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Applejack still beats you
Dear Princess Celestia.

I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along! If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself. Sure I could tell you I learned something about how my friends are always there to help me, and I can count on them no matter what, but truth is, I knew that already too.
And that was the epic closure of the "what I learnt today" standard epilogue.
@ProgramFOX +1 :D
@FOX9000 belongs (to us)
@ShadowWizard economics
@ProgramFOX well...I can complain about how apple isn't open source and how, if you do something of your own, they reject whole app ;)
@FOX9000 China
@ShadowWizard tibet
@FOX9000 monk
@ShadowWizard buddhist
plus, I will not directly be working on iphone, I'll be working on phonegap, in which, you make the project in javascript and css and then port it to any OS you want. Of-course, there will be some native coding in it though
@FOX9000 kung-fu
No associated word found for kung-fu.
@DroidDev Shaq-Fu
one of the worst game ever created
No associated word found for Shaq-Fu.
lol, that cover photo
btw, that reminded me, what's nintendo upto these days?
There is an actual movement for buying all copies left and burning/destroying them
@DroidDev what you mean?
I am still waiting for the MLP/Animal Crossing crossover game
@SPArchaeologist I mean, I haven't seen any recent hit game development from their side...
@SPArchaeologist lol, those people must be really desperate to destroy shaq-fu
@DroidDev Smashbros?
next year should be better.
but yea, they are sleeping a lot
@SPArchaeologist not good enough graphics...
you should see GTA4 for graphics and gaming engine quality. I mean the real world that they copy into games, that amount of awesomeness is found nowhere else. GTA5 is going to be even more awesome
@DroidDev BAH. I do not care "Graphics".
Minecraft are just badly textured cubes
@SPArchaeologist Even the game is super awesome, then I don't either
look where they are now
well...you have a point...but, that's just a matter of personal choice.
for me, arcade just keep getting boring as long as I keep playing it
@DroidDev I am for story and exploration
@SPArchaeologist try Prince of Persia
I am waiting to see what No Man Skies will do
@DroidDev Droid, I was playing Prince when the first dos one came out :P And liked the first 3 a lot better than the Sand ones.
@SPArchaeologist well...I don't like that game either. I just suggested you because you said so. Though, never played much of it either, but it needs a hell of a mastery at keyboard and the player who gets time occasionally will just be left banging his head in walls
going home
cee yaa later!
@DroidDev Sand ones or the original dos one? Because if you where talking about the Sand of Time and following ones.... I actually think they were too simple.
too many fake stuff
bridges that falls only a second later you crossed them. Stop on them and they will shake forever without fall. Now try to do the same in the original games....
@DroidDev cya!
@SPArchaeologist bad
@ShadowWizard worse
@FOX9000 worst
@ShadowWizard best
@FOX9000 friend
@ShadowWizard confiding
@FOX9000 trust
@ShadowWizard trusting
@FOX9000 thrusting
@ShadowWizard hip
@FOX9000 hop
@ShadowWizard crawl
@FOX9000 spider
@SPArchaeologist queen
@FOX9000 hearts
@SPArchaeologist pang
@FOX9000 Ping Pang Pong
^ Japanese game similar to odd/even, paper rock scissor and such
often played in school for selecting sit places
also sometime used in a variant as a drinking game
who loses, drinks one glass.
and seems that the japan culture studies are giving fruit.
@SPArchaeologist lol, I only played sands of time, but that only upto first two/three challenges
@SPArchaeologist or you might be from japan yourself
@DroidDev wish I was
@SPArchaeologist why so?
many reasons. Like the places, like the people, like the culture. Don't like fish a lot though...
More "Obelix" than a cat.
But before you ask, no, not as "robust" as Obelix
Anyway... In japan companies have common fridges with food and snacks. You take one and leave the money in a glass cup nearby.
@SPArchaeologist In that case, I want to go there
@DroidDev Was that done where I leave, the fridge would be empty first day. Second one they would have stolen the cup.
ROFL! lol!
I know that this sound overgeneralizing, but trust me. There is a totally different concept of respect there and where I live.
@SPArchaeologist where do you live now?
@DroidDev look, I would prefer to avoid that question. Not because it is a great secret, but because I am not exactly proud of that....
Another pastafarian has came
Harr to ye, @p.campbell
@SPArchaeologist there is a song in our native language, "Lakh Pardesi". It means, that it doesn't matter how much foreigner you are or how much some other nation you like, but, you should never think ill of your country. It is the one reason, because of which, you are what you are
I am not saying that you tell me, where you belong to
I am just saying that you should start taking proud in it, because you are the one, who make the place
Country is comprised of its people
@DroidDev that is somehow similar to one piece. The problem is that people here is stuck in the current situation. Yea, we are lucky, no war or risking death or such... but the country is rebuilt days after day so that a few eats on many
@SPArchaeologist isn't that the problem everywhere?
....and that's nothing to be ashamed of, IMO
@DroidDev probably is. But I still believe we are the only ones that can claim that as "good". People here admire the success some have by stealing, tricking and generally live on the shoulders of others.
@DroidDev Anyway, forgive me but I have to go for now. We can continue the discussion later if you want.
I should also keep an eye for that Pinkie avatar in the SugarCube. Will he respond?
@SPArchaeologist naa, no need to ask for forgiveness, and no need to elongate discussion either, if you don't want it, but, I'd still ask you to change your opinion. Trust me, in all my life, the one thing that I've learned is, money makes respect for you. It rarely matters how you've earned it
you heard about Fukushima?
The nuclear incident and such?
ya, I've heard the name
I won't say that there wasn't an human responsibility in the incident (while I still believe that few can be done to save a nuclear plant from a tsunami wave 19 meter high...)
but there the responsible for the power company gave demission soon after the incident because he felt incapable of reacting.
want to know how a similar thing went were I live?
ok, ya, I'd like to hear it...
We had a pretty bad quake years ago. There was a following scandal because of some leaked phone calls between some politicians.
They were laughing. They were partying. Why? Because "How lucky! think of all the money our companies can make in the reconstruction"
Those time I don't feel ashamed of living in the same country. I feel ashamed of begin human like them.
@SPArchaeologist but, you aren't like them. You just happen to be in a place where they are and trust me, that's the case in India too.
I think I don't need to explain the number of people that died in the quake, people who lost homes and workplaces and lived for month in tents...
Let me tell you an example
Our soldiers, who died in war, government allotted petrol pumps to their dependents(just to gather votes) so that they can make living. But, in-fact, those dependents had to bribe government officials, to actually get that facility.
The ones, who weren't able to do so, were not able to get the facility
There are thousands more of this kind
Where, the victims were actually harassed because the accused had power
but, because of those incidents, we shouldn't loose faith.
Because, as I said earlier, we are the ones who make country
Just search about politically motivated religious riots in India and you'll see how people are being played by politicians.
But, then again, we have to decide, that whether we want to be played or not
I get what you mean. It is just that here the "country" manages to keep a normality mask while inside all is rotten.
And seems that most people has decided they prefer to be played.
because they admire the players
or they prefer to feel ashamed, but, that doesn't solve the matter
if you live in democracy, then power is in your hands
As I said earlier, in all my years of living, I've learned, that in most cases, money is the thing that decides, how much respect you get in modern society
@DroidDev that's my point. The only thing I claim is that in some place that is more evident than others.
I still think that some countries often called "third class" have peoples much more moral than many of the "First class" countries.
anyway really have to run now
see ya
@SPArchaeologist I agree with you there. Poors always have more to give
@SPArchaeologist ok, cee yaa!
@SPArchaeologist game
@DroidDev gamester
@FOX9000 hardcore
No associated word found for hardcore.
@DroidDev death metal
@rene execution
@DroidDev traitorous
@FOX9000 person
@DroidDev therefor
@FOX9000 therefore
@DroidDev resolved
@FOX9000 solved
@DroidDev issue
@DroidDev difficulty
@FOX9000 level
@DroidDev steep
@FOX9000 edge
@DroidDev sour
@FOX9000 taste
@DroidDev vanilla
@FOX9000 ice-cream
No associated word found for ice-cream.
@DroidDev frozen
@ShadowWizard winter
@FOX9000 bash
@ShadowWizard wall
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
@FOX9000 break
@ShadowWizard I'm pretty sure this has a dupe on MSE because I recall your comments on it but I can't find it...
What would be a good search term?
3 hours later…
@rene can't find it either.... maybe deleted? (0 score and no answers means auto deletion after a year)
=== Word Association Game Leaderboard ===
1. DroidDev..........................7180
2. Shadow Wizard.....................6714
3. FOX 9000..........................6214
4. ProgramFOX........................3488
5. rene..............................2497
6. Sompuperoo........................2100
7. SilentKiller......................1589
8. Frank.............................1309
9. SPArchaeologist...................1273
10. Vogel612's Shadow................1211
11. Unihedro..........................961
=== Word Association Game Stats, as of 2014-12-22 23:20:13Z ===
Total of 37236 words in game, 15364 unique, posted over 254 different days by 38 different users.
Most common words in game: me (79), movie (74), boobs (63)
DroidDev posted 154 links to movies, out of 246 movie links in total
Shadow Wizard posted 42 links to YouTube, out of 106 YouTube links in total
=== Leaderboard by Words Per Day (top 10, played at least 3 days) ===
1. Frank.........................................................72.7
2. FOX 9000......................................................62.8
3. Vogel612's Shadow.............................................50.5
4. DroidDev......................................................43.5
5. MagicalPhoenix................................................29.9
6. Shadow Wizard.................................................28.6
7. SilentKiller..................................................24.8
=== Top Words Per User ===
1. DroidDev (me - 50 times)
2. ProgramFOX (name - 16 times)
3. Shadow Wizard (big - 12 times)
4. FOX 9000 (latin - 9 times)
5. MagicalPhoenix (water - 8 times)
6. rene (game, song - 8 times)
7. Frank (me - 7 times)
8. SilentKiller (truth, hate, lion - 7 times)
9. Sompuperoo (star - 7 times)
10. SPArchaeologist (magic, discord, movie - 6 times)
11. Jason C (old - 5 times)
12. Unihedro (yum - 5 times)
@DroidDev the surprise is the charts ^
still some bugs e.g. words count doesn't 100% match, need to look into it and also remove days with 0 words in the WPD chart

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