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Took someone three years to notice comment I posted and he totally missed the point
@ShadowWizard are you serious? you are writing with "u" and "ur" and YOU give me advice about English. YES english is not my main language but YOU are ridiculous. — Gabriel 25 mins ago
Doesn't look like they're going to get your point either, @Shadow =)
@jadarnel27 yeah, no hat for them! ;)
Tempted to flag it as NAA anyway
@Oded, can we get this question deleted from meta?
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Why?
duplicate question wastes bandwidth
I am thinking for the sake of StackExchange
invalid argument is invalid
Meh. Duplicates serve a purpose.
like waste bandwidth?
How do they waste bandwidth, exactly?
Not only that but it is also misleading ... people away from the original one which has better answers ...
So we'll close it as a dupe then? Bonus link. Everybody happy.
What he said ^^^
@Oded people might accidently visit it and bandwidth is wasted ...
@telkitty why won't you admit the obvious? You want to hide the "shame" of downvoted question
You have several, I suspect many, downvoted posts already deleted
I also have many positively voted answers deleted ... by random meta users
If someone searches for some terms, and ends up on that question and get their answer (even as a dupe - or they end up going to the dupe) that is better than them searching, clicking to several questions that are no good etc.
Well, negatively voted question is obviously no good
Except on meta.
Not necessarily so for feature requests @sudorm-rfTelkitty.
Since feature-requests use un-rep-friendly way of voting, they're useful even if downvoted.
So where's the cake @Flyk? Don't tell me there's no cake!
@Bart negative votes on meta = I don't agree, so how could a duplicate, negative voted feature request be a good thing?
@Bart I ate it
@Flyk - so, the cake is a lie?
it is now!
One could argue that there are user accounts on this network that are wasting bandwidth. Should we delete those too?
@sudorm-rfTelkitty "I don't agree and here's why .... " So we have a large set of arguments against (or perhaps even in favour). That's valuable content to have. Even if there is disagreement.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty It's good in that future users who have the same idea can go to it and figure it's not a good idea.
instead of posting it again
@jadarnel27 yes, if there are duplicate accounts of the same user, according to meta rule
If we tell you to stop worrying about this "bandwidth" argument of yours, and tell you we have no problem with a dupe, will you let it go @sudorm-rfTelkitty? Or do you really have another reason to want to see it gone?
@sudorm-rfTelkitty um. Actually no. We have no problem with users having multiple accounts. So long as they don't abuse them (sockpuppet voting for instance)
I vote for myself all the time
It keeps on telling me I can't vote for my own posts though
so I think I'm ok
@Flyk I wonder if it's logged anywhere? ;)
well, it is more confusing because the other question has 115 positive votes ... very confusing to new users how could a question be agreed on & disagreed on at the same time?
new users don't need to understand meta
let them get their head around the FAQ first
@sudorm-rfTelkitty this is not the first time it happens. Opinions/viewpoints change over time. Which makes the dupe even more valuable to have around.
@Bart aaaaa this was 2 years ago... #$@# jlafay edited my post for writing with "u" ... this is ... accord... sorry guys!!! — Gabriel 4 mins ago
@ShadowWizard ^^^^
we should just make a post called "StackExchange exists!" and then close everything as a duplicate of it
If you going to confuse the users by changing your mind all the times, why have meta feature request at all? It is a bit like "we think this is a good idea, but not really, we can't make up our mind"
@sudorm-rfTelkitty opinions change
from 115 to -11?
psh, they're just internet points
I don't even know what you're talking about but you're probably taking it way too seriously
that's bigger change than the temperature difference in Sahara
@sudorm-rfTelkitty - there is this process. We would like this feature -> upvotes -> Feature implemented -> Turns out, it is horrible -> feature removed. We would liek this feature -> downvotes.
You might have missed that the site has significantly changed since it's humble beginnings @sudorm-rfTelkitty. What is all good and well for a small site, might no longer apply to a massive site where similar ideas would cause certain issues.
Or experience might provide additional insights over time, shifting the views.
hmm, it seems comments do not bump threads?
They don't.
No, they never did.
I have been afraid a few times due to the lengthy discussions.
Is there any reasons you don't want to delete the question other than all you previous arguments?
Because I feel there is ...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty historical reasons
@LaszloPapp I think too many comments raise some automatic system flag though
So that moderator will have a look
@Oded is this true?
visible for 10K+ users?
@ShadowWizard it is.
@LaszloPapp no, mods only
Mod/employee only.
I think I remember reading it was for...20+ comments?
my record is around 100+. :-)
Q: When comments exceed 20

Jerry CoffinI wonder whether it wouldn't be a good idea to change the automatic flagging when a post exceeds 20 comments to be based on the rate of commenting instead of just the total number. When SO was relatively new, there was little effective difference between the two, but it's been around long enough...

So it's 20, but only when posted within 3 days
interesting, thanks. :-)
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Why should someone provide an argument to not delete the post? Just let it be if you have no real convincing argument. It doesn't hurt anyone or anything.
@Bart are you sure it doesn't hurt anyone? Maybe I am hurt by this relentless bullying ...
yes ... really hurt ...
Ah, so there we go. You just want it gone because of the downvotes?
Relentless? Nothing has been posted on that question (answers, comments, edits) since December 17th.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty if downvotes hurt you, Meta is really not for you
you made feature request, it wasn't popular, people disagreed and downvoted. No bullying whatsoever
@Oded I didn't know meta expect users to forget past bullying events ...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty my point was about your use of "relentless". The downvotes stopped that day. They have not continued. That is far from "relentless". As for your claim of bullying - that would be the case if downvotes == bullying. Which would be like saying that disagreeing == bullying.
19 mins ago, by Flyk
@sudorm-rfTelkitty historical reasons
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Perhaps it's a good idea to reconsider whether or not participating on Meta is for you. It might not be if you get this upset over it. You don't have to participate on Meta. It's not a requirement. And if you don't like it, perhaps go do something you enjoy.
had fun ... laterz :p
... noted.
Damn. Even the trolling quality is going down.
We were just trolled, @Bart, @Oded you know that right?
@ShadowWizard Yeah, should have known.
I think he's the most famous chat troll in the C++ lounge
@ShadowWizard - does it count when you know the troll is a troll?
@Oded good point!
She, if I'm not mistaken @ShadowWizard?
@Bart oh, this makes it even more interesting, lol! but why you think it's a she?
@Bart - yep. Also indirectly shown by choice of book cover
And I would say - she came in to try and get that post removed. Didn't get the response she wanted, went for straw man arguments and "resolved" it by telling us she trolled us. That's not trolling - that's child-like behaviour.
One of these days accounts should be deletable because a user acted like a minor.
Hey who removed the sticky comment?!
After soliciting suggestions for a good Android music player in here the other day, I went back and tried the Google Play Music player, and it's actually great for what I need.
Sticky comment?
Heh. Guess I can ask here how people deal with "insufficient storage" when apps try to update...
@jadarnel27 donations to this Tavern are always welcome... in bitcoin!
@Bart yup, it said something like "humans stink" had about 15 votes and survived for about two weeks :-D
@Shadow Pinned messages devolve into regular stars after two weeks I think.
I bet you it was one of those stinky humans who did it @ShadowWizard.
At that point, they usually fall off the star list to more recent things.
@jadarnel27 oh that's too bad!
@Oded does "by shouting and screaming" answer your question?
@Shadow I don't have any bitcoins, unfortunately =)
@jadarnel27 bummer... so just stick around and make yourself comfortable ;)
Well, found it! :P
I've never run into that (insufficient storage), @Oded.
Old phone, not much internal storage...
Hi - just asking a suggestion: in your opinion which stackexchange board would be the most appropriate to ask for clarifications about converting an RGBW color to standard RGB (or HSB/HSL)?
@SPArchaeologist search first ;-)
spent my morning doing so
all I found are a c++ snippet that convert rgb-->rgbw in a WRONG way - results doesn't match
and another that does hue/saturation/intensity to rgbw
perhaps DSP SE?
but for what I understand the conversion function for the second snippet is NOT invertible
@bart : Digital Signal Processing?
I assume you're trying to do this with code? If so, why wouldn't Stack Overflow be a good place to ask?
@ShadowWizard it's been two weeks from that message?!
time goes fast..
Yep @SPArchaeologist. Don't know if they allow it, but perhaps worth a look
Time flies when you're
@jadarnel27 - I fear that the RGBW format is used only for controlling light, so I don't know if that would be appropriate. My problem is in the house automation field, so I don't know if it is In Topic for Stack
@jadarnel27 ...buying more DLC?
@Bart - thanks, will have a look
@3ventic Ha! I imagine so.
Reminds me of..
I watched a YouTube video the other day where someone had changed their Xbox gamer tag to "Xbox sign out", which is a voice command to bring up the logout screen on Xbox One, apparently.
He then played Call of Duty or something, and trolled people into exclaiming his name.
And recorded their panicked voices as they tried to cancel the sign out haha.
@Oded ~_~ ... I rather keep that question for further trolling purpose ...
I am easily amused.
if you look more closely you would know even that question was a troll
Yeah, saw that one @jadarnel27. Brilliant. "Hey Xbox sign out! ... NONONONO"
In fact you should have known ...
@Bart haha, right? Good stuff.
I <3 meta, so trollable
@sudorm-rfTelkitty of course it was. I mean how else would you keep yourself amused?
So you admit that not only you're trolling here, but you're also trolling by creating posts even you think should not stay around, if not for further trolling purposes @sudorm-rfTelkitty? Sounds like there's only one option then ....
@Oded many other things, depends on whether I have internet connection or not, but anyways ...
@Bart - well... it isn't like we can't ban people from chat and put them in the penalty box on MSO.
Kinda sorta what I was getting at @Oded ;)
I use Tor :')
Nice, @Bart.
As an elite troll I am adequately trained on other forums ...
It's a shame they play with headphones on. How awesome would it be if it was on speaker and all their Xboxes picked it up
Hahaha, that would be awesome.
My TV responds to voice commands, and I had to turn it off. The TV kept doing stuff in response to things coming out of the surround sound.
It definitely turned itself off once while I was watching a movie.
Ain't modern technology great?
I <3 Tor, it was referred to me by a computer security specialist ... I have been using it since ...
Haha, yes! ...mostly.
Haha, nice. It's like the Kinect gesture controller I wrote. Sometimes the Kinect latches on to a jacket or a chair as a skeleton, and started recognizing gestures when nobody was there. I had a heck of a time figuring out how it got deep into the menu and configured items after a night away.
God I hate PHP and its "documentation". I've never encountered such imprecise, hand-wavey docs in all my life.
It's better than Ruby, @Duncan
I just lost my top bar completely :o
And it's back. No one panic.
@jadarnel27 You'd better train it better, because mine stays right with me.
Sorry =(
where is the SE definition of "oneboxing"?
OneBox *verb* to place a user into a box and set the box on fire
@Braiam Not sure. Why? We all know what it is.
@Flyk related: moderation, moderator
@Undo because I know what it's but I don't know how to explain it...
@Braiam chat previews for certain pre-defined sources, for example: wikipedia, xkcd, twitter
I would say it's a thingy in chat that automagically takes links and extracts the content from them, putting them in an easily readable format.
including all content originating from Stack Exchange
Not all
/me got the first bounty awarded. :)
@Undo questions, answers, comments, blog posts... that's pretty much "all content", no?
@Flyk Not revisions or mod messages :P
I assume bounty does not modify the daily upvote limit?
@Undo more administrative functions than content
Meh, okay
@LaszloPapp no
i.e. I got 115 (selected answer + bounty), but I can still get 200 reps from upvotes?
@LaszloPapp Yes
@Undo like all stuff from review queues, flags, etc, all don't onebox
Bounties and accepts are cap-immune.
@LaszloPapp 500 rep bounty + 200 rep from upvotes = 700 rep that day
OK, thanks, although I do not have more energy for today, but it is still good to know.
@LaszloPapp ask Jon Skeet if you are not sure ;)
don't distract Jon, he has questions to answer
I was surprised by seeing 115 reps.... compared to a few minutes ago.
I thought someone would have serial upvoted me again...
stranger things have happened
posting *that* answer and then going afk to make coffee and coming back from 200 rep from upvotes is always a good feeling
and then you realise you've got 400 rep worth of upvotes and you're like "nooooooo stop voting until tomorrow"
@Flyk: it was more surprising because I posted it 1-2 days ago
and the fun is that the answer is one-liner'ish, and pretty simple IMHO, yet no one has ever answered it before in that thread.
that like 5 people before you got wrong
I thought bounty questions would be difficult. :)
well it was only ever going to be one or the other
nah, they're just like any other question
bounty = the user needs an answer, not that the answer is difficult
yeah, but usually difficult questions remain unanswered.
@Flyk you mean "wants"... I often give a bounty just because
and poor questions of course, but they get closed or deleted.
@LaszloPapp I think you mean "narrowly defined" rather than "difficult"
@Braiam you should give me some 500 rep bounties on AU
Interesting, I see a 40K+ user with getting only 10-30 rep per day for being idle lately.
with a shitload of answers... probably the answers are not too popular.
@LaszloPapp seems about right
you really need >2000 posts before you start getting reliable daily reputation out of it
Sweet. I only have something like 1,700 answers to go before I start gathering some serious necro-rep.
I should go post some questions on Musical Practice & Performance. In fact, we all should.
Let's go, it'll be fun.
"What are some good ways to improve my piano playing speed when using my feet to play the keys?"
@jadarnel27 expect downvotes for suspected trolling
What? Trolling?! Well I never.
"How do I choose a piano teacher, when my true aim is to find a lonely cougar to love me?"
I'm a respected user in that community.
"How do I achieve that twang? You know the one. You know."
@Duncan You're on the right track, sir.
"Why does my trumpet smell funny?"
We should start a new room for this...
mumbles something about "D" and "minor" ....
hahaha, never knew music and violence went so well together. A lovely instructional video on how to play a D minor chord, with the accompanying description "Check out Bas Rutten's Liver Shot on MMA Surge:" youtube.com/watch?v=7pn9kSbikKU
Haha, what the...
I will never ever play that chord
Also: since when do people get that specific about where they're punching someone? "You back off, or I will sock you right in the gallbladder."
perhaps it's not "MMA Surge" but "MMA Surgeon"?
Man...that is my kind of joke.
You've got to love a site where this is a valid title
Q: Unable to run cucumber in grails

user3194761I am trying to run cucumber in grails. I get the following error. Error | Error loading event script from file [C:\Users\target\work\plugins\cucumber-0.9.0\scripts\_Events.groovy] No such property: ant for class: _GrailsSettings (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace) ...........................

@Bart Arqade has some really great titles. In particular if you are without the gaming context
Ha, I can imagine. This is also still a favourite of mine on SO "BeautifulSoup drops children when parent is in an implied namespace"
Q: How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat?

Larry WangI am playing a human wizard, and I just killed a monster, leaving a corpse on the ground. How do I tell whether it is safe to eat this corpse? I leave the monster unspecified because I am interested in "how can I figure out whether this is edible," rather than whether any particular monster is e...

Q: What is the most effective way to kill my wife?

3venticI don't like my current wife so I need to get rid of her. What would be the most effective way to replace her? What other ways are there?

Oh yeah - some real gems there :)
I agree. The titles on gaming can be very different taken out of context..
someone willing to give the fifth close vote? stackoverflow.com/questions/21116259/…
I just read an ASP.NET question and thought, "I'm pretty sure I know how to fix that problem." I Googled it, to make sure I was right. The first result was my answer on a dupe =)
The best part was I didn't notice it was my answer until I tried to upvote it.
As long as your first response wasn't "Ha, I never knew that" you're still fine
@Bart I suppose so!
That would mean that thing that's wrong with my brain is getting even more out of hand.
I actually had that by-proxy here. My colleague had a Unity issue some time ago. He asked me, I didn't know off-hand. He googled and found an answer. .... Mine ....
right, meeting time!
Hahaha. That's great.
Not meetings. Meetings aren't great, just to be clear.
At least, not usually.
In that respect it's great to work in a small foundation. Had one official meeting last year. And that was at a restaurant before Christmas with good food. Life is tough.
The Tavern: A practical alternative to CM'ing.
I'm sure @Pops is just checking whether or not the level of brown in here is sufficient every now and then. All part of his duties.
@Undo, give one of your CM favor points to @Bart.
takes fake point from @Pops, gives fake point to @Bart
takes all the fake points, gives them to @Flyk so she can inevitably set them on fire
Noooo, don't give her that much kindling at once. Are you mad, man?!
takes all fake points back, leaving @jadarnel27 with no fake points
@TimStone Some men just want to watch the world burn
Is the delete vote queue close to zero in general or it is queued up very badly?
delete vote queue?
@LaszloPapp No such thing.
but then stuff can get stuck, no?
or what happens after "Recommending for deletion" with that privilege?
you will see all the pending ones anyway?
@LaszloPapp There's a 10k list, but that's about it.
no separate queue for 20K+ TUs? 10K+ users cannot cast delete votes on answers fwiw. So they cannot do more than an average user in that case for a low-quality answer.
No /review queues exist for delete votes.
but then how can you catch up with posts only needing one more delete vote to be deleted? Same goes for undeletion of course.
I think recommend-deletions are kinda like half-votes (right, @Shog9?)
recommend-deletion becomes delete when you have the privilege
So it becomes delete for 10k+ users when it is about a question.
I think so.
(although low-quality stuff usually comes for answers)
I'm 4k on a beta site, and I think that's right
I think it's still close for questions..
but I'm not 10k so idk
it is a bit complex system.....
446 rep to go
I think I have never seen low-quality questions flagged so.
only in the closure queue, maybe.
^ The closest thing to a 'delete vote queue' we have
I guess there's less of them on SO as the problems are more detailed..
(that's mSO)
/me WANTS to delete. :D
"the less is sometimes more"
@3ventic: so can you fix a PS3? My flatmate's PS3 broke yesterday in the sense that it does not boot anymore, and he was asking me clueless guy.
I don't use consoles
I have no technical knowledge about any consoles :|
@jadarnel27 YAY FIRE
hides under a wet blanket
wet blanket does not make you immune
Fine! I'll just go somewhere without oxygen.
Yahoo! Answers?
Seems like a lot of hot air there.
It's times like right now that make me wish I would have gotten more than three hours of sleep last night.
That'll teach me to procrastinate on my deliverables!
Obviously, that is a joke.
It has never taught me in the past.
I can't imagine I'll just start magically learning my lesson now.
Learning lessons is for the weak.
Learning lessons is for nerds!
And we're not ner.....wait ....
@GnomeSlice did I miss today's listening?
Haven't posted yet.
Ah, here we go.
May not be your thing.
Í found the track from yesterday hard to get into
This is not bad :-)
I don't even remember what I posted yesterday.
Man, seriously? That's like one of my favourites!
It is all about taste I guess
hmm, I am not sure whether I did the right thing here.... stackoverflow.com/review/late-answers/3806731
Probably I should have marked it for deletion as it feels more like a comment... Opinions?
@LaszloPapp Yup, it's a comment. NAA
thanks, downvoted, flagged, commented.
You don't have to downvote it you know.
Just flag it.
@GnomeSlice It's fun to downvote stuff.
No it's not...
why not?
Especially bad answers.
IIRC answers need -1 to be deleted.
Because then you get random 1-rep increases when it gets deleted, and that makes you happy.
by non-moderators.
Downvotes for the sake of downvotes are horrible.
@LaszloPapp Yeah, that's true.
@GnomeSlice How about downvotes for the sake of bad content technique?
it is not for the sake of downvote. It is a bad type of post.
downvote is also a weight for the decision makers.
at least, I would feel more comfortable with -2/-3 to press the delete than 0 in certain cases (boundaries)
@GnomeSlice: why are you so negative about downvotes?
(especially if it is clearly valid and even explicitly explained)
Downvote are negative by definition.
why always Downvote = bad...
is like saying "closing" = bad...
or "deleting" = bad...
btw, "bad" is pretty subjective...
Downvotes serve a purpose. If you don't like getting them, improve.
people get downvotes personal on a technical site. It may be a valid take when it is suspicious, but when it is explained, etc, then I would not worry too much.
I didn't say downvoting was bad.
when I get a downvote I look at my post and other answers and check what I could be wrong about, if I don't see anything I ask in chat, if nobody seems anything bad I just say that is a cute way to get attention...
I just personally don't do it as much I guess.
If something is off topic, I'll just vote to close it without downvoting.
Maybe it's just me.
@GnomeSlice votes are just you, people have relatively too many subjectives ways to vote...
well, if I see some chance for a post to come back to life, I do not downvote, if I do not see any, I downvote because I want it to get deleted.
Not every question that deserves to be closed also deserves to be downvoted. Same for answers that deserve to be deleted.

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