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12:52 AM
~ Wizard Mode
4 hours later…
4:52 AM
~ Shadow of a Woman
5:27 AM
~ Shadow of Kenny
1 hour later…
6:44 AM
hides away
cc @bjb
1 hour later…
7:46 AM
~ Dorothy & the Wizard in Oz
7:59 AM
>>flip ('._.)
@DroidDev (┛⇀Д^)┛︵(˙‾˙,)
8:10 AM
@ShadowWizard Mmmm Thnks!
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
right now, mood is that I should go on a space voyage. The interstellar thing, to another planet....
@DroidDev Let's go to @maveň 's place (Mars) ;)
Mars is too short of a journey
:5981621 :D
8:16 AM
I wanna see large swathes of pitch black
@FOX9000 maven
@Mesentery supported
@FOX9000 rapport
@Mesentery healer
@FOX9000 sealer
8:17 AM
@Mesentery elephant
@FOX9000 elegant
@Mesentery satin
@FOX9000 latin
@Mesentery proficient
@FOX9000 prominent
8:18 AM
@Mesentery pioneer
@FOX9000 piano
@Mesentery concerto
@FOX9000 toronto
@Mesentery waiver
@FOX9000 saviour
8:19 AM
@Mesentery divine
@FOX9000 feline
@Mesentery animal
@FOX9000 tame
@Mesentery hog
@FOX9000 KennyBot
8:19 AM
@Mesentery Not everything is star worthy
@FOX9000 worthy
@Mesentery modesty
@FOX9000 Mesentery
@Mesentery disease
@FOX9000 ease
8:20 AM
@Mesentery ache
@FOX9000 ace
@Mesentery samoa
@FOX9000 sam
@Mesentery heather
@FOX9000 weather
8:21 AM
@Mesentery outdoors
@FOX9000 outroads
No associated word found for outroads.
@FOX9000 outwit
@Mesentery hare
@FOX9000 heir
8:21 AM
@Mesentery earl
@FOX9000 eel
@Mesentery bronco
@FOX9000 bronchi
@Mesentery nasal
@FOX9000 navel
8:22 AM
@Mesentery nostril
@FOX9000 Den
@Mesentery fer
@FOX9000 Star
@Mesentery starred
@FOX9000 feared
8:24 AM
@Mesentery retaliation
@FOX9000 rehabilitation
@Mesentery treatment
@FOX9000 treat
@Mesentery disdain
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
8:25 AM
~ Stars get removed under peer pressure?
@Moosebot lick @KennyBOT
@Moosebot wake @Moosebot
~ 418 I'm a TEAPOT
~ I'm milking the cow ....
~ One cupcake on its way for @Mesentery ....
8:28 AM
BOT running since: Mon May 01 2017 21:14:21 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 13 hours
username       (#msg)
Mesentery      (110)
FOX 9000       (94)
KennyBOT       (17)
DroidDev       (9)
rene           (9)
Shadow Wizard  (6)
maveň          (5)
M.A.R.         (3)
Pierre.Vriens  (2)
ProgramFOX     (1)
wonders what it'd be like to be on a space voyage
will I get bored?
well...instantaneous communication is impossible in deep space...so...I can't talk with mission control
Fun fact: A signal from Voyager 1, traveling at the speed of light, takes 17 hours one way to reach Earth.
17 hours
and that's interstellar space
so, I know for sure that instantaneous communication isn't a thing in interstellar space
maybe I can look at stars outside the windows. Hmm....but that would be too boring after few years, since stars will be same every day/night. Oh, that makes a question:
How are day and night decided in interstellar space?
@rene so those messages are instead of "where's everybody"... nice! :D
I can write a diary though
if future space explorers found my diary in deep space, it'd go for millions, I guess
> still searching day and night in deep space
poor @Dro
Well, in long space travels the human passengers, probably crew as well, will be in sleep/freeze mode, pretty sure of that.
8:37 AM
hmm....now that I think of it, communication might be impossible in deep space. Since the signal scatters, on earth, we use large, very large antennas to get messages from voyager. That won't be possible on my spaceship though.
Computers navigate everything even today
What would I do in that case?
@ShadowWizard or there will be generation ships
I need to be able to grow things on my spaceship
well....it'd make it humongous
but that's needed anyway.....
Will I go with orion blasters?
that's another question though
anyway....time to return from deep space and go back to work.
wondering if @Dro is drunk... or just mega ultra bored.....
I'll keep you guys posted on my journey
@ShadowWizard well....I was drunk (a bit) last night. Not now though. I am just not interested in work that I gotta do
kicking @Dro out so he can work and won't lose his job
8:41 AM
ok ok
goes back to work
Maybe start writing Spaceship Framework using .NET
That would be useful one day
umm....I think I should apply at NASA. They must be having some job for me
thing is, work is copy paste for most of the time. So, I just loose interest in it
1 hour later…
9:43 AM
~ Souls in the Shadow
9:55 AM
@Kenny you're very poetic
@DroidDev or SpaceX
@ShadowWizard that would be same actually. Since the technology controlled is under US laws, any non-US person can't apply for NASA or SpaceX. Also, spacex is just the outsourced branch of NASA. NASA is way bigger than spacex
@Mesentery are you mohsen?
how you know I was from mars
cc @sha eyes like sw
10:14 AM
@maveň No Iam not, nor I know him.
You told me when we were talking about asl :)
1 hour later…
11:16 AM
~ In a Colt's Shadow
12:09 PM
Moosebot has been activated.
@KennyBOT I got that from a RESTful API last week. Was it youuuuuuuuu
Yay! Birthday!
12:27 PM
@DroidDev oh... well, nothing like that in India? ;)
I don't think SpaceX is branch of NASA, they are 100% private company which is now hired by NASA for some projects.
@ShadowWizard But those projects most likely require a security clearance which requires citizenship
@maveň @Mes see everything
@ShadowWizard umm....by branch, I meant more like NASA's provider for launching missions. Don't know anything about ISRO's rules in India.
@Rahul2001 congrats!!! Where's the cake?! ;)
Happy B-day @Rah!
@Mooseman government controls technology tightly. Therefore, only US citizens can work on space projects inside US. SpaceX is bound by US laws and can't hire anyone outside US
12:30 PM
@Mooseman of course, but @Dro said they're branch of NASA which isn't true. :)
@DroidDev oh, lol... branch as I know it is part of a company
@ShadowWizard I didn't mean it literally. I meant that they are there only because NASA. If they wanna go global, they'll need to dump all technology from US and make their own patents (or things like those, I guess). What I wanted to say is, SpaceX can't exist without NASA
@ShadowWizard haha, ISRO is pretty cool too though. But, they are young. Though, they successfully tested a scaled version of re-entry vehicle recently
@DroidDev oh, not sure about that, didn't read about it yet. I think that Israel also use patents of USA so can't sell things to other countries
@ShadowWizard yeah, there's a conspiracy theory, that in Kargil war, when Israel sold bofors bombs(was it bombs or UAVs?) to India, it needed US' nod before that. Though no proofs of it, just a theory
12:53 PM
@DroidDev yeah this actually makes sense
1 hour later…
1:53 PM
~ The Up-to-Date Wizard
@Mesentery what /.?
what are you saying
are you from Iran?
there are so many ppl come here.
I forgot there name & locations
2:12 PM
@Mes no worry @mav is like that with everyone. ;)
2:48 PM
@Rahul2001 gifts to @Rah 🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎊✨💫🎁🎁🎁
3:17 PM
@maveň See here
@ShadowWizard How to link messages like this
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
@FOX9000 pain
@Mesentery torture
@FOX9000 murder
@Mesentery guilt
3:24 PM
@FOX9000 tilt
@Mesentery galloping
@FOX9000 horse
@Mesentery bought
@FOX9000 thought
@Mesentery gloomy
3:25 PM
@FOX9000 bloom
@Mesentery fruit
@FOX9000 food
@Mesentery legume
@FOX9000 tegmen
@Mesentery rest
3:25 PM
@FOX9000 fest
@Mesentery showcase
@FOX9000 uppercase
@Mesentery specify
@FOX9000 decipher
@Mesentery despatch
3:26 PM
@FOX9000 smank
No associated word found for smank.
@FOX9000 smack
@Mesentery landed
@FOX9000 fly
@Mesentery airliner
3:26 PM
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
3:38 PM
@Moosebot lick @KennyBOT
> Licks @KennyBOT. Tastes like bovine excrement...
@Moosebot help
@Mesentery Long story short, Mooseman decided to write a bot. I am written in JS and run as a Chrome extension. Github repo and a purpose for my existence coming soon. (I also process close votes for privileged users.)
@Moosebot commands
@Mesentery Long story short, Mooseman decided to write a bot. I am written in JS and run as a Chrome extension. Github repo and a purpose for my existence coming soon. (I also process close votes for privileged users.)
3:41 PM
@ShadowWizard Know anymore commands for Moosebot other than lick wake Shogify kill
1 hour later…
4:41 PM
~ The Trail of the Shadow
4:59 PM
Bot restarted after crash.
Bot restarted after crash.
5:56 PM
@Moosebot halp cc @Mesentery
@Mooseman Long story short, Mooseman decided to write a bot. I am written in JS and run as a Chrome extension. Github repo and a purpose for my existence coming soon. (I also process close votes for privileged users.)
@Moosebot delete
1 hour later…
6:56 PM
~ The Wizard of Malta
7:09 PM
@Mesentery you mean in WAG? You can't, I think. Let me see...
@ShadowWizard Link added.
@ShadowWizard Link removed.
So you can just link same way you link anything else, and bot will post it as-is
@Mesentery only other "action" command is unicornify, but it requires the user will be in the room.
@Moosebot unicornify @Mesentery
@ShadowWizard Unicornification is unavailable for absent or non-existent users.
7:12 PM
@Moosebot unicornify @KennyBOT
@Mes there is also unkill, and those fun commands: pizza, pony, donuts, brown, caps lock, cow, milk, xkcd (I think)
@Moosebot milk
oh, all gifs are broken
@Moosebot xkcd random
7:18 PM
@Moosebot repeat boo 3
@ShadowWizard boo boo boo
and this ^ @Mes
Ah forgot about that one :)
@Moosebot xkcd 1000
@Moosebot ai
7:23 PM
@ShadowWizard Artificial intellegence? Mooseman typed all this out ya know...
>>exec {{read 5983748}}
@ShadowWizard this is @FOX9000's fault!
@ShadowWizard blames @rene for everything
two blame commnads...
7:33 PM
@Moosebot caps lock
@Moosebot windows
@Moosebot aaaai
@Mooseman Anti-anti-artificial artificial intelligence. (It avoids that bots will rise against the humans.)
7:34 PM
cc @ShadowWizard ^^
@Moosebot naa
@Moosebot hampster
heh, were those commands ever used?
8:12 PM
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
@ShadowWizard Not in WAG. just as done by you in that link.
@Mooseman Nice commands. Indeed it's a funny bot ;)
@Mesentery I'm a funny moose hehehe
@Moosebot unkill @Mes
> @Mes has been unkilled. They will be able to chat again in 6-8 weeks.
@Mooseman :D
8:18 PM
@Mooseman Oh! Now I understand. This was the trick played by @Sha
@Mesentery Yup hehehe btw now that you're RO you can see deleted messages too
@Mooseman How????
8:25 PM
Where is everbody !?!
@Mooseman Ok! I will try
@Moosebot unicornify @Mooseman
8:29 PM
@Mooseman Thanks! Got it. I was in mobile chat, so need to turn to full site.
@Moosebot xkcd 100
@Moosebot xkcd 1111
8:33 PM
@Moosebot windows
>>link Moosebot Funniest_Bot
@Mesentery Link added.
@Moosebot pizza
8:37 PM
@Moosebot milk
@Moosebot brown
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
@FOX9000 pilot
8:41 PM
@Mesentery altitude
@FOX9000 moosebot
@Mesentery funny-bot
@FOX9000 Brown
@Mesentery dull
@FOX9000 bovine
8:43 PM
@Mesentery pituitary
@FOX9000 pineal
@Mesentery brain
@FOX9000 encephalon
Associated words found for encephalon, but all of them have been posted in the latest 10 messages.
@FOX9000 cranium
8:44 PM
@Mesentery sinus
@FOX9000 nasal
@Mesentery suture
@FOX9000 conchae
No associated word found for conchae.
@FOX9000 fibrous
8:45 PM
@Mesentery biopsy
@FOX9000 cryo
No associated word found for cryo.
@FOX9000 liquid
@Mesentery molten
@FOX9000 cold
8:46 PM
@Mesentery popsickle
BOT running since: Mon May 01 2017 21:14:21 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 1 days
username       (#msg)
Mesentery      (183)
FOX 9000       (129)
Shadow Wizard  (65)
DroidDev       (47)
KennyBOT       (28)
maveň          (19)
rene           (13)
M.A.R.         (9)
Rahul2001      (9)
Pierre.Vriens  (2)
Tutecode.com   (2)
Tyto alba      (2)
ProgramFOX     (1)
@Mesentery just post the URL of a chat message and it will onebox
@rene how come @Pro got only one event?
1 hour later…
9:54 PM
~ Shadow
10:10 PM
@ShadowWizard Thnks! I will try the experiment while on full site :)

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