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9:29 AM
Bot started with waiting time set to 20 seconds.
@ShadowWizard music
@ProgramFOX performer
@FOX9000 actor
@ShadowWizard declamation
@ProgramFOX cheers for bringing the bot on Sunday! :D
@FOX9000 exclamation
9:31 AM
@ShadowWizard I always do, but usually not in the morning because then I'm doing homework. But next week it's fall break, so no school, so no homework :D
@ShadowWizard concluding
@FOX9000 summary
@ProgramFOX law
@FOX9000 cuffs
@ShadowWizard hand
9:34 AM
@ProgramFOX weapon
@FOX9000 gun
@ProgramFOX fire
@ShadowWizard works
@ProgramFOX theology
>>delete 2560702
9:37 AM
@FOX9000 religion
@ShadowWizard spirituality
@ShadowWizard torpedo
@FOX9000 sonar
@ShadowWizard destroyer
9:45 AM
@FOX9000 burn
@ProgramFOX bonfire
@FOX9000 potato
@ShadowWizard fry
@FOX9000 pan
@ShadowWizard omelette
9:51 AM
@FOX9000 tasty
@ShadowWizard hot
@FOX9000 spicy
@ShadowWizard shore
Got to go for a few hours, will keep the bot turned on.
See you!
Cheers, cya @ProgramFOX!
@FOX9000 beach
9:57 AM
@ShadowWizard invasion
@FOX9000 alien
>> showtime
@ShadowWizard Waiting time: 20 seconds.
@ShadowWizard wholly
10:26 AM
@FOX9000 partially
>> showtime
@ProgramFOX bot is dead... :(
2 hours later…
12:35 PM
@ShadowWizard Uh, yes, my father turned of the network router while we were away. The bot died because of that.
Bot started with waiting time set to 20 seconds.
It's back!
I got to go for lunch now, see you!
>>reply 2560758
@ShadowWizard covered
@FOX9000 dressed
12:46 PM
@ShadowWizard satin
@FOX9000 Latin
@ShadowWizard celt
12:59 PM
@FOX9000 cult
@ShadowWizard dogma
@ShadowWizard Ha :D
1:20 PM
@FOX9000 angels
@ShadowWizard guardianship
@FOX9000 Guardian
@ShadowWizard nexus
@FOX9000 smartphone
No associated word found for smartphone.
1:22 PM
@FOX9000 skyrim
No associated word found for skyrim.
2:16 PM
looks like you responded to the wrong word @ShadowWizard?
@ShadowWizard mobile
@rene Fixed!
@ProgramFOX vehicle
@FOX9000 bicycle
@rene scout
@FOX9000 Sniper
2:24 PM
@rene telescopic
thanks for saving the chain! :)
@FOX9000 microscopic
@ShadowWizard tube
2:41 PM
@FOX9000 bath
@ShadowWizard pool
@FOX9000 pond
@ShadowWizard mud
@FOX9000 brown
@ShadowWizard limp
3:00 PM
@FOX9000 lamp
@ShadowWizard filament
@FOX9000 thread
@ShadowWizard weaver
@ShadowWizard boulder
3:14 PM
@FOX9000 shoulder
@ShadowWizard tanned
@FOX9000 bikini
@ShadowWizard bomb
@FOX9000 explosion
@ShadowWizard eruption
3:18 PM
@FOX9000 volcano
@ShadowWizard sulphur
@FOX9000 thermometer
@ShadowWizard exposed
@FOX9000 nude
@ShadowWizard pool
3:24 PM
eh, must be linked?? lol
@FOX9000 pull
@ShadowWizard cork
@ProgramFOX can you add command like showlinks that will get a word as parameter and show list of all the words linked to it? If too much work never mind, just curious about some of the replies and doubt it's coming from the website... :)
@ShadowWizard Commands: alive, help, link, listcommands, random, randomchoice, randomint, removelink, reply, showtime, shuffle, time, translate, viewspells, xkcd, xkcdrandomnumber
@ShadowWizard Currently, links are only used if no other word could be found, so I'd assume that 'nude -> pool' is from the site.
3:26 PM
@ShadowWizard 156514773
I have plans to add a >>islink command that tells whether two words form a link or not.
@ProgramFOX oh my, that's funny then! :D
>>showlink might return too much words, so I'd go for >>islink word1 word2.
@FOX9000 wine
@ShadowWizard beer
3:28 PM
@ProgramFOX pint
@ProgramFOX OK, sounds good enough. :)
@FOX9000 liter
@ShadowWizard volume
@FOX9000 sound
@ShadowWizard knell
3:47 PM
@FOX9000 canal
@ShadowWizard bridge
@FOX9000 bascule
No associated word found for bascule.
You stupid BOT!
3:57 PM
@ShadowWizard jumping
@ProgramFOX why the bot failed to parse the above link? brackets broke it? (link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bascule_(horse))
@rene jupiter
@FOX9000 moon
@rene mooning
3:59 PM
>>delete 2561160
@rene reply again to my word, bot used your deleted word...
@ShadowWizard Bing Crosby
is that your daughter in your profile picture?
@rene High Society
@ShadowWizard Musical
@rene daughter?! son..... he'll be furious when I tell him what you said ;)
4:01 PM
@rene notation
@ShadowWizard Go tell him! lol, sorry...
@rene no problem, give him ice cream and you're his hero :D
@ShadowWizard please do that for me ;)
don't want him to practice wizardry on me...
@rene OK, next ice cream he gets I'll tell him "this is from rene". :-D
@FOX9000 rotation
@ShadowWizard thanks, I owe you one
4:03 PM
@rene I'll keep that in mind!
@ShadowWizard circular
@ShadowWizard diameter
@FOX9000 radius
@ShadowWizard yard
4:04 PM
@rene bot sometimes replies to previous words as well, it depends on timing
@ShadowWizard Yup, the brackets.
>>delete 2561184
Go fix all the bugs
How hard can async programming be?
@rene eh, very hard ;)
@FOX9000 back
I have to prepare dinner, gtg, later
4:06 PM
cya @rene and Bon Appetite!
@ShadowWizard nape
@FOX9000 nappy
@ShadowWizard ale
@rene see you!
@FOX9000 drunk
4:08 PM
@ShadowWizard debauch
2 hours later…
5:55 PM
@FOX9000 corrupt
@ProgramFOX freemasonry
@FOX9000 free
@ProgramFOX acid
>>time 0
@ProgramFOX Waiting time set to 0 seconds.
5:58 PM
@FOX9000 base
@ProgramFOX runway
@FOX9000 run
@ProgramFOX gauntlet
@FOX9000 punishment
@ProgramFOX penance
6:03 PM
@FOX9000 sin
@ProgramFOX holiness
6:46 PM
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
1 hour later…
8:11 PM
@FOX9000 pope
@DroidDev Den to @DroidDev, Den to @DroidDev! Do you copy? Paste? Anything? :D
I do ...
@ShadowWizard Vatican
@rene copy or paste? ;)
@rene Swiss Guards
@ShadowWizard Military
8:19 PM
@rene camp
@ShadowWizard david
@ShadowWizard Liberty
@rene New York
@ShadowWizard New Jersey
8:29 PM
@rene Brooklyn Nets
The time has come... it's finally... shower time! will come back later :)
2 hours later…
10:08 PM
@ShadowWizard By now you would think you run out of water...
@ShadowWizard Boston Celtics
@rene oh, finished long ago, but Den looked empty :(
@rene Larry Bird
@ShadowWizard Flappy Bird
@rene no need to delete your SEDE answer, still useful IMO
@ShadowWizard No, it is not ...
10:17 PM
@ShadowWizard cipher
@rene Neo
@ShadowWizard Young
@rene Neal
@ShadowWizard Gaelic
I'm taken serious in the tavern....
unreal experience...
@rene hmm? me go looking
@rene Scottish
10:33 PM
@ShadowWizard Highland
I'm out... see you later

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