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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

throwing @Tech on @ber
@ber since @Dro is gone, maybe @Tech can be our new @Dro
More like "Innocent @Dro" but still good. :P
@ber you still see @Dro IRL sometimes?
@Hans I'm disappointed! Expected answer from you here. ;-)
Hi everyone!
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating No. I mostly stay at home. The last time I went out was last year.
What's up?
"Innocent Dro" is equivalent to "Un-horny berserk"
@AnnBOT coffee for @AnnZen
That my owner you just mentioned!
@berserk rofl! And "un-chatty Shadow Wizard" ;)
@berserk that's... sad to hear. But you're still young, you'll have your time. :)
"About to hit 30 next month"... right.....very young
Actually 29..
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Can you please close meta.stackexchange.com/questions/358905/… as a duplicate? I've voted it as a duplicate of the FAQ post which explains Meta's policy on fun questions, but there are already existing close votes for "not appearing to seek input and discussion". I think it's a constructive question, and that the author just doesn't know the protocol here, and I disagree with those close votes.
Mind casting a dupe vote, so that it gets closed as a dupe instead of that reason?
@SonictheCuriouserHedgehog good idea, done.
@AnnZen so, how the bot works? Triggers? Commands?
Ann is here? Where? Where?
@AnnBOT hello
@AnnBOT what triggers you?
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating lol, I took her out of the room
bye :D
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Thanks for that. Without it, the incorrect off-topic reason would have "won", and a reopen-reclose cycle would have been required to change the close reason. (General policy is to reopen and re-close a question as a duplicate, if none of the non-duplicate reasons apply to a question closed for a non-duplicate reason and a duplicate exists for it.)
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating later (?)
@SonictheCuriouserHedgehog if the reason was "not seeking discussion" it wasn't wrong, just not obvious unless you dig into the OP history.
What's up?
@AnnBOT sky
@AnnBOT sky
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating sunlight (?)
ab alive?
@AnnBOT hello
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Yeah, having read their post, I see, but I completely understand where they're coming from. I think they just needed clarification as to what the policy was, especially since their main arguments come from what they legitimately believe is policy.
(As an example, they cited a help center page that stated subjective questions aren't allowed here at all, not realizing that it's simply a network-wide copy, and I linked them to another site policy that stated otherwise.)
@SonictheCuriouserHedgehog I gave the same benefit of the doubt, just to be faced with nonsense behavior from that user, who keeps accusing others of all kinds of things without giving anything to discuss.
1 hour later…
~ Peter Warlock: Some Little Joy
1 hour later…
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Innocent Dro? What did @Dro do?
@TechExpertWizard Can you link me to the tutorial? thanks!
@Ann It ain't really a tutorial, it's just basically a few chat messages in Discord where he taught me how to create an SE chatbot, and he's actually taught you more than that tutorial, which was only sort of a tutorial ;D
!!cat [category] ["text"]
!!status ( wait a moment )
@TechExpertWizard is there any tutorial on chatstackexchange out there?
be it a YouTube video, a web page?
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating lolol
obviously you have to let the poop slide down gently
otherwise the poop gets angry and splashes you
theres your answer
!!feed rice and chicken with tomato sauce
~ I'm not sure I ever had rice and chicken with tomato sauce ...
!!feed rice and chicken with tomato sauce
~ I have had enough for now ...
i fed him a lot so he no longer hungry
try something else
he eats almost everything
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating stop hiding in the shadow
!!feed Shadow's shadow
~ I have had enough for now ...
no you dont!
i tell you whenyou had enough
!!feed Shadow's shadow
~ If you consider Shadow's shadow to be food I might as well grab a Big Mac ...
there you go
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!
Hey Ann Zen's Bot
Ann is here? Where? Where?
points at Ann
1 hour later…
~ Snake in the Monkey's Shadow
@Ann Well, @Vic said that there isn't anything about the real technical stuff of developing SE chatbots, and well, too bad ;D
alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, *stop, *disable, *enable, *suspend, *unsuspend, *ban, *unban, +delete, *pull, yes, no, *module, define, time, showtime, link, islink, removelink, addlinkexplanation, explainlink, removelinkexplanation, showlatest10, latestword, rmword, reply, retry, continue, *gameban, *gameunban, joingame, quitgame
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
@TechExpertWizard I'm FOX 9000, ProgramFOX's chatbot. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can get a list of all commands by running >>listcommands, or you can run >>help command to learn more about a specific command.
@ProgramFOX I'd like to ask you a question. How do you keep your chatbot running all the time? Most chatbots, such as @Vic's, mine, and @Ann's all need to have their Python script running, and when I go to sleep, I turn off my computer, and I need to stop the Python script when I turn the computer off. How can you keep your bot running?
>>help islink
@TechExpertWizard Checks whether two words are linked using link.
>>help link
@TechExpertWizard Links two words so the bot knows they are associated.
!!cat [category] ["text"]
!!status ( wait a moment )
>>help what
@TechExpertWizard The command you want to look up does not exist.
>>help alive
@TechExpertWizard A command to see whether the bot is there. Syntax: >>alive
@TechExpertWizard Some people have servers
I have an RPi for hosting stuff
Some people have VPSes instead
@Zoe Oh, that's interesting, but you mean @ProgramFOX doesn't ever turn off his server?
... that's kinda the point with servers
They're meant to run
@Zoe Oh ;D
@TechExpertWizard Command not found. Did you mean: islink?
@TechExpertWizard Shows the current UTC time. Syntax: >>utc
@TechExpertWizard Repeats what you said back at you. Syntax: >>cat something
>>help help
@TechExpertWizard Shows information about the chat bot, or about a specific command. Syntax: >>help [ command ]
@TechExpertWizard it runs on a VPS
24/7 uptime!
@ProgramFOX Oh, interesting, thanks! But when do you ever stop the server? Wouldn't the server overheat?
I just... don't
@ProgramFOX How does it not overheat?
@ProgramFOX Most computers would've overheated after continuously running for 2 days or something, at least that's my guess :)
Firstly, a computer doesn't just overheat by running it 24/7 if you maintain it well. My desktop also tends to run for at least days if not weeks without reboot
Secondly, this server isn't physically near me, it's a rented Virtual Private Server
I wouldn't do it with a laptop :P
But desktops and servers can keep long uptime without any heating problems
Assuming you don't have excessively dusty fans of course
@TechExpertWizard For example, this is the temperature graph of a dedicated server I manage for some project (I don't own it nor run the bot on it, but it shows that it's no issue):
shows the past month
pretty stable :)
Servers are meant to run 24/7 after all. How else can you, for example, keep websites online all the time?
I reboot my pi every day at 2 to prevent forced downtime because of an annoying bug with the taskbar ^^"
that sounds... fun :P
Automated it, obviously
I'd switch to another desktop environment or window manager if my current one was bugged
because eesh it sounds annoying
✓ hat on FOX 9000
There's not a lot of options
Gonna take a look at making it completely headless, but I'm NOT doing that when it's 1000km away :')
Gonna have to wait 'til the 8th
i3 should work on a Pi ;)
maybe not a lot of options, but there are great ones then at least :P
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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