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@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog the CLT is essentially defunct too
1 hour later…
Compressed Latency Trouble?
2 hours later…
@M.A.R. in fact it was quite rapid meta.stackexchange.com/questions/390438/…
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Community Leadership Team, can't find a good reference for when exactly that was introduced but apparently around the same time (e.g. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/336175/…)
2 hours later…
6 messages moved to Chimney
3 hours later…
@ElementsInSpace happy now?
What happened to the white bow?
And why does the caption now say that the collar has a red and white pattern?
Also, I would describe those ears as “fluffy”.
@tripleee Thanks.
@ElementsInSpace there is no bow, told you about the red/white collar reasoning already :P
Yeah, but that was 3 weeks ago, and I forgot.
@JourneymanGeek Did it ever materialise? All I know is that SE wanted to introduce it. But I don't know if they ever did anything with it and that other team they wanted. I mean, both sounded not-very-well-though-out and as if they were some busywork to make it seem something is happening. So, not having them seems like a good thing - skipping the busywork.
@VLAZ It was a thing
everyone on it isn't with the company any more I think :D
And yeah, the fact that the reinstatement process has holes in it is something we've brought up
2 hours later…
@tripleee Huh, I've already upvoted that
Company policies are giving me dementia.
It's just another thing in a series of things that are done and then undone. The company is knitting something but I can't tell what.
or unraveling what was so carefully knitted by the community
@M.A.R. mostly spamming TM062...
@SPArcheon-onstrike Is it a headphone or a t-shirt?
@M.A.R. technical machine.
@SPArcheon-onstrike No, never.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact art thou Element?
@SPArcheon-onstrike I am a product of the elements
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact so you are either Harmony or Friendship.
[two buttons meme]
didn't notice Stackfenshmirtz implemented another AccountCreatorWithoutAskinator...
getting pretty lame, are we.
desperate for numbers to place on reports, are we.
Q: Being logged in with a Google account automatically recreates Stack account

sterosThis has started recently happening on my work Mac with Google Chrome. I am logged in my work Google account. When I browse Stackoverflow it automatically creates an account, no confirmation or nothing. Sometimes when I go to profile -> delete account -> delete it immediately creates a new accoun...

Maybe Stack could just switch to some Fake Accounts Creation service and stop pestering the users instead?
> You can see this especially if you delete the account and after the redirect happens upon completion of the deletion, it directly creates a new account. So you just pressed delete and on the next page you have a new account.
obviously, no answer.
It's a pretty horrendous bug and that it's not being prioritized sucks quite a bit, but I think ascribing malice to this is a bit of a stretch.
On the fun side of things: could always go the Twitter (or, I guess, X) route. Let the bots post their garbage to farm engagement numbers.
@Spevacus I ascribe to convenience (not malice) leaving it behind when it is pretty sure that some big chess piece in the company is crying hard for "More users. So now. Much your issue" and more (fake) accounts work great to meet your assigned goals...
That said, I would pretty much understand it. This "be nice" company fired people on Monday mornings without warning before...
You probably don't want someone to get the idea you are not good enough to bring new users in.
I hear you.
I mean, one should remind that it was the community (via George Stocker) that started a fundraiser to help Shog9 on his reallocation. The company "thank you" for all his dedication for years was letting him know on a short notice. A very short notice.
If we're only considering a single site, this only re-creates an account if you already have one. I'm still wondering whether, if you've logged in to one site, will this automatically create accounts for you on other sites, or not? I'd like to see that clarified to understand the scope of this behaviour. — Jeremy Banks 55 secs ago
Maybe I'll test this later if I feel inspired, maybe not. I'd like to make sure we understand the scope of this bug so we know how bad it is.
@Jeremy I think the central issue is that even if they were to claim that "the account creation is automatic since you gave your consent before" then the deletion process would still be flawed.
As the user said, currently when you delete your account you are redirected to the site. Which in turn triggers the automated creation AGAIN
at that point, the redirect should send to the main NETWORK page, not the current site.
You're right, that's wildly broken and bad. But I'd like to know the exact degree of bad: is it (2) or (3)?
1. automatically creating your first Stack Exchange account, which exposes your email address to the company and some moderators.
2. automatically creating an account on new sites, which exposes your email address to an additional set of moderators.
3. automatically re-creating accounts/preventing you from effectively deleting your account.
I can't remember if moderators have access to email addresses for deleted users... probably not? In which case there's still a privacy concern even with (3).
@Jeremy I think based on the wording it is 2 AND 3 as a side effect of the deletion redirecting you to the same site and thus triggering 2 again.
@Jeremy I don't think so. It may be in the redacted portions of meta.stackexchange.com/a/294866 , but that's speculation.
@Jeremy normally, no
@Feeds Forgot Dendro , Electro and Cryo
@SPArcheon-onstrike Aristotle also forgot Dendro, Electro and Cryo.
I'm starting to think those Greeks were running a scam.
@Feeds They forgot the Fifth Element: love.
Also not mentioned by Aristotle
5 hours later…
@V2Blast clearly they were leelooless
@SPArcheon-onstrike wasn't there a question other than meta.stackexchange.com/questions/401506/… you were complaining about that was waiting on the privacy team?

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