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8:38 AM
And so, finally, thanks to some fire-rings jumping, the collection of the 4 Kinder-Maxi pony figures is complete.
Some day I will understand why the maxi eggs had just Twily, Rarity, Dashie and Pinkie while the small ones replaced Rarity with 'Shy.
And why poor AJ wasn't included in either set.
2 hours later…
10:32 AM
Also interesting. The "Guardians of Equestria" toy line is live. Which is pretty strange since they have just revealed the "Explore Equestria" one, and that seem to be the season 6 theme (as Cutie Mark Magic was for season 5, Rainbow Power for 4 and so on).
That marks one question: what is this toy line about? Did they manage to spoil the 2017 movie with a 2 years worth pre-empitive attack??? Seem too much, even for them.
Also, if they indeed are using places and characters that will appear in the show, one of the doll may even top Midnight Sparkle in regard to "epic plot spoiler in toy form"
Be careful out there,
"Hereby be ponies"

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