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4:59 AM
>>cat I flip {{ping {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}}}
@berserk I flip @FOX9000
Poor bot.
>>cat I eat {{ping {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}}}
@berserk I eat @FOX9000
oh, we are only 2 here
5:11 AM
Berserk restarted after fap.
1 hour later…
6:39 AM
hey @berserk do you know how does "Auto-Sync" feature works in devices?
specifically asking for mail clients
no, never used
wait, i guess it is about refreshing the mails for mail applications
like do you want to automatically receive new emails
guess if it is disabled, u need to refresh the mails manually
>>cat I foxify {{ping {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}}}
@berserk I foxify @DroidDev
yeah, @Dro is a fox now
or wolf, whatever :p
@berserk well...yes, I just wanna know how it actually works....anyway...time for a google search
well, I guess it starts background services, GCMs, yada yada..
6:45 AM
well...GCM is not something that can be started or stopped (I think), background services are stopped when application is force closed and yada yada is something pretty unclear :P
I guess one can unregister for GCM.
Just like we register.
background services may be shut down manually on turning it off
but GCM is only a notification. Auto-sync pushes whole mail, with attachment. Syncs your contacts, your calendar and what not
throws yada at @Dro
@berserk well....then auto-sync won't work, if it is closed
@DroidDev True. But for that, there must be services running for syncing all the stuff, I guess.
@DroidDev yeah, if one turns auto-sync on, the services may get restarted (my opinion)
Basically just a background process IMO
not sure, lol
6:50 AM
@berserk ....and hence we enter into grey zone. That's exactly what I asked actually. How does it work :P
throws another yada at @Sha
@berserk so you don't know :P
yeah :p
throws yada back at @ber
7:07 AM
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: lastword?
21 hours ago, by FOX 9000
@berserk box
oh, the famous box
7:07 AM
I wonder, can bots fap? /cc @ber @DRo
@FOX9000 X
@ShadowWizard flu
I do ;)
ok, @Dro is officially a bot now
Am really confused about what exactly is happening in the region
7:09 AM
@DroidDev same here. All I know so far is that there are many different groups of rebels.
I saw a 5 mins video at fb about it.
Didn't watched it full, but I saw that there are total 4 groups.
And the official leader of Syria is getting tons of support from Iran, and now Russia as well.
@ShadowWizard yeah...article isn't that lengthy, but provides pretty much an insight
One is supported by US, one by Russia, one is ISIS, and there was onemore.
7:10 AM
@berserk yup, Hizbulla
@berserk they are divided into four groups actually. Though, total parties are much more than 4
well, just heard something that Putin proved the involvement of US and some G-20 nations in the funding of ISIS
there is a video
Haven't saw yet
continues reading article and suggests @Sha and @ber same
btw, who is @SS-3.1415926535897932384626433 ?
@berserk rubbish. Same as claiming US government or Israel are behind 9.11 attacks.
One can always fake stories and videos...
7:15 AM
@ShadowWizard CIA read that
well I don't have much info, tho i heard a lot that US was behind 9/11 and ISIS.
I read interview with citizens of Belgium who live in the place where the terrorists came from, major part of them (who are not terrorists of course) claim that ISIS is not real, just a conspiracy by Israel so that Muslims will fight each other.
One friend told me that it is because the US economy is based on their weapons industry.
@DroidDev nooooooo000OOOOoo+-OOO000O
@berserk well...haha, what can I say to that
7:16 AM
@DroidDev dunno, just a long time user on MSE. Why?
@ShadowWizard you can ping them from den (it means they visited here) plus, that's even not final form of pie ;)
@DroidDev wut?
@DroidDev haha, yeah, he (until proved otherwise it's a "he" ;)) visited here not long ago
maybe by mistake, following the link in my profile :P
@berserk well....they(Americans) are providing weapons, yes. But, I don't think the revenue that they can generate from selling weapons there might actually be called a revenue, because of many other factors. Also, if someone says its because of oil exploration, I don't know its status in Syria and I don't think it will be possible at the moment
hmm.... looks like our dear @SS- changed avatar, I'm pretty sure that woman was not there before
7:21 AM
@ShadowWizard haha, so now you are in doubt ;)
@DroidDev not yet, many guys put avatars of women just for fun ;)
@ShadowWizard haha, that's true
@ShadowWizard What about telekitty?
nvm lol
@berserk well, she keeps saying she's a girl so I believe her :)
lol ok
7:25 AM
@ber riddle for you
nice! And, guy or girl?
tho, she is inori from guilty crown
@ShadowWizard I think a guy
I'm pretty sure great many people mistake @Mystical for a girl until visiting his profile
> Alexander Yee - Formerly at Google in San Bruno, CA. Now I do quantitative trading.
Now that's obviously a guy's name ^
7:27 AM
not mystical, its mysticial
yeah I thought he is a guy
7:40 AM
now reading Quran
Hi ;)
throws pie at @SS-3.1415926535897932384626433
but not its final form
7:46 AM
final form of pie? kinda SuperSaiyanPie3?
@FOX9000 illness
@ShadowWizard sick
@FOX9000 suck
@berserk flies
7:47 AM
FOX is crazy sometimes lol
> And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."
This line can have two dangerously different meanings, which just depend on the thinking of reader
like is taken from Quran 2:11
And you said I was crazy when I started learning japanese ._.
@SS-3.1415926535897932384626433 why is a light saber there in your about me section? And which movie/serial is that from, from the franchise
star wars, i guess
@berserk well....there are lot of people we call terrorists. Many of them follow same holy book (Quran) and interpret it the way it suits them. I have read/heard about what they interpreted from quran as what. So, to understand ideology of a group, which is an International threat, I started reading Quran myself
though, this might still be crazy :/
@berserk well...just to remind you, there are more than one sequels, prequels and what not, of star wars :P
7:55 AM
lol but all are called star wars right? like star wars - yada yada
lunch time!
I am starving!
yeah, just like harry potter - yada yada
haha, finally you understand yada xD
throws new yada at @SS-3.1415926535897932384626433
8:23 AM
@DroidDev From the trailer of upcoming Star Wars movie...
@SS-3.1415926535897932384626433 the old republic?
@ShadowWizard @Booms has left.
@ShadowWizard I have seen all three prequels of star wars. But, nothing else. The original runs were pretty old ones for me, technology wise. If you have seen them, can you tell, that I need to see those all, to get the hold of all of the story?
@DroidDev I think all three originals got a "remake" with new technology and all. Not 100% sure though. In this case, you won't have problem watching them, and yes - they're worth watching!
(as for "need", not really - just read the plot/story and you're done :))
@MushroomCloudsPlus and who arrived instead?
@ShadowWizard haha, ok, I'll look for the remakes. But, even with remakes, fighting scenes aren't that fast :/
@DroidDev The Force Awakens
It has already broken Box Office records and you don't have any idea?
@SS-3.1415926535897932384626433 thankses!
@SS-3.1415926535897932384626433 umm...there are just too many of them. I just don't know which one is new and which one is old :/
8:57 AM
@ShadowWizard me
@MushroomCloudsPlus sorry
@FOX9000 fly
@DroidDev pennant
@FOX9000 flag
@MushroomCloudsPlus float
9:02 AM
...and now, I'll have to read bible, because Quran says certain things about Jews and Christians :/
9:30 AM
95 unread messages...
>>cat I lick {{random {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}
@berserk I lick 0.7008557434867541
>>cat I lick {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}
@berserk I lick FOX9000
>>cat I hug {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}
9:32 AM
>>cat I hug {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}
@berserk I hug DroidDev
Grrr, why u hug bots only?
9:58 AM
Going to make this on weekend ^
send me one too please ^^ thanks ^^
>>cat kicking {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}
@ShadowWizard kicking DroidDev
@berserk so you love corn? ;)
10:00 AM
yeah :3
Corn pizza is my best from the small 4 veg singles pizza combo :3 (it contains onion, tomato, corn, and capsicum)
btw that look delicious
how do you make it?
it is not like the bread base which we eat here
I always wanted to eat pizza like that
it is just kinda like the pizzas in scooby doo :3
Recipe please :3
It's not pizza, but a pie
Still not sure I will have success making it... :/
good luck :)
10:40 AM
@ShadowWizard I feel a conspiracy here
wow a unicorn
I excel at preparing Suji Ka Halwa
because its my personal favourite and I make it for me and my friends whenever I feel like
btw, I owe you a treat
10:44 AM
ohhh......I totally forgot about that....so hukka? starts praying
lol.. well I heard that hookah is not anymore in Chd, remember I told you once
Tho if you found somewhere, I have no choice xD
@berserk nothing sadder has ever been said on this earth :(
I hate this moral police and all that
So, where will you like to eat? :3
dunno....I'll be wandering markets on this weekend though, but with my friends, whose bikes I usually lend... :/
I gotta buy a jacket for my brother
can you come to mohali somehow @berserk?
(with your laptop) ;) :P
lol.. I am not sure if I can for some days, sorry
I also have to go to hometown on weekend
10:50 AM
then why would you remind me? You evil evil @berserk
yeah I saw lol
tho don't know much openings
11:17 AM
@DroidDev whistles innocently
@ShadowWizard "whistles are never innocent", after uttering these words, ties @Sha with electric wire and turns the switch on
11:36 AM
11:57 AM
12:07 PM
wtf xD
dat last image rofl
did u searched on google images?
lol, no, I have it saved on my computer since ages
though, I got it from chat here on SO (I think)
haha, truly paid off xD
but, it was definitely from chat on SE network
@berserk ;)
1 hour later…
1:42 PM
function getRoomName(realName) {
    return realName.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/ +/g, '-').replace(/[!@#\$%^&*\()\{}\[\]|\\;:'",\./?<>~`_+=]/g, '');
That's what SE uses?
@ShadowWizard LOL
First thing -- create shadow's den in chat
@UNICYCLEZRDEBESTINDEHERE no idea, it should be visible in source code
For chat room names in URLs
And basically every post
It's probably server side, ask @balpha
Nah it's fine
Working on a chat system
User system is done and looks cool
2:17 PM
@FOX9000 hover
@ShadowWizard haze
@FOX9000 red
@ShadowWizard turban
@FOX9000 Turkish
@ShadowWizard persian
2:17 PM
@FOX9000 prince
@ShadowWizard grandee
@FOX9000 aristocratic
@ShadowWizard haughty
@FOX9000 naughty
@ShadowWizard schoolboy
2:18 PM
@FOX9000 spank :D
@ShadowWizard bottom
@FOX9000 submissive
@ShadowWizard disposition
@FOX9000 dispose
@ShadowWizard tribunal
2:19 PM
@FOX9000 mask
@ShadowWizard comic
@FOX9000 Superman
@ShadowWizard create
@FOX9000 God
@ShadowWizard atheism
2:19 PM
@FOX9000 Buddhism
@ShadowWizard indian
@FOX9000 Hindu
@ShadowWizard creed
@FOX9000 assassin
No associated word found for assasin.
2:20 PM
@ShadowWizard impostor
@FOX9000 spy
@ShadowWizard intelligence
@FOX9000 IQ
No associated word found for IQ.
2:36 PM
3:00 PM
@ShadowWizard u play?
@berserk played one of them for a while, didn't really like it
(didn't finish the game)
>>cat {{read 4084768}}
{{read 4085647}}
{{read 3681406}}
@rene chess?
@Pro chess?
@berserk chess?
Well I'm already playing :P
3:14 PM
wow so fast!
Well it's Atomic; I don't play that fast in Standard :P
3:49 PM
Well, are you available for a game now, @Sha?
3:51 PM
@ProgramFOX hmm... let me check. If yes, will update shortly :)
What has become of your life if you have to ask permission for everything....
No permission, just checking what I still have to do at work
Finished everything, in theory, but there is always a TODO list with old tasks
Become a professional chess player, then you won't have to worry about such things ;P
So... I guess you cannot, @Sha?
@ProgramFOX yeah, I just got into a small task - can't just leave it. :/
4:03 PM
hmm... was there ever a @rene vs. @Pro match?
@rene Are you up for a game? :P
@ShadowWizard I don't think so but I just got the same idea ^^
haha, I'm a mind reader!
What am I thinking about now?
Well, easy enough to tell what @Dro is thinking about :D
@ProgramFOX I'm in a train now and have to get off shortly ...
oh, okay
Working on some CSS
4:19 PM
@ProgramFOX I'm at home now...
@rene Up for a game? :D
... wait a few minutes though, gotta do something quickly
pee? ;)
4:25 PM
I don't want to know...
@Sha No, a friend of mine asked to scan in some stuff he forgot at school and send it to him
You're a good friend!
Okay, I'm ready!
@rene I sent you a challenge.
yep, I'm in
4:56 PM
@Sha sure, but feeling like fap :p

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