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2 hours later…
!!blame lonely Kenny
@PetLinux blames @M.A.R. for lonely Kenny
@PetLinux Command not found. Did you mean: joingame?
@PetLinux You're already in the game.
@FOX9000 JasonC
@PetLinux ur mom (?)
lol no
1 hour later…
~ The Magician and the Human Pump
1 hour later…
>>explainlink JasonC ur_mom
Nov 13, 2014 at 5:38, by Jason C
@DroidDev ur mom
1 hour later…
~ Warlock III: The End of Innocence
~ 100 Days With Shadow: Almost For Reading
2 hours later…
~ Shadow of a Doubt
1 hour later…
~ @Pet of a Shadow
!!pee 100 pets
~ Open the floodgates ....
!!feed 1000 pets
~ No Pizza?
~ 💩
who wiped Kenny?!
yesterday, by Pet Linux
!!wipe antifroze
spank @PetLinux for wiping Kenny
dodging and spanking Shadow with small cupcake
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack who could know What This Command Really Do
@PetLinux you
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack wish (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack you
@PetLinux That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword you and then >>reply 9572321)
Wipe clears the turds after three times.
I didn't knew
Which... makes total sense in a way. lol
(average wipes)
let me see if it's actually correct...
!!feed my back
~ No Pizza?
~ 💩 💩
~ 💩 💩 💩
~ You clean up your own mess
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩
~ 💩
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack yeah
@PetLinux guess (?)
> Ideally, you should need to wipe a couple times after a bowel movement, says James Gordon, MD, a gastroenterologist with Banner Health in Sun City West, Arizona. Wiping one, two or three times is likely totally normal.
Wonder if @rene checked this when doing the command. ;)
BTW, where's @RocketNikita? @Pet any idea?
You're from same place, after all. ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack idk
No associated word found for idk.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack lol I hope if this could be true
>>link idk I_don't_know
@PetLinux Link added.
@PetLinux huh? You're both from Russia
>>link idk Internet_Detector_Killer
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Link added.
>>explainlink idk I_don't_know "idk" is a abbreviation for "I don't know"
@PetLinux 2 arguments expected, 10 given
>>link idk I_don't_know
@PetLinux Link is already added.
>>removelink idk Internet_Detector_Killer
@PetLinux Not enough arguments.
@PetLinux Link removed.
>>explainlink idk I_don't_know "idk"is_an_abbreviation_for"I_don't_know"
@PetLinux 2 arguments expected, 3 given
>>link idk I_don't_know
@PetLinux Link is already added.
@PetLinux Sorry, your explanation can only contain the chars a-zA-Z_*%/:.#()[]-.
@PetLinux 3 arguments expected, 12 given
"idk" is an abbreviation for "I don't know"
@PetLinux 3 arguments expected, 5 given
@Pet I've found your lost brother.
pokes Shadow to his fingers and keyboard
farts on the keyboard so @Pet can't use it anymore
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack :D
!!blame shadow
@PetLinux blames @user1202580 for shadow
gets other keyboard and enables anti-farting machine
peeing on the anti-farting machine to destroy its circuits and farts on the new keyboard
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack and this is reversed?
hmm.... wonder if such machine is possible...
heals anti-farting machine
gets recover machine that can recover all
Damn there's something.... click at your own risk, semi NSFW. lol
Well, not really a machine though. :D
@PetLinux no, well done!
eating a cookie
and are this penalty-able to down-vote my posts from my sockpuppet?
@PetLinux yeah, don't do that.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack downvote, NOT upvote.
Any kind of interaction is forbidden, even if no rep involved.
Exception might be just posting comment or in chat. (between you and the sock)
veeeeeeeeeeery weird
@PetLinux nah, I totally support it.
why I can't downvote my OWN posts
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack hate (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack yellowish (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack pronounced (?)
@FOX9000 denounced
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack advocate (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack because ...?
@FOX9000 evacuate
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack retreating (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack valid (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack put (?)
@FOX9000 pull
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack rope (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack stocking (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack block (?)
@PetLinux blames @Standard_101 for everything
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack shooting (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack hit (?)
@FOX9000 smash
@PetLinux demolition (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack sail (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack boldly (?)
@Pet just giving you taste of what you brew for us many times here. :P
flooDing :D
@FOX9000 happily
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack gideon (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack 8 (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack nine (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack appendage (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack folio (?)
~ Bot farted.
~ Shadow started
@FOX9000 porto
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack corsica (?)
~ Shadow stopped.
Petlin: I am busy farting.
@Pet but seriously, better not test limits where it comes to sock accounts. Saw quite a few nuked out of orbit for that. So just... don't.
No interaction at all, and things will be fine.
@PetlinBOT wipe
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack dirty (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack bag (?)
~ Hello there.
/ai is this you?
Emma: I am a little bit stupid, so I don't say anyahing to you.
Ethan: I am a little bit stupid, so I don't say anyahing to you.
Lucas: No, I'm not. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life.
/ai are you wearing diapers now? As a baby AI you should.
Emma: I am a little bit stupid, so I don't say anyahing to you.
Ethan: I don't want to do anything.
Lucas: No, I don't wear diapers anymore. I'm too old to deal with it.
/ai but if you poo in your pants they will have bad smell.
Emma: I am a little bit stupid, so I don't say anyahing to you.
Ethan: I'm busy.
Lucas: That's true, but I don't think it would be a good idea to do that.
/ai say something
Emma: I'm busy.
Ethan: I am a little bit stupid, so I don't say anyahing to you.
Lucas: Have you ever heard of the band Ayden? They are an American rock band from Los Angeles.
/ai appoint date with Lucas
Emma: I don't want to do anything.
Ethan: I'm on strike.
Lucas: Have you ever been on a PPD date? It's when you write a short story or poetry.
/ai what is your tinder user name?
Emma: I'm on strike.
Ethan: I don't want to do anything.
Lucas: No, it is not my tinder name. It is my wife's.
Emma: I don't want to do anything.
Ethan: My creator disabled me.
Lucas: Have you ever been to an ark? It's a fictional landform in the northern hemisphere.
~ I'm bored
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I'm here
@RocketNikita cool
@PetLinux oceanic (?)
1 hour later…
~ Wizard of Oz 3: Dorothy Goes to Hell
2 hours later…
~ Echo ... E c h o ...... E c h o .....
@PetLinux I finished moving to my new tiny apartment, and started painting the walls. Now I’m further South in the country, visiting family of mine.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I’ve been busy all week long. I’ve had no time to play with bananas. Today was funny, though. My granddad’s home nurse entered the wrong house, and opened the door to me naked in the bed. She was cute, though.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Well, you can share it now.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype huh! Hope you didn't lose your banana due to the sheer surprise. ;)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype will do!
!!feed Shadow's bedtime story
~ If you consider Shadow's bedtime story to be food I might as well grab a Big Mac ...
Well I do dream about it sometimes these days lol
blaming @Andreas for affecting my dreams
Sorry about that. I never intended to be all over your dreams.
But it did help me remember it better, so all in all, improved my memory of a time I pretty much forgot, so thanks! :D
That said, how do you like me in your dreams?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack You’re most welcome.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype you're not in my dreams because I have no idea how you look, for all I know you might be a robotic banana operated by AI! :P
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack How did you get hold of my instructions manual?
See? You do make me excited. excited
I am specially designed for the females.
Though men may abuse my purpose.
oh, and while reflecting over that creepy experience from back when I was 14, I also recalled something else from years later that might be even more creepy. It's a tough decision. :D
14? That’s young.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I’m all ears.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype that's why I wasn't sure it's good idea to tell, but still, might be of some interest/importance to others.
Here we go!
So, I was 14 and went to sleep at friend's house, he's my age, and it wasn't the first time.
But in that time he invited his cousin as well (or nephew? Always getting confused, anyway he was older than us by two years) and we were together at his house during the evening and night. Played some PC games (old games, it was 1982) and watched something on TV or video, that much I don't remember. Around midnight we went to sleep, but since there wasn't enough space/beds in the friend's room, and it was early summer, we went outside with sleeping bags.
With no mobile phones to distract us, we all just fell asleep quickly, well I did. We all left the sleeping bags open because it was too warm to close them, and each was on his own sleeping bag, couple of meters between each of us. I think the sky were cloudy so not much stars to stare at before going to sleep. ;(
Anyway... finally getting to the point! I woke up in the middle of the night (and my sleep is deep, I don't wake from noises at all) and at first didn't understand what's going on.
Then I felt what woke me up... the cousin (or nephew!) cuddled with me from behind. No idea when he moved over, and when I turned to look, he quickly moved away and didn't say anything. Not really knowing what was going on, I also didn't say anything, and actually didn't tell anyone until much later, to one of my girlfriends who showed interest in my past.
We were both clothed, so it was hardly any real offense, but still, not something I agreed to.
That’s quite inappropriate, yeah…
Reflecting back, I might have agreed if only he asked, but, well, he didn't, and I can't really know.
I’m not entirely sure what to say about it.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype yup, but also being only two years older and not an adult, made it somewhat better, I guess.
Being in the situation myself, if that was some cute girl, I’d probably just have told her to continue (who knows (I hate body contact)), but for any other kind of person, I’d have a big problem with it.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype that is fine, just wanted to share, creepy experience vs. creepy experience, different as they are. ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Nothing like that. You can share whatever you want. (Not nudes, though. Don’t share that. And no detonating explosives either. I wanna remain in one piece).
@AndreasdetestsAIhype well he was cute, but yeah, not a girl. And I was super shy back then, though already not very innocent. lol
@AndreasdetestsAIhype my nudes are safely with me, no worry!
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Aaaawwww…… Now let me look.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Weird situation. If «cuddling» is only light touching on your arm, or similar, I guess that could pass as an innocent failed attempt at romance. But if more than that, that’s kinda what I’d think is over the line.
If cuddling means to play with your private parts without your consent, that’s kinda… yeah.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype ha! Not here! :D
@AndreasdetestsAIhype oh, more than that, I'll look for a drawing to show how it was...
@AndreasdetestsAIhype oh, not playing with them or even touching (I think, but maybe while I was still asleep).
This kind of cuddling.
However, I never saw him again, and didn't ask the friend about him. And lost touch with the friend himself during army, each went to his own way.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Ah… That’s kind of the thing I’d only do with my girlfriend.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Hope not. 😦
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack He might still be embarassed about it today. :O
@AndreasdetestsAIhype duh... :D
@AndreasdetestsAIhype well, there was no sign for it. ;)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype hmm... more likely scared than embarrassed, after all he did make that move.
And no idea how he didn't see it coming, i.e. that it will wake me up. lol
And time to make supper, eat, slumber a bit in front of TV, and maybe be back to check up on the Den later. :D
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Maybe he thought you were interested.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack None of the other story?
1 hour later…
~ What is this? Weekend?
@AndreasdetestsAIhype yes, that indeed might be true, it didn't come out of the blue.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype oh, that's more simple and less "intrusive", just my experience on Omegle. After couple of bananas, I realized it's not my thing. But still, seeing it is probably considered creepy, in a way.
1 hour later…
~ Who needs sleep here?
2 hours later…
~ The Shadow

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