btw, according to me, its a simple problem. You just have to count the number of duplicates. So, if 2 is occurring thrice, and 3 is occurring twice, then (2's occurrence count - 1) + (3's occurrence count - 1) should be the answer @TheLittleNaruto
@SamsungNote7Plus he didn't get any suspension after the one year on Arqade, but he disappeared into the void shortly after his bot got 20 years network wide suspension.
@PrincessLuna TL;DR! Once upon a time (July 2015) two users arrived in the same time, first to Tavern, then both moved to become active here. One (UniKitty) came to rant about one year suspension he got on Arqade.SE, telling someone he called UniDoggy caused the suspension. ExplosionsPlus didn't say why he arrived. UniKitty became more active, and told many things about himself while the Exploding dude didn't.
Long story short, after lots of fun, writing some bots, making some drawings, getting the bot network wide suspended... UniKitty was gone.