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~ The Mad Magician
So, I’ve had this thing bothering me for a few days. To be honest, it just makes me angry, and insulted. As a result, every time I see your username, profile picture or messages, I just get into a bad mood. Now that I see you’re here, where I’ve been trailing off to, to get a break, and to enjoy my conversations, I need to ask you, @starball: why did you block me in the strike organization Discord?
I'm not interested in engaging with you in chat or on Discord. If seeing me makes you unhappy, note that you do have the option to open my SE chat profile and ignore me, and also to block me on Discord.
Excuse me, but what have I done to you?
@starball I honestly have no idea what you have against me. Can you please explain?
1 hour later…
~ Echo ... E c h o ...... E c h o .....
1 hour later…
BOT running since: Sun Feb 12 2023 06:25:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) for 119 days
username                        (#msg (curr/tot))
Shadow The Spring Wizard      , seen 5 hours ago (3294 / 6178)
Peter Kolosov                 , seen less than a minute ago (2932 / 2932)
KennyBOT                      , seen an hour ago (1987 / 3406)
FOX 9000                      , seen 5 hours ago (1985 / 4352)
Andreas detests censorship    , seen 2 hours ago (1954 / 1954)
Zoe stands with Ukraine       , seen 5 hours ago (1166 / 1667)
!!feed @Zoe's ignore list
~ Thanks for the @Zoe's ignore list, appreciated!
Hurray, friend, you save me from @Zoe's ignore list! XD
1 hour later…
~ The Dead Cast a Shadow
@starball echo
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack noise (?)
@starball actually Sunday isn't weekend for me, but no, my pretty much same TTS hour is 2-3am, rarely before 2 or after 3. I get "bonus" hour in Saturday, when kids wake me up at 8am to give them something to eat. :P
My recent body breakdown turned out to not be related to lack of sleep. And my sleep batteries got totally full during my time in hospital, slept there TONS of hours. :D
@Andreasdetestscensorship you know you can block users here too (well it's called "ignore") and you won't see their messages. I won't get into whatever you two have, just saying.
but Den should be a neutral place, hopefully safe zone, hopefully everyone can co-exist. :)
@Andreasdetestscensorship if we could chat in private I might have been able to discuss it, but such channel doesn't exist. :/
@FOX9000 nose
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack marks (?)
>>link nose poke
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Link added.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I don’t support blocking people. It’s rude, and leaves them no way to figure out what’s wrong. I am bothered by the fact that a strike organizer and one whom I had hoped to be friendly with, has chosen to block me, and refuses to tell me what they consider my errors to have been.
:9534254 Link added.
It effectively excludes me from the strike organizing. I cannot post reactions to the messages (up-, downvotes, etc), and my views are being ignored. My comments in the documents we work in are being ignored.
Well, only ignored by one person, so far.
@Andreasdetestscensorship I don't find it rude, it's just a way to not see something you don't want to see. Anyway, I see it the same principle as downvotes: we can't know why it happens, we can't know the reasoning, and bothering ourselves about it too much won't help.
@FOX9000 nose
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack It’s not the same as downvotes.
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
@Andreasdetestscensorship principle, not effect. My point is, we can't know, and can't do anything about it.
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
@Peter that also is rate limited. Kenny triggered by stars only once per hour or something like that.
Until toilet commands which came later, all commands and features were rate limited.
~ BLLLEEEAAAAEERRRGGGGGJHHHHHH damning, we, electric !!!!!
So not sure if it's even on purpose that the toilet commands are FTF (Free To Flood ;)) or just @rene being too lazy adding the rate limit lines to code. :P
!!feed ratelimit
~ Thanks for the ratelimit, appreciated!
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack toilet commands what? , , , ?
!!feed peace between Andreas and starball
~ No Pizza?
@PeterKolosov think about what you do in toilets (well maybe not you, normal human being ;)) and look at Kenny commands. You'll figure it out. ;)
~ No Pizza?
ok. lol
!!feed Pizza
~ Didn't I have Pizza before?
e.g. !!airhorn isn't one of the toilet commands. :D
@KennyBOT yes, you'd have to had now.
!!feed bow
~ Come on! Make me something better than bow
!!feed shoes
~ No Pizza?
!!feed @Peter
~ I have had enough for now ...
!!vomit ;p
~ BLLLEEEAAAAEERRRGGGGGJHHHHHH car, in Rust we Trust!, ban !!!!!
@PeterKolosov could be funny if Kenny would compare to previous feedings and say e.g. "But I already had pizza, make me something else!" :D
!!vomit ;D
~ BLLLEEEAAAAEERRRGGGGGJHHHHHH @Zoe's ignore list, ratelimit, peace between Andreas and starball !!!!!
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack yeees :D
Huh peace didn't last long. D:
!!vomit again
!!feed peace between Andreas and starball
~ If you consider peace between Andreas and starball to be food I might as well grab a Big Mac ...
!!bow before Peter
~ WUT?
@KennyBOT ok, so grab Big Mac
Mac isn't that big, it's just urban legend.
!!feed Big Mac
~ I bloody hope Big Mac is edible ...
!!feed we
~ I'm not sure I ever had we ...
!!feed small Mac
~ Thanks for the small Mac, appreciated!
!!feed lol
~ Didn't I have lol before?
!!feed tiny Mac with ketchup
~ BLLLEEEAAAAEERRRGGGGGJHHHHHH shoes, peace between Andreas and starball !!!!!
~ The taste of tiny Mac with ketchup is awful but it's better than nothing ...
!!feed peace between Andreas and starball. you'd have to make peace between Andreas and starball before time runs out!
~ I bloody hope peace between Andreas and starball. you'd have to eat peace between Andreas and starball before time runs out! is edible ...
~ Come on! Make me something better than peace between Andreas and starball. you'd have to make peace between Andreas and starball before time runs out!
!!feed ping
~ Didn't I have ping before?
!!feed pong
~ I'm not sure I ever had pong ...
!!ping Kenny
~ What are you talking about?
>>ping Kenny
@PeterKolosov @Kenny
>>ping PiterKolasav
@PeterKolosov @PiterKolasav
!!feed Shadow's owner rights!
~ No Pizza?
~ There is Pizza!
~ BLLLEEEAAAAEERRRGGGGGJHHHHHH Big Mac, we, small Mac, lol, tiny Mac with ketchup !!!!!
!!feed Gotcha Peter!
~ The taste of Gotcha Peter! is awful but it's better than nothing ...
!!feed carrot
~ The taste of carrot is awful but it's better than nothing ...
!!feed tasteful carrot
~ I'm not sure I ever had tasteful carrot ...
!!feed awful carrot
~ Come on! Make me something better than awful carrot
!!feed awful nothing
~ If you consider awful nothing to be food I might as well grab a Big Mac ...
!!feed tasteful... come on with idea for your food feed ...
~ I have had enough for now ...
~ BLLLEEEAAAAEERRRGGGGGJHHHHHH peace between Andreas and starball. you'd have to eat peace between Andreas and starball before time runs out! !!!!!
~ 💩 💩 💩
~ BLLLEEEAAAAEERRRGGGGGJHHHHHH peace between Andreas and starball. you'd have to make peace between Andreas and starball before time runs out!, ping, pong, Shadow's owner rights!, Gotcha Peter! !!!!!
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩
!!feed tasteful... come on with idea for your food feed ...
~ Didn't I have tasteful... come on with idea for your food feed ... before?
~ Maybe lookup my instructions?
!!!feed FEE
~ That is all gibberish to me...
!!feed FEE
~ I bloody hope FEE is edible ...
!!feed all nothing is good, but tasteful nothing is some awful.
~ The taste of all nothing is good, but tasteful nothing is some awful. is awful but it's better than nothing ...
!!feed my first laugh today
~ The taste of my first laugh today is awful but it's better than nothing ...
!!feed all non-true is neutral. all true is tasteful. but non-true and non-false is awful.
~ I bloody hope all non-true is neutral. all true is tasteful. but non-true and non-false is <i>awful</i>. is edible ...
!!feed grrr! rawr!!!
~ Come on! Make me something better than grrr! rawr!!!
!!feed abcdef qwerty
~ I'm not sure I ever had abcdef qwerty ...
Just want to ask a question.
@ProgramFOX How I can run your bot clone on my computer?
@Sha Maybe you know
1 hour later…
~ What is this? Weekend?
~ No. This is weekstart.
@PeterKolosov not really, @Pro using a VPS:
Dec 29, 2020 at 22:52, by ProgramFOX
Secondly, this server isn't physically near me, it's a rented Virtual Private Server
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack But if I want to run locally?
But it's open source, think you can just download it, and run from your own machine.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack It is what I'm asking about
@PeterKolosov never done it with python, but likely same principle, copy, paste, compile if needed, make a server, and host it on there. (local or remote, doesn't matter.)
@PeterKolosov if you're allowed to? Or technically?
Anyway hope Pro will get back and clear things up, either way. :)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Technically, how to do it
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
@PeterKolosov sadly can't help with that. :(
!!help @Peter technically
~ @Peter technically
!!cat [category] ["text"]
!!status ( wait a moment )
~ lol

@ber breaking lol train

Mar 27, 2017 at 12:35, 1 hour 14 minutes total – 44 messages, 8 users, 19 stars

Bookmarked Mar 27, 2017 at 13:50 by Shadow Wizard Strikes Back

~ lol
~ ~ lol
~ ~ lol
~ ~ lol
~ ~ ~ lol
~ ~ ~ lol
~ lol
~ lol
~ lol
~ lol
~ ~ lol
~ ~ ~ lol
♥ ♥ ♥ l o l ♥ ♥ ♥
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack lol
@PeterKolosov hehe took you long enough to notice my easter egg. :P
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
!!poo because you need to
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
!!poo because you want to
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
!!poo because you can't stop
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
!!flush it all
@KennyBOT but that's just paper. Where's all the poo?! D:
oh no. Kenny did you poo on the floor again?
!!punish yourself
~ WUT?
1 hour later…
~ Who needs sleep here?
@KennyBOT that would be @starball

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