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2 hours later…
10 messages moved to Chimney
3 hours later…
5 messages moved to Chimney
9 messages moved to Chimney
4 hours later…
ancient spam seed and spam that for some reason was never flagged.
@ShadowWizardIsSadAndAngry Well, spam is indeed supposed to last a long time. You can open the can and enjoy delicious processed meat even years later. Working as intended.
@VLAZ I think you meant "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be"?
I accept this wording.
1 hour later…
heh The Attack of the Charly!
@VLAZ well hope there won't be lots of those on SE... ;(
4 hours later…
oh oops
thought fpu removes
heh. No way to mark as false positive while keeping the user in blacklist? @cocomac @rene any idea?
@ShadowWizardIsSadAndAngry Nope. FPU, btw, is used to add a user's username to the whitelist. Only use it if you want that user to be protected from having their posts reported because their username is somehow being caught as something bad.
Which is almost never
@ShadowWizardIsSadAndAngry You can give fp and use to !!/addblu to manually add them I suppose. But… later fp's will still undo that IIRC

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