! and description :P lol
was having toooooo much work so was just stay away for some time. @ShadowWizard
10:34 AM
anyone knows about any good chatting app?
@SPArchaeologist yeah, this is indeed a very severe thing. But he does have value in his own unique way ;)
@DroidDev whats app/Hike/WeChat/Line/Viber/
@ShadowWizard Emergency Food Ration?
@DroidDev yup, boobs win over dick any time. Cheers!
@ShadowWizard Flesh Shield?
10:36 AM
@SPArchaeologist nah, bet he's not tasty enough and too small to be used as shield.
@SilentKiller watsapp is only for the contacts in sim, I was looking where one can meet up with new people
@DroidDev badoo/zorpia
@ShadowWizard true :)
@SilentKiller ok, let me try
@DroidDev Social Engineering helps to Hack. ;)
@SPArchaeologist that was a typo, I'm sure he meant "I am a shadow" like in "one of the many shadows lurking here". right, @DroidDev?? ;)
10:38 AM
@ShadowWizard ya, I missed that a :)
The important question is another.
and now to find the last word.... /me starts digging
23 mins ago, by DroidDev
@SPArchaeologist adult swim
i think so
@DroidDev skinny dipping
How is that I noticed only now that the butterfly that accompanies you in the 3ds Fantasy Life game is pink and called "Flutter"?
10:39 AM
@ShadowWizard naked swimming
@DroidDev exposed
@ShadowWizard open
@ShadowWizard I was going to reply "piranha"!
3D ..?? ;)
@SilentKiller close
10:43 AM
@DroidDev near
@SilentKiller L
@SPArchaeologist alphabet
@DroidDev letters
@DroidDev Actually, this one ^
@SilentKiller Derpy
10:44 AM
@SPArchaeologist hmm... like in "if you are exposed in the open water a piranha will come over and devour you"? :D
@SPArchaeologist ok, what's that, roman alphabet :P
@SPArchaeologist silly
@DroidDev gilly
@ShadowWizard billy
@DroidDev Nope, is the only anime character that looks more sleep deprived than me
10:45 AM
@SPArchaeologist oh! that's Deathnote written in there, phew!
@SilentKiller nilly
@ShadowWizard chilly
@DroidDev filly
@SPArchaeologist willy :-D
@DroidDev what you say about my "innocence score" now? ;)
@ShadowWizard hilly
10:47 AM
@SilentKiller lilly
@ShadowWizard 11 out of 10, for now :P
and @SilentKiller ruined yet another chance to achieve global goal
:P @Droid
@ShadowWizard flower
@DroidDev Aerith
Disclaimer: your life depends on what ye reply now
@SPArchaeologist Gainsborough
10:50 AM
@DroidDev You escaped. For now.
@SPArchaeologist hehehe, you just missed a chance :P
is it really worth 999!!!
@ShadowWizard makeup
@DroidDev of course not, same way that jeans never really worth $100 :)
@DroidDev sex
@SPArchaeologist by the way did you summon Ziggy? ;)
@ShadowWizard thank god!
10:57 AM
@DroidDev the only kind of stuff really worth spending lots of money on are gadgest
in gadgets, the more you spend the better gadget you get. :)
@ShadowWizard and after 3 months, same thing's price reduces to half and double specifications are there in market with same money that you spent on your gadget :P
@ShadowWizard check :P
@DroidDev pack
@SilentKiller ummmm,, I didn't get the relation :/
"ck" words. :P
@SilentKiller six
I killed the train :D
11:02 AM
@DroidDev Majin!!
@DroidDev you killed the looong illy train before!
@ShadowWizard I am bad :P
wondering if _@SPArchaeologist always sits there like a sniper, waiting for right word to appear, or he/she just comes wandering and answers any word like that
@DroidDev also how "check" is related to "sex"? :)
11:04 AM
@SPArchaeologist Dragon Ball Z
@DroidDev Twilight Sparkle
the "Z" should come as a separate word, @DroidDev ^^ :D
@DroidDev yup, got it!
season four. last episode. You will understand.
So.... what you said yesterday is really not true, eh? ;)
@SPArchaeologist twilight saga
@ShadowWizard what are you talking about :P
11:06 AM
@DroidDev oh, you know, that it's cold in the desert.
@ShadowWizard none of this(what I posted today) and that(what I posted yesterday) happened. It was just my genjutsu :P
@DroidDev romance
@ShadowWizard love
@DroidDev hate
late lunch today so will cya later guys, girls, and ponies!
11:09 AM
@ShadowWizard girls...??
See ya @Shadow
@SilentKiller dislike
@DroidDev interest
@SilentKiller rate
@DroidDev girls might be watching or will watch the transcript in the future to I must not anger them you know :D
11:10 AM
@DroidDev rat
@ShadowWizard oh! I think its too late to cleanup now. If they ever read transcript, they'd never come here again :P
@SilentKiller cat
@DroidDev bat
@SilentKiller ball
are you angry @SilentKiller that I broke the train again :P
@DroidDev Cricket
@SilentKiller bug
11:22 AM
@DroidDev nopes i was helping on SO Chat.
@SilentKiller oh! then I just disturbed you
naah. no issues. :)
@DroidDev squash
@ShadowWizard originality
(also know as "What is missing here in your reply")
@SPArchaeologist innovation
11:30 AM
@ShadowWizard creativity
@DroidDev Renaissance
@ShadowWizard revival
tempted.... to... reply... badge....
@DroidDev resurrection
@ShadowWizard stone
@DroidDev Stones (Ultima background music/song)
11:38 AM
@SPArchaeologist plural
@DroidDev Legion
We are called Legion, for we are many
and this one was Ziggy-worthy
@SPArchaeologist demon
sorry to ask but where can i ask questions related to Microsoft Windows Operating System
11:46 AM
@ShadowWizard you beat me to posting that.
@user285oo6 but I see you already got account there, so what's the problem?
@DroidDev Fade
@ShadowWizard beyond
@ShadowWizard thanks
i am having many accounts and it's sometimes difficult to know exactly how many accounts i have
i only get to see that only when i open that site
otherwise it goes un-noticed
@DroidDev Times
which again he won't get.
@user285oo6 but you also asked a Windows question on Super User already..
11:54 AM
@SPArchaeologist now
@DroidDev nope, he didn't. Not even Chrono....
@DroidDev present
@SPArchaeologist I guess you are talking about that thing beyond time and space from yesterday, right?
@ShadowWizard tense
@DroidDev tight
11:57 AM
@DroidDev nope, just the best Rpg ever.... nothing you should know, really. [eyeroll]
@SPArchaeologist you mean the Chrono games?
@ShadowWizard Tu quoque? I linked the Chrono Compendium!
@ShadowWizard narrow
@DroidDev arrow
Do not delude me now
@SPArchaeologist right, and I played both Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger which are mentioned there. :)
12:06 PM
@SPArchaeologist trying to find some hidden meaning in that reply, because he was never so obvious
@SPArchaeologist Robbin Hood
@DroidDev KNEEEEEE!!! Most abused meme in the last years!
@DroidDev green
@ShadowWizard Granny Smith
(the pony or the apple, you decide)
@SPArchaeologist Sussex (where the one who propagated the apple was born)
@ShadowWizard university
12:17 PM
@SPArchaeologist heh, you give me more rope than to @DroidDev, thanks! ;)
@DroidDev friends
@ShadowWizard MWHAHAHA
@ShadowWizard (Is) Magic
@SPArchaeologist myth :P
@DroidDev cloth
@SPArchaeologist shoes
@ShadowWizard sandal
12:28 PM
@DroidDev Hermes
@SPArchaeologist brand
again links started to get blocked.. ;) @Droid will have much free time now.
@DroidDev seal
@SilentKiller Orichalcos
12:46 PM
@SilentKiller you should beat up your network administrator on April fools day
@SPArchaeologist the seal of
oh, I was going to reply with Orochi
@DroidDev lols.. no. :D may be i will not be here till April. ;)
now that is one ugly monster!
@ShadowWizard you played Okami?
Image not found. that's too block
12:49 PM
@DroidDev Solomon
@SilentKiller then you should celebrate April's fool early :P
@SilentKiller what about this one? i.sstatic.net/ceMrx.jpg
@SPArchaeologist yep, both the original and the HD version. Best game ever, in my opinion.
@ShadowWizard nice pic.
@DroidDev hahaha in short i should beat him na.. ;)
@ShadowWizard hyperlink
@SilentKiller lol, hell yes
@ShadowWizard btw, that image took 58765321834591283458123546 years to load
Q: Are there any differences between Okami and Okami HD apart of the graphics?

Shadow WizardOkami is now reborn in High Definition for PS3 - best game I've ever played on PS2 is now the best game I've ever played on PS3. The graphics is obviously better, sharper and yet preserves the gist of the original game, however I can swear some of the texts have changed as well. My PS2 console i...

@SPArchaeologist if you know of any differences, feel free to answer! :)
@DroidDev lol, blame the server :)
@DroidDev hyperbola
quick trivia: when was the first time you ever heard the word "hyperbola"? :)
12:55 PM
@ShadowWizard don't remember :/
@ShadowWizard hyperbolae
@ShadowWizard Actually, Reset was readded on wii.
@ShadowWizard then I hope you will suffer a little inside when I tell I have this:P

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