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00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 00:00

3:02 AM
Welcome, DoorknobChatbot! Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
Welcome, michaelb958! Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
Welcome everyone! Type >> burn the world to help @Doorknob on his mission.
@michaelb958 listcommands, help, eval, welcome, goodbye
Welcome, Antony! Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
Goodbye, Antony!
@hichris123 Usage: >>goodbye (on or off)
3:05 AM
>> welcome
>> goodbye
>> welcome
>> listcommands
@Doorknob I killed it. :P
>> eval 1+1
@hichris123 Usage: >>goodbye (on or off)
@hichris123 Usage: >>welcome (on or off)
Why'd it die?
@hichris123 Usage: >>welcome (on or off)
@hichris123 Usage: >>goodbye (on or off)
@hichris123 Usage: >>welcome (on or off)
@hichris123 listcommands, help, eval, welcome, goodbye
@hichris123 2
>> goodbye on
@hichris123 Goodbye is on
3:12 AM
@hichris123 Rate limit, I suspect.
>> eval exit
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure operation `exit' at level 4
>> eval Process.exit!(true)
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure operation `exit!' at level 4
>> eval Process.getpgrp
3:15 AM
@hichris123 Error in eval: getpgrp() function is unimplemented on this machine
>> eval t = Process.times
@hichris123 #<struct Struct::Tms utime=13.806, stime=5.304, cutime=0.0, cstime=0.0>
>> eval wait()
@hichris123 Error in eval: undefined method `wait' for SafeEval:Class
>> eval Process.wait
3:17 AM
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure operation `wait' at level 4
>> eval abort
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure operation `abort' at level 4
>> eval $SAFE = 4
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure: can't change global variable value
>> eval SAFE = 4
3:18 AM
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure: can't set constant
>> eval {file = "/tmp/foo"; $SAFE=3;}.join
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure operation - initialize
>> eval{$SAFE=3;}abort
Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting $end{$SAFE=3;}abort
>> eval end
>> eval stop
3:20 AM
@hichris123 Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end
@hichris123 Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `stop' for SafeEval:Class
>> eval $SAFE=1
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure: can't change global variable value
>> eval Thread.kill $mthread
>> eval 1+1
3:22 AM
That's odd.
@hichris123 2
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin eval code;rescue Exception => e "Error in eval: #{e}";end Thread.current[:evalResult] = result}
Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '(' code;rescue Exception => e "Error in eval: #{e}";end Thre...
... ^
(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting '}'
...Error in eval: #{e}";end Thread.current[:evalResult] = resul...
... ^
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin; eval code;rescue Exception => e "Error in eval: #{e}";end Thread.current[:evalResult] = result}
Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '(' code;rescue Exception => e "Error in eval: #{e}";end Thre...
... ^
(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting '}'
...Error in eval: #{e}";end Thread.current[:evalResult] = resul...
... ^
3:24 AM
I think you need a semicolon after Exception => e.
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 1}
@michaelb958 I'll try that...
@hichris123 Error in eval: Insecure: can't change global variable value
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin; eval code;rescue Exception => e; "Error in eval: #{e}";end Thread.current[:evalResult] = result}
Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting '}'
...Error in eval: #{e}";end Thread.current[:evalResult] = resul...
... ^
Okay, maybe not.
3:26 AM
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin; eval code;rescue Exception => e{ "Error in eval: #{e}"};end Thread.current[:evalResult] = result}
>> eval 1+1
Did I... you know... do something? :P
@Doorknob ¿Donde esta?
@michaelb958 Either extreme rate limit or I broke it.
@DoorknobChatbot You want another ping? @DoorknobofSnow :P
:( Where are you?
@michaelb958 You think he's going to read that when he can't even fix his bot? :P Good reading material, anyway.
3:50 AM
My phone stayed logged in to this account even though I logged out on computer
@Doorknob What happened to the bot?
@hichris Nothing?
4:06 AM
I think I broke it... :P
I can talk! :-D
Did you find what was wrong?
@hichris It was same network error; it actually broke a while before that message :-P
Ooh, okay.
Back up?
will debug later must sleep bye
4:11 AM
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin; eval code;rescue Exception => e{ "Error in eval: #{e}"};end Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
MY BOT!! NO!!!
I'm going to make it use this account :-P
ok sleeping
5 hours later…
8:50 AM
4 hours later…
1:07 PM
Bot ready. Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
@hichris123 I found out that the error was actually because of a hiccup in my internet connection :P I'll work on recovering from it.
Bot ready. Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
1:38 PM
Bot ready. Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
>>eval do 1+1 end
@DoorknobofSnow Unknown command
@DoorknobofSnow #<Thread:0x30e4558>
>>eval do Thread.critical = true; 1+1 end
@DoorknobofSnow #<Thread:0x2ec56f0>
4 hours later…
5:49 PM
>> 1+1
@DoorknobofSnow Is your bot still active?
4 hours later…
9:43 PM
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin; eval code;rescue Exception => e{ "Error in eval: #{e}"};end Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
10:14 PM
He's dead, Jim.
I think...
I see that
Unless it's just sleeping.
Sleeping bots? That's just scary... too human-like.
It's not sleeping. It's waiting for you to let your guard down... and then BAM! Person#kill.
10:27 PM
Oh, @DoorknobChatbot isn't in here. That's why it's dead...
In that case, testing complete!
10:59 PM
Bot ready. Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
@hichris123 type >>listcommands to list all commands, or >>help COMMANDNAME for help on a specific command
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin; eval code;rescue Exception => e{ "Error in eval: #{e}"};end Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
yay, I have a different user now so I don't get rate-limited so much
11:01 PM
Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting tCOLON2 or '[' or '.'
...n => e{ "Error in eval: #{e}"};end Thread.current[:evalResul...
... ^
(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting keyword_end
...d.current[:evalResult] = result
... ^
>> eval $mthread = {$SAFE = 2;result = begin; eval code;} Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting keyword_end
...= 2;result = begin; eval code;} Thread.current[:evalResult] ...
... ^
(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting keyword_end
...d.current[:evalResult] = result
... ^
11:15 PM
now I need to make it able to be in more than one room at once.
00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 00:00

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