Conversation started Apr 7, 2016 at 12:22.
Apr 7, 2016 12:22
What you're not gonna help pingattacking @IͶΔ ?
Granted I can do that on my own most probably @IͶΔ
Won't even use the bot @IͶΔ
Now that's sportmanship @IͶΔ
Some would say commitment @IͶΔ
Where did @IͶΔ go anyway?
Lost in chemical transaction @IͶΔ ?
Some people miss you @IͶΔ
I don't :P @IͶΔ
I wonder what chemistry you do @IͶΔ
Anything cool? @IͶΔ
I have a dark humour joke I wanna make but I don't know if it'll pass smoothly here @IͶΔ
So I'll keep it for myself @IͶΔ
Talking to myself like a crazy person @IͶΔ
Is 15 enough @IͶΔ
Might not be @IͶΔ
I might have to get to 20 @IͶΔ
Why not @IͶΔ ?
Sweet revenge @IͶΔ
do not do that
You party pooper @IͶΔ
Apr 7, 2016 12:31
They're ganging up on me @IͶΔ
But I won't be stopped @IͶΔ
nor tamed @IͶΔ
Revolución! @IͶΔ
No pasarán! @IͶΔ
Travel SE is great @IͶΔ
I find myself reading up on crazy stuff @IͶΔ
@JoErNanO kiss me @IͶΔ
Like transit visas for Iuwait @IͶΔ
Out of the blue @IͶΔ
And I learn stuff @IͶΔ
So much information and trivia @IͶΔ
Some think it's useless stuff to know @IͶΔ
@DetonationsPlus Misses you @IͶΔ
Or even stuff about typhoid vaccinations @IͶΔ
In Zagreb! @IͶΔ
Dammit all this typing hurts @IͶΔ
Is that enough @IͶΔ ?
Apr 7, 2016 12:58
Poor @IͶΔ
Wonder where @IͶΔ is now.
@DetonationsPlus please stop saying crap kthxbye
@UnikittyBlendsPeople Love you
@IͶΔ is busy chemicalising.
Redoxing and stuff. @IͶΔ
Conversation ended Apr 7, 2016 at 13:08.