Conversation started Feb 18, 2014 at 2:29.
Feb 18, 2014 02:29
@jmac Moderation is more work for less gain on a very small site. Full stop.
@Shog9 Correct. And community moderators volunteer their time in the hopes that the site will grow, that burden will decrease, and the quality of the content will increase with scale.
We're like home owners putting in sweat equity to increase the value of our homes. We know it sucks, but we care enough about the result to be willing to do it.
@jmac right. The worst thing for a site is to stay "medium sized" for a long period of time. That's when folks start burning out.
And I think the added burden of the hot questions causing peaks adds to the risk of burnout.
Since it doesn't actually bring in added contributors over the long haul.
Someone hacked my account!
I never sent that! I'm a Vanilla Ice fan, TO THE DEATH!
Feb 18, 2014 02:32
@jmac how do you know?
WTF, who's doing this?
Stop it! Seriously
I swear I'm not doing that
this could be fun for a while.
But it'll get annoying fast if you don't stop.
Feb 18, 2014 02:33
still fun
@Shog9 How do I know which? That it doesn't add contributors?
See the bottom of this answer.
yeah, this is strange. btw, did you know that the opposite of "go" is stop
Random question - I got 3 separate instances of "User was removed" on my profile today, is that weird?
I mean, that's all I can see, but it certainly doesn't seem to contribute much on TWP from the major peaks I looked at.
Feb 18, 2014 02:34
Q: What is going on here in the chat?

The WobbuffetMy account keeps doing random stuff on the chat... what is going on?

@jmac long question & i'm peeling apples can you summarize it?
@Dukeling I got two yesterday. Maybe they just ran a script?
@TheWobbuffet hopefully soon it will stop
users by rep and activity whose first post was on those hot questions.
Feb 18, 2014 02:35
@jmac Oh, yesterday, right, me too
Conclusion: not many people who came via those questions really did much else.
@jmac how many?
Whoever is doing that, I'll punch you so hard you'll land 120 miles away
okay @TheWobbuffet, that's really funny. Now you can stop.
Feb 18, 2014 02:36
Out of the 24 that came, only 2 have topped 500 rep and are active.
@Doorknob I'm not doing it!
@jmac so, over 8%
It's raining
that's not as bad as it sounds
@random Hmm, I guess soon the rain will stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:36
@Shog9 But it pales in comparison to the additional 12 members we'd need to handle the additional volume from the flood of traffic.
Are we going to say a script someone forgot they installed?
No. We're just going to say stop.
@random No, of course not... but I think soon it will stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:38
still not old.
I'm changing my password.
Yelling won't help anything
So basically, if we had a 50% conversion rate, it'd be good growth. We'd be making a net gain on the hot questions without increasing the burden or risk of burnout.
Don't bother; soon the hacker will get bored and stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:38
At 8% we are dramatically underperforming in comparison to the added burden.
Furthermore, the 500 cutoff is great for a beta site, but is not very meaningful in comparison to the 3,000 required for when we get out of beta.
Password changed.
okay, now it's bound to stop
I called it.
What just happened????
Feb 18, 2014 02:40
@jmac so... what then? Hide the site until you graduate?
hit Server Fault levels of traffic?
@hichris123 TheWobbuffet is saying weird things and he won't stop
@Shog9 Nope! Make the hot questions list conducive to attracting contributors, not eyes.
No love for Diana Ross
@jmac You think you can beat 8%?
Feb 18, 2014 02:40
@TheWobbuffet Try logging out (it logs out all instances anywhere)
Try asking the script to stop
@Shog9 Yes. I do.
Why is my question getting downvotes?
@jmac without effectively just hiding the site?
Feb 18, 2014 02:41
You just need to ask the downvoters to stop
(Presumably 8% of nothing is pretty easy to beat)
@TheWobbuffet Because some people think you're probably just messing around
@TheWobbuffet don't worry; I'm sure soon they'll stop
@Shog9 As I said in my answer to that question, I would like the hot questions list to be customizable by the communities it is showing. So rather than showing questions that appeal to the lowest common denominator, we can show tough questions we would like answers to, or questions that we think will bring well thought-out answers instead.
@TheWobbuffet Why doesn't it stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:42
Okay I logged out
It shouldn't happen anymore
Is it happening to @random now?
@jmac pick one from the front page of TWP right now
@Shog9 Rather than appealing to people looking for a few minutes of entertainment, or to use TWP as a place to share their opinion on something, we could create something that allows us to appeal to the type of users we think would be positive contributors in the future
did it stop?
So it should stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:43
@TheWobbuffet you really need to make it stop
It's stopped
I logged out and changed pass
yay so it did stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:44
But it didn't stop
How is this happening?
What is what happening?
@random Someone hacked his account and won't stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:45
What is there to stop?
@Shog9 Yeah. Okay. I see your point at the moment. The front page is filled with...less than spectacular questions at the moment...
This never happens in Netscape
@Shog9 I would pick this question:
Q: How to motivate team when everyone is paranoid about lay offs?

Ulysses2014More than half of my team has been made redundant already, as have several other teams throughout the company. This is not due to financial reasons (we are very successful!) but there are some rumours that the company might be sold or something like that. I am a junior manager and yet never hear...

Feb 18, 2014 02:46
the hacker should be bored by now; I have no idea why he didn't stop
Can it please stop?
I swear, everyone's saying it's an AI doing it. Is an AI smart enough to edit comments and make them make sense?
This only happens when you don't stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:48
That is annoying.
wow; this AI technology keeps going! it won't stop!
It's not making any edits
I swear to god, no keylogger and no userscript!
Feb 18, 2014 02:48
I guess nobody's figured out that using the word st*p triggers the thing.
@Shog9 Now you're pulling a gnat!
@RobertHarvey STOP
@TheWobbuffet stop it.
giving secrets away.
Feb 18, 2014 02:48
@RobertHarvey What? No, that's not what happens. It's just that the hacker won't stop
well, okay, it isn't a secret.
soon the hacker will get bored and stop
and it will be over
Feb 18, 2014 02:49
Stackoverflow - a site on which everyone acts younger (sometimes much younger) than their real age
Can I be the first to say .... booooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg
@RobertHarvey What do you expect? Hidden keyloggers?
ya, or some kind of hacker that doesn't stop
This is like the cookie monster virus. Only more amusing. Sort of.
Feb 18, 2014 02:50
infantile, childish... I can think of a few more choice adjectives.
Stop triggers it
So you're saying it's triggered by stop
I, for one, think things should stop when you say stop.
@TheWobbuffet Show us a screenshot like this: from the tavern page
Did it stop?
Feb 18, 2014 02:50
yes, then all this would have stopped. a long time ago, it would stop.
I need to figure out how to stop this quick, because I have to go to bed soon
If you're not logged in, there's nothing to stop
See, why doesn't it work for me?
@jmac It doesn't stop for you
Feb 18, 2014 02:52
@jmac for you, the hacker will just stop
The telegram service would be raking in the extra coin
@Seth Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Feb 18, 2014 02:52
Refreshed page, Zirak's bot was running
See if it still happens
no, that should have made it stop
Feb 18, 2014 02:53
Oh, good
Deleting question
So.. how was this userscript running?
did it stop
oh, ok it did
@Seth Auto-running I think.
Feb 18, 2014 02:53
That was an awesomely classy little interlude.
Why would Zirak make his bot do that?
Yeah xD
Is he mad?
HAHAHAHAHA I was supressing my laughter the whole time... :D :D :D
well that was fun
Feb 18, 2014 02:54
@Shog9 Are you saying SE is going to lay off people? :P
Seriously, Zirak is mad!
I am bookmarking this for posterity :P
Conversation ended Feb 18, 2014 at 2:54.