« first day (1978 days earlier)      last day (3269 days later) » 

So there are still multiple hats unclaimed.
I mean, unclaimed for Archimedesing.
1 hour later…
!!/tea + cake
@Telkitty brews a cup of mint tea for @Telkitty
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: What's the highest resolution camera orbiting Mars as of 2013? by Sandman on space.stackexchange.com
@bjb Ha... Came across this coincidentally
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer, blacklisted user: unsuccessful VPN connection by Lili Mina on android.stackexchange.com (@AndrewT.)
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: emailsendingsolutions by user21661 on pm.stackexchange.com (@Unihedron)
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Rasberry Pi HDMI input & HDMI output for image processing by PiPoint on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Can you do an n-body simulation in terms of energy and momentum? by PyRulez on physics.stackexchange.com
I just watched the new Star Wars movie
Worst movie I've seen all year
Can we get an RO to kick this spammer please
just kidding
it was okay
@Doorknob冰 And the best, no doubt.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Meaning of the expression “Eat sh**” by jim trunk on english.stackexchange.com
sd false-
Offensive text is quoted verbatim from source.
@Doorknob冰 Why?
@UNIKITTY2.0 because... it's January 2...
And here it's Jan 3
he saying it's the only movie of the year so far
because the year only just started
watches as @Doorknob冰 joke flies over @UNIKITTY2.0 head
it's a facepalm made of facepalms
Q: The Memes of Arqade and its Chat

Nick T In the style of The Many Memes of Meta Catchphrases and concepts that spread from person to person are known as memes, which, courtesy the internet, can now explode across the earth like a highly contagious virus (hence "going viral"). As with their IRL counterparts, some infectious disease...

[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in title: (1-855-855-3090) Kindle Technical Support by John Smith on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: iOS Lock Screen Icon Questions by Joshua.May on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com (@Unihedron)
@Quill-HATMANIAC [:4399792] Body - Position 560-577: [email protected]
oh lol
sd - ignore
1. [:4399794] <skipped>
2. [:4399792] Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@SantaClaus HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 17 hours, 48 minutes, and 57 seconds. :(
Wheres my coffee?
@SantaClaus brews a cup of chamomile tea for @SantaClaus
@SouravGhosh Whaddya mean, 'wut'? Humans...
@SantaClaus brews coffee for @SantaClaus
bjb568$ brew help
Example usage:
  brew [info | home | options ] [FORMULA...]
  brew install FORMULA...
  brew uninstall FORMULA...
  brew search [foo]
  brew list [FORMULA...]
  brew update
  brew upgrade [FORMULA...]
  brew pin/unpin [FORMULA...]

  brew doctor
  brew install -vd FORMULA
  brew [--env | config]

  brew create [URL [--no-fetch]]
  brew edit [FORMULA...]

Further help:
there we go
homebrew sucks
meh, yeah, it kinda does
its nice when it works
like most things
!!/coffee bjb
@SantaClaus brews coffee for @SantaClaus
dang i thought i could brew coffee for people
@SantaClaus It's Doorknob 冰's fault.
I knew it!
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: however they would not obtain by kumarraj on meta.stackexchange.com
Doorknobs don't have feelings
This is a special doorknob
@Doorknob冰 Is that your sockpuppet talking? :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: Online SAP WORKFLOW Training by alhaa78 on stackoverflow.com
@bjb568isceilingkat It looks good to me, but I don't know how much that says because I'm not a lawyer.
None of us are :(
Would contacting an actual lawyer be an option?
Meh, sounds complicated.
@bjb568isceilingkat it's bad.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: That they are able to face others by Cosiksenorey on superuser.com (@bwDraco)
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How do I progress past the initial tier of gear/crafting in Terraria? by jimmy on gaming.stackexchange.com
\left(\frac{e^{iz}-e^{-iz}}{2i}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{e^{iz}+e^{-iz}}{2}\right)^2 = \frac{e^{2iz}-2+e^{-2iz}}{-4} + \frac{e^{2iz} + 2 + e^{-2iz}}{4} = 1
I just did some learnin' and I now understand exponentiation, logarithms, and trig.
@ShadowWizard HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 15 hours, 16 minutes, and 0 seconds. :(
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: I never lost perspective on the importance of BrainPlus IQ by Nietoqez on superuser.com (@bwDraco)
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body: Correct…………………… by Kapgm on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Difference between unexpected and unpredictable - with examples by sandring on english.stackexchange.com
Huh, who says SO doesn't have fun??
Q: void ( *( *f[] ) () ) ()

MotunI just saw a picture today and think I'd appreciate explanations. So here is the picture: I found this confusing and wondered if such codes are ever practical. I googled the picture and found another picture in this reddit entry, and here is that picture: So this "reading spirally" is s...

Why no onebox??
@ShadowWizard huh?
@UNIKITTY2.0 there is weird unicode character in the title, so it's not oneboxing
The "-" there is.... weird
I know :D
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: Is hemp oil the same as CBD oil? by robert lowson on health.stackexchange.com (@Unihedron)
Bug is either unicode not being stripped away, or onebox choking on it, or both...
Wait, according to this it's just an ordinary hyphen
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Improvises the mental focus by ChaseThomas on superuser.com (@bwDraco)
OK, found the bug. Oneboxing requires a title in the URL of at least 10 characters.
(or no title in URL at all)
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: How to get University of Melbourne fake degree from diplomasellers.com? by Alede on apple.stackexchange.com
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 1 min ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, pattern-matching website in title: http://newhealthsupplement.com/testo-roar/ by chrisbock on codegolf.stackexchange.com (@ProgramFOX)
^ didn't get reported here; investigating the problem
Q: Derivative cycles of length 8

bjb568Let's say I want to find derivative cycles, that is, a group of functions $\langle f_0, f_1, \ldots, f_{n-1} \rangle$ where ${f_0}^{(p)}(x)={f_{p\,\%\,n}}(x)$ where $\%$ is the modulo operator. For $n = 1$, we have the exponential function, $f_0 = ae^{x+k}$ for arbitrary $a$ and $k$. For $n = 2...

1 hour ago, by bjb568
I just did some learnin' and I now understand exponentiation, logarithms, and trig.
thanks mathjax
23 hours ago, by rene
@Telkitty report a bug or stop using IE8
*Google Chrome Canary latest build
I'd wanna hope it works better than IE8
@Quill-HATMANIAC no repro, OS X
I suck at reading.
blacklist candidate windowslivemailconverter.com and mboxconverter.com
@bummi added
I searched for the term 'cake hat' on google images, apparently there are many cakes that faking hats and many hats pretend to be cakes
could I have worded this better?
How does this provide an answer to the question? The 'other' flag option isn't for asking why a particular flag was declined. You can rephase the issue to something like 'I flagged this as x, but the flag was declined. This comment/question/answer/whatever should probably be removed as [reasoning].'. — cybermonkey 2 mins ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: SAP HANA ONLINE TRAINING by bhanu1212 on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
you didn't happen to be the only one casting a downvote, did you? >_<
Also snow foxes are cute too:
[ SmokeDetector ] Non-English link in answer, non-Latin link in answer: How to get my Mac's specifications without the Apple menu icon? by Hason Emad on superuser.com (@bwDraco)
@ProgramFOX thanks, we had a seed with answer from them on apple
@UNIKITTY2.0 HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 12 hours, 22 minutes, and 17 seconds. :(
[ SmokeDetector ] Non-English link in answer, non-Latin link in answer: Video card error: Driver or Hardware? by Hason Emad on superuser.com (@bwDraco)
HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 12 hours, 22 minutes, and 17 seconds. :(
Why would one hurry up and earn more hats when it will be over in 0 days, 12 hours, 22 minutes, and 17 seconds? :p
It's not like you will get the hats back next year ...
The hats will be like the dinner you ate for yesterday's evening , gone forever!
Hopefully they won't come out the other end tho…
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Difference between unexpected and unpredictable - with examples by sandring on english.stackexchange.com
Why would you want to hold it in? It's not healthy ...
@SmokeDetector ignore
@bummi Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@Telkitty Just because you like to eat hats doesn't mean everybody else does too :p
do you lose the +2 from a suggested edit if the post is deleted?
@rene Yes you do
do you have a link to a meta post?
No, just know it from experience and have seen others ask about it too
@bjb568 I am not a goat, I don't eat hats ...
There's probably a Shog quote.
@UNIKITTY2.0 HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 11 hours, 41 minutes, and 8 seconds. :(
@rene Good find, for some reason I didn't think it came up in your rep history but just checked on English.SE which is the only site I could remember it happening to me on and it came up OK when I clicked show removed posts
Q: Do you lose your +2 edit rep if the edited post is subsequently deleted?

martin claytonDo you lose the +2 edit rep if the edited post is subsequently deleted? It seems a little unfair if this is true, but reputation can evaporate in this way in similar circumstances.

Older, but better and still relevant ^
RIP Winterbash
tnx Sha
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in title: Netgear Customer care @ 1-855-855-3090 by John on askubuntu.com
Sorry, @PeterJ?
You'll need a name change, I was suggesting a new one ;)
I'll change it everyday to the countdown for winterbash 2016
No more tux soon :/
@Quill-HATMANIAC good luck with that, if you can do it it means you hacked SE :D
Nah, just paying @Pops off with unicoins
Shh, don't tell Father Christmas
@FatherChristmas! Come here!
I'd better scram before the fuzz arrive
So there's no leave button on Mobile
I want to purchase a fancy cake hat, so I can run the city2surf wearing it ...
[ SmokeDetector ] Numbers-only title: 1+1 = 10, 1+2 = 3 by Stewie Griffin on codegolf.stackexchange.com (@Unihedron @Doorknob冰)
City2Surf is awesome - you can run it wear fancy things ...
Dammit mongo
Look, a cow and a unicorn walking the city2surf ... I mean cows and unicorns probably know each other from long time ago - they are probably neighbours chewing on the same piece of pasture
cows, horses, donkeys, unicorns and rhinos ...
they are all very similar - a head, four legs, one tail and a pair of butt cheeks ...
@bjb where did you get your SSL cert from?
@UNIKITTY2.0 I have 3, one from GeoTrust (thru mediatemple), one from startcom, one from let's encrypt.
the free one
@UNIKITTY2.0 could you make the color scheme any more disgusting?
pink on green - let's go
Puts bucket in tavern
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Playchess client for Mac by Whizzil on chess.stackexchange.com (@Unihedron)
sd lol
sd fp
@bjb568 [:4400310] Registered question as false positive.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: What is the phrase for 'people always giving free advice'? by Elijah on ell.stackexchange.com (@Unihedron @Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ.)
@Telkitty we have similar things on the GC but people are crazy anyway
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: How to get datetime in javascript? by Jeremy Dumais on stackoverflow.com
NodeJS is hard to use on ubuntu
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating words in answer: Minimum Items in Cart for Checkout by user55941 on drupal.stackexchange.com
tank you!
Happy New Year! https://t.co/iGef0ytviq
uploading photos takes longer than I thought
Australia needs better internet like yesterday
I'd wager the Middle East has better internet than Australia
@Quill-HATMANIAC wrong
it's crappy anywhere
(and why Middle East of all places? :))
because sand
Sand? going to find sand
@Quill-HATMANIAC imgur is slow too, may be the bottleneck
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Shortened URL in answer: Combine column from multiple rows into single row by liza lim on dba.stackexchange.com (@Unihedron)
@SmokeDetector wow what a load of cr$p! Is this the new baba??
No, it's Colby Lante
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: App crashes on click by GuliRukh Syed on stackoverflow.com
@bjb568 WHAT????
Look, look, listen to me @unikitty…
That kid is smarter than most of my neighbours
Talking to kids is like talking to a mirror: all your arguments get used against you and if you find a fallacy in your kid's reasoning, it's likely that you apply the same one in your reasoning.
pretty cool highlighting
@Quill-HATMANIAC Where's that from?
uh, not sure
Reverse image searching it finds nothing, Finder tells me http://wonderfulengineering.com
Q: Derivative cycles of length 8

bjb568Let's say I want to find derivative cycles, that is, a group of functions $\langle f_0, f_1, \ldots, f_{n-1} \rangle$ where ${f_0}^{(p)}(x)={f_{p\,\%\,n}}(x)$ where $\%$ is the modulo operator. For $n = 1$, we have the exponential function, $f_0 = ae^{x+k}$ for arbitrary $a$ and $k$. For $n = 2...

@SmokeDetector why
@bummi Body - Position 327-331: shit
@Quill-HATMANIAC HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 6 hours, 20 minutes, and 58 seconds. :(
Post-shower thot: I'm probably one of the very last of the generation who knows what a 555 timer is.
Flip flops too? :P
Of course.
I studied electronics up until I was 7, where I, transitioned to software, seeing it as a more likely future.
This is probably a dumb question, but is ostik.pp.ua Stack Exchange, too?
@DamkerngT. No
Oh! Thanks for the reply. How come there is an exact copy of Stack Exchange over there?
It's real-time, even, afaict.
idk what they hope to gain from it, but it's most certainly illegal
Do SE folks already know about this? (I just stumbled upon it.)
@Quill-HATMANIAC Thanks! (That's quite a long thread!)
@Dam told you it's a scraper.
@DamkerngT. yup, tons of scrapers out there
They're like leeches, trying to suck every drop of traffic from Stack Overflow popularity... :/
Hmm... I can't tell whether they reproduce SE with attribution or not. At least they didn't hide that it's SE.
@DamkerngT. they're the worst: exact copy without telling they're not SE. It's pure stealing.
I take it that I should report it to SE anyway.
lol, their login leads to a copy of CF error page. such n00bs....
@DamkerngT. sure, no harm in that.
Okay. Thanks!
Thank you, everyone. (Head off to my usual room.) :-)
I strangely enough still get hats awarded for something I started before Christmas
yay I remembered the flower's name
@ProgramFOX we should handle "KrojamSoft" and "FilesSearch Tool" like "long path tools"
@bummi Post 1: Could not find data for this post in the API. Check whether the post is not deleted yet.
yay i'm 15
@bummi okay!
that's one more year towards leaving my house and getting a job
@ProgramFOX thx
has anyone here actually gotten a job from the jobs tab
@bummi Done.
merci :)
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Can I add officials debian repository to kali 2.0 source list by user149846 on unix.stackexchange.com
MOAR BOLD @bjb568
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body: C# ASP.NET AWS DescribeVolumes return statement by Jason on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: C# ASP.NET AWS DescribeVolumes return statement by gypsyCoder on stackoverflow.com
that last one is strange ..
@rene nuuuuu!
@Jake Oh, don't worry, I don't actually disagree with you. I might if I'd read your post, but I'm too distracted by your abuse of formatting to do so properly. Perhaps I might be pleasured with the opportunity to disagree with your "core premise" if you'd stop treating a post formatting suggestion as a personal attack and fix your unreadable text. — bjb568 20 secs ago
I was done with it, but I still edited my answer a bit to add some data to it.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps body, all-caps title, few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body, repeating characters in title, title has only one unique char: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA by Roy on stackoverflow.com
> The psychology of “negging” is fairly amazing.
This is the kind of crap spammers spew.
Maybe for 2016 I should refrain from answering MSE posts that in the end turn out to be a game about word juggling
The whole thread is screwed. It's descended into meta-meta-squabbling.
agree on that
Other than hiding homework, I don't get why people vandalize their question.
Because the feature is there!
Oh, the red button theory?
Yes, works all the time
@bjb568 Bold issues have been fixed as much as they will be fixed. Hopefully you can now read this to understand the positive place this is coming from now? — JakeGould 54 mins ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in title, title has only one unique char: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx by user151486 on english.stackexchange.com
@hichris123 HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes, and 36 seconds. :(
Sorry, but due to a personal issue, I am logging out of Stack Exchange and may not be around for an extended period of time.
@bwDraco Too bad :(, but best wishes
@bwDraco Sorry to see you go. Your contributions on Super User have been great and consistent. Take care of your self and hope things get better.
Later ... @bwDraco
@Quill-HATMANIAC HURRY UP AND EARN MORE HATS! Winterbash will be over in 0 days, 0 hours, 19 minutes, and 1 second. :(
does the hats gone means server reset?
I'd assume so
Pops said it's automatic, but also that he's unsure
in David's hat store on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 6 hours ago, by Pops
@Quill-HATMANIAC I have to think it's automatic.
in David's hat store on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 6 hours ago, by Pops
Probably. I don't even think about that stuff anymore.
Sorry, y'all.
For relevant context:
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Dec 4 '15 at 10:14, by Journeyman Geek
@bwDraco I don't practice. I don't think about the greater good. I just have fun
I've realized I've been here for the wrong reason all along.
Let's hope this doesn't last for more than a few days, but I will certainly keep you guys in mind.
See ya soon.
You are not here for the fun? How odd that you have last this long if it's not for fun :p
@bwDraco I’ve generally had pleasant interactions with Journeyman Geek so I think he basically means he takes being a moderator seriously, but doesn’t get too wound up in it as if he needs to “suit up” and practice all the time. It’s a fine balance but ultimately you should do what you feel comfortable doing.

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