Conversation started Jul 10, 2018 at 14:07.
Jul 10, 2018 14:07
@rene deleting the comments won't help, Google cache it for long days, sometimes months.
^ shoo, another one-box :(
@SomewhatMemorableName some rooms forbid them ...
Anyway, I might already be biased against SE management, but I'm really curious of this
> We had 57 participants who made 13,742 ratings on 3,992 comments.
Who are they?
SE staff ...
Maybe I'm old fashioned but none of the 5 examples seem to be in any way unwelcoming to me
Some are rather direct feedback yes, but they're feedback. And there are no insults in there from what I can see
"You're doing something wrong" isn't a loaded statement imo
Jul 10, 2018 14:10
@rene ... I'm idiot. I skipped a whole sentence...
Especially the tagging one confuses me. Yes the sentence structure is odd but why is that a given to be assumed as malice and not that OP isn't a native speaker or has that quirk?
@SomewhatMemorableName if I confirm that I'm probably kicked from chat, so I'll refrain from comments ... ;)
@rene actually... I don't think so. They probably took some external people for this.
I think they took anyone who isn't an active user of SO
Probably paid them a bit to amend for the time, but 57 people are about all SE employees...
Jul 10, 2018 14:12
and then showed those comments in isolation
I've definitely gotten way worse comments on my posts that I also didn't find unwelcoming, so maybe it's my bias here
@rene Might be, hence easy to take them out of context.
but that still doesn't matter. I don't mind that random people classify comments. I do mind if those comments that deemed to be a problem can be linked back to an individual, whether the comment is awful or not.
Dillemma of how to show a proof that there are perceived unwelcome out-of-context comments.
This should not be a witch hunt but publishing as they did makes it easy for the SE outer world to pin point the specific problem users.
Jul 10, 2018 14:17
They've been deleted, it was an oversight on my part. I thought they were deleted, so I didn't ask anyone if they deleted them, because it didn't occur to me to do so.
I take 100% responsibility for it, and I'll make amends if anyone is adversely affected by my oversight.
I still feel you need to redact the blog a bit, Google doesn't forget easily ...
@TimPost Deleting them is not enough. Any enterprising user can find the authors on SEDE within minutes
and that ^
Or at least until Sunday and the next datadump refresh ...
@Andy @YvetteColomb I wonder, was this user suspended before on SO? I have a feeling that's not their first suspension. (Don't want details, just yes/no. :)) Thanks!
Not my position to give user history.
Jul 10, 2018 14:25
@TimPost are all the comments found to be unwelcome deleted? Or only those few featured in the blog?
Probably privileged information that the mods signed an agreement not to reveal
@Andy user now rants on MSE about their suspension, so I think it's fair to know if they're lying.
(they claim it's their first suspension.)
@ShadowWizard The ones on the blog. We're still doing analysis on the remainder of the set / exposing the tool to additional perspectives / etc.
I see.
Any reason those were selected to be in the blog, or just random?
Jul 10, 2018 14:28
Will any further steps be taken to anonymize the authors of those comments?
like can someone scrub them off of the current data dump in SEDE?
We're editing the blog post right now
@TimPost thanks
Ah, nice. Sorry to be so persistent over this but it's a tad bit delicate. Some of these users have linked professional reputations that could get ruined over something like this
It's okay. While this was an honest mistake I agree that we can't be too careful in correcting it. Also removing the comments from SEDE.
@TimPost just curious are you informing the authors of the deleted comments?
Jul 10, 2018 14:36
and there is the first MSO post: /cc @TimPost
@Mgetz Yeah, I'm going to get an email out to them as soon as I can (I think I'll have my hands full for a few hours, at least)
@TimPost I'm also a little concerned that your rating system rates comments without context
I'm a little concerned that you're a little concerned, but I gotta go type paragraphs for a few. I'll field questions about this as soon as we get it managed.
sensing endless concern loop
breaking loop by not being concerned about it
@Mgetz The way comments are displayed (depending on the # of them, voting, etc) - folks often) see them completely out of context, and it's iffy if people that don't expand them aren't seen again (anon users are difficult to test). So, we kinda need to see what people think seeing them randomly.
Jul 10, 2018 14:43
Fair enough
In the spirit of being unwelcome.... looks like we made the OP here pack their stuff and leave. Probably for the best?
@rene no. Should be fixed now.
Yes, thanks.
Suddenly too much drama, brain asploded, need to sleep.
Conversation ended Jul 10, 2018 at 14:54.