Conversation started Nov 16, 2019 at 20:34.
Nov 16, 2019 20:34
@DeNovosupportsGoFundMonica I see the Q "My profile's about me randomly changed" has been locked. Personally it makes me feel relieved, at least to know that Meta mods have seen it, and there's some point to having discussed it. (I know you said you were not asking for immediate CoC enforcenment. Obviously I don't want to see SE flailing around and causing more problems yet again).
1 hour later…
Nov 16, 2019 21:42
@sourcejedi I expect they're reviewing the general issue. They could speak to it better than me, but might rather keep it internal for the time being.
2 hours later…
Nov 16, 2019 23:21
@DeNovosupportsGoFundMonica honestly? That post is a powderkeg and folks needed to calm down
There were personal attacks of folks who just commented and a monumentally Ill tempered comment thread
And honestly - I don't see most folks putting in a complicated set of constructed pronouns for real life use.Even most neopronuns are a small set.
Nov 16, 2019 23:46
I understand this is new to many people, @JourneymanGeek, but I would encourage you to send it up the chain. If it's SE's official position that that any user's gender expression is not valid because it doesn't conform to what most people do, this whole exercise is pointless. It's certainly not helping support non-binary individuals.
In the non-binary community, that particular set of pronouns would never be questioned. I would note, that as far as the non-binary individuals I know of who participated in that discussion, we have ALL tried to explain that those are acceptable pronouns.
If the goal is to support us with this CoC, please listen to us when we tell you your troll meter is too sensitive
Nov 17, 2019 00:01
@DeNovosupportsGoFundMonica uhm. I kinda have been dealing with this the last few weeks. Constantly
So I am pretty sure that a lot of these conversations have devolved to bickering.
If a conversation does no one no good and folks won't de escalate... They may need help to do so.
Nov 17, 2019 00:33
I'm pretty sure my troll meter is well calibrated
Nov 17, 2019 00:44
I've noticed that people are having an exchange in one Q&A and then retaining their ill feelings or bad temper and posting innocuous but deleterious clairification requests or insightful comments in another Q&A.
Until we get comment locks - if stuff gets too hot in comments, this is the one tool we have that works
Nov 17, 2019 01:14
@JourneymanGeek please listen with an open mind. I'm trying to help you. I sincerely mean this with all respect, but a couple of weeks makes it quite new for you. This is why I've suggested getting some help.
@DeNovosupportsGoFundMonica uhm. I have been dealing with this the last few weeks. I've been back as a mod a while
@JourneymanGeek I completely understand how it can be challenging, and I'm sure you and the other moderators are trying your best
I don't think you really understand.
I mean neopronouns and nonnormative gender expression
I have experience in such communities.
Nov 17, 2019 01:18
I am non-binary, and while that doesn't make me an expert on how everyone expresses their gender identity, I can tell you moderators are clearly in need of some help from someone with expertise
I also am very aware of when people go around in circles
@DeNovo ... you're talking to one of the most experienced, calm, and supportive moderators on the network. We're well aware that we're not experts, but going round and round saying "you need to get some help" ain't helping.
There are no circles here, just a sincere request
You may rest assured that every moderator will do the best they can with what information they have available. Beyond that, take it up with SE.
So practically, until someone higher up the chain of command steps up, the buck, unfortunately stops with us.
I'd rather just lock the comments but this is just what I have
Nov 17, 2019 01:25
I notice that moved to chat seems infrequently used on some sites, perhaps instead of deleting they could get a room and have the conversation moved to continue elsewhere instead of plugging away on someone's Q or A.
@Rob if it looks useful or constructive I have been using it a lot
If it's not, it just moves problems to harder to moderate spaces
Harder?, I would have thought it would be easier (with the comment styled moderation tools, and the help from everyone handling any flags, alone with the cool-off chat kick that doesn't affect the main site). Really my only experience is that I've been handling chat flags for almost a year and only received three, so I assume that they are infrequent.
Nov 17, 2019 01:44
@Rob They are far from infrequent. What kind of flags do you see? You don't seem to have 10k anywhere. Do you have 10k on main chat?
@Rob yup. Harder. Chat is divorced from the main site. At least on the main site I will see the flags
There have been 99 chat flags in main chat in the past 27 days.
@terdon-stopharmingMonica I get the blue dot on the other chat - IE: Not here or SO, but 170+ other places.
This is what I look like on the other server:
Your's would say a couple of hundred K.
Nov 17, 2019 02:06
Ah, 4AM. Time to get up.
@Rob yeah, makes sense. I couldn't be bothered to try and track down your chat profile on main, but I saw you had various accounts with significant rep. I guess many of the flags I mentioned are mod-only, not 10k ones.
You can check at /admin/recent-flags, it marks which are mod-only and which are regular.
52 non-mod and 46 mod in the past 27 days then.
OK, but I don't see any from here or SO's chat, just everywhere else - for example I have a measly 366 rep. on Math.SE but one of my flags was from the Math.SE Chat (against a well known person with over 300K rep.). I didn't think about there being two types, but it makes sense, with the mod message type being available.
@user58 That's 404 to me here and on another site where I get flags.
Nov 17, 2019 02:24
@Rob That'd be because it's a mod only page.
I do have a 'flag page' but it only lives for a limited time, if I go back it's empty the history is deleted.
Nov 17, 2019 02:58
So essentially as a mod, moving controversial topics to char dosen't work for me.
Conversation ended Nov 17, 2019 at 2:58.