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05:00 - 18:0019:00 - 20:00

@ShadowWizard yea, I was watching Ip man 3. Its a great movie ;)
on the other hand, not much about quake, it wasn't a big one
@berserk but, you didn't say anything about your friend n skype :/
@ShadowWizard "friendly", "people", what are you talking about? :P
@berserk but I thought you already got a call :/
@DroidDev lol, guess our media exaggerated, as it usually does.... :O
@DroidDev dunno, let @J.C judge he's probably awake by now.... and he like boobs! :D
@DroidDev correct!
Apr 7 at 10:39, by berserk
I just signed up, and they just gave me a call.
/cc @ber ^
@ShadowWizard well....pakistan felt it at the magnitude of 6.8, but nothing more than few shakes in India.
@ShadowWizard everyone does ;)
@DroidDev 6.8 is big... can do lots of damage :/
@ShadowWizard he is lying
@DroidDev yup @ber is lying. How should we punish him?
@IͶΔ what you think, how should we punish @ber for lying?
@JoEr what you think, how should we punish @ber for lying?
@ShadowWizard yup, some people got killed in pakistan. Actually, Afganistan and Pakistan both lie near continental belt (I think). That's why there are quakes every 6-8 months there
@ShadowWizard tie his hands, and place a pair of boobs in front of him cc @ber
@DroidDev that's bad.... and we have such a belt in Israel too :/
@ShadowWizard so you get quakes often too?
@DroidDev huh! Even better, place a wet p___y in front of @ber while he's tied up and can't reach it..... :D :D
@DroidDev I think that weak quakes very often, there were few major quakes in the past 200 years that ruined whole cities.... and last big quake was few years ago.
We have a national project to improve buildings infrastructure to make them more resistant to earthquakes, actually my own house is going through such a thing these days. :)
@ShadowWizard oh, so you are still living in your temporary home?
@ShadowWizard how about we place both ;)
@DroidDev yes indeed, it's a long process, since they also add more floors to the building to make it profitable. (The government can't afford paying the full cost)
Many people prefer to simply destroy the old building and build a new one, takes about the same time and you end up with a brand new house.
@DroidDev one in front and one behind @ber so he'll see them even if turning around..... :D
@Clem what you think, how should we punish @ber for lying?
Who else? hmm...
@ber what you think, how should we punish @ber for lying?
@FOX what you think, how should we punish @ber for lying?
@ShadowWizard yea, building a home is a big project indeed. Its an investment, that we all have to make, which never returns money ever and you can put as much as you want in it ;)
>>cover @ber with honey
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: read?
@ShadowWizard hahaha, that's optimum ;)
@DroidDev yes indeed! :D
@ShadowWizard I am not friendly :( fear me :(
@ShadowWizard context plox
also i survived another weekend, 57/100!
@ShadowWizard Also that sounds like what a rapist would say... juuuust saying
Exhibit A:
16 hours ago, by berserk
@ShadowWizard Dunno, still waiting for some call from Honeypot.
Exhibit B:
Apr 7 at 10:39, by berserk
I just signed up, and they just gave me a call.
Conclusion: @ber was lying. :D
@ShadowWizard well @ber just won't get a call from honeybot anyways, they only take good devs :P

@ber caught lying ;-)

59 secs ago, 15 seconds total – 5 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 19 secs ago by Shadow Wizard

@ClemensHimmer lol poor @ber :D
@ClemensHimmer nah, I didn't offer candies to @J.C (yet ;))
@ShadowWizard well that would be the child molester, you can rape without candies... just saying
@ClemensHimmer hmm... let's consider this.... nah, better not rape @J.C - he's still new here. :P
@ShadowWizard I never said anyone will... just saying you sound like one :P
also i am daddy now :o
and not in a parental matter..
and now i probably never should have kids,,
@ClemensHimmer isn't this term used for older men with, well, younger women??
@ClemensHimmer hmm... well, congrats! (I guess ;))
daddy to how many daughters, if I may ask? @Clem :D
@ShadowWizard Also yes that kinda is the thing, she is not much younger .. as that would be strange.. and not daughter ._.
she is "little"
reads the ongoing conversation
shifts tab
@DroidDev lol :DDDDDD
@Dro not before you have a girl scream "f*ck me daddy" so the whole neighbourhood hears it you have lived!
@ClemensHimmer lol, figured as much! :D
@ClemensHimmer the lady living below you didn't scream back to be quiet? :P
@ShadowWizard then why would you say daughter?
@ShadowWizard guess she either enjoyed or wasn't there :P
@ClemensHimmer daddy means father, so "daughter" is the expected term... ;-)
@ClemensHimmer well....neighbourhoods in India are bit different. You can get killed, if you are doing this with a girl to whom you aren't married, in some parts of country, by a mob of orthodox people :P
@ClemensHimmer lol, probably the first option.... maybe she records it for future use... :D
@ShadowWizard well you figured as much.. but nonetheless you used daughter instead of little? :D
@ClemensHimmer of course, to troll you! smiling at utter success :P
@ShadowWizard go have sex with your daughter ._.
@DroidDev yeah i get it india is shit :|
@ClemensHimmer lol, in some areas, yea, not every part of country though :P
@ClemensHimmer no thank you! :D
@DroidDev i can tell as much from what you told me :D
@DroidDev every country got its shitty parts... /cc @Clem
@ShadowWizard true that. Making borders and defining the confined areas as countries was the shitiest thing mankind ever did ;)
Here in Israel we also got Orthodox parts, where women can be attacked if going with certain clothes.
@ShadowWizard In some parts of India, people do "Honour Killings", where they kill a couple, because they did "Love marriage" or "Out of caste marriage", which is against the culture, according to those people. There are literally laws made to protect those couples, by courts and government here, but still
@DroidDev yup, that's terrible, and hopefully will vanish as generations advance.
@ShadowWizard yup, but until then, its just a PITA
@ShadowWizard Well i am happy i live in europe.. try anything with religionist extrimists here, you die yourself XD cc @Dro
@ClemensHimmer "you die yourself", didn't quite get that :/
@ClemensHimmer let's hope it stays like this... :)
Oh @Clem talking about rape, did you hear about this? rt.com/news/338779-somalian-refugee-raped-politician it's just.... amazing. In so many weird ways.
@DroidDev you will get shot by police by a very high chance
@ClemensHimmer Oh, I wish it was same here. Though, situation is not bad where I live, but some parts see worst of these cases
@ShadowWizard wow that is ... strange
@DroidDev well at least you got a little better area :)
@ClemensHimmer yea, if you go by the rest of country, I live in near paradise. There are night clubs and every kind of independence here
@DroidDev well if you hear from india it's mass rapes and corruption.. so i get that yea
@ClemensHimmer well....those stories kinda get more attention, because paid media. But yea, problem is there. Thing is, we have people from almost every religion living here that there is. So, there will be every kind of incidents too
@ShadowWizard and well i didn't read it all, but he seems to have a different view of himself and judgement it seems
@DroidDev as i probably already know, i think religion is the dumbest thing in the entire world.. believeing in some spooky non-fact based thing and having the damn nerve to base ANYTHING on that. religion has nothing to do outside of your own mind, believe what you want, but that's it, just because you think i can't eat milk and meat together? idc dude, your problem.. and that's just the most insignificant example i could think of..
^ @Sha gib opinion
@ClemensHimmer I couldn't agree more. But, the thing is, its a very powerful tool, in the hands of wrong people. I once had a fight in college with a guy, who belonged to minority community. He wrongly accused me and my friends that day of communally harassing him and I saw about 200 people ready to kill us, outside our college. Though we reached the compromise, because we had some friends too
but, I am just giving an example of how it(religion) could be used, against people
Its all fucking vote bank politics
@DroidDev fuck those people really, call me crazy but such filth, such fucking idiots, using religion to empower or justify their crimes, they do not deserve a place in this world.
@ClemensHimmer well, I don't quite get why you have such an anger about these things inside you :/
@DroidDev i have seen such bullshit.. people who think any of their actions are justified by their personal believes, this is one of the most command and one of the worst idiotic actions i'v seen. let's just take some extreme examples, muslim suicide bombers, christian crusades, arabic honor murders and so on.. wtf????? you think there is some deity? ok go on believe it, whatever. but justifying or doing anything in the name of that is the same as doing it in the name of your favourite yoghurt.
he doesn't like that yoghurt? but this yoghurt is a big part of my life, i love it and many others do too! let's kill him!
ye rite..
@ClemensHimmer You are right. Though I haven't read about christian crusades, but I know about muslim terrorists. If you read quran, you'll see that its written in a way to tell people that you gotta believe in Allah and there is no other god except him and if anybody thinks there is, he is a sinner, so, you gotta take up arms against him :/
@DroidDev funny thing is, i read some parts too, you are literally told to act upon non-believers...
@ClemensHimmer yup, I don't know why somebody would write those things up, what conditions forced them to do so, but its plain crazy
@DroidDev yeah, imagine some guy writing about some kind of drink, and everybody just kills people not liking that drink.. legit, right? islamists? LEGIT?
the only good thing i ever saw in religion was the holidays you get XD
@ClemensHimmer haha, that's correct
one time i saw some girl saying gravity was not real on FB, she said she doesn't believe in it and only jesus is real. yeah okay basically retarded anyways FFS. anyways, i just wanted to tell you.. he used this gem
user image
@ShadowWizard I think @berserk should always be punished. Regardless whether he's guilty or not.
@ClemensHimmer I had nearly that kind of discussion here, in this room, with a veteran in here ;)
@ShadowWizard That's true for @ClemensHimmer @IͶΔ @DroidDev too.
@DroidDev lol, reference?
@ShadowWizard Punish them all!
@JoErNanO Oh boy, don't try punishing me, i am better at punishing anyways.
@ClemensHimmer its pretty buried and will be very difficult find, but still, just wanted to tell you, that those kind of people exist everywhere
@ClemensHimmer You've been a naughty girl. You deserve a spanking. And you love it. :D
@DroidDev oh man i wanted to see that.
@JoErNanO you saw @Sha and my convo before? lol
@ClemensHimmer haha, it was long before you. It was when me and that guy were trying to tell someone, "some actual benefits of religion"
@DroidDev yeah, no
god i think i have some mild mental condition, i get furiously angry at dumb people
@ClemensHimmer lol, I get furiously irritated
@DroidDev one time my aunt (which is mentally unstable, but never goes to a psychatrist and now moved to italy [stay down there forever!]) once tried to tell me narcissistic is when you want to claim things for your own and because she heard it from some doctor (if he ever said something about that, she didn't understand) she just ignored everything i said, because she thought she was right. at some point she said yeah that's my definition then, i define that word that way.
i just looked baffled and realized she was serious thinking she could just bend words so they mean what she wants.
had to leave after that, nearly punched her face.. lol
@ClemensHimmer well, the person sitting next to me, shows that stubbornness everyday. I already have killed him twice since morning(though he is my good friend) and another one in my office, god, his voice irritates me. He didn't clone a project few days back and when asked, he told me he'll need to change git credentials. WTF
@DroidDev you killed him in your head you wanted to say i guess?
@ClemensHimmer well....yea
@DroidDev killing people multiple times is a new thing to me at least lol
@ClemensHimmer umm...in your head too?
going for lunch, will find you that convo when I come back
@DroidDev hugh?
1 hour later…
There you go @ClemensHimmer. That was the discussion I was talking about
Oh boy it was Mooseman? I thought he was intelligent :( nah, that sounds just a bit psychotic i'd say, and the ask me about the holy spirit part was strange too.. but each to his own
@ClemensHimmer hahahaha, now you see. How deep religion is ;)
Oh @Pra or whatever the three-some-lady's name was is now @DarkAshelin ????? or was she ????
@ClemensHimmer yup, that's the one. Praxis Ashelin and Dark Ashelin are same
@DroidDev oooh okay, now that i have a sub i should ping her more? XD
@ClemensHimmer she ain't pingable from here. Also, you can open her profile from those messages and see her actual name now ;)
its still Praxis Ashelin
@DroidDev ye @Sha said something bout that
anyway...now you know the previous conversation that took place and some history about den too ;)
enough teaching for today
also random info i'm gonna start to RP in WoW :ooo
@ClemensHimmer What is RP?
@ClemensHimmer you should read some books from budhism ;)
@DroidDev nah not religion blech
@DroidDev role playing
@ClemensHimmer though, in CoK, I am gonna need 7.3 million food and wood, and 726k iron for upgrading my castle to level 17.
@ClemensHimmer lol, I already do that in cok. Last time I took part in event, I won some gold. Yesterday, our alliance lost battle to throne of kingdom because of betrayal of some fucking guy
@DroidDev CoK?
And i'm gonna be Batzle Fizzlestick a crazy gnome rogue :D
it's soooooo nerdy to do that tho lol
@ClemensHimmer Clash of Kings. Its a MMORPG game, with lots of players
@DroidDev looks like those mobile buildup games? :x
@ClemensHimmer yup, its for mobile. But, is cool. Everything is live. You can even see your army and other's army marching. Yesterday, we marched over a million soldiers in one go
@DroidDev okay but well that doesn't seem like real RP :x , WoW raiding is "RP" too, you play a role, a character, like i am a troll berserker, lemme raid this content yehaw. but real RP is like going on teamspeak or chatting and playing as if you were that exact character, with background, characteristics, story and everything
@ClemensHimmer oh, that's not the role playing here. There is no storyline at all. You just get a city and you got to develop your castle and train troops around it. I also downloaded Dungeon Hunter 5 yesterday on my tab(because of some reason, I keep getting error 505 on my s4) and it looks awesome too. Like mini god of war on android
@DroidDev okay lol. but yeah that's the RP i'm gonna do :D
friend makes a dwarfen paladin and we gonna play together yay
@ClemensHimmer but it costs money and that's like gets pretty costly here when you convert it to INR
@DroidDev well how much do you make monthly and how much does it cost in india?
@ClemensHimmer I forgot how much it costs now :/
but, I just remember that it was kinda costly
@DroidDev 1k INR?
@ClemensHimmer yea, and I think it was for an hour maybe :/
@DroidDev lol what? XD you pay monthly
@ClemensHimmer really? And how many euros is that?
for a month?
@DroidDev well i pay 13 € per month, which is about 1k INR
@ClemensHimmer hmm......still, I am thinking more like drinking whiskey, instead of paying for a game. I can get a good brand of whiskey, like Teacher's choice and aristocrat etc at that price :P
@DroidDev lol your choice, but for the time i play it's by far the cheapest entertainment i ever had
@ClemensHimmer A movie ticket here is around 200 INR
@DroidDev okay that's CHEAP AF! also if i just share my cigarettes with a girl i invite i have more cost/entertainment time lol, not starting to talk about paying her drinks. also let's say you don't play much, 1h per day average and you down one good bottle of whiskey in 5 hours you pay only 1/6 in WoW's favor
people always are scared of pig prices, but buying good tv's moderately frequently can be cheaper than e.g. smoking, or drinking (ok drinking out is expensive af)
it's about price/time not flat price, e.g. a 1k€ tv per year is most likely cheaper than smoking
@ClemensHimmer well, you are right. But, I don't know if I'd be able to play 1h per day. Anyway, since it got free first 30 levels, I might try it. But, 1k investment per month on a game still sounds crazy to me. I got lots of things to divide among what I earn
@DroidDev well yeah, for me it's 1,5% of my loan in about.. reeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally acceptable, absolutely worth, it's gonna be 0,5% as soon as i work in switzerland
would buy again, always
@ClemensHimmer throws ham at @Clem
@ShadowWizard lol the call earlier meant the call from honeypot
the other call was meant for job from recruiters
@berserk catches it like the good dev he is
(._.') don't underestimate me
@berserk oh, that. Its not that easy.
> X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 42 (X_SetInputFocus)
Serial number of failed request: 13148
Current serial number in output stream: 13149
@UnikittyBlendsPeople Makes perfect sense.
@JoErNanO you first! spanking @JoEr for being a naughty boy :D
@JoErNanO hard to understand what you mean, don't remember what message you refer to and you didn't Reply... :/
@JoErNanO of course, I punish @ber every day with a Scheduled Spanking. ;)
@ClemensHimmer well, can't call something that big and powerful just "dumb". We can call it "evil", but surely not dumb. Brilliant, actually. But yeah, totally agree that if people had more sense and less problems (many times people go to the religion path due to having nothing to lose, or lots of personal problems etc), the world could have been a much better place.
@ShadowWizard the schemes behind the religions are brilliant of some kind yes, the average follower tho, more the fanatics, or religious enthousiastic people are often dumb
@ClemensHimmer yeah, @Moo is quite religious, for good and for bad...
@ClemensHimmer of course, but still - the religion itself, the system, is brilliant.
@ClemensHimmer we can still ping her by a direct reply.
@PraxisAshelin @Pra @Pra @Pra what's up??? @Clem wants to tell you something
2 hours ago, by Clemens Himmer
Oh @Pra or whatever the three-some-lady's name was is now @DarkAshelin ????? or was she ????
Done. ^
Too bad she never joined the WhatsApp group, this could have been really fun(ny) :D
@IͶΔ you were silent today... :(
@JoEr you got other punishments in mind except spanking? ;)
@ShadowWizard she didn't have a smartphone :P
@ShadowWizard Yes but they all involve some form of dying. :D
I'm sure that our saxon friend @ClemensHimmer is very creative when it comes to punishments. :)
@JoEr why you never Reply? We can do it now even on mobile...
(it's just making it harder to understand the context)
@DroidDev yeah, a real pity!
@JoErNanO nope, I'm sure all he can think about are sexual punishments, which don't really fit since none of us are of the correct gender for that. D-:
I so much wanna leave everything, go to mountains and become a saint right now
(@MsY could fit, but she's long gone...)
@DroidDev saint??? Too late for that!! :P
but then I remember, I've a laptop and a smartphone and a tab, with lots of games to play and lots of serials to watch and I still have a girlfriend to make cc @ber :/
@ShadowWizard yea, kinda.....sorta....
@Dro's path to heaven is blocked by mountain of boobs
@ShadowWizard incoming d-pics :DDD
@ShadowWizard oh no :(
@ShadowWizard LMAO. Them evil evil boobies
@ShadowWizard in which aspect?
@DroidDev :/
@DroidDev of course, they trap you!
@ClemensHimmer d-pics? :/
@ShadowWizard they trap me in their eternal beauty. Gets reminded of moaning of girls cc @ber again :P
@ClemensHimmer the final result: millions and billions of followers who will follow any command.
@DroidDev :/
@ShadowWizard get an itching of starting another long never ending discussion
@JoEr what about @IͶΔ? I don't think spanking will work on him. How to punish him?
@ShadowWizard dilute him?
You can't dilute a molecule. You can only dilute a solution.
@DroidDev lol, whatever you want :D
@ShadowWizard School n' stuff
Now I can talk aaaas much as you want.
@IͶΔ hmm...well...start a nuclear fission cc @Sha
@DroidDev -1 too costly
@ShadowWizard well....I wanted to, but then I thought, what's the point :P
@IͶΔ pffft, what a poor excuse! :D
@IͶΔ nope, all we need is superman, with his fist, that was as fast as the speed of light. Of-course, to suit you, we can slow it down by 1% and it will start nuclear fission/fusion :P
@DroidDev exactly! No point... but that's the whole point.... :D
@ShadowWizard lol, that sentence of yours is deep ;)
Nuke ^
lol, tanks
@DroidDev of course, my words are very deep! :P
@ShadowWizard deeper than your pee pool?
@DroidDev of course, the pool is as deep as the container, the words are not bound by such material things. :-D
This reminds me...
Filling a cup with pee, handing over to @Dro for being such a good friend
@ShadowWizard ('.______________________.)
yucks, vomits, pukes blood, dies, become a soul, soul yucks, soul vomits, soul pukes blood, soul dies too
falling asleep while laughing
@ShadowWizard How the fudge can I reply quickly without having to manually click on the message twice each time?
I know about the @ auto-completion, can I auto-complete messages?
@ShadowWizard You don't want to know about d-picks.
@ShadowWizard @IͶΔ just wants to fondle @DroidDev 's boobies. Or what that the opposite way around?
@JoErNanO OMG now coming from you, I see what he meant. LOL blech /cc @Clem :D
@ShadowWizard Still that involves clicking!
@JoErNanO but neither got boobies... I think. :P
Time's too precious to be wasted clicking.
@JoErNanO yup, that is true... throwing a mouse on @JoEr
@ShadowWizard Mmmm I'm using that to make some soup for dinner.
At least it's one less click.
@ShadowWizard They both got boobies. Man boobies even.
@JoErNanO I only got a dicky to fondle with :P
@DroidDev That's because @IͶΔ isn't in your life yet. But he wants to be.
@JoErNanO nah, can't think of a real use for men boobs. They are pointless! :D
@ShadowWizard Some can be pointy.
Argh gonna go puke now.
@JoErNanO still too small to be worth anything.... helping @JoEr to puke :P
@ShadowWizard Depends on the man from which they are hanging.
@JoErNanO O_o
@DroidDev You know what I'm talking about!
@JoErNanO I saw some men boobs during my not-so-long life... none were hanging... :D
@ShadowWizard They were fake. Silicone.
@JoErNanO I hope I don't and I wish to keep it that way
@JoErNanO real men don't use Silicone they're proud of what they got.... :P
@ShadowWizard Yeah yeah that's why the male enhancement pills business is going bankrupt. Proud you say? :D
@JoErNanO oh, that's a different thing! hides in shame :P
@ShadowWizard It's ok this is a safe place. You can tell us. How many such pills have you taken recently?
@JoErNanO square root of -1
@ShadowWizard i guess you know what i mean
-4x^2 + 6x - 4 = 0
@ShadowWizard he already got it figured out ye :D
regex to parse that
@UnikittyBlendsPeople i hate maths blech shoooo go away
@ClemensHimmer :(
writing a quadratic equation solver
@ShadowWizard i
17 mins ago, by Shadow Wizard
@JoErNanO OMG now coming from you, I see what he meant. LOL blech /cc @Clem :D
@UnikittyBlendsPeople Realllly? No way! :D
Oh talking about those pills @JoEr maybe you missed something....
Jan 28 at 17:58, by Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ.
@ShadowWizard We sell Sildenafil pills in our pharmacy.
So when in need, we know where to get those pills from! :D
@ShadowWizard You've been popping them like skittles, haven't you? :P
@ShadowWizard Care to come and share your pissing knowledge here:
A: Long road trips in Iceland - where to relieve ourselves?

JoErNanOThe leave no trace principles provide excellent guidelines for doing your business in the wild. As the name suggests, the general memento is leave no trace. In other words, whatever you carry in you carry out of where you are. This applies to human waste too. If you have to urinate or defecate, ...

@JoErNanO solid advice there.... literally. :-D
Well, men don't have any problem pissing outdoors, no advice really needed.... problem is for women and for number 2, both genders. :-/
@JoErNanO totally read that as pooping, especially with what you posted right after... lol
/^(-?\d*)([a-zA-Z])\^2 *[+-] *(\d*)(\2) *[+-] *\-?(\d+)/
@JoEr you think that suggesting pissing into a bottle as advice there (comment or answer) would be valid? After all, no need to exit the car, just have to stop for a minute, or even without stopping if you're not the driver.... ;)
/^(-?\d*)([a-zA-Z])\^2 *[+-] *(\d*)\2 *([+-] *\d+) *= *0$/
final version of regex to match quadratic equation
@sha try it
trying to click, nothing happens. borked!
you never learnt quadratic equations??
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
@UnikittyBlendsPeople in school... but I don't like regex... :D
ax^2 + bx = c
@ShadowWizard too bad
I know :(
solve this:
x^2 + 5x + 15 = 0
Make a fiddle @Uni and let us see it in action. :)
output from #match:
[ 'x^2 + 5x + 15 = 0',
  '+ 15',
  index: 0,
  input: 'x^2 + 5x + 15 = 0' ]
@ShadowWizard Any tips will do IMHO.
Especially because peeing in nature can actually pollute water sources.
Anyone happens to have 3d glasses around?
@UnikittyBlendsPeople youtube.com/watch?v=u8qSpvQKwts
:D :D
solve this
9999999999999999999999999x^2-76543456765433456797866353x -098654345646362645878684368686746
1 hour later…
Yo. Where is everyone?
05:00 - 18:0019:00 - 20:00

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