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Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29526479/… by cimmanon from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/q/253062/177257 by SilentKiller from Tavern on the Meta
1 hour later…
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29188225/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29531737/… by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta Reason: still a recommendation
Close Vote Request for superuser.com/q/807156/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/19994246/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29532136/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29532106/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/22411136/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/q/899461/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Yamhilator started.
Phamhilator™ started.
Posts caught (last 7 days): 1560.
Terms: 1943.
Posts checked: 672476.
TPs acknowledged: 2397.
FPs acknowledged: 2948.
Uptime: 00:01:21.2396467.
Posts caught (last 7 days): 1570.
Terms: 1943.
Posts checked: 672502.
TPs acknowledged: 2397.
FPs acknowledged: 2948.
Uptime: 00:02:15.9987787.
Low Quality Q (80%): Как создать свой шаблон для 1С-Битрикс?, by vinnie, on ru.stackoverflow.com.
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/899462/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
>>add-b-a-spam (?i)coinfreenav\.com
@Sam Term added!
Low Quality Q (68.8%): jquery scrolltop does not work in chrome, by venu gopal, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (91.1%): 8051 - After API call at 0xFFF0, pointer is not returning to my program, by user50222, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
>>add-b-a-spam (?i)best free giveaway
@Sam Term added!
@Pham fp
Low Quality Low Quality Q (67.2%): electronics.stackexchange.com, by user50222, on 8051 - After API call at 0xFFF0, pointer is not returning to my program.
@bummi Error executing command.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Magento stock status doesn't work(not showing up), by Mustafa Tosuncu, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (35.1%): I have same problem in sharepoint 2013. Problem was in Project targer fr..., by Taras, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
I'll try to fix the FP bug today.
Low Quality Q (83.1%): I need help understanding Frege's definition of number, by Valentino, on math.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (27.2%): Celloplex is an ultimate skin care product, by koppersn smith, on superuser.com TP Acknowledged.
Low Quality Q (17.2%): unsetting css is not working, by Fazeela Abu Zohra, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tp
Spam A (100%): Hi i can fix your issue mail me at [email protected], by ADIL BHAT, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): sudo apt-get install python3-pip not working, by ajay, on askubuntu.com.
@Pham ask
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (75%): Connection Pi -> Arduino through nRF24l01, problem with integers, by malleYay, on raspberrypi.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (33.2%): doubt on patent WO 2010052608 A1, by Alex Wang, on patents.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.4%): Need help debugging parallel matrix multiplication using MPI, by Sam Jiang, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29530786/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta Reason: debugging
Low Quality A (23.6%): You can split by newline and then split by dot, by Fran Montero, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam Q (16.7%): Make tighter augmented skin pores, by dretpoqz, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Someone please help tried everything, by Bozo Vulicevic, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): How to list by only Amazon product?, by Ale, on webapps.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): No Above calculated approach doesn't work, by Bharat Sukhwal, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (21%): SQL Server Upgrade Advisor cannot detect DB from VMWare, by Bayoneda, on stackoverflow.com.
@Pham fp
@Sam FP acknowledged.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Low Quality Q (67.2%): french.stackexchange.com, by Escher, on Natural language processing (sentiment classification) API for French text.
@Sam Error executing command.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Strangeness of QFT, by user50464, on physics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I think called her full name or just 同学 is okay., by biubiubiu, on chinese.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Just call 女生 or the full name is fine too, by Jing, on chinese.stackexchange.com.
@Pham help
@James See here for a full list of commands.
Low Quality A (23.6%): Can you try using " \r" instead of " ", by Sanjay Kumar N S, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): What container do you use? Try to use avi container, by noname, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (24.2%): what does the Email log says? Setup - Logs - Email Log Files, by Sankaran Nepolean, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tpa
Low Quality Q (17.2%): Laravel url routes, by hawk9, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (50%): I had the same problem and it appears that with Arduino IDE 1.6.x, libra..., by Eric Lee, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (24.7%): You need to forward port 9 for WakeOnLan instead of port 35., by 8m47x, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): Your proposal looks like an emergency solution: "My apartment is burning..., by Yako, on ux.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Dell XPS15 L502x Mini Display Port not working Ubuntu 13.04, by Dominik, on askubuntu.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Low Quality Q (67.2%): english.stackexchange.com, by Mortimer Ballsack, on Are there exceptions to the “place yourself last” rule for listing people?.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29533382/64976 by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta Reason: notenoughinfo
>>add-b-qt-name ADIL BHAT
@Sam Term added!
That'll have to do for now.
@Pham tpa
Low Quality A (23.6%): Changing 1.* to dev-master probably solves your problem., by Yo-han, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): aap chutiye hai agar aap convex optimization mei single derivative use k..., by iamtheGOD, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Custom Command not Working in Itemize-Block, by SailorChibi, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Парсинг google, by crystallon, on ru.stackoverflow.com.
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/questions/862553/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/questions/888617/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (75%): Problems updating a list within App Web from Host Web using SPServices, by Treebeards, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): One year testing experience should have, by A.Mo5tar, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29533789/… by rene from Tavern on the Meta Reason: too broad
Low Quality Q (81.2%): ESTA FOR USA CHANGES, by Carol, on travel.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): radiator stop leak, by Amy Patton, on mechanics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): SystemParametersInfo, SPI_GET/SETMENUDROPALIGMENT, by kero, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (81.2%): IS 12.03 UBUNTU VERSION EXSIST OR NOT?, by Divya Nautiyal, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): Try flashing gapps on your phone . hope this helps, by user53203, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): Try "Wipe cache partition" and "Wipe dalvik cache" in recovery mode., by sfx, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): Go to app menu, delete data for Google Play services, and retry., by user17525, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Raspberry Pi with USB DAC and ALSA audio not working, by Vmaxx, on raspberrypi.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Comapring series, by Yaar, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (17.2%): Jsop image extract, by Anupam Sharma, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): Problem with deploying matlab simulink mode to Arduino UNO, by toby, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): Used wix file to provide the version information., by nmuliker, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): A problem on integration., by user223741, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): How to validate maximum character check in webdriver/java, by Shanmuga Raj, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): I have found a trick to create Document Set in a Sandbox Solution. First..., by John Jayaseelan, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (100%): Need spec for Bosch 0 580 453 439 pump, by Sharper, on mechanics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): Find remainder when divided by 13, by lk42392, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (21%): Working with infobip return url, by Adisa Tosin, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (60.8%): $0$? $|1.5|=1.5$ Or is there a typo in the question?, by Dmitry Rubanovich, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): So you don't have to increase boilerplate with a little lambda., by Anonymous, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Relative clause, by Fred, on german.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tpa
Spam Q (TPA'd by Sam): Healthy Skin - Naturally, by GaylBuck5, on meta.stackexchange.com TPA Acknowledged.
@Pham tpa
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/291874/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (68.8%): LINK's HREF is not working in Helix Template, by Antonio, on joomla.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): Can we deploy PROFILES alone from one sandbox to another?, by Nagachandra, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29534814/… by MoshMage from JavaScript
Low Quality A (21.8%): I'm having a similar issue in word, If you’re working on a document open..., by Andy, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): When use Phpunit XML, I was problem same this., by user3749278, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Bonjour does not work with TP-Link Archer C2, by gklka, on superuser.com.
Spam Q (91.1%): Removes fine lines and wrinkles, by Jayson Rutter, on meta.stackexchange.com TP Acknowledged.
Low Quality Q (100%): Integration by Substitution help, by MAS, on math.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tp
@Pham tpa
Low Quality A (23.6%): "INTIGER FOREIGN KEY" Perhaps?, by bdavies6086, on stackoverflow.com.
missed by 1 sec :P
Low Quality A (20.3%): I have exactly the same problem ... without solution. I tried a lot of c..., by Deguich, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (86.9%): Need help diagnostic my PC freezes, by user626528, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Рисование в PyQt, by Clotnice, on ru.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Sharepoint wysiwyg editor not working in IE, by xstnc, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Logout in Mozilla and chrome not working, by love thakker, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (17.2%): Trouble with plot, by Gramoz Çubreli, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam Q (TPA'd by bummi): Where to buy Bio Diamond skin cream?, by Randy Aviles, on meta.stackexchange.com TPA Acknowledged.
Low Quality A (23.6%): in my phone showed AT command is failed to send, by paul, on android.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tpa
Low Quality Q (75%): Some problems about ListPlot3D, plot 6 faces of a 3D region, by child, on mathematica.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29533487/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta Reason: take-your-pick
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/28026504/… by GNi33 from JavaScript
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/28474052/… by GNi33 from JavaScript
@Pham fp
Low Quality Low Quality Q (67.7%): stackoverflow.com, by Alon Pe'er, on I'm getting this error: error c2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments, but I don't understand why.
@Pham tpa
Low Quality A (23.6%): Try to override OnBackButtonPressed or something like that :), by Daniel Petrov, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Never mind, n00b moment - figured it out., by toffeejay, on craftcms.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): PSN problems while trying to sign in, by Chris, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): CUDA not working after returning laptop from sleep, by Master, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Cartthrob Save customer Info and Submitted Order Info not working for guests, by Ben, on expressionengine.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29531574/… by ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (75%): Variational optimization problem with several constraints, by epsilone, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (84.1%): How to write a test class for CSV parser controller class?, by KSL, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): PWM mode not working on timer, by user3081123, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (91.1%): will not long go unsold to, by 0935, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): The correct phrase is "two and a half years"., by MANAUWER RAZA, on ell.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Low Quality Q (67.2%): english.stackexchange.com, by 0935, on will not long go unsold to.
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/q/899515/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (75%): SQL problem with checking next and previous rows, by Robin, on dba.stackexchange.com.
>>add-b-qb-spam (?i)engineeringwall\.com
@Sam Term added!
Low Quality Q (17.2%): Corba IOR decode, by 108, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam Q (55.6%): this anti aging cream joined specific various for facial surgeries, by Carla juriya, on drupal.stackexchange.com TP Acknowledged.
@Pham tp
Low Quality A (21.8%): Thank you for this great article, I would like to take the chance for in..., by Diaa, on security.stackexchange.com.
@Pham ask
Low Quality A (23.6%): Yes, and you can declare them like so: global x, y, z, by Patrick, on stackoverflow.com.
>>add-b-a-spam (?i)preply\.com
@Sam Term added!
Spam Q (29.6%): watched that it's very a marvel skin cream, by Mathisjuriya, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): Why is the heuristic funktion h+ a NP problem, by Niclas Jonsson, on cs.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tpa
@Pham tpa
Low Quality Q (81.4%): I need help updating Xcode, by JSWilson, on apple.stackexchange.com.
@Sam TPA acknowledged.
Low Quality A (21.6%): Well, If I seeing things right, you posed two questions: What options ..., by SOJPM, on security.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29535919/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta Reason: unclear
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29535922/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta Reason: same as above
Low Quality Q (17.2%): Pathauto not working, by drup, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): tld file and place in WEB-INF folder, by malli, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): Problem add to pdf image file in directory, by Özgür, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): First make sure that what value is coming into data., by Soni Pandey, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Help interpreting a MySQL execution plan, by Charlie Martin, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): Nodejs requirement for a component that i want to develop, by Jolwin Gonsalves, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): On what acidity of Oxyacids depend and how?, by punarbasu roy, on chemistry.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (55.6%): http://www.healthcaresups.com/rapid-repair-eye-serum/, by reygres7, on meta.stackexchange.com TP Acknowledged.
@Pham tp
@Pham tpa
No need to tpa.
Low Quality A (50%): Since you want to review all of them, can't you just make Anki to show t..., by Tachibana ian, on productivity.stackexchange.com.
Smokey got it.
hmm window of that room was closed. :/ my miss
Yamhilator stopped.
Spam Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/291874/… by ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ from Tavern on the Meta
>>add-b-a-spam (?i)www.knowarth\.com
@Sam Term added!
Yamhilator started.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Phamhilator.UI.Program.CheckSendReport(Post p, String messageBody, PostAnalysis info) in c:\Users\Samuel\Documents\GitHub\Phamhilator\Phamhilator.UI\Program.cs:line 319
at Phamhilator.UI.Program.<InitialiseSocket>b__e(Question question) in c:\Users\Samuel\Documents\GitHub\Phamhilator\Phamhilator.UI\Program.cs:line 187
at Phamhilator.Core.PostListener.Listen() in c:\Users\Samuel\Documents\GitHub\Phamhilator\Phamhilator.Core\PostListener.cs:line 82
what happen ? NRE
I had to close Yam for a few mins for an update, and I was hoping Pham wouldn't "complain" about not receiving any data :|
Phamhilator™ started.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Phamhilator.UI.Program.CheckSendReport(Post p, String messageBody, PostAnalysis info) in c:\Users\Samuel\Documents\GitHub\Phamhilator\Phamhilator.UI\Program.cs:line 319
at Phamhilator.UI.Program.<InitialiseSocket>b__e(Question question) in c:\Users\Samuel\Documents\GitHub\Phamhilator\Phamhilator.UI\Program.cs:line 187
at Phamhilator.Core.PostListener.Listen() in c:\Users\Samuel\Documents\GitHub\Phamhilator\Phamhilator.Core\PostListener.cs:line 82
Ah, I see what's happened here.
Parameter mismatch during transmission.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29536431/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta
Yamhilator stopped.
@Sam but both were working fine and just show exception. were you working on them meanwhile ?
@SilentKiller Yeah, I was refactoring Yam.
Yamhilator started.
@Sam Pham too ?? as Pham also got exception.
@SilentKiller Pham threw the ex because I had to close Yam.
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/899530/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Phamhilator™ started.
>>add-b-a-spam (?i)recoverlostpassword\.com
Sam Yam Pham connected with eachother. ;)
Low Quality A (50%): Got the same Problem like hillbilly on Windows: C:\Users\\AppData\Roami..., by Hans, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Help with an apparently simple proof in complex numbers, by Marc C, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (67.8%): Has anybody used bamboo for continuous integration with CumulusCI, by Mick Sumpter, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): wicd reconnection problem on beagleboard ubuntu12.10, by user3920905, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): Solve for “X” & “Y” … X + Y = 11 and X - Y = 5, by Jayb, on math.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
@Pham ask
@Pham tpa
Low Quality A (23.6%): The word, "processing" might work., by Memo, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Caption distance, by Andreas, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): This was a bug in the third part software. All fixed :), by user634319, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29517955/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (20%): How to create class in python, by tal1992, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29536693/… by J. Steen from Tavern on the Meta Reason: gmail ssl
Spam Q (25.6%): QuickBooks Support Phone Number:@1-855-806-6643 Contact online technical Support?, by Hedley, on stackoverflow.com TP Acknowledged.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Dreams in sufism, by Al Eskandar, on islam.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tp
Low Quality A (23.6%): tld file and place in WEB-INF folder., by malli, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Sql Query not working on both condition in where clause?, by kls, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
@Pham ask
Low Quality A (23.6%): select EXTRACT(DAY FROM sysdate) from dual;, by Pranav Shah, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Попробуйте сделать sql или xml дамп базы, by OlegUP, on ru.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Kancolle I think, but Im no sure, by Vistor, on anime.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (24.2%): Turns out setting explicity posts per page did if for me., by user3679718, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (55.6%): How do you know if a dream you had has a meaning behind it?, by Bilalm, on islam.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): You can't know the future prophet could do that by revelation but dreams..., by user37421, on islam.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (75%): problems with one user., by Eddie Boyd, on askubuntu.com.
>>add-b-qb-spam \bLive Stream\b
@Sam Term added!
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29525565/… by mikedidthis from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Low Quality A (50%): Had the same problem. Working on InDesign CC. Find the layers tab and se..., by Vils, on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): Exam review problem. Weird answer, by Rzeta, on physics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): I think the 1st one is more appropriate., by user3471429, on english.stackexchange.com.
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/q/899546/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
>>add-b-qb-spam (?i)juvalifegermanyhelp\.com
@Sam Term added!
Low Quality Q (100%): Request for help to solve an equation with LambertW: $ (x^2-4\,x+6) e^x =y$, by jsafra, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (17.2%): Drupal 7 Views Slideshow - controls not working, by Patricia, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
>>add-b-qb-spam Male Enhancement
@Sam Term added!
>>add-b-qt-spam Male Enhancement
@Sam Term added!
Low Quality A (50%): That's a bad answer, scroll down to see edit. I was having the same pro..., by versedi, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (16.5%): I want to open a multi-currency accounts with MXN currency, by Thomas, on money.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (23.6%): Yes, and you can declare them like so: global x, y, z, by Patrick, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): SMTP with STARTTLS, by Russell Ault, on civicrm.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): What's in a handshake taken from wap2?, by jad jad, on security.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (24.2%): I may help you if your site is online and I can see it ;), by Sebastien, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Seeking help for my ASP Project. (ERD Correction Required), by Milvydas Povilis "Rep: 1"), on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (75%): laplace equation with boundary problems, by okocj, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (15.1%): Yesss Thank You Works Great !!!, by William, on unix.stackexchange.com.

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