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Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29464024/1223693 by Doorknob from Tavern on the Meta Reason: ugh
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29464035/1223693 by Doorknob from Tavern on the Meta Reason: typo
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/1444961/… by Martijn Pieters from Python
1 hour later…
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29463935/… by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta Reason: no code
Delete Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/a/3224913/2581872 by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/16133045/… by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/5541170/… by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29463260/… by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/4024271/… by Jason C from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/568929/… by Jason C from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for askubuntu.com/questions/605812/… by pizza from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/29465368/189134 by Andy from Tavern on the Meta
2 hours later…
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/898245/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/14190902/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29464352/465378 by Alexis King from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/898247/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/252856/… by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/9640630/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/143580/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/140406/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29467222/… by Avinash Raj from Python
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/5613167/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/9735441/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
@Tim Pham scrapes the pages, Smokey uses the title and the API. The API has caching, so it's slower to detect. Also, to save API quota, Smokey also fetches a specific amount of posts within 1 request.
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/q/898266/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/3138022/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/9735441/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/9640630/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/143580/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/29468418/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29456541/367456 by hakre from PHP
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/898286/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/q/252869/201151 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for meta.stackexchange.com/q/252870/201151 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/q/898290/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/5613167/1699210 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/898294/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for ebooks.stackexchange.com/q/5852/4456 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for beer.stackexchange.com/q/3324/2589 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/898298/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/252873/… by ProgramFOX from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/q/898299/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/252874/… by ProgramFOX from Tavern on the Meta
2 hours later…
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29471659/656243 by Lynn Crumbling from Tavern on the Meta Reason: broad
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29447040/… by Braiam from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/3413391/792066 by Braiam from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for tor.stackexchange.com/q/6581/6577 by Mooseman from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for beer.stackexchange.com/questions/3324/… by Martijn Pieters from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29472319/… by Kevin from Python
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29472503/… by Carrie Kendall from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29469552/… by gunr2171 from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/29473541/189134 by Andy from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/29473602/2619912 by ProgramFOX from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/7658028/… by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29463935/… by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29468716/2359271 by Air from Python
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29474106/2301450 by vaultah from Python
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29474539/2301450 by vaultah from Python
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29282227/… by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/29472053/… by Martijn Pieters from Python
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29475022/2301450 by vaultah from Python
Delete Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/a/7834464/2581872 by hichris123 from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for android.stackexchange.com/a/104652 by pizza from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/29377673/656243 by Lynn Crumbling from Tavern on the Meta Reason: ot-software
3 hours later…
Offensive Flag Request for ru.stackoverflow.com/a/413989 by pizza from Tavern on the Meta
4 hours later…
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/a/898549/172747 by bummi from Tavern on the Meta

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