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Tim2 module @rene @Sonic @Glor @Mithical
@ShadowtheHatterWizard Mith got it
@rene gone
the others need one more
2 more, it's actually spam; rather than R/A, since it advertises a service. Repeat offender.
3 more for the 2nd.
3 hours later…
I checked, that should work. Oliebollenmix contains a bit more than just flour and yeast (https://www.ah.nl/producten/product/wi4342/koopmans-mix-voor-oliebollen has a bit of salt and sugar too, and some potato/grain starch)... I could ask my mother about her recipe for oliebollen, she makes them without mix too, and see how it differs if you'd like :)

But making the batter, then following the first link should probably work. The end result might be much 'drier' though, as oliebollen are greasy things.
Make sure to get the oil temp right, 180C or so.
He's going to airfry...
No oil temp when airfrying ;)
Oh, that is interesting
don't you need the batter be a bit more stiff then? It will not retain its bol shape without support
I think the 'roll the batter in powdered sugar and flour' step has that covered?
I hope so.
1 hour later…
@Tinkeringbell Any inaccuracies between the Google translation of the first link and what it actually says, which I should be aware of?
@SonictheCuriouserHedgehog Nope, the translation looks good to me :)
Merry Christmas!
Ryan Donovan on December 25, 2020
Welcome to ISSUE #53 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. We’re on the cusp of holiday festivities, and we here at Stack Overflow hope you and yours are happy and safe this season. This week, we’ve got a first look at…
1 hour later…
Is it mandatory to report bugs on projects like Have We Met?, or do we just leave them be because they're individual user's creations?
A lot of queries are broken, reporting on MSE wouldn't be appropriate; there's probably a chat room where you can ask if someone will fix it; but the old broken query isn't erased (or updated) and still turns up in a search.
3 hours later…
@AnnZen what is the problem with it? You might join in the SEDE room if you need assistance with existing queries or ask a new question on MSE if you tried fixing / changing it but didn't succeed.
@rene I can attempt to fix it?
It's already gone, Smokey.
@Ollie You grew fast!
@AnnZen In reputation?
@Ollie yeah
@AnnZen It's only 11.7K. But I find it's far easier to request/report here on Meta than to participate on other sites like SO.
So, I got a lot of reputation.
I'm question banned due to my last question. Weird flex, but okay.
I was question banned there for... oh, 25 days? But I very rarely use my SO account, and even then only on SO Meta to ask questions relating to Dark Mode.
I'm referencing my Meta account...
I was thinking of moving up a touch on SO, so I can help with reviewing edits/VLQ/blah-blah-blah, because recently, whenever I
-go to suggest an edit, it says the queue is full.
If you click a certain button, like the accept button, or reopen button, on a deleted post, it says "Deleted posts can't be voted on". But they can - they can be undelete-voted on.
So would it be worth changing the messages that popup to something a bit more accurate?
@AnnZen yes, you can click the fork link under the query and then make changes.
Going now
1 hour later…
For some reason, when I search where Thank You (ID: 633183) and I (ID:13552470) met, I get two posts where I said "Thank you" to other users.
@Ollie There are a lot of Review Audits there, some of the trickiest of all sites.
1 hour later…
Wow, rude of you to regift literally every gift that you or anyone else has ever received.
Happy \o/

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