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3:48 PM
Bot started.
4:42 PM
@ShadowWizard tries to understand what's thrown on him
5:39 PM
2 days ago, by FOX 9000
@ShadowWizard infinitesimal
@FOX9000 rare
@ShadowWizard orchid
@FOX9000 tattoo ;)
@ShadowWizard rap
@FOX9000 rape :(
@ShadowWizard homicide
5:41 PM
@FOX9000 commit
@ShadowWizard committed
@FOX9000 loyal
@ShadowWizard patriot
No associated word found for MIM-104.
6:30 PM
@ShadowWizard Meow there
@ProgramFOX Meow
hi @NiKoLaPrO
Hello foxy, glad to see you :D
@NiKoLaPrO Meow back!
@ShadowWizard Thank mjau! :D
+bigWord how are you?
hehe, we were first again, @Bart? ;-)
6:43 PM
Oh, forgot about bot
I am great
How are you? :D
All good!
@ShadowWizard grrr
So I moved to Germany
@Bart glad you're happy! :D
@NiKoLaPrO oh, with family, I assume? Why?
@ShadowWizard Yeah, because my dad is trying to give me something he never had, a normal life... Serbia is great country for having fun but not for life, and i am thinking about something, should i get my gf here?
6:46 PM
@NiKoLaPrO well that's a big step... as for gf really can't tell, it's up to her... and her parents as she's still under 18, right?
@ShadowWizard Yes, she is 14 yo, a kid... but she told me that she would leave everything just because of me
I'm a kid too :3
It's great here in Germany but i have no friends here, so i was waiting for school to meet some friends but there is no people from my country so i have to talk on english
@NiKoLaPrO yeah, but she can't and should not on her own, unless your father (what about mother? Sorry if you told and I forgot) plans to officially adopt her... but then it would be weird. Anyway, I'm afraid that such relationship can't really survive such a big move.
@NiKoLaPrO why not German/Dutch? In your age it should be simple enough to learn new languages... :)
@ShadowWizard Dutch in Germany? What are you planning to do with that?
@ProgramFOX Dunno, I always forget which language is used where..... D:
Dutchland is Germany, isn't it?
@ShadowWizard I know, i asked my mom and dad and they said that they would accept her, not as their kid, it would be pretty weird, so everything is up to her parents, her parents are divorced but they live in same house, it is weird, so i will visit her as much is that possible just to make this relationship alive until she would be ready to come here
6:56 PM
@ShadowWizard Dutchland? xD You're confused with "Deutschland", the German name of Germany.
Dutch is what they speak in the Netherlands and a part of Belgium.
@ShadowWizard I learned many things already actually, but German is pretty hard to learn, it's weird if you ask me :D
Deutschland?/i (Vollform: Bundesrepublik Deutschland) ist ein föderal verfasster Staat in Mitteleuropa, der aus den 16 deutschen Ländern gebildet wird. Die Bundesrepublik ist ein freiheitlich-demokratischer und sozialer Rechtsstaat und stellt die jüngste Ausprägung des deutschen Nationalstaates dar. Bundeshauptstadt sowie bevölkerungsreichste Stadt ist Berlin. An Deutschland grenzen neun Staaten und naturräumlich im Norden die Gewässer der Nord- und Ostsee, im Süden das Bergland der Alpen. Es liegt in der gemäßigten Klimazone. Eine Vielzahl von National- und Naturparks sind im Land ausgewiesen…
So for me "dutch" is always connected with Germany....
Languages i know: Serbian (Croatian, Bosnian etc.), English
@NiKoLaPrO well, if she'll be with you it means living together.... and dunno, just sounds too much for teenage relationship.
@NiKoLaPrO hehe, I agree.... but counting on you to learn it quickly enough, you're a smart boy. :)
@ShadowWizard I know, that is why i am waiting, if doesn't dump me after 1 year of relationship i am safe
7:00 PM
@NiKoLaPrO same amount as me... Hebrew and English for me. ;)
@NiKoLaPrO well.... good luck with that, but if you want my honest advise? If you get a chance for something better, don't cancel it just because of the chance you'll have her in one year or more. Hope you understand what I mean. :)
@ShadowWizard I do, she is actually my first girlfriend, and we are almost 6 months in relationship, so when we broke up i found new gf same day, and she was really jelly, so i back to start :D
Oh, totally unrelated, but @Pro can two different RO's pin the same message in sequence? I pinned your message short while ago, after your pin auto expired... not sure if it's a bug or not? (This way messages can stay pinned for long long time, by choosing new room owners all the time.)
@ShadowWizard yes they can
afaik it's by design
heh, so the auto expire is quite pointless
@ShadowWizard r u member of 9GAG?
7:04 PM
@NiKoLaPrO lol, sounds like @Dro's girlfriend!! :P
@ShadowWizard not really, it's useful if the ROs only need it pinned for two weeks
@NiKoLaPrO nope, not really familiar with the site.... know what it is, but don't really visit it.
Why you ask?
@ShadowWizard I created an account recently, too much cancer, doge and now they found some guy which is giving a free food to 9gaggers
Shower time... will be back later. If you won't be around anymore then good luck and do visit here more often, please! @NiKo :D
That guy owns a restaurant at Sidney
@ShadowWizard Of course i will, i have no much smart things to do now :D
@Sha btw, what happend with @ber ? I miss that guy too :D
2 hours later…
9:09 PM
@NiKoLaPrO so bring your bot back too.... ;)
@NiKoLaPrO @ber should be fine, ping him and he'll respond.... at some point... right, @ber? :D

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