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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@ShadowWizard Yeah, looks like a dupe. No idea why the accepted answer there has votes tho, naa imo
Oh hey, I finally have more rep on Unix.SE than I do on Parenting.
Huh, rep dropdown said 96, but no votes shown. Just assoc bonus.
Is it a retracted upvote?
@Doorknob "Thanks, alot!" I love alots.
@bjb568 ... 100 - 5 != 96
Oh wait, yeah, it's 100.
Then what happened?
What, nuked an account with 2 edits?
I see, every site has how-to-ask-beta thing. I just never noticed it.
bjb568, Here
105 5
still here
@bjb568 linky?
Looks like 105
@Frank link to what?
@bjb568 the rep you were discussing.
How to link to rep?
well, not 25
looks like 17 taverners have citizen patrol on GL
2 users have deputy there and one has marshal
Noun: taverner (plural taverners)
  1. (archaic) Someone who owns a tavern....
Hmm... "owns" That would be @InfiniteRecursion
@Fundamental you know what I mean...
Inf never flagged on GL
@SmokeDetector ignore
@hichris123 Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
What triggered it? >>> are in a code block.
@Frank On which site?
@bjb568 the one you were discussing
Rep dropdown is for all sites.
And I said it wasn't on the dropdown, just the number.
@Fundamental I'm really not sure.
> You can accept your own answer in 2 hours.
I see the regex (>>>>|===>)(?s).*http" is not ignoring code blocks. That still should not have triggered, since the code has only >>>. Ah, whatever.
On GL, no one has made any rep this whole month
Would be funny if Jon Skeet changed his profile pic
He got less than 200 rep on Jan 5
user removed
has a question to ask on Biology.se
Q: How does Trifluralin kill newly germinating seeds, with almost no effects on established ones?

J. MusserTrifluralin (2,6-Dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)aniline) is a pre-emergent herbicide used in landscape beds before the application of mulch (my use for it, anyway). It kills the weeds as they germinate, while not harming most established plants. From what I understand, the mode of act...

asked the question
Q: How does Isoxaben kill newly germinating seeds, with almost no effects on established ones?

J. MusserIsoxaben (N-[3-(1-ethyl-1-methylpropyl)-1,2-oxazol-5-yl]-2,6-dimethoxybenzamide) is a pre-emergent herbicide used in landscape beds before the application of mulch (my use for it, anyway). It kills the weeds as they germinate, while not harming most established plants. Here's the mode of actio...

looks the same
@bjb568 read it.
I know, but looks like you're creating from template O_O
Completely different mode of action >> completely different question.
If they were in the same action group, I'd agree.
But, why would I word one differently than the other?
I do
Alright...who ran the SEDE query looking for W3Schools and flagged answers with it as Low Quality? I'm seeing tons of W3Schools answers in the VLQ queue right now
stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/6909194 -.- someone flagged an answer on a closed tool-rec
and it got deleted
I'm really conflicted on what to do with those -- you're wasting a review and deleting an answer that answers the question!
@Andy You can also search on the site for that
doesn't have to be query
Deleting an answer may help to roomba the question.
@Fundamental 99% of the time it doesn't though. Like this one has another +3 answer.
A: Can we get some consensus on what flag to use for link only answers?

Shog9Hmm... Lots of good discussion here already, but to answer the question you actually asked... NO. No, you can't have consensus on what flag you should use for "link only answers", because as Tim notes you shouldn't always be flagging them, as George notes there's no "one size fits all" flag rea...

@hichris123 with a broken link, I might add
Q: Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer?

Shog9I think we can all agree, this sucks: If you've been around a little while, you've probably encountered hundreds of answers like this in various forums, some of them even marked as "The Answer" by well-meaning1 forum admins looking to close a thread. We could try to enumerate the commonly-obse...

> There's really only one valid exception to this rule, and that's when the question is:

Suggest me some tutorials where i can learn quick.
Don't get me wrong, it's still a bad answer - but when the question is kinda asking for bad answers this is to be expected. Close or flag the question and move on - this is much more efficient than hanging around to babysit it by deleting every crap answer that inevitably shows up.
It's a complete waste of time. Nuke the question, not the answer.
> Links to w3schools? Very Low Quality! Ha ha, just kidding. No, seriously, don't flag those. Edit in a link to better documentation.
… proof you don't read posts I link :(
Okay, so this answer links to something called DocHub that apparently does not exist anymore. No other content is present. If the answer goes, the question can be roomba'd.... Two downvotes on the answer would work, too.
@bjb568 Oh I read it, I just went straight to the top and looked at the "duplicate of" banner.
ok, so how is your post relevant?
(to my point, since you replied to it)
@bjb568 ... uh... perhaps because it's talking about the exact same thing?
5 mins ago, by bjb568
> Links to w3schools? Very Low Quality! Ha ha, just kidding. No, seriously, don't flag those. Edit in a link to better documentation.
is my point
@bjb568 Contradictory to your actions, I might add.
I didn't flag.
@bjb568 You recommended deletion however.
I wasn't handling the flag.
I reviewed the post.
... yes you were.
Shog says: don't bother flagging, a waste of time. But when a flag was already cast, declining it via review also seems a waste of time. An answer will stay and possibly attract more flags. Of course one should try to get rid of the question, but that doesn't happen at once.
tl;dr I agree with bjb for once.
@Fundamental [citation needed]
I am referring to this quote
Expect more calendar-based scripts breaking shortly...
But... Google says v2 was shut down in November, while v3 is the current version. What are they shutting down?
@Fundamental Probably v2/gdata, and that was never updated (and v2 was never actually shut down)
meh, the only thing that got shutdown and I actually miss is Reader
I thought I was going to miss Reader, until I found Feedly
I use restyleGC to customize embedded calendars... and it relies on Calendar API v2. :( It did break on Nov 17, 2014, but then magically recovered. I thought Google reversed the course somewhere, but perhaps it was just a postponement.
@Fundamental :D
You know that guy that claimed it takes 10,000 hours to get good at a skill? I want to spend 10,000 hours with him.
!comp 10000/24
Hey, my bot loves fractions just like me!
i never liked fractions just like i don't like anyone else touching my pizza
@bjb568 Nice, a clickbait title about clickbait titles.
@bluet you need fractions to know if someone is touching your pizza, through
touches bluets pizza
@Braiam If bluet has 2 2/3 pizzas and ate 4/5 of it, how many people touching it who each can eat 4 1/8-pizza slices does there need to be for it to be completely eaten?
looks like a KA math problem
Just one, if it's Mooseman.
BTW, PSA: Mixed numbers are denoted by 2 addends added. Eg 2 + 2/3 = 8/3. 2 2/3 = 4/3.
would any dog come in & eat some in between?
elementary mixed numbers are stupid
@chmod711telkitty only if he's spherical!
user image
dog> thanks for calling me fat
@Inf - you see , you see all the stars111!! I can't see them all b.c of the pinned messages! : > (
gets rolling pin ready just in case
I might eat the pizza - depends what toppings are on it :)
Uh… who invited him now?
Oh, cute dog, I think I voted for you for something.
Were you in the SO mod election?
has he come to make an announcement that he'll be running again in the next election that hasn't been announced yet?
So. Many. Stars. What have I come to?
Welcome, Jan. You have entered Tavern on the Meta.
You enter an opulent chat room!
(vague Nethack reference :P)
Teh vocab tests have made me know what opulent is!
@bjb568 Now do a spelling test and learn "the"
Many complicate!
Few style!
Less funz!
Jan 27 at 4:48, by Fundamental
Pretty sure that bjb's support means they are doomed.
Nah, only voted for teh dog in the primaries.
wat.are.y'all doin in here
I win.
casts 16 stars
There, I won
So boring
is kewl so estivates instead
This is like playing paintball. If you're good, you don't get hit
bjb got shot 6 times. I only got shot 3 times :-]
goes and checks GL
pew pew pew
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PROBLEM IN NUMBERING EQUATIONS by suvajit pal on tex.stackexchange.com
> Waiting for kind reply. At your earliest.
@bjb568 Ow! not fair, I was hiding behind a smoke detector!
Ha! got ya
:O You pew'd my pew!
I never miss
You fool! Don't you know smoke detectors are much smaller than even the tiniest of shrubs?
@JanDvorak I know, it wasn't fair
Oh noes! out of paint-balls!
hides behind a bigger tree
Ok I give up you win
Much harder to hit than behind smokey!
But kitteh iz victorious!
It worked!
I gtg now for real
@Frank ha, fleeing teh power of teh bjb katlingeh!
leaves for good, never to return to the dreadful place
@uni @uni @uni @uni @hichris @programfox github.com/bjb568/DevDoodle/pull/174 review plox make sure no errorz in teh friendz work
should I flag that^?
oh plz noz, was just teh typoz
1 hour later…
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Fundamental Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
1 hour later…
Wakeup @ShadowWizard I'm here!
push the Snooze button
You have kids, right? They don't come with a snooze button, evar....
@rene you'll be surprised.............. :D
Oh, you keep them outside...
actually the daughter usually agree to sleep some more when asked nicely, but the son is whole different story D:
He is insanely persistent. =)
And no matter how many times we tell him about the reopen-review queue, he must think it's a lie or something. >.>
@SmokeDetector tpu
@bummi Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
baba is back in full force..... :/
talking about dark magic..... :D
@bummi poof!
@bummi kaboom
@SmokeDetector fpu
@bummi Registered question as false positive, whitelisted user and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
1 hour later…
@AnnaLear your dream house?
@bluet done :D
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: JQUERY/JAVASCRIPT HELP NEEDED by Irrational Coder on stackoverflow.com
too much code
rename SmokeDetector âž” CrapDetector
It's a pile of smoking crap
Star wall contaminated with crap ^-^
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: What is the name of this hentai? by nemesis on anime.stackexchange.com
hmm... looks like Hentai is allowed in there to some extent e.g. anime.stackexchange.com/questions/7159/whats-this-hentai-name
So doubt if we should flag as offensive
went for VLQ - which the video surely is
wait.... the name of the vid is in the URL so it's pure and useless trolling. Flagged offensive.
Does anyone know of a userscript that allows you to cast "Not A Real Question" (and other extinct types) close votes and close flags?
They could use some tag wiki clarifying the linking rules...
@Unihedro "other"
23 mins ago, by Unihedro
have a userscript prefill it with "this question sucks so hard I can't even be bothered to fill out a custom close reason"
@SmokeDetector gone
closed by mod
@rene you know chance to get answer is like 0.00001%?
@ShadowWizard based from what?
Hiya @TGM
@rene trial and error. I used to post such comments a lot in the past. To simplify, out of 100 comments I got a single response, which was the super helpful "sorry, you are right" followed by deletion by the OP.
Since the goal was to understand how they end up in MSE, it was utter failure. Can't see reason to be bothered about it anymore, the close message should be clear enough.
@Jan why did you delete your comment there? Changed your mind about the other question?
I didn't
So looks like the mod did
oh, he removed that link and closed the other question as well.
and downvoted
So even with censorship, such images are not allowed. :)
@ShadowWizard I can't handle conflicting guidance. some users want me to comment and now a high-rep/respected member of this room tells me to keep quiet. Confused/puzzled ... O_o
@rene posting programming stuff on MSE is like posting a cooking question on Stack Overflow - totally and utterly off topic. So it's different than closing as off topic on "real" sites, which is what Simon is referring to as far as I can see. On other sites I do try and always post comment in addition to close vote when I feel it might help.
@rene I think the problem is the difference in atmosphere.
hmm... @Braiam what close reason you used? Why not the generic "This question does not appear to be about the software that powers the Stack Exchange network" reason??
Simon (the person leaving the comment) is an active participant of Code Review, where you have less CVs/day and more time to spend on each question in the close vote queue, as well as a beta phase to build their community. This builds their habit of leaving comments and providing feedback to the authors even if it's tin-can'able.
@ShadowWizard "This question does not appear to seek input and discussion from the community." is more agreeable, and tells exactly what meta is for
@Braiam nope, not really.
Everyone I know used what I mentioned before from day 1.
generic reason is too generic
I don't feel that it gives proper guidance
@Braiam then use a comment
@Unihedro why? there's a close reason that does exactly what I need
@Unihedro MSE has less CV's per day as well ... I see you all try to bring in atmosphere into the equation ... may I remind you that Christmas is over ...
I said before, but a close reason that only tells "this is off topic" without telling why or how to fix the question is not a good close reason
@Braiam how "does not appear to be about the software that powers the Stack Exchange network" is not clear enough? I means the site is accepting questions about the software that powers the Stack Exchange network.
@ShadowWizard vs: This question does not appear to seek input and discussion from the community (is not something about the software that powers SE, nor tries to discuss something related to the community that forms part of SE). If you have encountered a problem on one of our sites, please describe it in detail (what this is for). See also: What is "meta"? How does it work? (more information what this is for)
^ that is more informative that just "get off my lawn"
@Frank It's this one. Check out the first answer...
Sigh. Random walk in SO ended with three utter crap questions. Dunno why I still bother.
Don't random walk?
yeah, this might work @rene but in the past I used to find at least one which is answerable
I hear people are talking about me.
more definitive solution: don't walk
@SimonAndréForsberg not me... I think ;)
@rene Being friendly doesn't have to be restricted to just Christmas.
Oh, Simon! Whoops that was me indeed
1 hour ago, by Shadow Wizard
@rene posting programming stuff on MSE is like posting a cooking question on Stack Overflow - totally and utterly off topic. So it's different than closing as off topic on "real" sites, which is what Simon is referring to as far as I can see. On other sites I do try and always post comment in addition to close vote when I feel it might help.
43 secs ago, by Shadow Wizard
Oh, Simon! Whoops that was me indeed
I'm too slow today apparently.
@SimonAndréForsberg Sure, but some seem to think that not leaving comments is un-friendly and I don't agree with that
Was I right about you meaning other sites though, @Simon?
@SimonAndréForsberg makes list of other days to be friendly in the dutch calendar nope
@ShadowWizard Other sites than Stack Overflow, yes. I can understand that folks don't post that many comments on SO, although I can't help but feel that doing so would help the atmosphere over there.
@Braiam I'm watching you ... ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg well, I'm talking about MSE itself, where I can't see any point leaving comments to programming questions.
@rene I don't have a big opinion on that.
@rene never said that leaving comments on programming questions in MSE is unfriendly, just pointless, maybe even "over-friendly". :)
@ShadowWizard Agreed. Some questions are just so blatantly off-topic you don't know where to start...
@ShadowWizard leaving comments on questions that get decorated with the system close message is also pointless but seems to create an atmosphere ...
An atmosphere of love, peace, and harmony
> Welcome to Meta Stack Exchange! This question is totally and utterly off-topic for this site. Meta Stack Exchange is for discussing the Stack Exchange system itself, not for answering specific questions like this. This questions belongs on one of our real sites.
Is "totally and utterly" really necessary?
@ShadowWizard is "over-friendly" a bad thing?
@SimonAndréForsberg which is why I use the first off topic reason
@rene I'll try to rephrase then. I am not against you posting such comments. On the contrary: it's a noble and good deed. However, from my own personal experience, and that of many others, this don't really help in the long run.
@Doorknob probably not, it was just an example of a comment one could write.
@SimonAndréForsberg when it leads to fluff, yes
@ShadowWizard OK, then does leaving comments on questions that get closed (on SO) really help? And if so, how? (And don't come with that atmosphere thingy...)
@Braiam I don't completely agree there. The question is already deemed as off-topic, so the comments will likely vanish with the question, and if they don't then they don't really bother that much IMO.
@SimonAndréForsberg there is a fine line between being too nice and feeding the trolls, @rene's comments are obviously just being nice which is 100% fine. Other comments that might try answer the actual question are feeding the trolls.
@ShadowWizard agreed. It is important to be nice while still being clear on the rules and not giving them the answer they are looking for.
@rene SO is a totally different story, at least for me. Leaving comments there before the question is actually closed often help the OP to understand his mistake and fix it. Not talking about pure crap though, obviously.
(e.g. well written question that just lack some code or error message hence might end up closed as "unclear what you ask")
You basically say the close system is broken for that type of questions?
@rene nothing broken, talking about trying to salvage the question before it's too late (or becomes hard to reopen once closed)
live example
Q: Integer length limit

certI am working on preparing code for multiple choice quiz. the main function that's doing all magic is: function validate() { var radios = document.getElementById("quiz").getElementsByTagName("INPUT"); var right = 0; var wrong = 0; for(var i=0, len=radios.length ; i<len ; i++) { if(radios[i].va...

No HTML, no error message, no way to help without these.
But if the OP would have just added those, it might have been a fair question.
He failed to do so after being asked nicely though, after reasonable amount of time.
One of the advice given is: stay near your PC to answer comments...
@rene yup. Common sense on the verge of trivial.
> The JavaScript integer length limit is somewhat larger than 4 so that's not the problem.
> the sun is hotter than boiling water. Yup.
It is so nice to see someone asking nicely instead of all the rants and debates we get from some other new users. Thank you. — Camil Staps 5 hours ago
@InfiniteRecursion not really necessary to point out the history though. We know, but that's enough of an audience.
Hi All.
All just left, sorry
That's ok.
@GnomeSlice Eh, alpha waves.
just had a thought on this question meta.stackexchange.com/questions/247937/….. Shouldn't this question be closed ??
Thoughts ??
Not constructive ...
in my view..
@MetaWonder It looks like a reasonable question, the answer is just going to be "no".
@MetaWonder Not constructive != close-worthy
Doesn't make sense..
You never know when someone else has the same problem.
As long as it's not a duplicate and is a legit question, they're asked just fine.
Reason why is this

`with possible improvements, pertaining to bugs or design and features`, My question Who would help in improvement? It is something like Say you have a car and it has fault, rather than taking to it's manufacturing center for defect correction, you discuss about the topic somewhere in some corner where no one will help you and there will be only discussions and discussions
I believe the OP sees a problem that might be solvable in some form within the SE network. The OP explains the problem and wonders how to proceed. Nothing wrong with that, IMHO
"you discuss about the topic somewhere in some corner where no one will help you and there will be only discussions and discussions" - Do you know what Meta is?
I am not pointing out to the site
it looks to me that he's looking for <those services> meta
Nor I am not insulting...
@rene that.
If someone feels that I am insulting this site.. Please let me know and I will remove my comment....
@MetaWonder My point is that developers and moderators of sites travel Meta. This is the site about the Stack Exchange network, its software, the culture, discussions about it, as well as how questions work and belong to.
It's also kind of why it's called "meta".
Well I was just sharing my view.. Sorry If I was harsh
"Who would help in improvement?" <- the people of Meta.
Now that I think about it, the entire site really doesn't help anyone than the people here.
Alright Say If my car has a problem and i want some improvement What could you actually help ..Suggest an alternative or convince me right ?? Because that's all people can..
Left a comment for you
But you cannot add that feature to my car
@Unihedro so... the site exist to make you miserable
@MetaWonder I can try to find you an engineer, or instruct you where you might find one, as well as give an estimate for how much it costs to hire one.
@Braiam noooo
every site should implement RSS feeds to prevent this behavior refresh a page
@Unihedro Why wouldn't I do it ??
@MetaWonder Are you an engineer?
@Unihedro I mean't why could not I search myself for an engineer
Because the car is yours? Oh wait, because we made the car? Oh, we didn't actually make the car, so because if you would had found an engineer you wouldn't be...
Wait, I think that metaphor has nothing to do with why people ask questions on Meta Stack Exchange.
There is difference in

1. I have a problem what is the alternative or how to clear it ?
2.(Just saying)I have a problem(and just create an awareness)
2 is what I think the OP in that question wants
Am I right ??
@Unihedro The use of tag site recommendation just see this question meta.stackexchange.com/questions/247940/…
@rene It doesn't make sense even asking questions which are clear that asking those questions would not make sense
So your comment supporting the OP might be right but still asking such questions is not constructive is what I meant
@Unihedro i thought it was called meta after meta mucil or whatever that is b.c it's where people go to spew diarrhea from the mouth
@bluet It was? Dunno, I joined SE just lately
@MetaWonder make sense overflow ...
@MetaWonder I disagree
That was my view..
@rene Disagree on what point ?
That you think it is not constructive
oh ok..My final conclusion It doesn't make sense in asking questions that would never make sense
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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