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@Pham tpa
Low Quality A (20.8%): We have a word mathematics it consists, 2-m,2-t and etc...,', by Ashish kumar, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Spray furniture polish on radiators if winter., by user2408, on lifehacks.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp why
@Sam FP acknowledged.
@Pham del
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Is it okay to attempt to retract pro bono work?, by Wes, on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): angular.equals is probably what you're looking for: docs.angula..., by DeclanMcD, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): Thank you for the question. I appreciate the opportunity to delve into o..., by NicPhillips, on christianity.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Tricky anime quiz, by Shiki Akuma, on anime.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (29%): Newbie Question for power supply, by Andrew Simpson, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (91.1%): How to get the coordinates of the polygon area, by armid, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (62.5%): What tool can I use to document my SDK?, by redhat, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
@Pham ask
Low Quality A (21.6%): try this find . | xargs grep 'word' -sl, by Dachi, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (20.8%): Hint: $a^{n+1} = a \cdot a^n, by Mark Lao, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): Thanks to all. John your suggestion I think giving good result, this is ..., by ToShare, on dsp.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I found a clever workaround . just ask Siri to turn cellular data off, by Bishal Gautam, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I got a new iPhone. Apple analyzed the iPhone and replaced it., by Bishal Gautam, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): UK, sorry I had problems with my account and had to change., by mimma4, on workplace.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/28116458/… by Jon Clements from Python
Offensive A (90.9%): I don't think "shit" has a past, these days. It might turn up if you ha..., by Greg Lee, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): add an essentially blank global header text area to the view. use hook_..., by Bear, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): Custom Membership Provider my friend!, by Vitox, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): lactic acid bacteria ferment the disaccharide lactose present in high am..., by DaanV, on biology.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): From Gender in English: Traditionally ships, even ships named after ..., by KRyan, on ell.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/28116920/2555451 by iCodez from Python
Low Quality Q (29.1%): Need help fixing my cron job, by ErocM, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (37.9%): mv --backup=t "$src/$file" "$dest", by BeMy Friend, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (21.5%): Help - Error : Could not connect to master of shard replica set, by rendybjunior, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): 45 chars in python c=0 j=input for i in j()*[0]: b=j() c+=b*(b0..., by Cereal, on codegolf.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): Practical Question that makes you think, Thank You. God lives outside o..., by NicPhillips, on christianity.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): Sounds like you're looking for a customer relationship management (CRM) ..., by ZeroFlux, on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): are you talking about a 3-way switch in a desk lamp? if so, that will be..., by MT_Head, on diy.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): In File, by theoctagon, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): Ruby, 34 28 bytes $ Takes input via STDIN. 6 bytes saved thanks for AS..., by AJMansfield, on codegolf.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (55.6%): How can we make post rating functionality work with Google Analytics?, by Zelbinian, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (68.8%): What is a block, by Patrick W. McMahon, on bitcoin.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (91.1%): Display frame rate during playback, by Sabuncu, on blender.stackexchange.com.
Spam A (72.4%): Mines - In Call to Arms, a minefield is deployed. Said mines are self-..., by Keen, on scifi.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Scheduled Apex - CronExpression Question, by ZenSeeker, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): go to these files "yourtemplatepath/catalog/product/view/description.pht..., by snake, on magento.stackexchange.com.
@Pham ask
@Pham tp
@Sam TP acknowledged.
Low Quality Q (20.6%): Problem with the characters 'span' in URL (Magento, by Erik, on magento.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp why
@Mooseman Term found: (?i)\bidiot\b (Sensitivity: 0%. Specificity: 100%. Ignored: 59.1%. Score: 10. Auto: False)
Spam Q (55.6%): If you want to run it as root, add the -r flag?, by rpbodley, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (82.6%): Connecting GSM SIM900A module with Ardunio, by Jeyanth90, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality A (21.8%): Please can you mark in the image above what I need to connect. A big tha..., by Tonko Kovacević, on electronics.stackexchange.com TP Acknowledged.
@Pham fp
@Pham tp
Low Quality A (21.8%): We ended up getting Nintex Workflow 2010 and using the query list action..., by Pete, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (25.9%): InnoDB Tablespace critical error in great need of a fix, by Serge Sf, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): I solved this issue differently by adding '#attribute' with event... $f..., by arnaudom, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): Put your keys in on the page init, by braindice, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I suspect it should be "any other ancient civilization"., by user107236, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.8%): Hint: Prove that $K$ is a Cantor set (of Hausdorff dimension $, by Tomas Persson, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (46.6%): In all cases within 0.75 ± 0.15 ... ?, by Dan, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (60.8%): He's as old as so want to be what ever, by Chinkway, on anime.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (60.8%): hj gjh jghu hg8yhn 9 j;lojool;kljhh hkhv 'bj 32103121 +53, by user371661, on askubuntu.com TPA Acknowledged TPA Acknowledged.
Low Quality A (100%): you should have building insurance. Is this actionable on a lease?, by user107238, on english.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tpa
@Pham tpa
@Sam How do I add a username term? >>add-b-a-name?
@Mooseman Correct.
@Pham fp
@Mooseman Blacklist term added.
@Mooseman Huh?
@Sam As opposed to the usual (removed)
@Mooseman I meant the term you added.
@Sam (Redacted)
I'll remove that once you say you saw it
Oh, gotcha.
Low Quality A (46.1%): How do you set it up if you are running windows 7?, by Sheldon Dawson, on askubuntu.com TP Acknowledged.
@Mooseman The term you added kinda threw me, since it's spelt differently over here.
Low Quality Q (18.7%): Repairing OpsCenter rollups60 Results in Snapshot Errors, by pgn674, on serverfault.com.
@Pham tp
@Sam Again, with the UK misspellings! ;)
When will you recognise the correct way? ;)
Low Quality Q (80%): What does (sic) mean?, by DM007, on ell.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Sic means said in context based on the reasources of the latin language., by user15845, on ell.stackexchange.com.
@Mooseman Never! :D
applause You, you... you used "ise" instead :O
Low Quality Q (86.2%): Need your help to find a driver, by dimaastronom, on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): It could also mean spelt incorrectly, by user15845, on ell.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Patent US 5803317, by user13322, on patents.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Name and Nickname, by Kaye, on writers.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (18%): Visual Studio Express Alignment and box not closing, by sNewbie, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/28118176/2555451 by iCodez from Python
Low Quality A (100%): I think auditd might be what you're looking for., by r_3, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality A (100%): The frequent "in which way" is nearly always shortened to "which way"., by Doug Wiggins, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): ul.design-centre-links { text-align: center; width: 100%; pa..., by Jason, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): Okay so I finally figured this out. It was a stupid mistake on my part. ..., by Salman, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Charizard can wear fake nails too., by user100348, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): I'm pretty sure I used similar code not that long ago and didn't encount..., by Cthulhubutt, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
@Sam ;D
Offensive A (90.9%): My favorite way to kill a fly is with a salt fly gun. (Google those wor..., by Rudy Bake, on lifehacks.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Flyspray. Kills all of them at the same time..., by Rudy Bake, on lifehacks.stackexchange.com.
@Pham why
@Pham del
Low Quality A (20.2%): Wipe helped me. Strange error., by JusMelon, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam A (72.4%): Every start is difficult, but if you are persistent enough and accept lo..., by mmfh, on freelancing.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp why
@Mooseman FP acknowledged.
@Mooseman Term found: (?i)\bstart earning\b (Ignored: 0%. Score: 10.9. Auto: False)
Flag Request -> Not an answer for stackoverflow.com/a/28118586/1234256 by Mooseman from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality A (100%): When I click that link, there is no 11/14 update?, by user411722, on superuser.com.
@Pham tpa why
@Mooseman TP acknowledged.
@Mooseman Term found: ^(?i).{0,80}$ (Sensitivity: 2.7%. Specificity: 99.4%. Ignored: 80.3%. Score: 89. Auto: False)
Low Quality A (100%): Should copyrighted papers be posted by scientists at ResearchGate?, by Vicent, on academia.stackexchange.com.
Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/28118684 by Blaze from Charcoal HQ
Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/28118728 by Blaze from Charcoal HQ
Spam Q (18.2%): Clojure: nullpointerexception with recursion, by kfrisbie, on stackoverflow.com.
@Pham fp
@Pham fp why
@Mooseman Term found: (?is)^<.*>\s*(h(i|e(llo)?)|greetings)\b (Sensitivity: 0.1%. Specificity: 100%. Ignored: 87.4%. Score: 19.2. Auto: False)
Low Quality Q (100%): John the Ripper and sparsebundle password help, by Liath, on apple.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp why
@Mooseman Term found: (?i)\bh[ae]lp\b (Sensitivity: 0.6%. Specificity: 99.3%. Ignored: 93.6%. Score: 16. Auto: False)
Low Quality A (21.8%): Thanks to the help provided above I was able to develop the following co..., by wilsorob, on raspberrypi.stackexchange.com.
@Pham ask
Spam Q (66.7%): How thick is the “skin” formed from surface tension?, by troglodite, on physics.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (100%): “Marker does not point anywhere” error when using (message), by Joseph Garvin, on emacs.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Theory languages question, by Fernando Martinez, on cs.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/28118850/… by cel from Python
@Pham fp
Low Quality A (28.8%): OmniSharp doesn't work with ScriptCS files yet, but hopefully soon!, by jasoni, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I think Yoda was just a human. Maybe a chemical reaction happened?, by ben, on scifi.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (28.8%): We do not have this functionality available publicly, at this time., by DuchessSF, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): This is my interpretation: Remember this quotation: Claire: In an o..., by Carolyn Horricks, on movies.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): it works good for me, after modify on my it-security dashboard, for chan..., by Alex Gaspar, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (25.9%): “ERROR: could not read from config file” MongoDB, by benatespina, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.7%): Windows Updates failing on SBS 2011, no errors generated, by Zach, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality Q (80%): New user looking to purchase bitcoins, by Lester Gordon, on bitcoin.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (28.8%): php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-param.php Answered in comments., by Newbie, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (20.8%): Use Inverse Function Theorem to obtain $f^\prime(z) eq0$ for all $z$., by user149418, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (46.6%): Uso php com javascript e arquivos js, by Joao Paulo, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): Magnetocrystalline anisotropy is all about spontaneous magnetization. Co..., by dolan, on physics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): I know that in the browser you could do: CTRL+I = Zoom-in on page. CTRL..., by user91344, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.8%): Working Solutions:- 1) Use distributed topology instead of single regul..., by Ravindra, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I LOVE IT. Its perfect so yeah but i dont understand, by DEATH, on mathoverflow.net.
Low Quality Q (25.9%): SSIS OLE DB Error on package execution, by Hani El Mouallem, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): how about using unit circle? first let us deal with the the first quad..., by user208259, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (29.5%): Getting Fatal Error from Cron php script but runs 100% in browser, by Thorrrr, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (21.6%): It sounds like it could be *batteries not included. It's a Steven Spielb..., by user18362, on movies.stackexchange.com.
I'm off guys, night!
Phamhilator™ stopped.
night @Sam :)
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/1104810/2555451 by iCodez from Python

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