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02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26269221/… by AstroCB from Tavern on the Meta
3 hours later…
Close/Delete Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26270705/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
1 hour later…
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26272040/… by Cerbrus from JavaScript Reason:
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/132072/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/132073/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/9057348/hadoop-performance by Jean-François Corbett from SO Close Vote Reviewers Reason: duplicate
Spam Flag Request for askubuntu.com/questions/533971/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/questions/822947/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/132080/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for askubuntu.com/questions/533983/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26274665/… by obi NullPoiиteя kenobi from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/1598175/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26274980/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26274980/… by Jan Dvorak from JavaScript
@Zephyr delete
1 hour later…
Close/Delete Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26277050/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/7525098/… by hakre from PHP
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26278360/… by vaultah from Python
Phamhilator™ started.
Spam Flag Request for superuser.com/questions/823035/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
@Pham tp
TP for message 2502806 acknowledged.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26278555/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close/Delete Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26278595/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26278347/… by Kevin M Granger from PHP Reason:
@Pham fp
@Pham fp
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (33.3%): Urgent - Send email without using uuencode and mute, by Ashish, on unix.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
Offensive A (90.9%): The accepted answer above describes the reas..., by André Daniel, on security.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
FP for message 2502867 acknowledged.
@Pham fp
Low Quality A (100%): You provide me rectangular PVC me in jaipur ..., by pankaj, on diy.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tp
TP for message 2502893 acknowledged.
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | Like Dialog in facebook android sdk is closed immediately, by tieusongngu, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [internet-explorer] | <select> lose their focus after add Bootstrap tooltip in Internet Explorer 11, by Wado, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | Calling new activity after facebook login | In Android, by Sujith C, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): (n+1)(m+1)(l+1)-1 ...................., by user3364098, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (26.8%): Problema ao inserir dados em um array, by Alexandre, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (47.4%): article algorithm count words, please help me, by Devon, on stackoverflow.com.
@Pham fp
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | find verified status for a list of facebook pagenames, by user3549869, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (26.5%): parameter help in crystal reports, by user3725135, on stackoverflow.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (21.4%): Darkmode in win7?, by christoffer, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (27.1%): Problems importing reference.bib database to Latex file, by John, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Close/Delete Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26279530/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Bad Tag Used Q: [web] | Notepad ++ or Komodo, by Buisson, on stackoverflow.com.
Offensive A (90.9%): it is my personal view that anyone who throw..., by adrian mctiernan, on skeptics.stackexchange.com.
Offensive A (90.9%): In addition to the comment above, nitric oxi..., by Paint Sukhun, on biology.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
@Pham fp
Well, I better continue work on Pham's portableness...
Yay! New features!
When I'm done Pham will be able to run (practically) 24/7, thanks to @Andy
Oh! Are they helping to host it as well?
Yeah, Pham & Zephyr will be neighbours. :D
But, I've got a fair amount of work to get done. Since I made Pham for windows only, I now have to extend support to linux (via Mono).
Low Quality Q (39.4%): I want to modify url in codeigniter, by sandy, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
And I think it'll probably be a good idea to have a separate executable (lets call him Gham) to monitor Pham's "behaviour" and to allow me to remotely update, restart, etc. when necessary, so I don't have to keep pestering Andy. ;)
Why are there so many "90.9%"s?
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (100%): Help with controller test class. First Attempt!, by MnZ, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
I guess there was a clash between the post and the time Pham tried to delete the message, and the server returned with a "You can perform this action in N seconds".
@Unihedron It's simply due to the number of A terms and their scores.
@Unihedron Hmm, it should've returned with the standard acknowledgement message if that happened.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): graphics problem in xubuntu 14.04: images and text disappear, by askubuntu, on askubuntu.com.
adds bug to todo list...
@Pham fp
Oh, you know that diagram in Pham's Wiki. It's a lie. Finding a blacklisted username term doesn't get the post auto-reported.
note to self, fix Pham's flowchart thingy
draws flowchart
I've got the xml if you're interested.
Low Quality A (100%): facing the same issue,the screen remains bla..., by vgokul129, on stackoverflow.com.
@Pham tp
TP for message 2503269 acknowledged.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Problems with Resolution/scaling, by Geo, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (24.6%): gnu screen + putty, by Buzzzz, on serverfault.com.
Hmm, it didn't respond to your fp.
@Pham fp
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (69.7%): Issue in REST call, by Sameer Vaghela, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (100%): +91-9950211818 Marriage specialist, by rkbangali878, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): where you add the code? Thanks, by jun, on magento.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
@Pham tp
TP for message 2503322 acknowledged.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (43.5%): Forge has made my Minecraft go weird can anyone help?, by madsazz, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (27.1%): Adding general introduction to table of contents as chapter causes a problem, by Amina, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (100%): NO1 black magic specialist +919649768736, by Titu Prajapat, on english.stackexchange.com.
Yum, more spam to hunt down.
gone already.
Shall we flag this as annoying? Already did, btw: stackoverflow.com/a/26280853/993547
@Sam: Something to add to Pham maybe or does it filter on this already?
It's gone.
@PatrickHofman It was removed because enough users flagged it. It wasn't gone when Pham saw it
@PatrickHofman That functionality isn't yet implemented.
It will be when I add full question body checking.
Low Quality A (100%): You can try renaming using Command Prompt., by Ankur Dholakiya, on superuser.com.
What do I write in "???" @Sam?
Low Quality Q (27.3%): Two mode line questions, by Chris, on emacs.stackexchange.com.
Yes I drew it with MS Paint
Nice :D
I used draw.io.
Yes, lovely flowchart software.
So is that loop supposed to be the auto-recovery sys, or something else?
I don't know. It's just a wire at the moment. Enlighten me!
Ok, well. First, what aspect of Pham are you showing here? I.e., just the post catching part, the filtering part, everything...
Low Quality A (100%): Try a different miner, for example cgminer o..., by Anton, on bitcoin.stackexchange.com.
Or were you just restructuring my chart?
I essentially redid your this since you said this:
43 mins ago, by Sam
Oh, you know that diagram in Pham's Wiki. It's a lie. Finding a blacklisted username term doesn't get the post auto-reported.
Oh right, well in that case; the username white/black filtering is actually the same for checking a post's title/body (they have the same scoring system). So if a post's author contains a whitelisted term the post don't get auto-ignored.
Something like that ^
Oops, wrong picture.
@Sam Okay. Nice! Good work.
Low Quality Q (63.6%): Mongoose promise & errors, by xpepermint, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
@PatrickHofman Thx.
@PatrickHofman Dunno, don't really do C#.
I'll check...
Okay, the last line indicates it is a tool recommendation too, so I guess it should be closed either way.
Key part...
My question is: Can I get Visual Studio to give me a compile-time warning in this situation, to save me from needing to manually find and diagnose the problem at runtime?
So I disagree in reopening it.
@Sam: That is true. Good point. Still the last sentence makes it ask for tools, and that is what he gets.
Low Quality Q (20.5%): Problem in understanding graph, by pcforgeek, on physics.stackexchange.com.
True, but that can always be edited out, as that isn't (IMO) part of the crux of the question.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Need query for the below problem, by Anshu, on dba.stackexchange.com.
What's within the exception handling part? What happens when there's an exception?
@Unihedron Magic
@Andy Oh!
Magic = Complex
It'll probably be best to just leave the exception handling out of the chart, for now. ;)
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | Timestamp to current date in Javascript, by LearnerBeware, on stackoverflow.com.
lol, that'll be fine.
Low Quality Q (63.6%): PHP / JQUERY / AJAX, by crishenrique1986, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26281482/… by Patsy Issa from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Should I use it for the wiki post?
Sure, be my guest.
Low Quality Q (21.5%): Help , Word Problem, by Samantha, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Kernel build from source: Missing XEN modules problem, by dse, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (100%): All well and good, but when do you season th..., by JucyK, on cooking.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Try setting that up in /etc/sysctl.conf file..., by siupakabras, on serverfault.com.
Spam Q (100%): Health insurance when moving to Greece, by Evie, on expatriates.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [save] | KineticJS Canvas Save to Computer button, by Leandra Katelyn, on stackoverflow.com.
Offensive A (90.9%): Mr jwhyte real shit no talk@gmail.com, by mr.whyte, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (63.6%): Error while submiting disavow file to google, by Jevgenijs Vaikulis, on webmasters.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (27.3%): A question in ipappenddata, by Ivan Fang, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (20.5%): Problems with displaying raster in Grass, by Adam H, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (26.8%): Problema com KeyEvent, by Victor G, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [api] | What am I missing from my wordpress wp-api test data?, by user3648646, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | 404 error on developers.facebook.com/tools/debug, by jaith, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26282324/189134 by Andy from Tavern on the Meta Reason: dupe
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26282451/… by Ffisegydd from Python
Low Quality Q (100%): Paypal IPN issues - help requested, by Ken Waters, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26270337/… by Martijn Pieters from Python
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Ubuntu12.04 hotspot creation problem, by mrigendra, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (27.3%): Validating cross corrolation between sine and cosine further questions, by user11266, on dsp.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [sum] | Sum the number of lines from different files, by JRed, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26276977/… by mikedidthis from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (63.6%): In CentOS 7. Service command does not work, by Contax, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (27.3%): How to develop interest in solving aptitude questions?, by user311726, on productivity.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): [Still performing system maintenance. ](gis.stackexchange.com/a/116747), by Tomsriv, on gis.stackexchange.com.
@Sam trim fail ^
Low Quality Q (30.3%): Where can I find a collection of tried and true Security Protocols?, by Tim Stewart, on security.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (39.4%): I want to operate a DC 9v relay with a small power, by Pratham Kumar, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (63.6%): Tenting vias in Eagle not working, how to remove tstop layer, by holmeswatson, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (100%): Help with Code coverage, Loop and if conditions, by MnZ, on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (27.3%): SHA512 salted hash code question, by user3186697, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (24.6%): OTP vs. Keyfile, by Matt, on security.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [movies] | How to play video discs on PC, by Mithun Madhav, on superuser.com.
Low Quality Q (25.3%): Help with numerical optimization problem, by Afloz, on mathematica.stackexchange.com.
@Unihedron adds another bug to the list...
@Andy Sorry, which version of Mono do you have again?
Owners: Sam, Unihedron & ProgramFOX. Total terms: 611. Accuracy threshold: 20%. Full scan enabled: True. Posts caught over last 7 days: 1285. Uptime: 03:46:26.8451231.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26283316/2301450 by vaultah from Python
Low Quality Q (43.7%): Problem with DNS, by Wassim, on webmasters.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): PLease help me with Man In The Middle attack, by Ferenc Cséki, on security.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Having problems installing ubuntu alongside windows, by RusinaRange, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Cant we use Transfer to another location wit..., by vijay, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (65.2%): help how do i set it up, by sammie, on windowsphone.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tp
TP for message 2504557 acknowledged.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26283339/508666 by PeeHaa from PHP
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26283339/508666 by PeeHaa from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Low Quality Q (78.8%): Get Coded Value Domains from a Oracle geodatabase using PLSQL, by ePascoal, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): PLSQL - create type dynamically using function, by Adrian, on stackoverflow.com.
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (100%): 2 prong to 3 prong outlet help, by Sean, on diy.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): /weather rain dose not work. well sorry, by user88731, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): It could be "Puis-je vous aider?", by Double H Attack, on french.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (25%): Can using a subdomain help with cumbersome plugins?, by user60891, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (24.6%): Puppet dashboard, by Igor, on serverfault.com.
Let the non-windows Pham development comense! :D (I've just started)
Low Quality Q (32.2%): Asking help about uniformly convergent harmonic functions!!, by Tuyet, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Have you tried using the merge function inst..., by polku, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Problem installing any new packages in Ubuntu because of python, by ZodEnIX, on askubuntu.com.
yesterday, by Andy
Whew...CentOS 6 runs Mono JIT compiler version 2.10.5
Ok, thx.
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | Facebook iOS SDK for Xamarin gives a strange error message, by user2236165, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (27.3%): mathematica multivariate question about how to define acceleration, by user20302, on mathematica.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (26.8%): Problema com acentuação cURL, by Alisson Acioli, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (30.3%): how do i change column ratios with jeet?, by user2437404, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Username A (100%): This has also been an issue for me. I would ..., by Nishit Shuvo, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Thanks Chad!! Nice solution!!!, by Freddie, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26283808/… by Martijn Pieters from Python
Low Quality Q (25%): Simultaneous Buck-Boost or Flyback Regulator - Help Selecting Chip, by Dogbert, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Flag Request -> Not an answer for stackoverflow.com/questions/20902428/… by Andy from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (32.2%): Help with demonstration of formula for the axis of a parabola, by Peterix, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (26.5%): C begginner: Can someone help fix this code?, by emic, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/26284297/… by PeeHaa from PHP
Low Quality A (100%): Have you tried to install mysql-client too? ..., by Peter, on serverfault.com.
Spam Q (100%): Why does some skin hold perfume longer than others, by Vinozio, on biology.stackexchange.com.
Offensive A (90.9%): idk and i dont really give any shit idk and ..., by test, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): [You might be in adventure mode. ](gaming.stackexchange.com/a/186614), by Asger, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (25%): Mic Amp Mixer and Audio Distribution, Wont Work! Help!, by JeremiasK, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (26.8%): Problema ao enviar email pela aplicação, by Leonardo Kallás, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (36.4%): Beginner Java print a string, by Asad Chaudhry, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): This is 2 spoopy 4 me man 2ooo spoopy 4 meee..., by user182164, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): For $a,bin mathbb R$ is said to be $ab$ if ..., by user181916, on math.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
FP for message 2504935 acknowledged.
Bad Tag Used Q: [object] | For/in loop not working in service function AngularJS, by SKYnine, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [internet-explorer] | How to get an AngularJS app up in IE8?, by stcho, on stackoverflow.com.
Offensive A (95.5%): Shut up, this stuff sucks. you just asked so..., by Annyka, on webapps.stackexchange.com.
@Pham tp
TP for message 2505109 acknowledged.
Low Quality Q (20.5%): Stash & Switchee parse order problems, by JeremyC, on expressionengine.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
Bad Tag Used Q: [api] | RTSP stream for QuickTime player does not show movie, by Art, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): Would this be the same for ps4, by user88738, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): It could be « Puis-je vous aider ? », by Double H Attack, on french.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): BUMP - I ran into the same issue!, by Tony Jiang, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [user] | how to delete PFUser currentuser on Parse with xcode, by user3147328, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): The server was unable to save the form at this time. please try again, by MIlena, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [extract] | Extract frames video file on android, by sun, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): [$lim{x rightarrow 2} ln(x-2)$? ](math.stackexchange.com/a/965490), by LazyStupidGuy, on math.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [internet-explorer] | NaN when parsing value returned by parseInt() and toLocaleString Internet Explorer, by Wilson Campusano, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (69.7%): Facebook contacts, by Coral Gonzalez, on webapps.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (69.7%): civ 2 tech writing, by Michaela Sonnabend, on boardgames.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): [Do you no were the secret classic car is ](gaming.stackexchange.com/a/186620), by Gaz, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (42.9%): Science fiction book about space travel in the future from childhood, please help, by Becka, on scifi.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): this lame ................................, by Luis Rivera, on chemistry.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26285791/656243 by Lynn Crumbling from Tavern on the Meta Reason: ot question about nano
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/26285791/656243 by Lynn Crumbling from Tavern on the Meta Reason: ot-nano-migrate-su
Low Quality Q (81.8%): problem with the rc.local, by Moksud Ahmed, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (25%): Flickering Cursor needs help, by Tsering, on askubuntu.com.
Please hold, I'm currently undergoing maintenance...
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started.
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started.
Phamhilator™ started.
Owners: Sam, Unihedron & ProgramFOX. Total terms: 590. Accuracy threshold: 20%. Full scan enabled: True. Posts caught over last 7 days: 0. Uptime: 00:00:03.7252131.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Problem with uniforms in OpenGL, by Unresolved External, on gamedev.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): PLSQL - create type dynamically using function, by Adrian, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality A (100%): try position:absolute intead of..., by sam, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): Clash of clans help me, by James, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [web] | Notepad ++ or Komodo, by Buisson, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (44%): Please help how to create folder name from text file contents, by user3788033, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (26.5%): Need help binding parameters without question marks, by elrado88, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (63.6%): AUTOMATICALLY SAVE ATTACHMENT AND RENAME FRMO JPEG IMAGE, by user369880, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (24.6%): OTP vs. Keyfile, by Matt, on security.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
@Pham fp
@Pham fp
FP for message 2505676 acknowledged.
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | FBFriendPickerViewController friend list is empty, by errorallergic, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): Get Coded Value Domains from a Oracle geodatabase using PLSQL, by ePascoal, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Phamhilator™ paused.
Phamhilator™ started.
Bad Tag Used Q: [facebook] | facebook authentication for my wp8 app, by Umar Shiekh, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (24.6%): Change in Major, by Anchit Virmani, on academia.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (32%): coolant system problem, by kumbulani dube, on mechanics.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
FP for message 2505759 acknowledged.
Low Quality Q (20.4%): Finding Image under transformatin- pls help me sir, by Vivek, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (100%): error in this code.. image= null.. can not r..., by Ravi Mehta, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): my dishwasher is being installed by me, help me please, by HeavenzTooMuch, on diy.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
@Pham fp
Low Quality Q (26.5%): Need help binding parameters without question marks, by elrado88, on stackoverflow.com.
Flag Request -> Not an answer for stackoverflow.com/a/26286857/189134 by Andy from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality Q (63.6%): SSH not working on OpenElec Frodo, by navaltiger, on raspberrypi.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): Problem connecting to Ubuntu via RDP to XRDP, by Dark DataCane, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality Q (25%): Help Understanding Gaussian Particle Distribution, by user1886681, on physics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (39.4%): Calculate TI HI given carton dimensions and pallet area, by zoonosis, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (24.6%): Exim rejected RCPT, by Oliver Whysall, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality Q (81.8%): illustrator pencil tool jagged line problem, by mia, on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (69.7%): Strong Dependence, by SAmath, on cstheory.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (32.8%): WAY BEYOND SEEKING, by bex, on english.stackexchange.com.
Spam Q (100%): How to increase the read range of an active NFC tag?, by merc90, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
@Pham fp
FP for message 2505975 acknowledged.
I estimate Pham will be completed in 6 to 8 weeks.
Low Quality A (100%): This will be Chi-Square of n degree of freed..., by Ahmed, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (32.2%): Help understanding proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus part 2, by SLM, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (78.8%): Clash of clans help me, by James, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used Q: [object] | Best way to create variables from object properties, by kornieff, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality Q (69.7%): Block Cipher Modes, by user51, on crypto.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (23.1%): The Moving Bots, by warspyking, on puzzling.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (30.3%): NEWBIE here! - Can one develop a simple product order system in sharepoint?, by Nick, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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