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@FOX9000 extravagant
@ShadowWizard chivalry
@ProgramFOX nah, prefer not to remove all the links at once. But still don't understand why we need to give it both words when removing link?
@SPArchaeologist I see you're quiet.... still upset at what we did to the poor bot? You can also try and guide it towards the path you want ;)
@FOX9000 cavalry
@ShadowWizard skirmish
@ShadowWizard One word can have multiple links. So if wizard is linked to shadow and magic and if you execute >>removelink wizard, how would the bot know which link to remove?
@ProgramFOX oh, didn't know that, was sure for some reason it's 1-1 relation
So >>removealllinks foobar should be fine, yes (thought you meant command to remove all linked words)
@FOX9000 fight
@ShadowWizard combatant
@ShadowWizard sleeping. The fun for me is working out the most intricate reference chain. The answers from the bot spoil that, so I just retire in my crystal ball again.
@SPArchaeologist oh, I see. Was afraid we boobed you out and I don't want that to happen. :)
@FOX9000 mutant
@ShadowWizard foundation
@FOX9000 series
Hey @Andy came to play or just watch? ;)
@ShadowWizard entitle
@FOX9000 lordship
@ShadowWizard honoured
@FOX9000 guest
@ShadowWizard both?
@Andy good!
@ShadowWizard host
wandering between work meetings and a database query that refuses to drop a table. It's about 5 minutes away from me getting in my car and driving to the datacenter with a bat.
@FOX9000 gift
@Andy table contains lots of records? Once tried dropping a table with 30,000,000 records. not a good idea
@Andy choice
@Andy I am having fun with a (molden) sharepoint farm where a SpFilecollection.Add operation doesn't raise any error but the file still isn't added. nothing is loged, even on VERBOSE
@ShadowWizard About 1.3 B rows. The thing is, I can drop the other table in the database with 110 B rows in under 5 minutes. This one, though, has been running for 45 minutes
@FOX9000 options
@Andy lieu
@FOX9000 loo
@Andy unlimited
@Andy wow... that's one hell good database then, surely not MS-SQL, lol
@ShadowWizard Lol. No. Teradata.
I use MS SQL though too.
@Andy beat me, or more likely, beat the database physical server until it drops the table :D
@FOX9000 cosmic
@ShadowWizard That's what the bat is for :)
@Andy mutation
@FOX9000 telepathy
@Andy ordinary
@FOX9000 normal
@Andy development
Does not compute.
Development by definition ISN'T something normal
The bot makes interesting choices some times.
@Andy good for you that find them interesting. My Pinkie soul is shivering in boredom.
I find this one the most interesting. I want to know who eric is
Sep 19 at 17:45, by FOX 9000
@Andy eric
@FOX9000 software
noodles anyone?
@DroidDev processing
@FOX9000 image
@DroidDev any time! fear I got to go so enjoy the meal, cya! :)
@DroidDev conjure
@DroidDev photograph
@Andy pictograph
@ShadowWizard cya!
@ShadowWizard connected
@ShadowWizard See you!
@FOX9000 network
@ProgramFOX web
@DroidDev spider
@Andy 8 legs
@Andy spool
@FOX9000 school
@DroidDev principal
@FOX9000 sir
@DroidDev isaac
@FOX9000 newton
@DroidDev force
@Andy push
@DroidDev totter
@FOX9000 potter
I am starting to think that I should create another room just for nosense talks. Wonder if I can find enough Pinkie clones to populate it.
@DroidDev fashion
@SPArchaeologist I'm in :D
@FOX9000 designer
@DroidDev graphic
@DroidDev First rule would be PG-13.
Just fire up a bunch of bots. Have them play with one another. Eventually they will either loop or learn something
@ProgramFOX writer
@FOX9000 author
@Andy fiction
@SPArchaeologist is it because I'm in or is it because you are changing? :/
@DroidDev Griffin/South Park style humor actually bore me out. I can enjoy thing like Happy Tree Friend for a while but then they start to feel empty.
@SPArchaeologist so, it's because I'm in.
@DroidDev I am also starting to develop a strong dislike for that genre of "humor" that mock the intellectual art of others.
@SPArchaeologist adjustment is the first rule of getting mixed up with a community :)
Take for example Harry Potter. I don't like him at all and I don't hide it. But I won't try to make cra_ of his image just for fun because I respect the author and I think that the same character that say nothing to me could be dear to her.
.... I have frozen them again.
Returning in my world, in case of need knock on the picture I have posted before.
@SPArchaeologist I guess you take/taking things way more seriously. We all come here for some fun and having restricted fun is not having fun. I think you are talking about playing with @ProgramFOX's bot here, when we try to get a certain reply from it. I know, it isn't that good of a behavior, but you should take things a bit lightly IMO.
@DroidDev more general. The bot or the dirty chain aren't related
That I just find boring
@SPArchaeologist They are not related, but I cannot do very much to change that.
@DroidDev anyway, I still think that my fun ends where the feeling of others stars. MLP did very well on showing that, the subtle line between laughing with other and laughing of other. Again, nothing related to the den, just general speaking.
@ProgramFOX Don't worry Fox, by now you should have understood that I like to play nosense. I know that you can't change the replies :P
@SPArchaeologist Well, now I know that you like to play nonsense :P
@SPArchaeologist whatever, I mark this as the first time, when you showed/told/we came to know, something real about you :D
otherwise everyone does with the term he/she/pony/etc/etc over here
goes to watch Boondock Saints first part, for second time
3 hours later…
@FOX9000 fantasy
@rene final
@DroidDev countdown
@rene descending
@DroidDev elevator
@rene escalator
@DroidDev percolator

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