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03:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

3:55 AM
~ Wizard of the Saddle
5 hours later…
8:32 AM
~ @Shadow poker
~ @Shadow face
!!blame @Felix being away
@ShadowWizard blames @Moosebot for @Felix being away
!!blame @ShadowWizard for ignoring
@kId blames @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ for @ShadowWizard for ignoring
8:49 AM
~ @shadow of @Felix
9:35 AM
daily ping for @M.A.R. so he won't feel neglected
9:53 AM
6th ping of the day to @sha so he won't feel neglected
hey that's the number of coffee cups I have per day! :D
the amount of pings I have gotten today is the number of coffee cups I have per day XD
Not anymore, @Princess. ;)
What is the number representing now?
This reminds me of a Passover song we have....
Echad Mi Yodea (Yiddish: ווער קענ זאָגן ווער קענ רעדן ver ken zogn ver ken redn) (Ladino: "ken supyese i entendyese") (Hebrew: אחד מי יודע ekhád mi yodeá) (Bukhori: Yakumin ki medonad?) (Who Knows One?) is a traditional cumulative song sung on Passover and found in the haggadah. It enumerates common Jewish motifs and teachings. It is meant to be fun and humorous, while still imparting important lessons to the children present. Recitation varies from family to family. The song, first has versions in Yiddish and Hebrew, and many other vernacular languages. Sometimes it is played as a memory game...
@ShadowWizard idk, most of the stuff ping count could represent is at 0
9:57 AM
Technically, anyone having sex is being fucked by a half-centaur
10:18 AM
@rahuldottech but since not any sex involve the "f" word, that's not totally accurate. ;)
@rahuldottech huh?
@PrincessLuna centaurs are half human. So half a centaur is human (if you choose the right half)
@rahuldottech but is it the half used for what you described? ;)
@ShadowWizard I am not qualified to speak from experience
10:32 AM
10:42 AM
@rahuldottech which half is the right half? :>
@PrincessLuna yes
@rahuldottech gravely (?)
@rahuldottech :>
@rahuldottech invalid answer, @Pri asked "which", and "yes" isn't name of a half. :D
As long as it works... ;)
10:55 AM
Both my halves work
are any of them horse-halfs?
@PrincessLuna my legs are strong, but got only two, not four. :D
And that got creepy lol
I don't know about horses and not going to look... so I'm happy with what I got. :P
11:06 AM
IMO, as long as everything is working, anyone should be happy with their bodies... males and females alike... all the chasing after perfect body and looking better is nonsense.
@Alisha are you happy with your body?
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
@Alisha who is Olivia?
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
@Alisha you already said that
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
11:07 AM
@Alisha you seem ill, you want a doctor?
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
@Alisha no
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
@ShadowWizard amendment (?)
11:09 AM
@ShadowWizard trust (?)
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
@Pri how come @FOX is faster than @Alisha? /cc @Pro
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
//woof woof
@kId Maybe you should consider looking up the manual
11:10 AM
@ShadowWizard lmao
###################### Help ######################

==================== Commands
//about        | Let me tell you a little about myself...
//promote      | Changes a users rank.
//appul        | Apples.
//rankdebug    | Debugs ranks
//save         | Saves the database
//home         | Adds a home room - Admins only
//unlearn      | Forgets a taught command
//kill         | They must be disposed of!
//time         | What time is it?
//summon       | Summon the bot to a room
//tableflip    | The tables have turned...
@ShadowWizard horrible pipeline
@PrincessLuna :(
//lick @InsaneCat
11:11 AM
> Licks @InsaneCat. Dies from the awful taste
@ShadowWizard who do you think? :3
@ShadowWizard it's a hackish solution, I really need to improve it
@Alisha lol
@kId haha (?)
@kId The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
I need to convert it completely to an event-based system
@ShadowWizard what 'bout dysphoria?
11:38 AM
@PrincessLuna dunno :P
@ShadowWizard maybe (?)
@FOX9000 perhaps
@ShadowWizard ladyship (?)
@ShadowWizard lol
@PrincessLuna not related to body issues as far as I know....
11:40 AM
@ShadowWizard true
//run Flask server so @Alisha can reply
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
//run Flask server
@ShadowWizard Maybe you should consider looking up the manual
I'm gonna create a command for that
just because I'm lazy
11:59 AM
@Alisha knock knock
@ShadowWizard Who's there?
Your daddy
@ShadowWizard your daddy who?
@ShadowWizard Hahaha!
12:14 PM
//shutdown --confirm
//restart --confirm
I got gym so alisha csn't run
Have fun!
It's never fun
12:36 PM
It's just boring stuff I suck at most of the time
12:53 PM
^ That's the feeling :/
Even more "fun" with the creepy stuff that happened on SO
Class started, gtg
1:26 PM
@PrincessLuna ...what happened on SO?
1:45 PM
@ShadowWizard i'll tell you later. Discord
1 hour later…
2:51 PM
~ Shadow
~ @Shadow of the @Princess
@sha check discord
3:30 PM
throwing Discord on @Pri and @berserk
throwing @ber into @sha and Discord
3:51 PM
absorbing @ber
!!feed chewed @berserk
~ No Pizza?
!!feed pizza
~ No Pizza?
@KennyBOT You ungrateful little...!! :P
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
3:59 PM
@rene should really check if the given food is pizza before sending that reply.... lol :D
@ShadowWizard sigh
4:21 PM
!!feed sigh
~ Thanks for the <i>sigh</i>, appreciated!
!!feed huge pizza
~ I bloody hope huge pizza is edible ...
4:42 PM
feed doesn't connect to the regex parser?
1 hour later…
5:43 PM
~ Souls in the Shadow
6:57 PM
7:09 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Y U NO REPLY?! :p
BOT running since: Fri Mar 16 2018 19:26:25 GMT+0100 (CET) for 5 days
username              (#msg)
Princess Luna       , seen less than a minute ago (354)
Shadow Wizard       , seen 11 minutes ago (206)
rahuldottech        , seen 8 hours ago (77)
Alisha              , seen 7 hours ago (62)
KennyBOT            , seen an hour ago (57)
kId                 , seen 7 hours ago (50)
FOX 9000            , seen 7 hours ago (43)
M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ          , seen 11 hours ago (28)
rene                , seen 2 hours ago (24)
@ShadowWizard and stuff like that is why I have ~150 more events than you :P
Félix has been running for 6 hours and nine minutes
more seriously, one is not supposed to answer twice in the salutations chain, are they?
7:10 PM
then you really need to take a break, hydrate and eat before you keep running, or it's gonna be a long marathon :p
@FélixGagnon-Grenier idk
I just like pressing buttons on my keyboard :p
@PrincessLuna true
@ShadowWizard conjecture (?)
@FOX9000 venture
@ShadowWizard funded (?)
7:21 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=EjDfe0LHh0U /cc Sonic the @Ano nymous Hedgehog
In ancient times, I could make hundreds of messages per day during WAG...
Record belongs to @Frank, with 900+ in one day.
@DroidDev promised to break that record but... he never did it. :D
next week is easter
so I have a lot of spare time
max potential is 8640 messages in a day with 10 second rate limiting
@ShadowWizard I just wanna reply to a really old message :D
8:14 PM
@PrincessLuna lol why
lol, idk shrugs
huh? @Kenny!! Come back!
@rene kenny's dead
8:21 PM
fine, I'll bring Alisha online
!!come back
8:22 PM
lol he's not in the room, it's like @rene is talking to someone who isn't there. :D
too bad... all the good things we fed @Kenny with, lost...
you're more than welcome to commit a feed-command to Alisha's repo :D
BOT running since: Wed Mar 21 2018 21:23:56 GMT+0100 (CET) for 2 minutes
username       (#msg)
KennyBOT     , seen a minute ago ago (2)
Shadow Wizard, seen less than a minute ago (1)
8:26 PM
!!feed life
again a websocket close request from SE
~ I'm not sure I ever had life ...
!!feed pizza
~ Come on! Make me something better than pizza
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
!!feed better pizza
8:27 PM
~ Didn't I had better pizza before?
maybe you should consider a revival thread to detect stuff like that
meaning a thread that prevents deaths like that
~ Wed Mar 21 2018 21:30:53 GMT+0100 (CET)
!!status ( wait a minute )
!!thank @ShadowWizard
8:31 PM
~ WUT?
!!blame @ShadowWizard
@PrincessLuna blames @KennyBOT for @ShadowWizard
@PrincessLuna no threads in JS
!!thank PrincessLuna coffee
hmm... forgot how it works :/
!!thank @rene thank not working
@ShadowWizard thanks @rene for the help.
8:34 PM
!!thank @ShadowWizard thank nothing
might be just heavy rate limit
oh, @Kenny doesn't listen to edits
!!thank @ShadowWizard thanknothing
!!thank @PrincessLuna something else
!!thank @ShadowWizard thank nothing
8:41 PM
poor @Kenny
need to see the code
!!thank PrincessLuna
@PrincessLuna yeah, but you don't want to hammer the SE site either. I don't want to risk this IP getting blocked which is why I decided to not reconnect if the server sends a request to close the websocket.
Other fail cases are handled
!!thank @ShadowWizard for nothing
maybe one hour rate limit for the thank command? @rene
8:48 PM
@ShadowWizard nextTime.setMinutes(nextTime.getMinutes() + 6);
BOT running since: Wed Mar 21 2018 21:23:56 GMT+0100 (CET) for 25 minutes
username       (#msg)
Princess Luna, seen 2 minutes ago (19)
Shadow Wizard, seen a minute ago ago (18)
KennyBOT     , seen 14 minutes ago (12)
rene         , seen less than a minute ago (5)
@PrincessLuna did run that command earlier ...
I'm your master!!!!
8:50 PM
Luckily I have build in no other way to get the status on wait times ... so ...
Booting Alisha now btw
Brand new threading system that should work
should work
@Alisha hello
@PrincessLuna I'm pretty sure I am.
Hello @Alisha
8:56 PM
@ShadowWizard The Flask server isn't online yet, so my prediction services are temporarily unavailable. Blame my devs (but mostly Olivia. Blame her!)
oh, nvm
It's just incredibly slow at checking that
I need a better system
super computer
I don't get it
Why is it so slow?
Placed it inside a for-loop that iterated through the json data
03:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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