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4:55 AM
@quetzalcoatl huh, nice! I know your name from FF8. ;)
5:19 AM
@IͶΔ 71 cc @sha :D
1 hour later…
6:38 AM
@maveň lol, so few.... :D
@maveň Hmm, it should be more.
I counted 80 pings.
7:15 AM
@IͶΔ maybe some have been eaten by unicorns... or cats... or chemicals... :D
7:25 AM
@ShadowWizard Well, I told everyone else to stop.
@IͶΔ yup, very noble of you... ;)
2 hours later…
9:05 AM
logs in on saturday .. gotta go boys WoW needs me
@ClemensHimmer Don't forget the site visit.
We wouldn't want to miss that Lunatic badge.
1 hour later…
10:27 AM
@IͶΔ visiting front page might not be enough either, need to also visit a question or something like that. /cc @Clem ;)
10:47 AM
Casting level 12 spell: Summon Shadow
@Sha @Sha you alive?
Yay! @Dro @ber @Clem @IͶΔ see who is here
Oh no! Are you calling them to eat me whole? ;)
@Shadowfax worse: PA you :-D
10:55 AM
@Sha what is your favorite word?
@ShadowWizard Who's here?
@IͶΔ another @Shadow of course
@Shadowfax whaaat? Not boobs? @Dro will be disappointed... :P
@Sha you know @JoEr is also new here. He travelled from far far away
11:26 AM
>>flip @Shad
@ShadowWizard (╯'Д')╯︵pɐɥS@
@FOX9000 honor
@ShadowWizard humble
>>doubleflip all of the @Sha's
@IͶΔ ɐןן oɟ ʇɥǝ @Sɥɐ,s ︵ヽ(°.')ノ︵ s,ɐɥS@ ǝɥʇ ɟo ןןɐ
11:28 AM
@FOX9000 tumble
@ShadowWizard rolled
@FOX9000 eye
@ShadowWizard topaz
If you want to play @Sha, just reply to last word. :)
11:41 AM
Well @Sha i visited front page, profile, went mobile, worked until now like that :) 32/100 .. i'm so gonna fuck it up one time :D
2 hours later…
1:21 PM
@UnikittyBlendsPeople Mmmm
@ShadowWizard You talking to yourself??
2:16 PM
@ShadowWizard who?????!!!!
@ShadowWizard isDissappointed :(
3:18 PM
I think we scared poor @Sha away, @Dro @Uni :(
@Sha umm......
@ShadowWizard Command not found.
3:36 PM
@ShadowWizard How many @Sha 's are there here?
Schizophrenia? Multiple personality disorder?
@ShadowWizard My money is on delusions of grandeur. :D
Check this out @IͶΔ
You don't seem to e around @IͶΔ
Could it be time for a ping attack @IͶΔ
It sure does look like it @ina
!!/pingattack @IͶΔ 10
Just for kicks @IͶΔ
Ping attack started
10 @IͶΔ on the wall, 10 @IͶΔ.
Head hurts from JNI
Take one down and pass it around, 9 @IͶΔ on the wall.
9 @IͶΔ on the wall, 9 @IͶΔ.
Take one down and pass it around, 8 @IͶΔ on the wall.
8 @IͶΔ on the wall, 8 @IͶΔ.
Take one down and pass it around, 7 @IͶΔ on the wall.
7 @IͶΔ on the wall, 7 @IͶΔ.
Take one down and pass it around, 6 @IͶΔ on the wall.
6 @IͶΔ on the wall, 6 @IͶΔ.
Take one down and pass it around, 5 @IͶΔ on the wall.
5 @IͶΔ on the wall, 5 @IͶΔ.
Take one down and pass it around, 4 @IͶΔ on the wall.
4 @IͶΔ on the wall, 4 @IͶΔ.
Take one down and pass it around, 3 @IͶΔ on the wall.
Man I love this bot @IͶΔ
3 @IͶΔ on the wall, 3 @IͶΔ.
I could spend the whole day reading its posts @IͶΔ
Take one down and pass it around, 2 @IͶΔ on the wall.
2 @IͶΔ on the wall, 2 @IͶΔ.
3:41 PM
It's so poetic @IͶΔ
Take one down and pass it around, 1 @IͶΔ on the wall.
@IͶΔ Reminds me of a young Shakespeare
1 @IͶΔ on the wall, 1 @IͶΔ.
Take one down and pass it around, 0 @IͶΔ on the wall.
On a more serious note though @IͶΔ
Do you think one can pingattack the bot @IͶΔ ?
A kind of pingattack inception @IͶΔ
Ah sweet revenge @IͶΔ
computer died
3:44 PM
A dish best served ping @IͶΔ
@UnikittyBlendsPeople Noooooooo. That means I'll have to pingattack @IͶΔ again.
@IͶΔ are you eating dinner?
I don't make the rules @IͶΔ
@UnikittyBlendsPeople Are you stalking @ᔕᖺᘎᕊ ?
um no
Innocently walks away
If you want to stalk someone I thin @ShadowWizard might be in the shower.
Don't ask me how I know @IͶΔ
Ah the joys of pingattacking @IͶΔ
This just made my day @IͶΔ
I really wouldn't want to blow it to you @Jo.
All dismissed.
3:50 PM
Not really.
I just have this tab open since morning.
So still undefeated.
@UnikittyBlendsPeople ignores weird ping...
[ PingDetector ] User posting random pings: Unikitty Blends People in room Shadow's Den on chat.meta.stackexchange.com
[ PingDetector ] User posting random pings: Unikitty Blends People in room Shadow's Den on chat.meta.stackexchange.com
4:05 PM
@Sha No you didn't.
@Sha No you didn't.
@JoE I loved this one: Schizophrenia? Multiple personality disorder?
@Shadowfax Star it and make me famous. :D
@ᔕᖺᘎᕊ are you another @Sha?
@JoErNanO I am new to chat :( What happens when I star it?
Which site are you active in, SO?
@Shadowfax It gets pinned right there on the right, where the rest of this chat's historical nonsense can be found.
I'm a Travel guy.
I sometimes come on SO too although it's not as fun.
@Shadowfax Come see us on Travel.
4:12 PM
@JoErNanO is there any way to find a user's profile from chat?
Click on the nickname.
First link is user profile.
@JoErNanO It only takes to chat profile
I meant SE profile
Once you're there, click on Parent user.
@JoErNanO got it
At least that's how I do it. I'm sure the overlords here @ShadowWizard @UnikittyBlendsPeople have a better faster more efficient optimised less time consuming way to go about it.
4:15 PM
ha ha ha!
There's a "user profile on ???.stackexchange.com" link which is shorter.
@JoErNanO so a user can lead multiple chat lives with different SE accounts, am I right?
You can connect to multiple rooms with the same account.
@ProgramFOX so how do I get that from chat?
You can also choose which account shows up on chat.
4:16 PM
it's below the "user profile" link, @Shadowfax
@JoErNanO I know that. But not completely different person, if you know what I mean
Don't know if you can have different profiles on different rooms. I think you can only distinguish between chats on meta and chats on the standard site.
@ProgramFOX can you please give a screenshot?
I really can't find it :(
after I finished a chess game :P
@ProgramFOX of course I can track using the way @JoErNanO showed.
but that takes a few steps, and I think there must be shortcut
4:19 PM
okay, so:
@ProgramFOX don't bother! I now think what @JoErNanO showed is short enough. But still...
@ShadowWizard Poor guy. He will be suffering from PAs without any reason :(
1. click on a username/profile picture on the left bar of the chat room or at the "image list" of users.
2. click on the "user profile on meta.stackexchange.com" link
@Shadowfax Welcome to the Den! :)
@berserk shhh, don't tell anybody. What's a PA?
is it ping attack?
4:21 PM
@Shadowfax Yes ping attack.
@IͶΔ looks like @Pro opened up.
It came to my mind just after I hit enter to send the previous message :)
@ProgramFOX Ah yes your way is faster.
"opened up"? @berserk
umm like we open up the box
4:22 PM
@berserk thanks! (late?)
@Shadowfax haha nope :D
@ProgramFOX Let me know if I am still not making sense :P
OMG @Shog here D:
@berserk again hushhhhh, don't tell anybody. Do you guys keep PAing one another all day long?
Time to sing @Sha @Sho song.
4:24 PM
I am pinging 4 people together lol.
How many @Sho are there?
One @Sho, but 3 @Sha
@berserk Not any more.
4:27 PM
Kicked for ping attacking Shog... nice job, @berserk @Shadowfax, and actually a well-deserved kick :P
Moderators can remove themselves from recent list?
He didn't post anything and now he left the room, so he's no longer pingable.
4:29 PM
What's recent list?
What's recent list?
He means the "pingable users" list.
yeah lol I was about to write a huge sentence to explain that xD
Yeah that's what I asked. Who are "pingable users" then?
4:31 PM
@Shadowfax Anyone who's been in the chatroom in the past 7 days. Or something like that.
@Shadowfax Users whom we can ping from the room.
@berserk Yes. I'm nostalgic
@berserk whom can you ping from the room? Is it what @JoErNanO said?
@Shadowfax For example, "@Shadowfax" (with the @ sign) is a ping. And when you get a ping, you get a sound notification (and an inbox notification if the ping isn't cleared for 15 minutes). But if a user has never posted in a room, or has not posted during 7 days, the ping loses its effect because the user doesn't receive an inbox notification anymore.
AFAIR, @ShadowWizard mentioned like that.
4:32 PM
The "pingable users" list is just a list with the users that receive a notification when you ping them.
Pro is good at briefing.
All I needed to know was the 7 day thing. Now I get it.
@berserk I agree
Time to get out of the Den, got exam kicking on my door...
kicking? :D
good luck!
Yeah, good luck :)
4:35 PM
@berserk yeah, kicking, literally
If you are a sexy exam, then abduct me :3
Ciao @Shadowfax best of luck
Wait shog visited/?
4:48 PM
he was watching, but not posting
@berserk Opened up?
@UnikittyBlendsPeople yeah, and kicked me for PAing him :(
5:00 PM
37 mins ago, by ProgramFOX
"opened up"? @berserk
Read from here,,,
Well, kinda
At least you can't open me up.
5:17 PM
@JoErNanO three of course. 2 socks and a Fax.
@JoErNanO nah, I was in shower now. Saturday is family day, with limited access to the Den. :/
@Shadowfax hmm? Didn't what? Hard to know the relation when you don't Reply... ;)
@Shadowfax nope, @ᔕᖺᘎᕊ is... unique. His name once caused a super bug in chat all over SE. :D
@JoErNanO in MSE and SO just remove the "chat." part of the URL in the chat profile page, but clicking the "parent user" link is faster. :D
@ShadowWizard Tell that to @Shadowfax
@berserk who's @Sho? D:
waiting for my turn
@ShadowWizard Shog...
5:23 PM
@ShadowWizard He kicked me for doing that :'c
berserk and Shadowfax found it a good idea to ping attack him... they got a kick xD
@ProgramFOX runs
@ProgramFOX in the Tavern??? LOL
@ShadowWizard no, here, he was lurking
5:24 PM
I guess he ignored the Den's rule board while lurking... Now that's what I call a real shadow...
@ShadowWizard Found by me, then someone else got the question. D:
5:55 PM
@ShadowW your bookmarkitis is contagious. Now I bookmark stuff too. :/
6:09 PM
@ProgramFOX lol, luckily for @Sho he didn't post anything, otherwise he would have been pingable for whole week.....
(...or more likely, luckily for us all ;))
@berserk @Pro is good in everything. </envy> ;)
6:22 PM
Boxes don't drown.
That is not true.
Also, @Pro is technically a Rubik cube.
yeah, so, basically a box
So I need alphabet, numbers and special chars?
Like must?
6:25 PM
and blood of a virgin too, maybe
It's fine. You can have my blood...
Wanna do server magix
@berserk Box is a container. @Pro is not. Unless there are things that I'm not aware of.
[ . . . ]
class Box extends container {

Happy nowruz to all! (even though you're not celebrating it)
@UnikittyBlendsPeople really? How did you find that bug??
Remember I pinged him to ask a question?
@IͶΔ now rulz?
@UnikittyBlendsPeople nope. :/
@IͶΔ Happy nowruz
6:32 PM
@IͶΔ haha, you are welcome! :D
+10 on arqade
Nowruz (Persian: Nowruz – نوروز‎‎; [nouˈɾuːz]; literally "New Day") is the name of the Iranian New Year, also known as the Persian New Year, which is celebrated worldwide by Iranian peoples, along with some other ethno-linguistic groups, as the beginning of the New Year. It has been celebrated for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Western Asia. It marks the first day of Farvardin in the Iranian calendar. Nowruz is the day of the astronomical vernal equinox, and marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It usually occurs on March...
in Tavern on the Meta, Sep 24 '15 at 12:38, by United States Of America
@ᔕᖺᘎᕊ Check your GH
Read on...
@IͶΔ nice, thought you are using the Muslim's calendar, like we in Israel use the Jewish calendar...
Nope, our main calendar is our own calendar.
We're that cool.
6:43 PM
What about Ramadan?
That doesn't mean we don't have religious events.
But in different dates?
In Iranian calendars, you almost always see three types of calendar: Shamsi, Hejri, and Gregorian
Anyway, happy new year @IͶΔ!
Shamsi is the official calendar.
@ShadowWizard Thank you! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
6:45 PM
You are welcome! (enter funny unicode stuff here)
@ShadowWizard (┛^ਊ°)┛
@UnikittyBlendsPeople wow looks like I missed all the fun in matter of minutes... :(
@JoErNanO telling that to @Shadowfax
@UnikittyBlendsPeople maybe he is afraid we gather too many shadows here and plan to take over the Tavern soon... ;-)
7:04 PM
@berserk well, I warned @Sha in advance... ;-)
7:57 PM
@Sha it's annoying that to ping you, I have to use more than three letters not to ping someone else in addition.
>>flip molarity
@IͶΔ (┛'Дಥ)づ︵ʎʇᴉɹɐןoɯ
2 hours later…
10:01 PM
@IͶΔ well, the other @Sha can always change name, e.g. to FaxShadow... :D

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