@ShadowWizard No, I'm pretty sure it's not. Anyway, I approved your edit, voted to close and cast an "offensive" flag for good measure. (I'd say that image is indeed "inappropriate for respectful discourse", and in any case I'm pretty sure the OP is just trolling.) Hopefully at least one of those will stick.
@ShadowWizard That's... interesting. Those two posts really don't seem like something from the same user. I wonder if it's a "hacked" account or something like that.
@ShadowWizard Eww, chat markdown... it's like comment markdown, only suckier. (And no, I don't know anything about how it works internally. I've played with the post editor markdown parser a little, but that's all.)
@IlmariKaronen hmm.... with such a thing? Quite cruel. Oh well!
@IlmariKaronen fair enough. It's just that nobody else can reproduce, so the common culprit is some userscript/addon/etc. (and I know you write lots of those ;))
Hmm, yeah, it seems to work the same with SOUP on and off. And yes, it does briefly show up broken in the preview, until the server sends back the correctly parsed version.
@IlmariKaronen so maybe really slow connection, with lots of hiccups? Worth posting such answer, if someone can reproduce by breaking connection on purpose.
@ShadowWizard Yeah, but it seems to me that the meta is intended to be a site where people can 'complain' about their experiences on other sites. That is, instead of having most of the experience from the actual meta site.
@SimonKlaver well, not just complaining. Reporting bugs, asking for new features - those are things that help the whole network. Even asking for support is helping others.
about – Get information about xkcdBot.
find [searchTerms] – Search for xkcd comics with Google (100 queries/day).
[comic ID] – Post oneboxed comic.
last – Onebox most recent xkcd.
blame( [user]) – Find out who's to blame for your maladies.
owner – Find out who owns xkcdBot.
status – Get xkcdBot's status.
Pretty straight forward but google is failing me.
What is the single word for removing a limb, specifically an arm?
It can't be disarmed, as that is used when someone has their weapons taken.
I know there is decapitate for removing a head, even defenestrate for throwing out a window (which I i...
@SimonKlaver It was a reply to . . . what the hell happened?! . . . It was a reply to smoke detector that the message it posted was either spam, or gibberish.
about – Get information about xkcdBot.
find [searchTerms] – Search for xkcd comics with Google (100 queries/day).
[comic ID] – Post oneboxed comic.
last – Onebox most recent xkcd.
blame( [user]) – Find out who's to blame for your maladies.
owner – Find out who owns xkcdBot.
status – Get xkcdBot's status.
@SimonKlaver Hello – I'm xkcdBot. I listen for things you say in this chat room and suggest possibly relevant xkcd comics. I can also search xkcd on command and onebox comics given an ID; I will post new comics as they are posted on xkcd.com. For a list of commands, use !xkcd commands.
Give it an apart queue which nobody ever looks in, and view back on your built empire of uselessness after a few years. There probably is a hat for that.
@SimonKlaver No really, I see lotsa them in chat recently and don't understand the need for them. It's three lines of text anyway which can fit in a single paragraph perfectly.
TL;DR When votes of 20... 30... 100 users clearly indicate that only one or two answers are popular, it does not make sense to pretend that other answers are popular too.
In current version of “network hot” questions formula (AnswerCount * Qscore) *, all answers up to 10 are assumed to equally...
so. adding a list of "Hos Users" in the SE main page, as a way of showing these people.. something like that.. it's just an idea i have, i didnt think it well :)
I'm not asking about shipping times, I just need to know what airport(s) an international package from the UK to the US is likely to arrive at.
I guess the closest site for this is Travel.SE, but I'm not sure.
A Greasemonkey script
to add a preview to chat messages of the SmokeDetector.
Messages which are deleted while loading the preview will get a opacity of 50%
to make clear that this is not relevant.
How can I get it?
Install Greasemonkey (for Firefox) or
(for Chrome...
@Pops Is Flying Tiger a replay of 2014's Red Baron? That would explain your latest hint and it's consistent with balpha's and DVK's, though I'm surprised that nobody seeems to have gotten it naturally on SO
Let me send out this warning to anyone exploiting bugs that are not fixed yet: Users can get suspended for doing that. If you choose to do so, you do it at your own risk.