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3:00 PM
because I'm eating it
yeah, ofcourse
make it a fat and tasty unicorn
can't wait to eat it
3:15 PM
taking a break...
let me process it
its about that unicorn
@berserk ^^
nice going
add hair and horn
3:30 PM
@berserk k
and eyes
3:44 PM
>>cat @berserk {{flip beserk}}
@overactor @berserk (งಠل͜ಠ)╯︵ʞɹǝsǝq
@FOX9000 heh, I like that emoji
haha so funny
>>pony @overactor {{flip overactor}}
@berserk Command contains invalid characters.
3:45 PM
only cat?
>>flip overactor
@berserk (┛⇀ᴥ⇀)ง︵ɹoʇɔɐɹǝʌo
^ this looks more cat
>> flip @overactor
@berserk Command contains invalid characters.
@berserk only cat
>>flip @overactor
3:46 PM
@berserk Command contains invalid characters.
oh ok
>>cat @overactor
@berserk @overactor
>>cat @{{cat beserk {{flip beserk}}}}
@overactor @beserk (┛ಠᴥಠ)╯︵ʞɹǝsǝq
oh is it concat?
3:47 PM
>>help cat
@overactor Repeats what you said back at you. Syntax: >>cat something
It's useful to add stuff to output when used with nesting though
>>flip {{flip overactor}}
@berserk Command contains invalid characters.
3:48 PM
@berserk special characters not allowed, we might change that though
>>flip {{overactor}}
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy Command contains invalid characters.
>>cat overactor
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy overactor
>>cat {{flip overactor}}
3:48 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (ง゜ل͜°)ง︵ɹoʇɔɐɹǝʌo
>>flip overactor
Is the flipper face random?
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (┛^益ಠ)┛︵ɹoʇɔɐɹǝʌo
3:49 PM
rofl dat face
>>flip overactor
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (╯•ᴥ•)づ︵ɹoʇɔɐɹǝʌo
>>flip UniKitty
@berserk (づ'ل͜')┛︵ʎʇʇᴉ⋊ᴉu∩
3:49 PM
nice xD
>>cat {{flip this}} and {{flip that}}, {{flip everything}}.
@overactor Your nesting brackets '{{' and '}}' don't match up
@overactor (ง⇀.⇀)ง︵sᴉɥʇ and (づ'ل͜')ง︵ʇɐɥʇ, (╯ಥДಥ)╯︵ƃuᴉɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ.
how do you guys do the flip?
3:50 PM
>>flip like this
@overactor (┛๑.๑)づ︵sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉן
No what tools do you use?
>>flip pood
@berserk (ง๑ਊ๑)┛︵pood
some unicode thing right?
3:50 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy yup
haha tricked bot :P
@overactor jeer
I took that from github though
@FOX9000 There is a punjabi letter in it.
3:51 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (ง^ʖ^)ง︵boob
that face
3:51 PM
he knows what he's doing
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy Command contains invalid characters.
How many faces are there in total?
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (づ๑□๑)づ︵boon
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (╯゜³゜)╯︵uooq
3:52 PM
@berserk second
@overactor unanimously
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (┛°ʖ°)┛︵uoob
I mean how many different faces can it make?
3:53 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (╯ಠ.ಠ)┛︵boon
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (┛゜ل͜゜)ง︵uoob
>>flip nou
@berserk (┛⇀ʖ⇀)┛︵nou
>>flip qoou
3:53 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy Yes, I'm alive.
flip illuminati
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (┛^益^)╯︵noob
11664 as it stands
>>flip illuminati
3:53 PM
@berserk (┛๑益๑)┛︵ᴉʇɐuᴉɯnןןᴉ
@overactor O_O that many faces?
9 different eyes, 9 different mouths, 4 different arms
>>flip sǝuo ǝʞɐɟ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ puɐ sǝuo lɐǝɹ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ 'sǝuo llɐɯs ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ 'sǝuo ƃıq ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ ˙sqooq ǝʞıl ǝɹɐ spuǝıɹɟ
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy Command contains invalid characters.
3:55 PM
9*9*4 = 324
>>flip Friends are like boobs. There are big ones, there are small ones, there are real ones and there are fake ones
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy Command contains invalid characters.
Don't put .
@berserk the two arms and the two eyes can be different
>>flip {{Friends are like boobs. There are big ones, there are small ones, there are real ones and there are fake ones}}
3:55 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy Command contains invalid characters.
punctuation is not allowed :/
9*9*9*4*4 ~ ∞
@overactor oh
>>flip Friends are like boobs There are big ones there are small ones there are real ones and there are fake ones
3:56 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (╯๑.๑)╯︵sǝuo ǝʞɐɟ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ puɐ sǝuo ןɐǝɹ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ sǝuo ןןɐɯs ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ sǝuo ƃᴉq ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥ⊥ sqooq ǝʞᴉן ǝɹɐ spuǝᴉɹℲ
@berserk basically
@FOX9000 hmmm nope
sǝuo ǝʞɐɟ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ puɐ sǝuo lɐǝɹ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ 'sǝuo llɐɯs ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ 'sǝuo ƃıq ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ ˙sqooq ǝʞıl ǝɹɐ spuǝıɹɟ
@overactor screw
>>flip dilj flip
3:57 PM
@overactor (╯°.°)╯︵dᴉןɟ ɾןᴉp
>>cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat bersek}}}}}}}}}}}}
brb dinner
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy bersek
>>flip {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat bersek}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy (╯'Д^)づ︵ʞǝsɹǝq
3:58 PM
>>cat @{{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat bersek}}}}}}}}}}}}
@overactor @bersek
>>cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat {{cat bersek}}}}}}}}}}
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy bersek
52 secs ago, by FOX 9000
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy bersek
@FOX9000 is confused
3:59 PM
@overactor haha
>>translate en zh wizard
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy [Powered by Yandex Translate] 巫师
>>cat @{{cat beserk is {{translate nl en ongeloofelijk {{randomchoice slim dom}}}}}}
@overactor @beserk is [Powered by Yandex Translate] incredibly stupid
>>translate zh en 你好,我是暗影巫师
4:01 PM
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy [Powered by Yandex Translate] Hello, I am shadow Wizard
@overactor @beserk is [Powered by Yandex Translate] incredibly stupid
:3692727 @beserk is [Powered by Yandex Translate] incredibly stupid
@overactor @beserk is [Powered by Yandex Translate] incredibly slim
That was supposed to be smart ^^
So you're dumb but slim according to @FOX9000
>>translate zh en 暗影巫师有在吗
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy [Powered by Yandex Translate] Shadow Wizard in?
4:07 PM
will it work?
@FOX9000 err not really
Is Shadow Wizard around?
4:21 PM
I'm back.
7 hours later…
10:56 PM
enters Den
Looking around
Leaving a note for @Unic saying "I was here" and leaving silently, not disturbing the bot sleeping on a tree

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