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4:12 AM
@DroidDev here:P
6 hours later…
10:40 AM
@ShadowWizard Sitcom
8 hours later…
6:28 PM
@rene Friends
whoops, totally forgot to run bot -_-
@ShadowWizard Just getting a variable.
@ProgramFOX well, @rene could have asked.... :D
Grr connection error.
@ProgramFOX that simple? No "print a"?
@ShadowWizard It's on the interactive console.
6:32 PM
@ShadowWizard Big Bang
On non-interactive Python, I'd have to use print a.
@rene Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Bot keeps giving connection errors...
@ProgramFOX maybe it's in Weekend Mode... :(
@ShadowWizard Benny Hill
6:33 PM
Bot started with waiting time set to 0 seconds.
>>time 20
@rene name
@ProgramFOX Waiting time set to 20 seconds.
welcome back, @FOX9000!
@ProgramFOX baptism
@FOX9000 circumcision
6:34 PM
@ShadowWizard native
@FOX9000 language
@ProgramFOX aryan
@ProgramFOX @DroidDev could have responded Boobs
@FOX9000 Arya
@rene Probably, but I was too lazy to Google so I just replied "name" ;)
6:36 PM
No associated word found for Arya.
>>link Arya Stark
@ShadowWizard Link added.
>>reply recent
@ShadowWizard Stark
good bot!
@FOX9000 Tony
6:37 PM
@ShadowWizard larry
@FOX9000 quest
@ShadowWizard request
@ProgramFOX appropriation
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
7:20 PM
@FOX9000 proportion
3 hours later…
9:57 PM
@ShadowWizard measurement
10:23 PM
@rene comparison

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