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I hate whatsapp calls...
1 hour later…
@Sha did you know that bank safe deposit boxes can be blown up by car airbags?
2 hours later…
@UnikittyBlendsPeople nice stream, but my pee stream is stronger. :D
@ShadowWizard did I just read what I just read :/
@UnikittyBlendsPeople of course, misclicked more than once... need a way to disable this useless feature. (cellular calls are free in Israel anyway)
@UnikittyBlendsPeople calling the police
@DroidDev I don't know, did you? ;)
@ShadowWizard seriously? All free? Over the nation? Well....you can make international calls on whatsapp, with just the price of your data pack. I use that a lot actually, to make overseas calls
Oh, got an idea! @Uni why won't you re-make the drawings for the story you wrote waaaay back, this time in Blender? :P
@ShadowWizard i will never get this :(
@ShadowWizard yeah i just .. kinda managed it. 29/30 today :o
@ShadowWizard idk, were a couple :S
I am in a serious hangover state right now. Was drinking whiskey all over the weekend
@DroidDev yes, in all cellular vendors we have a monthly package (cheap, between $10 and $30) that includes unlimited calls and SMS, and fixed data transfer, e.g. 2GB. Calls and SMS does not include oversea of course, that cost a LOT.
even the water is tasting like whiskey right now
@ShadowWizard oh, so you guys use those packs, otherwise there'd be a charge on every call made, right?
oh btw .. friday i was too loud at my home, my downstairs neighbour couldn't sleep :/ so she came up to me yesterday and told me she hears pretty much everything i do .. from shouting on WoW to fucking XD well
@DroidDev yeah, there are still pay-what-you-use options, e.g. for tourists who don't want to rely only on WiFi.
@ClemensHimmer lol, think that's what @nef wants.... (to confuse us all ;))
@ClemensHimmer wow, nice! Ready for the badge? :D
@DroidDev to celebrate or to drown bad mood? :/
@ClemensHimmer huh, my kids also trump on the floor many times, the neighbour who live below us came several times to complain. What did you do though?
also, trying the stop condition @Sha, let's see if that works, idk, i guess if i have a empty folder early on, it just stops there and never gets to deeper levels of other folders
@ClemensHimmer is this you?! :P
@ShadowWizard lol, for nothing. Saturday noon, I just woke up and told my roomate that we have never got drunk (only us two). So we bought a whiskey bottle and sat together. Then I posted the picture on whatsapp group of my friends. One friend called me over the ph
One friend called me over the phone and asked why didn't you ask me first. I told him not to worry, we will sit in evening
@ShadowWizard well i live in a really old house, like 100 years old, and they couldn't just re-do all of it, so the floors are THIN. had some friends over, and were too loud :/ but well she hears me every time f*ck lol
so, we again brought another whiskey bottle in evening and got drunk
I wok up on like noon on sunday, and went to market
when I came back, there was a friend of ours, who just got engaged. So, we brought another whiskey bottle and sat again
to celebrate
and hence, my weekend was a drunkend ;)
lol, that sounds.... drunk, @Dro! :D
@ClemensHimmer lol, well, she might enjoy hearing you f*ck, but probably enjoy it less when it's just noise all night long.... :D
@ShadowWizard that might just be lol
@ShadowWizard hehe, nothing like partying with friends :D
@DroidDev what did you do while drunk though? You even remember? ;)
@ShadowWizard not much. You know men, while being sober, they talk about boobs, while drunk, they talk about politics, countries, peace and all ;)
it was raining all weekend, so it was optimum time to get drunk ;)
you know, nothing like getting drunk on a rainy day
@DroidDev then running naked in the rain? :-D
@Sha any chance you know what was the code i sent you? your code works perfectly for the directory stuff :) (tbh no idea why, yay Sha did it anyways :D :P) but as i have no idea why, idk if that is supposed to be the one for the directories or the one for everything, including files :s
@ClemensHimmer lol, glad it's working, wasn't sure since I didn't test it myself. What do you mean "what was the code you sent me"? What was its purpose? This only you can tell, no? :)
@ShadowWizard ummm.....I wish I could do that. I love rain. Usually, I go on a bike ride in rain, but it was pretty cold here this time, so I had to skip it :(
According to this it returned all files and directories under a given root, @Clem.
@DroidDev so what's stopping you?? Don't be a chicken! :P
@ShadowWizard Well, the code i sent you must have been either the function for the dataPackage or the directoryPackage, thing is it works perfectly for the directoryPackage, which gets directories only, but i have no idea if i sent you directoryPackage and you just fixed it or dataPackage and files no longer get included :S
@ClemensHimmer hmm... no idea - what you do get? Only directories?
@ShadowWizard yeah, files not included :| guess you based your code on the code above the result you just linked?
@ShadowWizard the cold. I'll get sick and then I'll need to skip work (which I really can't). Give it another month, and it will be warm enough to go on a ride in rain :D
@ShadowWizard :P evidence pls
@ClemensHimmer yes, but it appears files should be included there. Want me to take another look?
Oh wait... I remember wondering about something there.
Think it's bugged.
Oh! @Sha i have just now realized why i get my logger errors.. but NO idea how to fix it, i just call scanPath multiple times, since i have multiple dirs, meaning i have a couple of timouts that overlap each other.
yeah its bugged ;3
That damn directory walker, eh? :D
Planed to fix it as part of overhaul of the whole thing, but when only fixing the stop condition, forgot about it. :/
bye @Uni!
@Clem so that output you gave isn't from this code? What code did generate that output?
@ShadowWizard It's really tricky.. also i myself forgot what currentRootDir is supposed to do lol
@DroidDev ride?? I was talking about running naked! :P
@ShadowWizard lol, its.....ummm.....illegal here
@neferpitou no need, you keep confusing us all here! :D
@ShadowWizard it is, but the thing is, i get TONS of emitter overflows because i log a hell lot of errors, since i try to send the result more than one.
@DroidDev only if you get caught and stay long enough for police to arrive.... :D
@ShadowWizard mmm?
hi @Uni!
@ShadowWizard lol, and the orthodox people to arrive too ;)
Aug 3 '15 at 14:23, by Unicorns Are Very Very Yummy
Bye @Sha
@DroidDev they might enjoy what they see...... :P
@ShadowWizard haha, only when I get caught :P
(or throw stones at you, dunno ;))
@ShadowWizard lemme just clean my data dir and then show you, it's pretty messy :D
@Sha that's the code
var filePath = config.filePath;
    var absoluteFilePath = absoluteServePath + "/" + filePath;
    var tree = [];

    var scanPath = function(path,parent,oldTimeout){
        fs.readdir(path,function(err, data){
            if (err){
            else {
                var currentRootDir = 0;
                    var newTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
                        var fullTree = [{
                            type: "directory",
If it's messy, get a diaper! :D
output: correct, but logger hell :(
    "type": "directory",
    "text": "root",
    "nodes": [
        "type": "directory",
        "text": "Bilder",
        "nodes": [
            "type": "file",
            "text": "Test.PNG",
            "ending": "PNG"
        "type": "directory",
        "text": "html",
        "nodes": [
            "type": "file",
            "text": "something.html",
            "ending": "html"
@ShadowWizard I'm confused sorry :(
Well played, @nef! ;)
@Clem well, will have to take a look again... D:
OMG having Hot Network Question is worse than ping attack, more than 20 notifications.... :O
9 answers, 11 comments. And some comments on the answers.
@ShadowWizard ok :o
@ShadowWizard what is it? :o
@Dro @Dro guess who is this? i.sstatic.net/be7K4.jpg?s=328&g=1 ;)
@ClemensHimmer WAG chain
@ShadowWizard somone i'd do :D
@ClemensHimmer but she just did a horrible thing... D:
>> listcommands
alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, translationchain, translationswitch, stop, disable, enable, ban, unban, delete, module, define, time, showtime, link, islink, removelink, addlinkexplanation, explainlink, removelinkexplanation, viewspells, showlatest10, rmword, reply, retry, continue, award, emptyqueue, removespell, gameban, gameunban
@ShadowWizard and that is? :p
@ShadowWizard Latest 10 words: harry, ok, cigar, smelly, odour, spicy, bjb, meow, empanadas, yummy
@FOX9000 seems like chain is .. not broken?
It is, sort of.
Now the last word according to the above is "harry", right? @Clem
So decent WAG'er will go searching for the word: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/…
@ShadowWizard umm....don't know :/
what did she do?
And guess what will happen? Replying to a message from a month ago, and that's what happened to @ber :(
@Pro removing the word from last 10 words when deleting the message is feasible?
@ShadowWizard i hate those accidental replies.. bot just replies to anything :((((((#
This will reduce chain breaks as far as I can tell.
@ClemensHimmer well, we can't have it all... and preserving the chain isn't always easy. :/
@FOX9000 cuban
@ShadowWizard jessie
Wonder if @Tel will come back today? ;)
@DroidDev this /cc @Clem
@ShadowWizard hmmm doesn't seem that fake
might just really be a disguided girl :o
@ShadowWizard there are many ways to accomplish what she's trying to do
@DroidDev i guess it's more about posting SO stuff in SE meta? cc @Sha
@ClemensHimmer never said a fake... ;)
@ClemensHimmer yup! That is indeed the horrible thing. :)
@ShadowWizard yeah, but i always assume that first :D
@DroidDev maybe, I didn't even bother to read the question. :D
@ClemensHimmer ya, I was just pointing out another thing in her question, that could have avoided asking that question altogether, if she had read those articles or done her research
@ClemensHimmer lol, guess it's usually correct... e.g. the user on SO with the most upvoted answer
(well, not a fake, but some female-ish avatar while he's far from being a female ;))
@ShadowWizard ref? also, always image search!
A: Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?

MysticialYou are a victim of branch prediction fail. What is Branch Prediction? Consider a railroad junction: Image by Mecanismo, via Wikimedia Commons. Used under the CC-By-SA 3.0 license. Now for the sake of argument, suppose this is back in the 1800s - before long distance or radio communication...

@ShadowWizard aaaah, i actually read that one time. also, just anime crap .. sooooo cc @nef @ber .. you weaboos
I think most people consider this user to be female, right?
@ClemensHimmer still, pretty girl is pretty girl, anime or not anime. ;)
@ShadowWizard it's .. imaginary ..
@ClemensHimmer yup, but still - doesn't it make you think of the owners of that avatar as a female?
@ShadowWizard nah it just makes me think of the owner as ... nothing? man i've seen so many weaboos do that :|
lol @Sha.. i just "fixed" the code, well i fixed the error overlfow lol, still hackish as hell but hey :D
if(headersSent == false){
    headersSent = true;
    var fullTree = [{
        type: "directory",
        text: "root",
        nodes: tree
@ClemensHimmer this means you only send it once. Well, if it works, it works... cheers! :D
@ShadowWizard if it looks dumb, but works it's not dumb :D
but it still kinda is :D
oh cmon HTTP, DELETE won't accept body params??? :(
@ClemensHimmer why should it? It's the same like GET so maybe querystring will work.
method: "DELETE"
url: restURI+"task/"+taskID,

instead of

method: "POST",
url: restURI+"task/delete/"+taskID,
@ClemensHimmer yup, should work. If you need more parameters, try querystring
method: "DELETE"
url: restURI + "task/" + taskID + "?foo=bar&bar=baz,
@ShadowWizard nah, really don't wanna do that, clean REST API FTW
@ClemensHimmer well, sending additional parameters isn't clean to begin with. When deleting, you should just indicate what you want to delete. :)
@ShadowWizard hmmm.... uhm
iiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight just have made a stupid error
back at
method: "DELETE",
url: restURI+"task/"+taskID,
throwing ham at @Clem
you might imagine this works..
    method: "DELETE",
    url: restURI+"task/"+taskID,
        authToken: permissionObject.authToken,
        displayID: displayID
    method: "DELETE",
    url: restURI+"task/"+taskID,
    authToken: permissionObject.authToken,
    displayID: displayID
this did not XD
forgot to properly wrap my params and broke my head on what the heck was wrong.. lol
@ClemensHimmer hmm? What you mean "wrap my params"?
@ShadowWizard well you send your body params to your API withing the data param object of the AJAX request, not in the request itself
@ClemensHimmer oh, so the first block did work with req.body? I thought DELETE didn't support it, like GET doesn't support it.
(never tried it myself)
@ShadowWizard yeah, for some reason it did .. not complaining, it's WAY more beautiful with proper request methods.
@Clem well, as a side note, hope the authToken is some long GUID that can't be guessed, otherwise users can easily impersonate any other user.
This reminds me, long time ago someone gained admin access to Stack Overflow by simply changing the IP address sent by his browser to be
The server thought it's a local request, and gave admin credentials.
lol so many pings
@sha Oh yeah I know Mystic, s(he) is active in Anime room :p
@ShadowWizard you mean ggwp?
@neferpitou unlike you, he got public information, with pictures and everything! And real name! :D
@neferpitou Good Game With Pee? Nope.
@ShadowWizard f2b7d3de6001e7476aa0026e5d677eb47d14a1b1bd71ed1736a9e21575898df5e7c4631c :)
No associated word found for f2b7d3de6001e7476aa0026e5d677eb47d14a1b1bd71ed1736a9e21575898df5e7c4631c.
@ClemensHimmer haha, long enough. Kudos!
oooooooooooooh DAMNIT
@Clem got a very long... key :P
@Clem no word found so it's fine.
@ShadowWizard Latest 10 words: jessie, cuban, harry, ok, cigar, smelly, odour, spicy, bjb, meow
@ShadowWizard aaaah, sweet :D
@ClemensHimmer sugar
@ShadowWizard beet
@ShadowWizard did you just break the chain now? :S
@FOX9000 Cohen
No associated word found for Cohen.
>>continue Cohen Leonard
@ShadowWizard Leonard
>>addlinkexplanation Cohen Leonard en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Cohen
@ShadowWizard Explanation added.
@FOX9000 leopard
@ShadowWizard giraffe
@ClemensHimmer yup, it's fun! :D
@FOX9000 long (neck ;))
@ShadowWizard short
@ShadowWizard i might just do a longer HEX string... but gotta test the performance first
@ClemensHimmer or you can just use session, that's what we do in our project. This way it's all protected with the session key, handled behind the scenes.
(I think it works this way, or maybe cookies? Still, one less thing to worry about :))
@ShadowWizard well i just might save it as a session cookie :)
and retrieve it from there, atm i only got it as a var, means page reload = relog
@ShadowWizard But my profile is Legit :(
how love works
@Sha a 10x longer hex string takes about the same time
@ClemensHimmer have fun... but I don't think it really matters, lol
@ShadowWizard yeah, just fiddling :D
@ShadowWizard yeah, my bad :(
@ClemensHimmer anime is crap? prepare to die...
@berserk actually it was @Clem's bad ;)
hmm, again.. prepare to die @Clem
Since last 3-4 days, I fapped a lot...
30 times?
I wanna fap again now, but I think I shall stop it for a while.
@ShadowWizard nah, I would have died in that case...
5-6 faps I guess...
Wonder what's the world record...
And how it can be proved, lol
@berserk you gonna seppuku me or what? lol
Monitoring in person, I guess.
@ClemensHimmer lol, see you are getting hang of japanese :D
Or just have 24/7 cameras around the one claiming for the record. :D
@ShadowWizard lol, maybe
But can't imagine fapping to a camera lol
@berserk probably so he can get japanese girls.... ;)
@berserk super easy for porn stars.... :P
haha, so dark...
@berserk SUDOKU also f*ck you @FOX don't trigger -.-.-.-.-
Considering the, eh, size differences, Japanese girl will probably never break up with @Clem though. :D
@Sha can i search comments made on my posts?
@ShadowWizard haha .. gotta tell you a story bout that
@ClemensHimmer please do!
@berserk hmmmm.. idk dude, probably ons, nothing more :| but i'm picky :D
@ClemensHimmer lol bot triggers only on single word replies (you can reply single word by adding a full stop at end of the word to avoid triggering bot)
@berserk really.
@ClemensHimmer hmm.. but her juggs...
@ClemensHimmer see.
@berserk this?
yeah, any punctuation
@berserk hmm.. but her face..
@ClemensHimmer nothing built in, but you can use SEDE. Should be quite easy to tweak this query to do it: data.stackexchange.com/meta.stackexchange/query/273888/…
hmm, not dat bad
> Masturbate-A-Thon
@ShadowWizard idk if this belongs here ^^
@berserk well, this is for a single masturbation. What I wonder is how many times one can do it in single day. (doesn't have to be in a row. ;))
@ClemensHimmer why? Isn't it just words? :D
huh! @Tel is in Tavern and not here!
@ShadowWizard it is, but you know mods don't like my choice of words lol
@Telkitty you're hereby granted the title Traitor, use it wisely! :D
you are not checking avatars closely
Saved by the bell @Tel, but title sticks. :P
@Telkitty well, you didn't say anything here :/
OK, time for the after-lunch coffee.
>>coffee black 0.5 small
@ShadowWizard Command not found.
Useless bot.
OK, will do it myself then.
@ShadowWizard one black coffee, 0.5 spoons of sugar, small cup, on its way!

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