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Smoky Weekend
Party ^
@ShadowTheKidWizard a supply chain is a rather well established principle
@Luuklag no, because on SO it's also some popular term related to blockchain.
3 hours later…
@ShadowTheKidWizard No loud ones!
People are trying to work, you know...
yep, nothing to worry at all....
@Luuklag gone
@DavidPostill k
@Luuklag Oh, I'm on reservist this week so I might be delayed
we don't have much to do and our officer's chill with us bringing in laptops so... I'll likely be on most of tomorrow and the rest of the week :D
@JourneymanGeek no worries
@JourneymanGeek Don't drink too much beer ;)
46 messages moved to Chimney
@Luuklag I won't drink any!
@JourneymanGeek What are you supposed to do when 'on reservist' then? I thought they would have you running laps and practicing shooting guns or something like it....
@Tinkeringbell Moved jerry cans, and such
Oh wow. How useful XD
That's a good way to keep your army up to date XD
this is a short one basically to make up the numbers :D
Gotta love bureaucracy...
2 hours later…
5 messages moved to Chimney
Ryan Donovan on October 17, 2022
Statistically-relevant data, but not actually exploitable.
Synthethic oneboxes: Big boxes, fewer clickbait risks
I'm getting intermittent access to Stack Exchange, MSE, SO:
Approximately 50% of the time the webpage won't load.
I've not been on most of the day
but I've got a monitoring system keeping an eye on MSE, SU and chat MSE and SE and... nada
If it continues I'll file a bug report.
8 minutes ago.
Anyone that you know?
All sites working 100% now.
@Tinkeringbell nah, still holiday here. :P
1 hour later…
@ShadowTheKidWizard Okay, you can be a tiny bit loud then ;) just don't bother the neighbors!
2 hours later…
@Tinkeringbell they're on holiday too :D
@Rob sure
This post in question is only comment locked, so the duplicate doesn't apply here. One should be able to award a bounty when a post is only comment locked. — Luuklag 23 secs ago
@Luuklag The question not only asks about how they were able to put a bounty on a comment-locked question, but also about why they were unable to award the bounty to a (completely) locked answer. The duplicate is applicable here. In addition, meta.stackexchange.com/q/19756 is also applicable here since that's the FAQ that explains comment locks and how they permit other interactions (section Why can't I comment on specific posts even if I have enough reputation to comment?)
@ShadowTheKidWizard @rene Can you please add meta.stackexchange.com/q/19756 as a duplicate target to meta.stackexchange.com/questions/382965/…? It asks two questions, one is how they were able to bounty a comment-locked question and the other is why they were unable to award a bounty to a fully-locked answer. The latter is answered in the current target, but the former is only answered in the first link here.
I doubt the bug they report warrants closing, let alone against FAQ posts that only explain what you can / can't do and not how you end-up being allowed to start one thing and then not finish it. I had already re-open voted the question.
@rene Yeah, I do see value in a feature request asking for a warning on bounties where the user specifies the existing answer reason and one or more of the answers is locked. However, it isn't a bug as such, because 1. interactions on comment-locked questions are allowed, including bounties, as explained in the comment FAQ I linked here, and 2. bounties can't be awarded to fully-locked answers, as explained in the existing target.
TL;DR the current behavior is the way the system is designed, as explained in the current and proposed targets. If it were a feature request asking for the behavior to be changed, that's different.
Should have listened to: meta.stackexchange.com/review/close/84096 ...

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