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@hichris123 Leave it there.
What else would I do with it?
At the very least it supports iPads, which the official SE app doesn't ATM.
@Undo Make it show a screen that makes you cry because it's no longer there?
After I finish ALTERing my so-posts table to add a FTS index, I'll continue working on my Android app. :P
hai everyone
Hey @Doorknob.
Just so you know (not that you care) I'll be gone until next Saturday.
Why are you still ALTERing my table MySQL?
@TheGuywithTheHat Ok. We won't go look for you until then.
I just got an email from [email protected]
@Undo Can you tell MySQL to hurry up?
@hichris123 Sure. What's your SSH address, user, and key?
It's my home computer. :P Windows 7.
(Laptop, but whatever)
Idea: Upgrade to XP
It's only reading & writing about 30 each a second.
@Undo That would be more slowness...
What are you doing?
ALTER TABLE `soposts` ADD FULLTEXT INDEX `Body` (`Body`);
Ah. That will be slow because posts are big.
It's already been running for... at least an hour and a half, if not two hours.
There are, what, 12 million SO posts?
I don't know @Undo, a lot. It's 23.6 GiB.
hai, anyone here own a Raspberry Pi?
You almost need an SSD to work with that kind of data.
@Doorknob No. But we have a site for it!
I know :P
@Undo I was hoping FTS would speed it up with MATCH...AGAINST but the index is the hard part.
hooray; I've gotten this far so far:
280/300 quota used
[bronze] Teacher: 280086
[bronze] Student: 318413
[bronze] Editor: 234158
[bronze] Cleanup: 11617
[bronze] Organizer: 37710
[bronze] Supporter: 189833
[bronze] Critic: 79464
[bronze] Citizen Patrol: 37031
[bronze] Autobiographer: 75427
[bronze] Scholar: 242674
[silver] Strunk & White: 3549
[silver] Yearling: 203306
[bronze] Self-Learner: 32954
[silver] Guru: 14393
#<OpenURI::HTTPError: 500 Internal Server Error>
Sleeping for 3 seconds
[silver] Enlightened: 3
(that's the rank I've gotten badges on SO in, for example I got the 280086th Teacher badge
obviously as you can see there are still bugs
#<OpenURI::HTTPError: 500 Internal Server Error>
I want that badge!
I found out that it always throws that when it encounters a badge awarded multiple times
so I'm researching SQL's LIMIT :P'
apparently it's TOP in t-sql
It looks kinda weird.
hooray, I fixed it!
277/300 quota used
[bronze] Teacher: 280086
[bronze] Student: 318413
[bronze] Editor: 234158
[bronze] Cleanup: 11617
[bronze] Organizer: 37710
[bronze] Supporter: 189833
[bronze] Critic: 79464
[bronze] Citizen Patrol: 37031
[bronze] Autobiographer: 75427
[bronze] Scholar: 242674
[silver] Strunk & White: 3549
[silver] Yearling: 203306
[bronze] Self-Learner: 32954
[silver] Guru: 14393
[silver] Enlightened: 59178
[bronze] Nice Question: 95605
[silver] Good Question: 21796
[gold] Great Question: 2475
@Doorknob Are you using the API?
no, data explorer
I'll open-source the code in a minute when I'm finished polishing it
Why do you have a quota then?
it uses the API to find all badges on the user
and then uses data explorer for the rest
... couldn't you do that on SEDE?
I suppose, but it's easier with API :P
Wow. Lazy. :P
Why do you like Ruby so much?
because Ruby is awesome!
But Python, Java, and PHP!
Python is ok, Java and PHP are terrible
I just really like Ruby's elegance
I got distracted by my dog :P
final result:
[G] Famous Question: 3138
[S] Constituent: 639
[S] Notable Question: 9463
[B] Informed: 322
[B] Talkative: 338
[B] Self-Learner: 664
[B] Organizer: 680
[B] Caucus: 720
[B] Custodian: 1104
[B] Citizen Patrol: 1248
[B] Commentator: 1560
[B] Critic: 1752
[B] Editor: 4164
[B] Nice Question: 4538
[B] Scholar: 4614
[B] Nice Answer: 6372
[B] Student: 7587
[B] Autobiographer: 7725
[B] Supporter: 9529
[B] Teacher: 10126
[B] Popular Question: 15960
(I started testing on Arqade because I have less badges there :P)
maybe I should put the numbers first so they line up nicely
or make the words line up
[G] Famous Question  3138
[S] Constituent      639
[S] Notable Question 9463
[B] Informed         322
[B] Talkative        338
[B] Self-Learner     664
[B] Organizer        680
[B] Caucus           720
[B] Custodian        1104
[B] Citizen Patrol   1248
[B] Commentator      1560
[B] Critic           1752
[B] Editor           4164
[B] Nice Question    4538
[B] Scholar          4614
[B] Nice Answer      6372
[B] Student          7587
[B] Autobiographer   7725
[B] Supporter        9529
[B] Teacher          10126
@hichris Ya know those shiny graphs Amazon gives you for EC2? I figured out how to make them work in my app :D
wait, somehow I ended up on https://meta.so... ???
@Undo How?
I'm 1k on Meta!
very nice
Now I won't be clicking air (vote counts) anymore. :P
increases the established user privilege to user.find('hichris123').reputation + 1
Animuson as a Dev would be scary... @Undo. :P
@hichris123 there's a CloudWatch iOS API :D
@hichris I think there's a Java one too.
I now get free downvotes on SR.
A: What is the difference between local and centralized web agents?

Gordon KingSo OpenSSOAgentConfiguration.properties and Configuration on openAm server which one will affect depends on this setting? If set to centralized the configuration on openam will affect, if set to local than the properties file will work? right? I was confused same question.

For posterity.
Haha I just happened to be browsing through my site and was like... Oh... That's a lot of pandas...
1 hour later…
A: Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Encryption Key and is SSL required for my app?

LarsV-XIIQuote, "Secondly, in my case i'll definitely add a symmetric encryption key on top of SSL.." Wt? The whole purpose of sound PKC is in using "asymmetry", i.e., asymmetric cryptographic keys (AK's) - not symmetric ones. With AK's, the private key is never broadcast, and because the public & privat...

I think it is offensive and rude ...
Hi Rene.
Which moderator candidate had 20k+ helpful flags?
nope. I think I would recall that.
I may have dreamed it.
It is bluefeet
beat me to it
Thanks, that is definitely worth my vote.
I take the opportunity to shameless plug my question for the candidate mods which was inspired by a conversation in this room.
wow, there is a comment upvote daily limit?
I don't think so
It is throttled
I cannot upvote any more comments.
"daily limit reached" or so.
Q: The Complete Rate-Limiting Guide

Lance RobertsI noticed that I can only perform certain actions such as commenting a finite number of times in a given period of time. Obviously, rate limiting is in place to prevent accidental misuse or intentional abuse of certain features. Where else is rate limiting applied on Stack Exchange sites, and wh...

I never hit that so I don't upvote comments enough?
yeah. It happened to me the first time due to the moderator election.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS on math.stackexchange.com
weird self-selected answer
A: linux C++, libnoise, getvalue() return value > 1? (reported as bug)

bob the mighty spell casterlooks like nobody care of libnoise but me

indeed...is it NAA? And is that new answer OK? seems to talk about a different lib
deleted by Flexo now.
@LaszloPapp not any more ;)
I am not sure why people expect every moderator to be an active part of meta.
Experienced users can help with that, and some moderators can focus on things that regular users cannot do. I just feel sorry for active site cleaners not participating that much to meta, and getting critics.
Because moderators should know decisions made by the community and one would assume they would be interested to participate in the discussion as well
experienced users know that, too.
stackoverflow.com/questions/21796605/… - Yay! live streaming spam is back!
Got it!
A: Converting integers to roman numerals

VladimirHave a look at this nice blog post.

what to do with such link-only answers? Shall post some inline content or just leave as is?
Maybe convert to comment?
yeah, I just feel sorry for the reputation then.
That blog item is pretty big
creating an excerpt from it would take some effort...
I just left a comment.
Yeah, hopefully he wants to revisit
A: How to limit file upload type file size in PHP?

Tommyif (isset ( $_FILES['uploaded_file'] ) ) { $file_size = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['size']; $file_type = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['type']; if (($file_size > 2097152)){ $message = 'File too large. File must be less than 2 megabytes.'; echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("'.$m...

A: Scanner.nextLine input skipping

user808235please read here another post in stackoverflow which explains in detail

@LaszloPapp: rep from posts that have a score of more than 3 and are more than 60 days old is preserved. So don't worry about that.
@Mat: you mean even if deleted?
A: WordPress: Managing subfolders in media library

AndyI'm absolutely with Stefan here. It can't be rocketscience to build a default option that lets you add subfolders to the media library. WP is fantastic but ONE media library with ALL the pictures in the same place is such a stupid default solution that is almost make me angry. But hey. Let 60 mio...

Yes. See the reputation .
ok, strange.
Isn't that wordpress question asking for a lib?
A: How to start TDD in Django?

user2407450Some links/tutorial to help you. http://gettingstartedwithdjango.com/en/lessons/testing-microblog/ http://test-driven-django-development.readthedocs.org/en/latest/01-getting-started.html

@Mat, thanks, I am surprised.
@LaszloPapp It wasn't always that way - changed in 2011 IIRC
I guess some old off-topic questions would have caused a lot of reputation decrease for the corresponding people.
Shog9 on March 05, 2012

If you’ve been around Meta Stack Overflow the past few days, you’ve seen a fair bit of conversation sparked by the recent changes to how reputation is calculated:

To be clear: reputation values are not changing, every action in the system is still worth the same amount. Here’s what will be different:

Your reputation will be correct at all times

Deletions will have a much more immediate effect on reputation, not waiting on a recalc (but reputation sync takes up to 5 minutes on a delete/undelete action; as to not block the user’s response thread, it’s offloaded to a background queue) …

(when reputation automatically noticed deletions without a manual recalculation and suddenly people realised they'd lost lots)
what I can never quite remember is if that includes bounties or not. One would assume it did, but it's so rare...
two more downvotes to 3K. :-)
A: Install app on genymotion device ,meet:“INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE”

LongLvThis is link youtube i think help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMSmGc0J6MU

Sigh, that's not an answer..
yep, it was the 3000th download for me.
ah, yeah, I always write downloads. Strange.
@Flexo: for science, I deleted my answer here, rep at time of deletion 93144. Lets see what happens.
Q: I have been playing with csv files but i have never met one such as this. The encoding is unknown i tried vim no results..

Deman Prinze"]���&�MF.��J���զ+�]��WmKn�1�)�#�I5_b��f�G+�=X\�z�q�pk���� " � "�qߠx=��D�nۙ�#K)�VTӦ��JlE�(�q�z�U��ϠH ��yyI����hw;�Ԑ��B��""tt�i��%b�K73���M�j��RC�" �� ��gO�6JI��oOd��q�7���ͯ2�(��h��{"����'���<-Y�|g��@�Rc����[Hh�nf�fZ�hS�[��kns�'�L��GmK� @�lk@��|e&��Ϙ��0��� O�� �CmE�� �...

I have an idea for the answer.
VF���kq��˩l��BR�z�ɪ�-N�\��*��}4-V��NJ9���(�S|O�6{��ߤ$.U��3r Xv�Wg��4���N^�Yc�oZ" "��j� a֫i:�(��1�""" p�P
+1 �4���N^�Yc�oZ" �j� a֫i:"��j� a֫i:�(��1�""
Golly, I am one vote away from topping the CSV tag..
"This question appears to be off-topic because it is about guessing a file encoding. This is not programming. "
haha. :)
Would not have called that.
Now there's something to put on your CV @MartijnPieters
@hichris123: "please disregard my NAA flag" is suited much better as an "other" flag than a comment (not sure if you can put an "other" flag on a post you already flagged as NAA though)
@ThiefMaster: I flagged stackoverflow.com/questions/20416216/… as NAA.
Shall I add a other comment to try?
go for it
It works
When flagged as NAA, you can still flag as Other as well.
uh, you hadn't flagged that post as NAA
I don't think there's much risk of copy-pasting in that answer @MartijnPieters ;)
unless you used a sockpuppet for it though :p
Except I didn't flag it..
Erm, no, I considered flagging it.
Then didn't but posted a comment instead.
@ThiefMaster Strangely enough, I have yet to find a reason to create a sock.
you could use this post to give it another try
Nope, it does not work.
> You already flagged ...
so, no, once flagged, people can only use the comments under the post to communicate with the mods.
or come here and poke you guys.
Sigh ... and here I thought this "Jeff Atwood" user might be finally worth giving the benefit of the doubt.
Q: How i can meet the very jeff atwood?

user252083im alreaDY look other question but nothing was found. i know you can contact hem but i realy will meet hem because i want to be his friend and suggest feature for hem. there is way for this? thank you =)

For posterity.
I would not be surprised if that is the intention @michaelb958. Given him observing this chat, and this being very similar behaviour to (a string of) other accounts.
@Bart Oops... errr... should I delete that?
Nah, just leave it. Doesn't really matter.
The question by itself wasn't too unsettling. But the comments make me fear for Jeff's life
Meh, his giant S will keep him safe.
Sorry, giant S?
Dear Next Person Who Opens a Pluralization 'Bug', I will personally come to your house and bludgeon you to death with a giant S
I'm going to do other things in 1 seconds.
Yeah, his 1 giant Ss.
@michaelb958 Yeah, that's totally not a double-entendre either..
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: TWIN PRIIME CONJECTURE SOLUTION on mathoverflow.net
Based on the description, does it mean that the user lost badges?
I hate that graphic
It always shows me how lazy I am
You could write a script...
That graph also doesn't take private repos into account.
It makes me look terrible, that graph.
Underneath there is Pushed 33 commits to <private repo> Feb 10 - Feb 14..
Hey all, this question should be re-opened meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/221212/… , because Martijn closed it!
Why does that mean it should be reopened?
And there were 4 other users who voted the same, even before Martijn
You can see my reason why in the comment of the questoin, as well, as if you check the edit.
Fair enough, as long as the reason isn't "because Martijn closed it".
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: COHERENCE IN LASER on physics.stackexchange.com
Thank you all who help.

user40654what is line width and band width in laser? LINE WIDTH MEANING? 1.BAND WIDTH MENING WHAT IS SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL COHERENCE?

that response time
BUT WHAT IS @Manishearth? WHAT IS???
I wonder why users like that don't simply google first with the very terms they're asking about.
Beware the Unicorn Cookies!
Any CMs on the lurk?
Because I have a question about something a CM told me.
What did you break @Undo? Or what did you violate?
20K+ helpful flag. OMG, I still do not believe it!
someone, shake me up. :)
How the frick is this upvoted? stackoverflow.com/questions/21799398/…
@Bart Well... I was on a tag-wiki-suggestion spree, and Robert came and rejected them all. So I asked him in chat and he explained that we want the excerpts the show what the tag should be used for, not what they represent.
And so now that I can review suggested edits there (there are 26 in the queue ATM), I want to know if the same applies to tag wikis themselves.
Got an example of a case @Undo?
One that he declined?
@Bart Uhm... Yeah. Lemme go get to a computer.
hopes he doesn't trip on the way down the dark stairs
I return
@Bart: e.g. someone likes cuda questions.
I love me some CUDA questions. But that's not so much a CUDA question as it is a crap question @LaszloPapp ;)
well, I upvote poor QtSerialPort questions, too.
because I am the maintainer, and I wanna encourage everyone to use it.
in any way, I can.
Yeah @Undo, I have to agree with him there
@Bart And I do too, now. Because I talked with him.
Tag wikis however are fair game
Those can contain such content
Anyway, not a CM, so I'll defer to them. ;)
@Bart: well, they answer to my clarification questions, and then we solve the problem, so all fine.
Hehe, fair enough.
@Bart Have an SR account?
but I downvoted this one because I do not care about CUDA. :)
... I'll say that it's the result that counts. ;)
So @Bart, what do you think of this one? I'm leaning accept, you?
If it wasn't horribly phrased, maybe.
And this one is good, right?
Wait no, that's the wiki itself.
Yeah, reject I'd say. Not really wiki content
So there's my question: Should the tag wikis be meta-content or content?
Gah, they need to make wiki vs. excerpt more noticeable.
especially in review
I would go for primarily content, unless there is a history of bad tag-use. In that case you could opt for some meta-content in the wiki at some point. But then again, who reads that ...
yeah, makes sense.
I knew SR would be a learning experience, but I didn't think I needed to re-learn tag wikis :P
Tag wiki => information about the tag and its usage with useful links and such
Excerpt => information that makes it clear when to use the tag
So what do I reject it with, @Bart? Not helpful?
@3ventic Right, as far as I understand.
Don't you just hate it when people disable right click on their website?
@3ventic example?
@3ventic Ugh, I had to do maintenance on a website where they did that once. Chrome Dev Tools were useless.
You could do @Undo
@Undo how come?
That one for example
1) it's irritating and 2) it doesn't help at all
@JanDvorak Because it was a website where you buy photos and they didn't want people to just right click -> save image as...
ctrl+shift+j in chrome and F12 in IE11 bypass that completely
@3ventic at least it doesn't kill F12... I've been on a site that does that
What @3ventic? You're saying you can get around such protection? Wow
@3ventic bad idea
@Bart So what about this one?
@Undo ...that doesn't protect against that at all :/
the latest changed file in the browser cache
@Doorknob No, but it makes developers mad. Which I suppose may be a good thing depending on your perspective.
I'm saying it's extremely irritating when they do that.
Not for us @Doorknob. The general public however ...
I use that right click menu to refresh the page
I can't be bothered to take my other hand off my coffee mug to press F5
I would understand it if they replaced it with their own right click menu though
@3ventic document.oncontextmenu = null on a userscript could help
like google does
on docs and gmail at least
The site I had to work on would even pop up a big alert saying "DONT STEAL OUR CONTENT" whenever I right-clicked.
Apparently there's a wordpress plugin for it.
I do love sites that use a div for "protection" though. Yeah, now I really can't see your content through that grey layer, nor can I remove the entire node ...
It took me a week after that project to learn that right-clicking is still okay.
@Bart like the Wikipedia's blackout?
@Undo Yeah... it's not like some people use it to refresh or go back/forward, or even translate the page with google translator...
Yeah @JanDvorak. Or like some newspapers do for the subscriber content.
I love Chrome's built-in translator gizmo.
I can go to pt.SO and get mixed up and write a post there in English.
@Undo how do I tell it to translate to english, not to my native language?
@JanDvorak Just a minute.
That second dropdown menu will do it, @JanDvorak.
@Undo before it even tries to translate, I mean
@JanDvorak Oh. I dunno, try @3ventic's method.
There's a link "manage languages"
or if you use Chrome in your native language, search in your native language as well, should be easy enough
thanks, found
@3ventic nah, it only means that it offers you to translate that language to your own
Change Chrome's language?
for some reason I can't use english... do I need to reinstall?
That's... weird.
I don't know
My Chrome's language changed when I changed my Windows's language
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