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Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27117010/… by davidism from Python
Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/27117253 by Blaze from Charcoal HQ
Flag Request for stackoverflow.com/a/27117151 by Blaze from Charcoal HQ
2 hours later…
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27118510/… by Zach Saucier from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/12445242/2982225 by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta Reason: recbook
Close/Delete Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26961713/2982225 by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta
Close/Delete Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27050560/2982225 by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26690103/2982225 by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/137899/… by Rafflesia arnoldii from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27118282/3622940 by Unihedron from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/244113/… by Rafflesia arnoldii from Tavern on the Meta
2 hours later…
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/q/244114/245167 by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/137913/… by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta
Phamhilator™ started.
Low Quality A (25.4%): You are killing your process and that a bad ..., by Milad, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Should I use relational or noSQL databases for this problem, by dotslash, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (72.4%): Need a concise term to denote “request to borrow”, by tamakisquare, on english.stackexchange.com.
Offensive A (90.9%): the answer is i'm an idiot. move along, by guest, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (47.2%): Your advisor? Just use advised., by rjb, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): Expelling a tenant, by Yosef Saban, on judaism.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Type DOMAINUser in the user edit field., by user3767013, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (40.3%): ubuntu termernal how to grep all the same file extension, by Bonnie Ng, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (35%): Fill listview from array of objects, by AndroidPug, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (24.8%): Encountering error on Editing the SharePoint Site, by mdsiddiqali, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [width] | ANDROID : Webview doesn't take full width, by Zakdroid, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Big post IDs, is there a problem in the future?, by MacLover, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): This is because the perform() call is where ..., by Pratham, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): You can also try out this way,, by Vivek Singh, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (28.6%): A Lazy is when you forgot to do a fetch in t..., by rocks21, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam A (72.4%): What kind of story do you want to tell, or w..., by JesseM, on worldbuilding.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (22%): the answer with 'show white spaces between p..., by yehia yamani, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (24.8%): Error when click Manage in Business Data Connectivity Service Sharepoint 2013, by Johanna, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (80.5%): Hey guys I need some help on a project, by Justin Eichler, on sound.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [api] | Email threading using Mandrill API, by Maks, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Unable to get post excerpt., by vectable, on ell.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (55.6%): What is the fastest healing method?, by user2656801, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Duplicate values, by Deeba, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): Array element problem in optimization, by user22380, on mathematica.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27121937/871050 by Second Rikudo from [JavaScript ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17)
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/137921/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (100%): How are “plot” and “story” different from each other?, by Jin, on ell.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (28.5% FSF): Error when starting .Net-Application from ThinApp-Application, by michael meyer, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality Q (23.9%): PS plus for different regions, by mohannad mouzayen, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): perhaps apt-get install debco..., by piaf, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (19.2%): Is the integral convergent?, by martin, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): You need to create new module with frontcont..., by Emipro Technologies, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Try this code: Version ..., by vasili111, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): First, the significance of this is to prove ..., by , on islam.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Valid for Windows Phone 8.1, Dev Studi..., by A.J.Bauer, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [api] | Google maps Intersection of two route, by MtlBnmtl, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (22%): Disclaimer: This is most probably very, by VotBear, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Weal that suks a littel bit :(, by user93078, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Dead of Winter event cards, by Dallin, on boardgames.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (26.1%): I have same problem in my tomcat server. pro..., by hmtmcse, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality Q (35%): Ubuntu upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 failed - Dell, by Rishi Thapliyal, on askubuntu.com.
Flag Request -> Very Low Quality for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/244117/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality A (25.4%): Based on your comment you are executing requ..., by user2432612, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [object] | PHP: Check if objects contain a string from array, by shamrock, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): I've managed to resolve the issue however am..., by WillJ, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (40.3%): Calculation of Distnace Between Two Zipcodes in R, by Ashwan, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (35%): arduino leonardo is not recognized by usb cable in windows 8, by Mark Klaarenbeek, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): microeconomics- homework, by emad, on academia.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Yeah you can enter under the visa waiver pro..., by VisaSpecialist, on travel.stackexchange.com.
@PatrickHofman fp
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27123210/… by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta Reason: too broad
Low Quality A (31.7%): PEOPLE OF USA:) Once the batter is mixed wit..., by senthil, on cooking.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Add little curd to it. it will fermented eas..., by bharatbhai, on cooking.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (72.4%): Need to customise SendEmail feature, by php.dev.2014, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Problems with setting up delivery costs, by user123, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Admin login is considered on front end, by Pratik bhatt, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): This is not valid syntax. You need to use,, by Ian Bjorhovde, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.3%): ????????????????????????????????????????????..., by vvv, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Flag Request -> Very Low Quality for dba.stackexchange.com/a/83568 by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (26.8%): Google Forms adding descriptions to multiple checklist items, by Susan de Moes, on webapps.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I set my Wifi to DHCP instead of static IP, ..., by Rick van den Hof, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (55.6%): What is people review for it?, by ciierrateeters, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): Using Array of Colors.I achieved point one, by Kinjan Bhavsar, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (23.7%): That method won't work ..., by Tomas, on academia.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Do persons of trinity need each other?, by tamara, on christianity.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Back end testing is as important as front en..., by Prashant PC, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.5%): I got the same problem but some times we can..., by shiva, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (19.4%): Steam Web Api: CS:GO Getting Skin name of items, by roverred, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Remote API 2 (RAPI2). = You lanch two rapi...., by RTKV, on stackoverflow.com.
@PatrickHofman why
Low Quality Q (34.4%): Web Forms and Bootstrap Form Issue, by Eric B, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (35%): how to create a custom button for a custom object on a related list, by nikkey, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): How add the Video in Content Editor Webpart, by mdsiddiqali, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Project Managemet Example, by EsS, on pm.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (72.4%): Need Extension for magento site, by Dinesh, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): people obviously need lives and jobs, by Anno, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Flag Request -> Very Low Quality for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/244118/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality A (25.4%): Here my attempt in how to minimize hard-codi..., by MORTAL, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27123983/… by Martijn Pieters from Python
Low Quality A (31.7%): No. Villagers can only open..., by ArceusMaster0493, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (31.8%): PayPal Express - 10002 security header is not valid error, by Francis Kim, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [pop] | How to use pushFrontViewController with SWRevealController, by Jon M, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): For that kind of work you can use Sharepoint..., by Taumantis, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam A (23.3%): Edit the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file to match..., by SLY, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (20.4%): hahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahaha..., by leewen, on math.stackexchange.com.
@PatrickHofman tp
Oh, no responses?
Bad Tag Used: [web] | Changing the date format not working in ng-grid angular js, by JKJha, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Python 3 - 25 bytes print(s..., by Renae Lider, on codegolf.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Can I update to iOS 7.1.2, instead of iOS 8.1, on iPhone 5S?, by Nash, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Ja, die Bedeutung hängt im Allgemeinen von d..., by user3398698, on german.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): class Wood end class Brick end class..., by Qaisar Nadeem, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): All I can think of is some kind of, by Liath, on puzzling.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): ERROR: Unable to find a bootable option. press any key to shut down, by Sabilv, on windowsphone.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): As fileunderwater said turmeric is a suggest..., by Jvrek, on biology.stackexchange.com.
@Unihedron Hmm. Strange.
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started.
Low Quality A (28.8%): Quickfix: $('img').height() /..., by Tibbers, on stackoverflow.com.
@PatrickHofman why
@Unihedron Term(s) found: (Sensitivity: 16.3%. Specificity: 96.9%. Ignored: 88.7%. Score: 88. Is Auto: False) ^(?i).{0,80}$
Yay it works now!
Low Quality Q (100%): Error analysis for better accuracy, by Dayapule Durgaharish, on datascience.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Mailman and Apache Virtual Hosts problems, by real, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): I want to hide my status bar on lock screen...., by Jkiran, on android.stackexchange.com.
@PatrickHofman fp
Low Quality A (100%): Error exists between chair and desk. I'm too..., by Tim Print, on expressionengine.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27124271/… by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta Reason: No question
@PatrickHofman fp
Low Quality A (31.7%): I have similar problem with FreeNAS (FreeBSD..., by alex471, on serverfault.com.
Flag Request -> Not an answer for expressionengine.stackexchange.com/a/26887 by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta Reason: if you are in this beta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27124353/… by Martijn Pieters from Python
Bad Tag Used: [hardware] | What is registry in hardware-terms?, by Vemund Santi, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (35.2%): ALL IS ABOU T THE WAVE S WAVES HAHAHAHAHHAHA..., by ciara lavaigne, on physics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (28.8%): stringname.replaceAll("s"," "); u can..., by Prashant Khaire, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): DO you have correct permission in manifest f..., by yelliver, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): Grid/List Toggle, by Aaron Benjamin, on ux.stackexchange.com.
@PatrickHofman tp
@Unihedron TP acknowledged.
@PatrickHofman fp
Low Quality A (31.7%): Localization of date string: Based on..., by Yaroslav Trokhymenko, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): I like plateau. Plateau (n): 1. An area of f..., by Greg Williams, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): After some trial and error it seems like I'v..., by Vegard Løkken, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (34.4%): Tell me what is wrong with this bash script, by user3078796, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): I solved it by adding some extra command in ..., by Zigic, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [object] | Object wont detect edge of world in greenfoot, by Eric Och, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Just remove the tag: bit. The v..., by sysconfig, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): What type of movement is this?, by MShabbir1065, on english.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [sum] | python Pandas, issue with group by and sum, by user1754181, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): What's state price vector?, by busterxD, on quant.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): What is the best use between Mysql and ElasticSearch for user account, by pi-2r, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Você provavelmente teria que usar o método, by , on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): What is the type of MyName ? It has to be de..., by Amélie Husson, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): The SMTP port rule in our group..., by nicoX, on serverfault.com.
Bad Tag Used: [facebook] | Facebook invitablefriends not working for new users, by Chris Harland, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27124716/1234256 by Mooseman from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (19.2%): What do sub curly brackets indicate?, by Soo, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.7%): Ant Cox (antc178) : they is just there to lo..., by ant, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Here, the same weird thing. Lot of attempts,..., by Aristóteles, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (40.3%): nlogn-3n-12=theta O(nlogn) Prove or dissaprove, by user2675364, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (30%): Error while using wine while trying to run bat file help, by Selim Rizkallah, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): I had this error too. My solution was produc..., by xiaotest, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): grouping village points based on distance and population size, by Rassoul Mahiny, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (22%): Thanks so much for your nice suggestions. To..., by user41080, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Flag Request -> Not an answer for android.stackexchange.com/a/88786 by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta
@PatrickHofman why
Term(s) found: (Ignored: 42.9%. Score: 10. Is Auto: False) ^((?!\
|\<code\>).)*<a href=".*">https?://\S*$
Bad Tag Used: [facebook] | Connecting to Facebook via the C# Facebook.Client LoginButton now failing?, by Brian T, on stackoverflow.com.
@PatrickHofman fp
Low Quality A (31.7%): Unable to get post excerpt., by shams, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Content scraping is always worst techniques ..., by sakshisinha, on webmasters.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [version] | trouble reading shape file from QGIS 2.6, by M S, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): Softmax maximum likelihood problem: arbitrary constant, by stys, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [api] | How to add new query using LH API in C# code?, by BorHunter, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (49.2%): I met the same problem,if you find the answe..., by jacob lee, on bitcoin.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): You can use this command to mv SP....txt fil..., by A.M.D, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Get Created Date of Custom Objects in Visual Force page, by Nagarajan K V, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Licking fingers for Mayim Acharonim?, by Jake, on judaism.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): Change order PDF, by user3164891, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (22%): I was also facedsame kind of issue. Then I u..., by Ravikant Mane, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Game Centre Profile Nickname Problem!, by Jenn, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (22%): I just made some test and discovered that Wi..., by Abraham Borbujo, on superuser.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): If the only issue is the migration failing, ..., by Clarence Liu, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): you have to find a different approach. if yo..., by 00schneider, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?, by Simon-Nail-It, on chemistry.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Question regarding Arrays in C++, by Shehram Khan, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [facebook] | Facebook App with only adsread permission and no adsmanagement permission, by Sarun, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (23.9%): Which Operations unlock uniforms for my character in COD Ghosts?, by FistOfFury, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Is blob detection in image processing np-complete or np-hard?, by Andy, on cstheory.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): New review email notification, by Fox, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (31.8%): Is it normal to expect the error of simulation of a DHO to decrease as Q increases?, by PPG, on scicomp.stackexchange.com.
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/137938/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (68.8%): SVM coefficients, by Andrej, on datascience.stackexchange.com.
Offensive A (100%): This confirms that IMHO SQL and Oralce are a..., by zizzo, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (40.3%): What is an ActionListner in java?, by Ahmed, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27125378/3005188 by Ffisegydd from Python
Spam A (23.3%): The answer to this is to make sure that you ..., by JAC2703, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [crash] | libGDX animation for android, by Fabi, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Codility and Olympiad style coding problems, by mcpunky, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): I have the same problem!!! any solution??, by xus, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): maxipod heat store problem, by noel, on diy.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (22%): I have had a few problems with my maxi pod, ..., by ronnie, on diy.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Place the illustrator file in Indesign, then..., by user18834, on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (31.8%): Magento 1.7x SOAP API Error Invalid Api Path, by waltavista, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): I worked at Waffle House, a chain that cooks..., by Wynn H., on cooking.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): just turn off reduce data in settings and yo..., by emaus, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (22%): SOLUTION show ..., by Bruno Garett, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Problem in updating theme options values, by Raunak Hajela, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Please check routes via rake routes, by Mehul Gurjar, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (30%): Error with EntityMetadataWrapperException, by David, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): This is a typical scenario for an, by Federico Fissore, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): I came across the following link during rese..., by KevinC123, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (25.2%): Wordpress 3.8.1 update error, by ducktape, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Offensive A (91.9%): want to try providing SOME ANSWERS!!!!!! hol..., by Genghis Khan, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): You don't seem to have a root element for yo..., by sQuir3l, on stackoverflow.com.
Close/Delete Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27019250/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality A (31.7%): A named sequence is what you are looking for..., by Guillaume, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam Q (90.9%): The peak they so your, by user275886, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [web] | Android Error Soap and C# Web service, by Uğur KAŞKAVALCI, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Magento: How to Edit Footer Block Titles?, by Joana Rijo, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): normality testing, by Zoe Campbell, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (31.8%): Home Page error…nothing showing up, by Mohit Singh, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Maturity of searchable encryption schemes, by Kiran, on crypto.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27125884/871050 by Second Rikudo from [JavaScript ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17)
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27125884/871050 by Second Rikudo from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Spam A (23.3%): Finally found a solution. myapp should be gi..., by Anup Warnulkar, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): thank you for reading, by user50025, on mathoverflow.net.
Low Quality A (100%): It would take a year on 3 months without sle..., by j3bthem4nbon3s, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): As per Google produt forum update You can ch..., by Vembu, on webapps.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Early Job Change, by Abie Giordano, on workplace.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (19.2%): Simplify Boolean Algebra Expresssion q1, by user2534252, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (72.4%): Need automation tool for web-based Flex application with XML, by user9335, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27126185/1577396 by Mr_Green from [JavaScript ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17)
Low Quality Q (34.4%): Basic page really slow in firefox, by Celoain, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/27126380/1234256 by Mooseman from Tavern on the Meta Reason: [tagnorepro]
Low Quality A (47.2%): The only possible word for this is a ...'bi-..., by Little Eva, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Create Issue error - TestLink Integration with JIRA, by Reshmi, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [installation] | Fresh install doesn't appear to work, by Shadowmancer, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Sulah Hudaibiya, by Saad, on islam.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Interactive movie, by Kris Tina, on writers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Selenium Testing in Android Devices without USB connection, by Raja, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (29.7%): Can I say “I'm glad I was of any help”?, by Ian Liu, on english.stackexchange.com.
Spam A (27.1%): The problem was in the Windows Kerberos setu..., by xdaxdb, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Who is Don Freecs?, by Tsukimoto Mitsumasa, on anime.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): What is the maximum battery lifetime for a sleeping microprocessor?, by dahans, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): The use of the fuel used in helicopt..., by soham khune, on aviation.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): CAN BUS Acknowledgment error, by user2870154, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (61%): All the commands worked as expected. Thank y..., by user351956, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): OK... soooo... none of the above explains wh..., by Chris Bedford, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Problem in Search Box, by Raunak Hajela, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): I had a same problem, I added in web config...., by pelitahmet, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): how can i implement Fuzzy grouping in mongoD..., by user3286961, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Dimensions for ev3 pieces, by Hye Jun Kwon, on bricks.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): I think it will be like this:, by bapi, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Can you be more specific?do you mean c..., by bangbambang, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (61%): Thank you so much! This was just what I was ..., by Barrytron, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): I think I can help you someway. In Cocos2dx ..., by EmAdpres, on gamedev.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Firstly we know that even water is added, th..., by CCR, on chemistry.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): The documentation says: --gr..., by John R, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Hausdorff topologies on Q, by Rupert, on mathoverflow.net.
Low Quality A (31.7%): I didn't know about auth-source-search, so I..., by Harald Hanche-Olsen, on emacs.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): “Method proposed” vs “proposed method”, by Paul, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (40.3%): rails createdat without displaying UTC characters alongside, by Bogdan Popa, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam A (19.1%): Very likely the RAR file is corrupt and if i..., by juliusbrigg6, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (28.5%): Named failed due to permissions and connect fail error, by Moe, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality A (100%): There is a downdklsdjf sdljkk, by user57655, on ux.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (28.8%): unset($arrayarraysearch($value,$arra..., by Ranoy, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (28.5%): Mac OSX server wiki 503 Error, by amertkara, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Configurable products problem, by Danielle, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (29.5%): Bump. Anyone? I really need some help with t..., by Danielle, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Offensive A (100%): All of you mofo's can't understand that i fu..., by Ivando, on chemistry.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (26.9%): Indeed I did not think it was so important a..., by Nico, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Looking at the flying dots for 3 hours now a..., by Roberto, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): What is tryptose, by filterfeeder, on chemistry.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Is this helpful? I am on a french version of..., by Malain, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (28.8%): you can just insert into EXCEL server name: ..., by Bogdan Gorenak, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (22%): OK guys, it seems like we couldn't resolve t..., by Matthew C, on webmasters.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): What's the difference between Open Data and Big Data, by Nick, on opendata.stackexchange.com.
Spam A (100%): As a couple have already mentioned (thank yo..., by mattsolar, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (28.7%): SQL Server - Error 3202 during Restore, by Travis Crooks, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (27.9%): Menu feito no Bootstrap, by Maria Joana, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Dude, why would you have a 610 that is bare-..., by BlackLightst, on blender.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (28.6%): Assuming that you can uncompress the online ..., by fpp, on opendata.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): There's a bash script which I wrote give bel..., by wibbynut, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): Put the last line outside the loop, by magmag magmag, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [internet-explorer] | SignalR throws error in IE10, by Moraru Alex, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (34.4%): Error using In-Page Analytics report in Google Analytics, by kathy, on webmasters.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [option] | Add marker and text on Google Map, by Robert E. W., on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (22%): I think the phrase "jiuzheng cuowu" means yo..., by Wang Xu, on chinese.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Note that the pseudo-code in wiki is not pra..., by Leorge Takeuchi, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Which of the following payment types require you to pay upfront?, by Sidney Duell, on freelancing.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (42.4%): Same think for me. Did you find a sol..., by paulines, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (18.8%): High Speed Probe, by TGG, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): The problem with the question is the underly..., by Benjamin Hoogterp, on christianity.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (28.5%): RED5 Installation Error, by Tom, on serverfault.com.
Bad Tag Used: [max] | Maximum number of steps possible, by pkm, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): I am not sure I understand why you are doing..., by tnknepp, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (28.7%): Error after moving FTData folder, by Sean Long, on dba.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): ResetOnLogon determines if..., by stexcec, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Is there a difference between 'steigen' and 'steigern'?, by Charles Anderson, on german.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): You need to specify in your camera settings ..., by peter-b, on windowsphone.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): How did the Jedi find out Darth Maul's name?, by user35971, on scifi.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [internet-explorer] | pdf not show with Response.BinaryWrite in IE10 and IE11 but in Chrome works fine, by Ferri, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): neurobiology question?, by Perolth Dasappan, on cogsci.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (55.6%): how can we know the bond angle of a compound, by satwik satapathy, on chemistry.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (55.7%): ודי לחכימא (ברמיזא) תרגום מארמית, by tal, on judaism.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Kill the twins first because he drops souls ..., by Shadow king, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/27128033/… by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality A (25.4%): A few days ago I reported a bug against Emac..., by jbm, on emacs.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (21.9%): Problem in JS code for triangle of stars, by Frankie, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (35%): how to fix “object has no uniform scale”?, by Slow Bro Eeyore, on blender.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Is cognitive science a concentration of psychology?, by Rachel, on cogsci.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Here is an example. I think this is the gene..., by Emmanuel Delay, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (39.9%): Can you post the HTML code, please?, by Reinsch, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Flag Request -> Not an answer for stackoverflow.com/a/27128198/993547 by Patrick Hofman from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality A (100%): I also want to know ...why? Same pdonlem bro..., by Tutul 7582, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): The answer from Peter Shor is very interesti..., by metavektor, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Exposed filters not working in form, by Pratip Ghosh, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (26.9%): Ahhhh, found the problem! I had to sp..., by Roland Pish, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (25.4%): Kindly follow these steps :, by KNU, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): hmmm, obrigado pelas respostas, já me deu um..., by , on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (47.2%): It's working fine now. It was a problem rela..., by Mohit Singh, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (31.3%): Inverse of a 3x3 matrix! I need some help!, by Marion, on physics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (68.8%): Exposed sort for Views is not working with Ajax, by Ehsan, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (23.9%): Do Melee/Missile Damage Reduction Apply to Followers?, by Anzurio, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): the pass is macadmin use it on the mac, by user393233, on superuser.com.
Low Quality A (38.8%): Thank you! Your idea solves my problem., by Adrian Kordylas, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): you might want to rerender the frame., by user2504380, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (23.9%): Does Staff of Death Magus give +1 Life to Countered Creature Summon?, by Chris, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
@PatrickHofman fp
@Andy FP acknowledged.
@PatrickHofman tp
@Andy TP acknowledged.
@PatrickHofman fp
@Andy FP acknowledged.
Low Quality A (25.4%): As per Srimad Bhagavatham, Padma purana etc ..., by Krishna, on hinduism.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (31.7%): Android's Process class contain..., by Paul Ratazzi, on stackoverflow.com.
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