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There's something fishy
2 hours later…
@SmokeDetector I see you have come back to life as an automatic script. Clever.
It gives us those nice bright 🌈
It gives us the 🌿 of summers
Makes you think all the world is a 🌞 day
And Shog wants to take our Unicode away... twitter.com/shog9/status/1095863454429175808
I am enjoying the room's new Simon & Garfunkel theme
Aug 6 '16 at 1:54, by Shog9
Need more Garfunkel
But does it need more cowbell?
@Mrs.Robinson you have clearly not seen what we have not seen
Technically, there is no Garfunkel in that song.
Concert in Central Park is the version I hear in my head
looks like I didn't miss any conversation since last night...
I've been travelling
Was hanging out at my cousin's place talking about old family gossip, tech and baking...
So mostly like SE chat in real life
Speaking of Kodak film ... spam on the subject photo.stackexchange.com/a/105074
And the question is about black-and-white reversal processing...
At some point, "everything looks worse in black & white" got changed to "better" - was that the Central Park concert?
Magisch is so far the only The The WorkPlace election candidate: workplace.stackexchange.com/election
!!/watch yaalherman\.com
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog You don't have code privileges, but I've created PR#2642 for you.
!!/approve 2642
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (53): Empty 70-persistent-net.rules directory by cuencacigars on superuser.com
I'm starting to get Stack Overflow related articles on Google Feed, the latest one: dev.to/jorgecc/oh-stack-overflow-1mmb (critique/rant)
Interestingly, it's tagged as "trending" instead of the usual subject (e.g. "Stack Overflow")
@Bookends I get a little frustrated with the SO is toxic meme
I mean. Folks are devs. This is the equivalent of a 'its broken' bug report
> Gamification. People don't want to answer question, they want to earn a stupid tag, no matter if it is rushed or invalid.
@Catija oh that too
They completely ignore the voting system acting as QC
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (53): Examples of front-end and back-end enrollment forms (module) (Magento 1) by Magezon on magento.SE
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ it's just hibernation. A complete shutdown takes too long to reboot from
Also they completely ignore the fact that comments and most moderation actions don't earn rep
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer (80): Business Intelligence for developers by Bret Kinley on dba.SE
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog People usually rant based on emotions and perceptions, not logic. That's not gonna stop them from ranting
@Shog9 you mean me reopening and closing? I do take responsibility for closing, what makes you think I don't? If you want me to stop this "cleanup" then it's fine, it's an old habit I didn't think can cause so much mess.
@ShadowWizard What does that image say?
IOW, what did you do?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ He reopened and re-closed a question with an active reopen vote.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ umm... what image? It's text.
I actually raised this point with him before Shog did.
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog well I couldn't reopen even if I wanted to so it was pointless to keep going about it.
But I never said "meh, it's not my problem" as Shog see it for some reason.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh, the image @ɪBᴜɢ posted? It's a comic about counting sheep that overflows from positive number to negative number, i.e. programmers joke.
23 hours ago, by Shadow Wizard
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog I didn't clear the vote on purpose, I cleaned up the old messy dupe-close mechanism which left the "possible duplicate" text in the body of the question. I do it whenever seeing question closed in the old style and can hammer it.
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog right, that's explaining what I did and why.
Yes, your intention was not to clear the reopen vote, but the effect is that you did. Shog is complaining that you didn't take responsibility for that effect.
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog take responsibility how, exactly?
You mean such comment?
@ahsteele sorry, I probably didn't look enough into it when re-closing, since it was already closed. I'll think twice in the future in similar cases. Also, you could have it reopened 6.5 years ago by editing/reopening (which would sent it to reopen review) or even flagging for mod attention. — Shadow Wizard 6 mins ago
@ShadowWizard They sell responsibility bars with chocolate flavor
It tastes pretty crappy, still
Your intention, I know, was just to change the old form of closure to the new form. But you should be a lot more careful when doing so (e.g. check if the closure is valid, check for active reopen votes, etc.)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ let me guess, 99% Cacao? Too bitter, even for me! ;)
@Catija where is it from?
@ShadowWizard That link Andrew posted.
@Catija oh.
Andrew... hehe, it's like calling me Yahav. Only few will make the connection. ;)
(though think @Book is still Andrew on SO, so not really the same? :))
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (64): Cyber security, hacking desperate for advice by John lent on superuser.com
@ShadowWizard [:7555010] Bad keyword with email in body - Keyword hacking, money, interested, hacking, hacking, pics, legit, employment, hacking, hack with email [email protected]
sd ignore
@ShadowWizard [:7555013] That message is not a report.
appears to be non spam, even if totally unclear.
@SmokeDetector ignore
@ShadowWizard Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@Andy @ArtOfCode what you think of Smokey feature request that will make "sd" refer to the last valid report? (See above)
i.e. I sometimes want to ask "why", then act upon it.
(and I always forget who is Smokey dev and who isn't so sorry if you're not.)
sd a i u e o
@Bookends ka ki ku ke ko
hehe Kaki in Hebrew is an uncouth word. :D
> this is a childish noun which adults rarely use
Wrong! -1 for the Quora reply. lol
!!/coffee Asu
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of Mocha for @Asu
I don't like coffee <.<
!!/tea Asu
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of passionfruit tea for @Asu
I don't like tea either >.>
!!/hug Asu
@ShadowWizard No such command 'hug'.
yeah uwu
!!/learn-command hug "hugs %1"
@ShadowWizard No such command 'learn-command'.
weird... someone apparently upvoted this old question of mine
still no hope for an official answer though.
oh, another vote.
whistles innocently
Well, my Google Code-In t-shirt arrived... but still no sign of the SE swag.
@Mithrandir The cheese board? Or the watch, or the give-a-way?
@ShadowWizard that works with baby be'el
@Tinkeringbell Any of them.
Strange. I'd think the cheese board would've arrived by now.
waffles! Ninja'd by parrot. :D
I'm not expecting the watch and swag-box for at least another week.
And, like, if it was stopped by Customs I'm supposed to get notified about it.
@Mithrandir even the Cheese? I got mine few weeks ago, but it got stuck in customs, DHL had to contact me directly. Sure you gave your correct email and phone number?
I'm pretty sure...
Worth checking, if possible.
@TheLittleNaruto so bring him here! :D
@JNat is there any way to see the responses I submitted to the cheese board form thing?
In three days, a very historical room is going to freeze.
It was created two days after the Tavern.
@SupaMegaDuckyMomodaWaffle nice :) here, have a hi-res version:
I can keep it open of course, but... what for? Looks like it lost its original purpose.
Which one and why?
@balpha whoa that's.... big! Whose that?
@JourneymanGeek the room of Pekka and Welbog
12 hours ago, by Supa Mega Ducky Momo da Waffle
user image
Welbog left.... no idea why... so Pekka doesn't bother to be there too.
hey balpha
since it's a 7 digit unicorn identifier, it doesn't actually "belong" to anyone
(since email-based unicorns would always have 32 digits)
@ShadowWizard ah
@balpha oh, thought the idea is to unicornify email hash.... no?
yeah, but unicornify doesn't care where a number comes from
it takes a hexadecimal number and makes a unicorn out of it, length doesn't matter
Negative too?
Anyway, still waiting for April Fool's prank that will replace avatars of all users with unicorns. @balpha ;)
@ShadowWizard you're nine years late
Rebecca? But it's bit different.
Jeff Atwood on March 31, 2010

Depending on what time zone you live in, it may be April 1st, aka April Fools’ Day!

April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day is a holiday celebrated in various countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on a fool’s errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.


Do you remember last year’s April Fools’ joke? That one added a cornify button to every post. …

@ShadowWizard that... was kinda the reason he made unicornify in the first place....
@Derpy not really
this comment was:
But then someone needs to write a MonsterId that creates Unicorns instead. — Michael Stum ♦ Jan 28 '10 at 5:29
Well, SE re-use hats every year.... so why not re-use April Fools pranks? :D
@balpha I kinda hoped you would mention that your heart was touched by a comment....
Jul 21 '15 at 13:08, by SPArchaeologist
@ShadowWizard @balpha doesn't have time for this. He must work on important stuff, like my request for an alternate unicornify service that uses MLP:FiM flash puppets. ^_^
@ShadowWizard Ok :-)
@ShadowWizard Because I'm a parrot, not a unicorn.
Really, really bad idea to turn me into a unicorn
baby are you here?
@Tinkeringbell you'll still be red! ;)
Anyway... anyone got idea what's this? Is it from a game?
Looks like it?
Found with my Random Image Generator
Random dungeon map?
@Tinkeringbell lol no. Code that generates five random letters or digits, and show imgur image with such URL. 80% of those actually got an image, since imgur have so many images hosted on it. Don't try at work though for... obvious reasons. :P
Ah. I'm working from home, but I'll refrain ;)
Let me know once you've found my childhood pictures? :P
then, at long last it'll be revealed, that you're actually a parrot
I've not been keeping that a secret ;)
@Mithrandir shoot me an email and I'll forward that to you? Anyway, I'm not sure which 5, but I got word from the vendor that due to some error in their system, 5 users were not sent the board in the original batch, and they're workin' on it
so it might be that yours hasn't been shipped yet :\
@JNat huh, interesting. I'll send you an email soon
thanks :)
R.I.P ^
@JNat :/
Q: Profile is not getting update on Magento Stack Exchange

Teja Bhagavan KolleparaToday i tried to update and modify my profile pic and information. When i hit on save, The page is getting error.

@ShadowWizard The rover held out 15 years though
so fair play
@Magisch yeah, that's really impressive. Think it can be considered as 150 years old person? ;)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, potentially bad keyword in answer (93): How to repair solid wood cabinet finish after fire? by Russ Palmer on diy.SE
wow old time cross network spammer!
sd k
..... I am speechless.
That's rare.
@Derpy what caused you such a thing?
You saw a dragon?
I was browsing the Android Enterprise Solutions Directory looking at the various phones to see which manufacturers provides the best update support
(you know, to avoid things like LGE not even providing security updates on the old G-Flex line)
@ShadowWizard and out of curiosity, I was looking at the prices ranges too.
@Derpy And?
it's like a book... to know what happens next you need to actively flip a page. :D
@ShadowWizard nope, just wait for me to write the message, I'm slow
@ShadowWizard Turn out you can probably get a RUGGED smartphone for less than the average price of same-spec ones from popular mainstream brands
@Derpy write it all up in Notepad, or your favorite text editor if it's not Notepad, then copy line by line here. :D
Somehow I find it very funny when a MIL-STD 810G certified phone would cost me as a Pixel 3 XL one, with very few features dropped....
at least I could throw the rugged one at the wall next time I get mad at SharePoint and not break it....
the Pixel 3 doubt would survive ^_^'
hmm... can't see any price ranges anywhere. You mean this site? @Derpy
@ShadowWizard you have to look for a reseller on google, not every manufacturer site has the price
What I meant is that when you compare something like this one - Sonim XP8 - 699$ with the average price of Sony / Samsung / Google / Apple smartphones....
you realize that by comparison a RUGGED phone costs less.
And... it even support advanced features like "has sd memory expansion slot".
Something that mainstream brands lately try to avoid to coerce you to buy the "more space available" model
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, username similar to website in answer (54): Should I charge extra for project files? by Ada Fashion on graphicdesign.SE
^ Someone move that to the trash can
Preferably with (unstoppable) force
@Journeyman can just move it back :D
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Tempting, but probably Mod Abuse ;)
@ShadowWizard Doesn't matter, that at least proves the message is a lie :)
@ShadowWizard As a nostalgic tribute to the pixelated ball games of the 80s
Not that I remember them. I only remember things from when I was -5 years old
@Tinkeringbell Oh so it's abuse when you don't wanna listen to me, but it's not abuse when you ruin my joke by editing your typo . . .
Heading to meta
Heading to catch @M.A.R
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Talking 'bout meta... @MEEisJohannGambolputty... I was waiting to see you drop in here before replying to your message from last night (Sorry, it arrived just after bedtime), but I see you already posted on meta :)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Marble Madness?
Or this?
a pretty poorly designed game, if you ask me.
@Tinkeringbell I was just wanting to ask regarding a comment from Anne Daunted on my meta post. They say that the naa faq doesn't speak about link-only answers (meta.stackexchange.com/questions/225370/…). Should this be updated or was there a policy change?
Bad controls, could become very luck based
Nah, I was pretty good at the game.
If you mean the NBA? Didn't play the one you posted.
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... See revision 4 of the faq post: meta.stackexchange.com/revisions/… it was in there at some time. Now scrolling up trying to find out why it was taken out.
Deleted in revision 7.
@Tinkeringbell there is no edit comment...
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... Yeah. I'm going through the comments on the actual post now, seeing if those provide any info. There's 43 deleted ones, might take a while ;)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (99): Meta title & description not showing in snippet preview in Yoast SEO by rohitkumar on wordpress.SE
Not that clarifying either...
@Tinkeringbell so naa flags should be used, it is just not in the naa faq? :)
Just ask whoever removed it... ? @Tink
You can use super ping to summon them here if they're not here already.
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... If it's the one flagged earlier....
@ShadowWizard I'll read that other post carefully first, see if the comments start making sense ...
@JourneymanGeek Yep
So a few things. It was a selected answer, closed as a dupe. And the answer linked back to the dupes
So if the master question went away we have problems
@JourneymanGeek yeah, but the "answer" wouldn't help if the master question went away:
> I believe you'll find your answer here
On the other hand, if the post was fixed up, it still reflects the intent of the original user...
Which is better than deleting the answer....
@JourneymanGeek yeah but then the purpose of the dupe closure would be defeated: having all information at one place.
The point if a dupe close is to act as a signpost
It's ok not to have things perfectly neat. Whats important is utility for someone who comes across it
Something I'd add I nag people about a lot ;p
So, if it would've been a different link, to not the dupe target?
@JourneymanGeek for now the question is closed as a duplicate and the answer adds nothing what is not said in the closure banner. I still think it should be deleted, but let's wait on the result of my discussion.
@Tinkeringbell IMHO it still should have been a comment.
I'd still favour fixing over deletion
If a link only answer can be logically fixed - I'd lean towards it especially on an old accepted answer
@ShadowWizard the one I posted. Very short game, isometric visual with not so great controls (games like Solstice of Snake Rattle&Roll had far better controls despite having isometric visuals too).
Unstable balance, meaning that playing bad enough in the first levels makes the later ones almost undoable (you have infinite lives, only way to get game over is by time-out. Residual time on the clock when you finish a level caries on in the next one. You need that in the later levels since the time they give you isn't enough to actually finish the level)
also very luck based since you had both bonuses and malus that were totally random
you could easily get a +30' bonus in a game, only to get nothing in the next one.
To give you an idea, the BASE timer for the last level without any second left over from past levels is 20 seconds
so, the bonus alone could easily DOUBLE that if you were lucky.
@JourneymanGeek I just think that any suggested edit doing this would be rejected.
But if the game hated you, you could as easily get a random animation of your marble breaking up every time you died. That animation played randomly without any way to avoid it. It took about... 3-5 seconds.
Kudos throwing the pad at the wall when you lost because the game decided it was time to steal 5 second by playing the animation.
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... Plausibly but you could get around that with an excellent edit reason
Now if it was one answer of many I'd nuke it without a thought
@JourneymanGeek submitted
@Tinkeringbell ARGH!!!!! How could you! You just caused a data breach by exposing deleted posts for everyone to see!!!
Now we will have to fill a GDPR data breach incident report again!
@Derpy I think the real problem is that they were self-deleted and not for reasons of moderation...!!!
I do wonder what GDPR says about SE's idea of deleted content
as far as I know, GDPR is more about PII than content...
@JohnDvorak you can file a deletion request, but content's are not neccessarily pii and you agree to give them a permanent license.
Also there was a question deleted for privacy issues, I think it was the "what's your best programming issues?" question... (or at least I suppose)
I think chat messages should be starable (intersting) and upvoteable (disagreement). I don't know how often I see a message, want to express my agreement (other than +1 @XXXXX, I agree) and don't want to star a message...
@JNat update: I just got an email that it was shipped, so... disregard my email, I guess? :D
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... upvotable (disagreement)? That's going to be a nice, confusing UI :P
@Tinkeringbell Ooops, I mean agreement of course :P
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... like a Discord "reaction" vs "pin"?
@Mithrandir probably
YES!!! I am now the first person in two years to earn the Refiner badge, and the 16th overall
@Sonic the last paragraph from my suggested edit was not quoted and I therefore didn't quoted it.
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... unlike comments, chat messages aren't noise so having "me too!" messages in reply to a message is totally fine IMO.
Also... guess what?
Q: Chat Feature-Request: Thumbs-Up

jcolebrandAdd an additional form of "I agree" besides starring or pinning (since pinning is restricted to a smaller subset to begin with) or something that we can use to not clog up the right hand star bar. This is because sometimes you want to say "I agree" but you don't want to star it because ... let's...

@MEEisJohannGambolputty... I agree
@ShadowWizard That's a GroupMe feature
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog Group what?
I can see one downside too that, and that's that it might turn discussions a lot more heated.
And create a 'us vs. them' vibe sooner
@Tinkeringbell post answer ;)
@ShadowWizard Perhaps.
GroupMe is a mobile group messaging app owned by Microsoft. It was launched in May 2010 by the private company GroupMe. In August 2011, GroupMe delivered over 100 million messages each month and by June 2012, that number jumped to 550 million. In 2013, GroupMe had over 12 million registered users. == History == GroupMe was conceived at TechCrunch Disrupt 2010. Founders Jared Hecht and Steve Martocci raised US$10.6 million in venture capital from Khosla Ventures, General Catalyst Partners, angel investors, and others. In August 2011, Skype acquired the one-year-old start-up for around $80 million...
Now that this one answer is solved, shall I delete, close as no-longer-repro or edit my meta question and include an update (this issue was resolved, what in general case...).
@JourneymanGeek Out of curiosity, do you accept requests to delete your answers so that authors of unpopular suggestions can delete their question to earn their rep back? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/323949/…
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog I didn't know this was possible...
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog ugh. No
And I don't think people should
@JourneymanGeek the answer was edited now. Can you answer my above question? ("what to do now?")
@JourneymanGeek Feel free to delete my second comment there then
@Mithrandir will do!
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... I am on my phone. Link?
Q: Are old, link-only answers not-an-answer?

MEE is Johann Gambolputty ...Yesterday I stumbled upon this answer due to the question being bumped. It is, by the official definition, considered not an answer: If you strip the markup (link), you are left with NO useful content: I believe you'll find your answer here I flagged this post using the standard not an ans...

In any case, while that post does raise a point I agree and sympathize with, in the end, it's just a rant. In an effort to be nicer I voted to close it as a dupe of a staff-answered question rather than downvoting or closing for a different reason.
Doesn't matter, because the author deleted it.
@JourneymanGeek @Tinkeringbell can one of you please reset this chat profile so it will synchronize with the parent account? (They got 282 rep and I'd like to hit them on chat, but due to the 1 rep stuck in chat cache, probably can't). Thanks!
(or maybe just delete the chat profile, it will be re-created upon next visit to the page with correct data)
@ShadowWizard on my phone so it needs to be tink
waiting for parrot
netcat --echo -i wifi0 && echo "knock yourself out"
@ShadowWizard Downstairs having tea, on mobile too :P
@Tinkeringbell you could give me mod powers for a second and I would do it ;)
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... Sorry about the terseness with the answer and flag comments
Been doing this on my phone and typing is a pain
@JourneymanGeek I know, I am also on phone sometimes and it is really not fun.
@ShadowWizard done cc @Tinkeringbell
@JourneymanGeek yay! Thanks. :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (53): Android and battery issue by Rogtechs on android.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Chinese character in title (89): Baidu registration overseas 百度注册(从国外) by a deleted user on travel.SE
> I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is off-topic.
@Bookends RC flaggers get an advantage there (they get a "blatantly off-topic" option)
@Bookends lol! Real?!
Rich Moy on February 14, 2019

After an exciting end to 2018, we kicked this year off with the first “hackathon” in Stack Overflow’s 10-year history. Unlike a traditional hackathon, it wasn’t just for our developers. Any employee working on our products or directly with the Stack Overflow community was encouraged to participate, which is why we dubbed the event a “Make-A-Thon.”

Employees from our engineering, design, and support teams spent a full week working on projects outside of their typical day-to-day responsibilities. For our inaugural Make-A-Thon, participants brainstormed improvements to our power user and moderator experience on Stack Overflow. …

@Bookends We've had a few of those at Arqade, too.
at least the comment is not self-edited into: "This is on-topic! Why is it closed?"
@Feeds That's why they were so productive. They should do this all the time ;)
@Monica you responded to me in a comment thread on a locked (migrated away) post :( [Context: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/323921/….
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (53): Telling users passwords don't match and aren't strong enough by Marcellus on ux.SE
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog And gone.
@Bookends People don't realize that although they are required to edit the custom OT reason, the edit does not have to add text. Deleting "because" works too.
yeah lol
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog And the SO question is also gone.
How to convince people I'm not a bot?
in Room for Shadow Wizard and RASG, 10 mins ago, by RASG
now i hope i wasnt talking to a bot this entire time :)
@Mrs.Robinson I'd be more amused if the custom close reason is "This is on-topic!"
@ShadowWizard there is no Metal Shadow :)
@Bookends self deleted, yeah.
I regret to inform you that, due to the last round of "Summer of Love" negotiations, the term "thingadongdong" is now considered offensive, and you're no longer allowed to use it. — Robert Harvey ♦ 2 days ago
@ShadowWizard I guess they're cutting their losses.
This tweet might be considered offensive, so no onebox... but I share the feeling twitter.com/joelcipriano/status/1096063332652584960
@fbueckert or realizing it's a lost cause, yeah.
Just when I wanted to comment, if the source (i.e. the syllables) is clean, then all syllables should make words, then just brute force from the start... at least that's the starting point
though I'm really not sure if that comes from real speech data. What are the syllables of "I"?
nvm, too much thinking and my brain wanted to implode...
@Feeds wonder what the Community Team achieved there
@Bookends That's me right now; trying to figure out dependency injection with windows forms.
User posted a question directly asking for an official response from SE, and was rightfully told to use the contact form. But they claim to have already done so, and they were told to post this question here. Can someone please shed some insight?
It was very likely a canned response that they sent you (which they normally send on feature requests), and that canned response likely makes the assumption that the feature you're talking about hasn't already been requested. You should reply to the message indicating that you're aware of the older request and that you want an official response there. — Sonic the Introverted Hedgehog 2 mins ago
Is this analysis correct?
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog I don't know. Probably though. I am inclined to find it out, but that's probably not a good idea...
Eh. Never heard of using contact us for FRs
But I doubt demanding a timeline makes for a good question
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog those replying to contact forms can't possibly know about all MSE questions, they don't check if the thousands of requests they get are already asked. IMO pointing people to post in MSE is totally fine, and if it's a dupe then so be it, it's not bad.
@ShadowWizard Which is why my analysis was that they likely used a canned response.
@JourneymanGeek The only one who gets to ask for a timeline from me is my boss.
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog yeah, probably, to save time.
can you help me look up the question where it says what parameters are required to request elections
@RaulCacacho Didn't you have a question that asked that just a little while ago?
Q: When do moderator elections take place?

ThursagenI'm really confused on this. I have no idea on several things: When do elections begin? Is there a set time each year? Do elections actually take place each year? Can I vote? Where do I vote? Etc. Can someone please help me?

@Bookends It seems the Feeds is still only posting 30 out of the 100 HNQs in that room. Maybe we have to write the whole URL by hand with all the site names separated by +'s. ;_;
no longer there was a question and they reported it as repeated
@Blue there was a meta.se question about this recently.
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... thanks
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... Oh, link?
@Blue I am looking right now
@RaulCacacho Which means it's already been asked.
You likely still have that question in your recently deleted questions list.
@Blue not so recently, but still:
Q: How to add HNQ to chat room feed?

Masked ManI would like to MYOH (Make Your Own HNQ) by posting hot network questions (HNQ) as chat feed to a chat room. This offers following benefits: Filter out HNQ from specific sites, or equivalently, add HNQ only from specific sites Add HNQ to a "read later" list There doesn't seem to be any site-s...

@MEEisJohannGambolputty... Hmm, I'm referring to a more recent issue. :P
@Blue that's... strange, because if the RSS feed is based on the mobile app's, then it should list all 100 questions. The real question is, if the Feeds was getting rate-limited or not...
> The real question is, if the Feeds was getting rate-limited or not...
That's a good question!
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